Difference in layout of simulator and XIB - iphone

I have an issue in position of UI on window through XIB
I have added some images in XIB below navigation bar but when i run the app then in simulator its showing first two image under navigation bar i.e upper images and overlapped by navigation controller.
Use autolayout is disabled for view.
Position of first two images view is show X=0 y = 0 and x = 160 and y =0.
I think this is case in IOS 7 only
Please see the screenshots at
One more problem in below mentioned screenshot
Image view is staring from y=0 but when running then on simulator its showing too much below. and black area is view
image view is sliding lower down.. very very mush odd behaviour of Xcode 5

In iOS 7 by defaults all Controller translucent property value is YES, so you set translucent property NO for this issue.
self.navController.navigationBar.translucent = NO;


xibs displayed incorrectly after iOS 7.1 update

So our app is built using XIB interfaces, not story boards. We have XIBs for iPhone and iPad.
Since the iOS7.1 update the, iPhone xibs are now bigger in interface builder and far too tall when deployed on a device.
The height is all wrong, the XIB is far too tall now. For example, backgrounds appear to go way outside the View when set to fill. When deployed on the phone everything is shifted down about the height of the top nav bar.
If I add/remove Top/Bottom Bars for the View in Interface Builder things shift around but not in a way that makes sense. My app has a nav bar, if I tell the interface builder it has a nav bar then the height of the xib grows a further 80 or so pixels. If I tell the interface builder it has no nav bar, everything shifts up properly but the height of the View is still so tall that backgrounds and stuff near the bottom go off screen.
So for the very vague issue but we are pulling hair over this.
- It seems Opaque Navigation Bar fixes half the problem. We had every interface set with a Translucent Nav Bar. Those do not appear to take up space in IOS7.1 but they did in IOS7.0.
The problem now is still height. It still seems internally the height is broken or starts from a new origin.
In view did load, on a view with a opaque nav bar, on iPod Touch:
self.view.frame.origin.y is showing 0
self.view.frame.size.height is showing 256
Nav bar origin.y = 20
Nav bar size.height = 32
This totals 308, missing 12 pixels.
Create auto layout constraints in IB or programmatically that align the top of the main view in each XIB file to the "top layout guide" and bottom of the views to the "bottom layout guide." This solved a very similar problem when moving from iOS 6 to iOS 7 in several of my apps.

Layout differencies in Interface Builder and real device screen

I' m developing an application for both Retina 3.5 and Retina 4 screens (iPhone family). And I encountered with the next problem. I create a view in .xib file and set size to Retina 3.5 full screen.At the very bottom of the screen I placed a view with UILabel. You can see the view on the screen:
As you can see the view is at the very bottom. But when I run the application either on device or the simulator view with label on some reason doesn't fit the screen:
So the question - what can be the problem? How can I fix this? Why IB view sizes is not correct?
You've set your NIB to not have a status bar, but your app does have one. This means your NIB is sized at 480 pts high (on a 3.5" screen), when it should in fact be 460 (due to the status bar). This pushes your view down by the corresponding height (20 pts, which you can see at your cut-off label at the bottom).
There are a number of fixes for this. You could just tell your NIB it has a status bar, but a better option would be to set your view to resize dynamically according to its bounds. Exactly how you do this will depend on whether you're using auto-layout or not, but you'll want to check 'autoresize subviews' and make sure your view elements stay locked where you want them to.

When on iPhone 5 landscape mode, the button on the right of navigation bar stops working, how to fix it?

When updating my old program for iPhone 5's 4 inch screen, I found that the navigation controller keeps to its original 3.5 inch screen size and refuse to stretch to fit the 4 inch screen even when its view controller's view and tableview controller's view are all stretch to fit the 4 inch screen. Because the navigation controller's view is not visible during normal use, people may miss it. Because it refuses to fit the new 4 inch screen, when in landscape mode, the screen go beyond the navigation controller's view width and the right button fall off the boundary and becomes unresponsive. In order to show the situation above, I set the navigation controller's view's background color to semi-transparent red and the table view's background color to semi-transparent blue. as shown in the screen shoots below. The question is, how to fix the problem. the plus button are not responsive when in landscape mode, but in portrait mode, it works fine.
Either your navigation controller’s view or, more likely, the window that contains it, are not getting set up with the correct frame. If you’re creating the window in code, make sure you’re using UIScreen -applicationFrame or -bounds rather than a hardcoded (320, 460) or (320, 480); if you’re using a NIB, check your autoresizing masks and layout settings.

IPhone Simulator - label misaligned

I have a label sitting on the the top of screen in a tab bar controller app. When I align it to the top of the screen in Interface Builder (IB for short) and then run it, the label is about 20 pixels higher in the simulator - cutting off half the label or so. I have only seen this behaviour in tabbed apps. I have played with all the align, view mode settings without success and there is no custom drawing code.
Any ideas on why label is misaligned in simulator?
I have attached screen shots of IB (left - OK) and simulator (right - bad):
I guess , you are facing problem because of the following reason.
Since Tab area occupies some height from bottom,You have design your view such that top of the label should align with the top of the screen(like label should start by leaving some space (20px something) at the top).
Thanks to PJR above for giving the hints. The trick is to setup the 'simulated metrics' of both tab bar controller and each of its first view controllers.
1) The tab bar controller --> simulated metric.bottom bar should be set to none
2) All view controller --> All simulated metric props set to 'inferred'.
I have provided screen shots for a fresh tabbed project created in Xcode 4.3.1 which show what needs to be done.

Interface Builder Off Vertically

I'm using Xcode 4.0 and when building my view in Interface Builder everything looks great. When I run my app with the simulator or iOS device the whole view is off vertically (showing a white bar at bottom). It looks to be off by 20 pixels. TabBar, Labels, Tableview, Text and background image are all shifted up. Any ides? Thanks
Are you running fullscreen? I'm guessing that you've set the Status Bar to 'None' which means the size of your view in the Interface Builder is wrong.
In your *ViewController.xib when you set the Status Bar to 'None' it sets the height of the view to be 460, when it should be 480.