java API source files in eclipse - eclipse

In some eclipse installations I have noted that they are able to view all the source files inside a jar(may be if the jar has source files packaged in it or another jar for source?).
If we ctrl+click or f3 on a class type, then it shows the source code of the JAVA API for that class. Likewise for many classes. even for some third party classes like apache's. But in my installation i just get a white screen with the name of the jar and some mess of unreadable content. And also previously I have got javadocs of JAVA API very well before when i hover my mouse over the class or function names. But in my current installation even that is gone.
How to get java docs and source file viewing in eclipse? i am using eclipse juno... downloaded within 6months..

Make sure that Eclipse is using a full JDK rather than just a JRE. Look in Preferences / Java / Installed JREs to see what Eclipse is using.


How do I make Javadoc files show in Eclipse Package Explorer?

I'm using the Android Developer Tools wrapper of Eclipse, and the EGit git plugin for Eclipse. I'm having a problem where I'm generating Javadoc, but I can't find it in the package explorer.
I go to Project->Generate Javadoc.
I'm using C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\bin\javadoc.exe as my Javadoc command, and I select the package I want to generate Javadoc for.
I select the standard doclet with the following destination, where ReverseSentence is my package.
I check "open generated index file in browser", and generate the javadoc. It generates the Javadoc with no errors, and the index shows up in the main section of eclipse. However, the files don't show up in the package explorer.
I searched in the workspace through opening up the folder, and inside workspace\ReverseSentence there is a folder doc, which contains the proper Javadoc. However it isn't showing up in the package explorer.
How do I make it show up in the package explorer? When I used the regular version of Eclipse in the past (not the android developer tools wrapper), the Javadocs showed up there automatically.
What I've tried:
refreshing the project
closing and restarting eclipse
generating the Javadoc with an older version of the Javadoc command, which was what I was using in the other version of eclipse last time it worked (jdk1.6.0_43)
deleting the doc folder, recreating it, then trying to generate the javadoc in it (it generated in it but did not show up)
unchecking the filters which hide some things in the package explorer, (as shown how to do here: How can I get Eclipse to show .* files?)
I think that the problem is the destination folder/directory for your Javadoc files once they are generated. I encountered this same problem and discovered (finally) that the Javadocs were getting sent to a different folder than my package files were in. They went to the workspace folder I thought held all of my code also, but the code was going into a different repository. Maybe try looking for your code's location and then seeing if the generated Javadocs are landing somewhere else when they are generated. If this is the case, then the fix is to regenerate and send to the code's directory. This way, Package Explorer should be able to find and display them. Hope this helps!
Did you try by refreshing the workspace or re-opening the eclipse !?
Check the filters in the settings of the explorer. If something does not show up, usually the filter hides it. The filter can be accessed in the drop down menu of Package Explorer.

Does Eclipse store any information out of its directory?

I have used Eclipse Indigo (C/C++) for sometime along with PyDev Plugin (for Python). As I messed up with the IDE (tried to tweak some core files, for fun!), I thought to install a fresh one and this time I downloaded Eclipse Indigo (for Java).
Eclipse (C/C++) was placed in C:/
Eclipse (Java) was even placed in C:/
Now when I opened Eclipse (Java), I observed two things:
The Eclipse's title bar still showing <C/C++ Eclipse>
There was a python's project file still opened up which I worked on Eclipse C/C++ IDE. Also, there was an PyDev's error popped up (mentioning it wasn't installed).
I have verified "Installed Plugins" list and didn't find any plugin related to C/C++ or python.
Now, I have got one question:
As I searched over google and found that Eclipse doesn't store anything beyond its directory, How does this above things are showing up??
There might be some Temp/ Cache files stored. However, I searched my drive with "Eclipse" and "PyDev" as keywords and found nothing.
I even searched for registry keys but couldn't find anything.
What exactly is happening and how do remove Eclipse completely?
TL;DR: using the new Eclipse (Java), select "File > Switch Workspace... > Other...", and create a new directory (e.g. java-wks) for all projects you will do using the new Eclipse.
The long explanantion is that Eclipse stores data in two locations:
The eclipse installation directory itself: contains the plug-ins you install (including the ones already installed in the package you downloaded) and some runtime configuration parameters (see eclipse/config.ini) related to how Eclipse itself should run (e.g. where to find the JRE to execute Eclipse itself, how much memory to allocate etc.)
The workspace(s), where your data (projects and source code) and all personal configuration parameters are stored. This is where Eclipse remembers where your source code is, which file(s) where opened when you last exited, which perspective was active (in your case C/C++ Eclipse), your preferences, launch configurations, breakpoints, etc.
For each Eclipse installation on your system (eclipse folder), you can have as many workspaces as you want (it helps to isolate work). There are various ways to select the workspace location: using the -data <path-to-workspace> option on the command-line, using the popup Eclipse normally shows when starting up (but you may have disabled it), or using "File > Switch Workspace...".
You can also use the same workspace from different Eclipse installations (though not at the same time), but things will not work well if you have different plug-ins installed in each: if one installation stores in the workspace "this is a Python project, and the current perspective is C/++", and the other installation does not have the Python and/or C++ plug-ins installed, it will not known what to do with these info. This is why you see the errors you reported.
For your case, my guess is that under Windows the default workspace location is somewhere in your home directory, and the new (Java) Eclipse is using that, but failing to make sense of the Python and C++ related preferences and projects the previous Eclipse stored there. You need to use a fresh workspace not "polluted" with Python and C++ stuff if you want the Java Eclipse to work without errors (or install the Python and C++ plug-ins in the new Eclipse). You may want to enable the Prompt for workspace on startup preference (in "General > Startup and Shutdown > Workspaces") if it is not to control this easily each time Eclipse starts.

Mysterious Eclipse javadoc problem

I had a problem with finding Java docs in Eclipse. I seem to have fixed the problem, but I'm posting this for two reasons: I would like to know why I had the problem in the first place and perhaps my method of fixing it might be useful to someone else having a similar problem.
I created a simple Java project in Eclipse (Helios on Windows 7) and selected the JavaSE-1.6 JRE. Then I created a source file and imported java.util.GregorianCalendar. When I hovered over GregorianCalendar, I was getting the message:
This element has no attached source and the Javadoc could not be found in the attached Javadoc
None of the methods of GregorianCalendar seemed to have any Javadoc, either. Other standard Java classes (even others in java.util, like ArrayList) didn't have this problem; only GregorianCalendar. Everything seemed set up properly in the project settings. The Javadoc location set in the Java Build Path was
I managed to restore correct behavior by temporarily switching to JavaSE-1.7 and then back. Evidently something got reset and all is well. While I'm happy that things are now working, I don't like being clueless as to how they got messed up in the first place.
Can anyone provide any insights into this?
I think general support relies on the presence of a in your JDK directory, which is detected when you autosearch a directory for Java installations. It could be missing. Not sure if online Javadocs are used.
I'm using Eclipse Juno on a Windows 7 64-bit (with a 32-bit JDK) but i think it will also apply to your Eclipse version:
Download JDK docs zip file to your Desktop folder;
Right-click on the file, choose Properties and unblock it;
Move the file to a location of your choice. I normally move it to the JDK folder;
Open Eclipse and go to Window->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs;
Select your JDK installation and press Edit;
Select the rt.jar file and click "Javadoc Location..." button;
Select the "Javadoc in archive" radio button;
Set the archive path by browsing to the JDK docs zip file;
Set the "Path within archive" to "docs/api" (without the quotes).
Enjoy! ;)

Eclipse plugin that shows the META-INF of a jar library

Currently in eclipse when you open a library jar, it shows all the packages and classes, but if you want to see the META-INF content (e.g., you have to open the file externally (e.g. using winrar)
Is there a simple way buit-in in eclipse to do so, or a plugin that does this?
you can use the Project Explorer view (part of Eclipse Java EE) instead of the Package Explorer view, and view everything inside the jar, including properties files, xmls, etc.
Jar-Plug will do the trick
Under Linux, I simply associate (inside Eclipse) the jar extension with the file-roller application, which lets you browse the innards of packed files. Works fine for me. This doesn't directly display META-INF, of course, but I can go there and click on the file (e.g. This is very convenient.
Under Windows, I suppose you could similarly link out to something like 7Zip. I have no experience to contribute there, alas.

Netbeans Javadoc not found even when library has it defined

I have a problem with Netbeans simply not recognizing Javadocs in external libraries. I've gone into the library path and specified a valid javadoc path (Netbeans accepts the path without error). But even after re-building/opening closing Netbeans, I still get the "Javadoc not found" error for all items in the library.
I'm stuck on where to go since there is no error message, and I can browse the docs using a web-browser. Any ideas?
The version of NEtbeans is 6.5.1
The files are uncompressed in a directory that has been added to the the Javadoc tab of the properties for the library. The library works as expected.
I've tried clearing the Netbeans cache to no effect.
I got it working. I deleted the library, the re-created it added the Javadocs. Now it works perfectly.
Could you please be more specific: What is your version of NetBeans? Where are those javadocs located? Are they unpacked in a separate folder, in a zip file, in jar file?
Here is a working solution for NetBeans 6.5 for an example:
Go to Project Properties > Libraries dialog
On "Compile" tab press the "Add JAR/Folder" button and locate your library
On "Compile" tab press the "Edit" button with your library selected
Add path to either: a) docs folder of that library, containing index.html and the rest of the files; b) zip file, containing that libraries docs folder;
It should work without re-building your project or restarting NetBeans.
If you have created a custom library, it can be edited in a very similar fashion through "Tools > Libraries"
Sounds similar to a problem i had recently, turned out all i had to do was delete the cache to force NetBeans to rebuild.
If #slink84's suggestion fails to help, you might try #dr Hanibbal Lecter's method from my question on stackoverflow