Array not get data for particular key - iphone

Response array like this
NewDataSet = {
Table = (
City = {
text = "\nThiruvananthapuram";
Country = {
text = "\n\nIndia";
text = "\n";
City = {
text = "\nVellore";
Country = {
text = "\n\nIndia";
text = "\n";
text = "\n";
I have write this code..
xmlDictionary = [XMLReader dictionaryForXMLString:xmlResultString error:nil];
NSArray * responseArr = xmlDictionary[#"NewDataSet"];
for(NSDictionary * dic in responseArr)
//[array1 addObject:[dic valueForKey:#"City"]];
[array1 addObject:[[dic valueForKey:#"City"] valueForKey:#"text"]];
but not get the data. in array1. please help me out this thanks in advance.
Problem is i will not get the value in NSDictionary.
Error log is
this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key City.'

I got my Solution problem is i will not get the direct City key. Because City key is under the NewDataSet & Table
so first you go to the NewDataSet and then Table key then finally you get the City key.
Now get array data from Dictionary Like
NSArray * City=[[NSArray alloc]init];
City=[[[xmlDictionary valueForKey:#"NewDataSet"] valueForKey:#"Table"] valueForKey:#"City"];
pass multiple keys inside key this is the solution.

It seems you haven't allocated array1 anywhere,
Your solution goes here:
array1 = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
for(NSDictionary * dic in responseArr)
[array1 addObject:[dic valueForKey:#"City"]];
NSLog(#"array1 >> %#",array1);
If you have already allocated array1, then please try to log the value for [dic valueForKey:#"City"].

try this code...
for(int i =0;i<[responseArr count];i++)
NSString *str = [[responseArr objectAtIndex:i] valueForKey:#"City"];
[array1 addObject:str];
let me know it is working or not!!!
Happy Coding!!!

array1 = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
for(NSDictionary * dic in responseArr)
[array1 addObject:[dic objectForKey:#"City"]];
NSLog(#"array1 >> %#",array1);
Try this


Fetch NSarray from the NSDictionary of NSArray using objectForKey

I have a NSArray which contain n number of NSDictionary sampleArray =
0 = 0;
1 = 0;
0 = 86400;
1 = 2;
0 = 172800;
1 = 4;
0 = 259200;
1 = 5;
Now I need to fetch the NSArray for objectForKey 0 [sampleArray objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]], my result NSArray should be like
(0,86400,172800,259200) but I am unable to fetch the result and the app crashes.
Normally for NSDictionary, if key value is set using NSString valueForKey the above operation is performed successfully but if key value is set using an object like NSNumber objectForKey I am unable to perform the operation.
Please help me to get a solution, any suggestion would be appreciated!!
A very straight forward way if your keys are NSNumber objects:
NSMutableArray *result = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSDictionary *d in a) {
if (d[#0]) {
[result addObject:d[#0]];
THIS doesnt work - im sorry: I didnt see you didnt have Strings as keys + I didnt know KVC only works with strings
I leave it though
what you are looking for is
NSArray *zeros = [mainArray valueForKey:#"0"];
it gets "0" from each dict in array
What you have do is
NSMutableArray *arrResult = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
for(int i=0;i<[sampleArray count];i++)
NSString *strValue = [[sampleArray objectAtIndex:i] valueforkey:#"0"];
[ arrResult addobject:strValue];
let me know it is working or not!!!!
Happy coding!!!!!
here you can try NSArray *tempArray
for (NSDictionary *list in tempArray)
[firstArray addObject:[list objectForKey:#"0"];
[secondArray addObject:[list objectForKey:#"1"];

How to create an array with particular item from a dictionary?

I have an application in which i am having the details of the members as a dictionary.i want to add an array with particular object from the dictionary.The response i am having is like this,
500 = {
name = baddd;
status = "<null>";
511 = {
name = abyj;
status = "Hi all...:-)";
512 = {
name = abyk;
status = fdffd;
I want to create an array with the results of name only.i have tried like this
for(int i=0;i<=self.currentChannel.memberCount;i++)
NSString *name=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[self.currentChannel.members objectForKey:#"name"]] ;
[searchfriendarray addObject:name];
but the value added is null. can anybody help me ?
Traverse objectEnumerator to get the values (inner dictionaries). Then just add the value of "name" to the resulting array. Example (assuming the dictionary is named d):
NSDictionary* d = ...
NSMutableArray* array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:d.count];
for(NSDictionary* member in d.objectEnumerator) {
[array addObject:[member objectForKey:#"name"]];
Krumelur was faster than me ;) He is right by saing that you should traverse the dictionary values first. In your implementation you don't reference your counter variable i somewhere, so the NSString name is the same in each iteration.
This may help you..
// here you can get Array of Dictionary First
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:#""]; // get array first from your response
NSDictionary *temp = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:self.currentChannel.members];
for(int i=0;i<=self.currentChannel.memberCount;i++)
NSDictionary *temp = [arr objectAtIndex:i];
NSString *name=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[temp objectForKey:#"name"]] ;
[searchfriendarray addObject:name];

Convert Dictionaries into one array

This code:
for (NSDictionary *object in JSONArray) {
NSMutableArray *birdtemp = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:object[#"case_name"], nil];
[allparts addObject:birdtemp];
outputs this log:
log: (
"NZXT Phantom 410"
"Thermaltake MK+"
I want to know what code I could use to make that log into one array like:
log: (
"NZXT Phantom 410",
"Thermaltake MK+"
Json Array is:
log: (
"case_color" = White;
"case_description" = "";
"case_image" = "http://sitecom/get/parts/part_images/nzxtphantom410.jpeg";
"case_name" = "NZXT Phantom 410";
"case_price" = "99.99";
"case_type" = ATX;
id = 1;
"case_color" = Black;
"case_description" = "";
"case_image" = "";
"case_name" = "Thermaltake MK+";
"case_price" = "84.99";
"case_type" = ATX;
id = 2;
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSDictionary *dict in JSONArray) {
[array addObject:[dict objectForKey:#"case_name"]];
NSLog(#"Your Array: %#",array);
I think it will be helpful to you.
A simple way to obtain the result you are looking for is to use key-value coding (KVC):
NSArray *allparts = [JSONArray valueForKey:#"case_name"];
Key-value coding used on arrays in this way may seem a bit counter-intuitive at first, but it is very powerful.
Troubleshooted and got this:
allparts = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSString *birdtemp;
for (NSDictionary *object in JSONArray) {
birdtemp = object[#"case_name"];
[allparts addObject:birdtemp];
NSMutableArray *birdtemp = [NSMutableArray ....];
for (NSDictionary *object in JSONArray) {
[birdtemp addObject:object[#"case_name"]];
[allparts addObject:birdtemp];

Getting Array with values from an array of NSDictionary

I have an array with 4 Dictionaries with key #"preference" like as follows
preference = Nose;
preference = "Heart rate";
preference = Glucose;
preference = Food;
Now i want to retrieve an array for these dictionary values like"
Nose, Heart rate, Glucose, Food
How s'd i get it.. Thanks in advance
A one-liner:
NSArray *resultingArray = [arrayOfDictionaries valueForKeyPath:#"preference"];
Try it:
NSArray *result = [dictionaryObject valueForKeyPath:#"preference"];
It'll solve your Problem
Do something like this:
NSMutableArray *collectedValues = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:array.count];
for (NSDictionary *dict in array) {
NSString *value = [dict objectForKey:#"preference"];
if (value) {
[collectedValues addObject:value];
Try with this code:
myArray is your first array
mySecondArray is the array you have in the end
NSMutableArray *mySecondArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int i = 0; i < [myArray count] ; i++)
NSDictionary *tempDict = [myArray objectForIndex:i];
[mySecondArray addObject:[tempDict objectForKey#"preference"]];

How to store values of JSON in ARRAY/ String

I have the following JSON value:
{ Key = IsEmail;
Value = 1; },
{ Key = TrackingInterval;
Value = 20; },
{ Key = IsBackup;
Value = 1; },
{ Key = WipeOnRestore;
Value = 1; }
How might I go about parsing this object into an array or string? - i.e. eack key values to be stored in an array and each Value to be stored in another array.
Please help me out with this.
Thanks :)
This approach uses the json-framework.
I've shortened your example:
NSString *jsonString = #"[{\"Key\":\"IsEmail\",\"Value\":\"1\"},{\"Key\":\"TrackingInterval\",\"Value\":\"20\"},{\"Key\":\"IsBackup\",\"Value\":\"1\"}]";
NSMutableArray *keys = [NSMutableArray array];
NSMutableArray *values = [NSMutableArray array];
NSArray *json = [jsonString JSONValue];
for (NSDictionary *pair in json) {
[keys addObject:[pair objectForKey:#"Key"]];
[values addObject:[pair objectForKey:#"Value"]];
NSLog(#"%#", keys);
NSLog(#"%#", values);
2011-05-18 14:23:55.698 [36736:207] (
2011-05-18 14:23:55.700 [36736:207] (
Your data is not vald json, You may want to structure it more like this:
var theObj = { IsEmail: 1, TrackingInterval: 20, IsBackup: 1, WipeOnRestore: 1 };
Then you could populate your key and value arrays something like this:
var keys = new Array();
var values = new Array();
for (prop in theObj) {
if the JSON is in below format,
responseString=[ {
Key = IsEmail;
Value = 1;
Key = TrackingInterval;
Value = 20;
Key = IsBackup;
Value = 1;
Key = WipeOnRestore;
Value = 1;
NSArray *resultArray=[responseSrting JSONValue];
NSMuatbleArray *keyArray=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *valueArray=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for(NSDictionary *dict in resultsArray){
[keyArray addObject:[dict objectForKey:#"Key"]];
[valueArray addObject:[dict objectForKey:#"Value"]];
then, all your keys are stored in keyArray and all your values are stored in valueArray