change the coordmode from the active window to any window - autohotkey

this is the situation:
1) I have 3 Windows;
2) My mouse is positioned over any of them (active table under the mouse cursor);
3) I have the ahk_id of both Windows (stored in global variables);
4) Every 5 seconds, I would check (regardless of the movement of the mouse cursor), if a pixel of a specific window (window1, window2...) has a certain color;
5) Click with a controlclik of that pixel and regain control of the starting window under the mouse cursor.
var := Mod(A_Sec, 5)
if (var = 0){
checkpixel(window1) ; window1 is an ahk_id, stored in a global variable
CoordMode, ToolTip, window ; this line of code is definitely wrong, what do you recommend?
pixelgetcolor, color, 440, 295
controlclick, x440 y295, ahk_id %window%
thanks in advance for the answers!


How do I activate a script only if the mouse is at a certain coordinate of the screen without interfering with my keyboard?

I cooked up a script that lets me map my keyboard's media shortcuts to my mouse LRM buttons when they are pressed while the mouse coordinate is leftmost or rightmost of the screen. While it does work, I'm having having strange side effects:
When I have caps lock on, ever few strokes the letter comes out lowercase.
When I use shift to type capital letters for an extended period of time, this will turn on caps lock
Using the keyboard history, I see that my script is constantly sending the "Alt Up" key, I did this so that it release the "Alt Down" state, but something is off.
My goal is to send an modifier key when a mouse is over a certain coordinate, so that when I click with that mouse button, it launches another ahk-programmed shortcut. But can't figure out where the logic error is in my code or thinking process.
Here's the script:
; ------------------------
; Global Initializers
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 1
; ---------------------
; Control Spotify; position your mouse top-most edge and use L/M/R-mouse keys.
SetTimer, WatchCursorx, 1000
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos
;Based on location of the mouse simulate shortcut activation
If (xpos == 2559 || xpos == 0)
Send {Alt Down}
Send {Alt Up}
;Define shortcuts mentioned above
Send {Media_Next}
Send {Media_Prev}
send {Media_Play_Pause}
#If(docs) is meant for this.
You could use it for example like this:
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
#If, MouseOnTheRight()
LButton::SendInput, {Media_Prev}
RButton::SendInput, {Media_Next}
MButton::SendInput, {Media_Play_Pause}
MouseGetPos, x
return x == A_ScreenWidth - 1
Per my comments, try it like this:
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos
If (xpos == 2559 || xpos == 0)
Send {Media_Next}
sleep, 500
Send {esc} ' this gets rid of right context menu
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos
If (xpos == 2559 || xpos == 0)
Send {Media_Prev}
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos
If (xpos == 2559 || xpos == 0)
Send {Media_Play_Pause}
Note, the preceding ~ lets the original mouse click go through so ordinarily the context menu will come up on right click. I add a Sleep and Send Escape key to dismiss . . . Ymmv

OneNote intercepts pen cursor before AHK?

Palm rejection is garbage on my laptop, so I disabled the HID touchscreen to make it so that only pen input registers. So, I used AHK to make a script that will scroll around the page after the user presses ALT, and disables scrolling upon the second ALT press.
It works great, except that in OneNote (the Win 10 app), pen cursor input is hijacked by OneNote. For example, if I make a ToolTip, %xPos% %yPos%, then it won't update while my pen cursor is hovering anywhere above the OneNote window. Anywhere outside this works fine.
How can I make AHK steal pen cursor input before OneNote can get it?
isTabletMode := 1
penScrollActive := 0
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2 ; Allows a second instance to modify penScrollActive while PenScroll is looping.
; Check if PC is in tablet mode.
; 1 --> Tablet, 0 --> Desktop
RegRead, isTabletMode, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell,TabletMode
if(isTabletMode) {
if(penScrollActive) {
penScrollActive := 0 ; We are already scrolling, so turn it off.
else {
penScrollActive := 1 ; We are not scrolling yet, so turn on pen scrolling.
GoSub PenScroll
else ; If we aren't in tablet mode, then Alt should just send Alt
Send, {Alt}
loop { ; For some reason, while() logic wasn't working, so this is a workaround. Breaks upon the conditional at bottom.
MouseGetPos, mouseX, mouseY
ToolTip, %mouseX% %mouseY% ; For debugging: Output what cursor pos registers as. (This isn't working in OneNote when using the pen input as a cursor (eg. hover) ).
Sleep, 20
MouseGetPos, mouseX_new, mouseY_new
if (mouseX_new - mouseX > 0) ; Horizontal scrolling
Send, {WheelLeft}
else if (mouseX_new - mouseX < 0)
Send, {WheelRight}
if (mouseY_new - mouseY > 0) ; Vertical scrolling
Send, {WheelUp}
else if (mouseY_new - mouseY < 0)
Send, {WheelDown}
if (penScrollActive = 0) ; Conditional to break out
; To Reload the script: Win+`
#If penScrollActive
One thing you could maybe try is my AutoHotInterception library for AHK. You install a custom device driver, then you can hook into input events at the driver level, below the OS.
It supports "Absolute" (Graphics-tablet-like) mouse input
You want the "Subscription Mode" endpoints

Move mouse between two monitors

How can I move the mouse pointer between monitors using a keyboard shortcut? I'm using autohotkey.
I didn't find a straightforward answer to it, so here's what I suggest.
Here's my approach, using Ctrl+Space for this function:
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen ; This is needed to assure that you get your mouse coordinates related to the screen, not to the window
MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
if( MouseX > 1920) ; 1920 is the Width of my monitor number 1, replace it with yours
MouseMove, -A_ScreenWidth, 0, 0, R
MouseMove, A_ScreenWidth, 0, 0, R

pixelsearch and click right pixel

IF NOT A_IsAdmin ; Runs script as Admin.
Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey, 2
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
#singleInstance, Force
toggle = 0
upperLeftX := 750
upperLeftY := 400
lowerRightX := 850
lowerRightY := 500
F8:: ; press F8 to toggle the loop on/off.
Toggle := !Toggle
While Toggle
{ ;-- Begin of loop.
PixelSearch, X, Y,%upperLeftX%, %upperLeftY%, %lowerRightX%, %lowerRightY%, 0x000000, 0, Fast RGB
IF ErrorLevel = 1 ; IF NOTFound.
sleep, 100
IF ErrorLevel = 0 ; IF Found.
MouseClick, left
sleep, 300
} ;-- End of Loop.
F8 starts loop and this code checks specific pixel in rectangle and sends left click.
It works with [MouseClick, left, %X%, %Y%].But I want to know how can I use dllcall mouse event to click on specific pixel.
for example
But its not working
I doubt that you actually want to do this via DLL calls. mouse_event doesn't even take coordinates, but values between 0-65535.
If you want to be able to click any pixel on the screen make sure you set it to be relative to the screen: CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
Then use ControlClick/PostMessage/SendMessage if you don't want to affect your mouse pointer by that click. Or use MouseClick/Click. Or MouseMove+Send, {LButton}.

Script to open right-click menu and choose menu item

In a specific program, I want to assign a hotkey to the action of right clicking at the cursor's current position, then moving the cursor to choose an item on that menu, then moving the cursor again to choose an item on the sub-menu. I've gotten as far as the first two commands. When I get to the mousemove, no matter what coordinates I put in, the cursor shoots to the upper left corner of the screen, when what I would like it to do is first move 100 pixels to the right and 60 pixels up, then 100 pixels to the right, zero pixels on the y-axis. Clearly I am misunderstanding something. Please advise.
Click right
sleep, 100
MouseMove, 60, -60, 5, R
Sleep, 100
MouseMove, 200, 0, 5, R
MouseClick, L
Ellen, first of all, if at all possible try if you could use keyboard shortcuts.
Please check: Control Panel\Ease of Access Center\Make the keyboard easier to use\Underline keyboard shortcuts and access keys. This will show the shortcuts that you can use. This way you might even find the keyboard shortcut for the menu, instead of using the mouse location.
^+b:: ; Record the location of the menu at the beginnin with [Shift]+[Ctrl]+b
SoundBeep, 500, 500
ToolTip, Click on the "XYZ" Link
KeyWait, LButton, D
MouseGetPos, xPos, yPos
Send, {Esc}
MouseClick, Right, xPos, yPos
;Mousemove, 100, 60 R
Send, e : OR WHATEVER Shortcut letter OR.....
Send, {Down 3}{Enter} ; IF you want to use down arrow 3 times to get to the item.
Modified, where YOU have to position the mouse on the always changing menu position.
MouseClick, Right ; presses where the mouse is located
;Mousemove, 100, 60 R
Send, e : OR WHATEVER Shortcut letter OR.....
Send, {Down 3}{Enter} ; IF you want to use down arrow 3 times to get to the item.
If you can identify the menu ID (with AHK Windows Spy, place the mouse over the menu and look at "under the mouse"), you could use controlsend. This would be location independent since controlsend will use the menu ID to send a signal. If you tell me which application you try to control, I could see if controlSend could be used....
Oh b.t.w. I did not know you used XP, the enable shortcut instructions were for Windows 7.
Shouldn't Mousemove be MouseMove instead? It's like that in the docs.
This AutoHotkey script, including a user-created AutoHotkey function should do what you require.
It automates right-clicking a program, and then selecting 3 items on subsequent menus.
The script has been written to work on Media Player Classic,
but certain lines just need to be edited to make it work for your program, TypeTool 3. You specify a comma-separated list with one or more items, i.e. the name of the item to choose in the first menu, and in the second menu item etc.
The vast majority of programs use standard context menus,
so it should work on your program; this is in contrast
to menu bars and other types of controls/resources that vary more between programs.
;note: requires Acc.ahk library in AutoHotkey\Lib folder
;on right of screen right-click Raw, Save target as...
;the currently assigned hotkey is ctrl+q
;e.g. Media Player Classic, open right-click menu, click items
#IfWinActive, ahk_class MediaPlayerClassicW
WinGet, hWnd, ID, A
WinGetClass, vWinClass, ahk_id %hWnd%
if vWinClass not in MediaPlayerClassicW
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, vPosX2, vPosY2
WinGetPos, vPosX, vPosY, vPosW, vPosH, ahk_id %hWnd%
vPosX := Round(vPosX + vPosW/2)
vPosY := Round(vPosY + vPosH/2)
MouseMove, %vPosX%, %vPosY%
vList = View,On Top,Default
MouseMove, %vPosX2%, %vPosY2%
MenuRCSelectItem(vList, vDelim=",", vPosX="", vPosY="", vDelay=0)
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, vPosX2, vPosY2
(vPosX = "") ? (vPosX := vPosX2)
(vPosY = "") ? (vPosY := vPosY2)
if !(vPosX = vPosX2) OR !(vPosY = vPosY2)
MouseMove, %vPosX%, %vPosY%
Click right
Loop, Parse, vList, %vDelim%
vTemp := A_LoopField
WinGet, hWnd, ID, ahk_class #32768
if !hWnd
MsgBox error
oAcc := Acc_Get("Object", "1", 0, "ahk_id " hWnd)
Loop, % oAcc.accChildCount
if (Acc_Role(oAcc, A_Index) = "menu item")
if (oAcc.accName(A_Index) = vTemp)
if (1, oRect := Acc_Location(oAcc, A_Index), vIndex := A_Index)
vPosX := Round(oRect.x + oRect.w/2)
vPosY := Round(oRect.y + oRect.h/2)
MouseMove, %vPosX%, %vPosY%
Sleep %vDelay% ;optional delay
WinWaitNotActive, ahk_id %hWnd%, , 6
if ErrorLevel
MsgBox error
MouseMove, %vPosX2%, %vPosY2%