iOS 7 in iPad eliminate x2 button for iPhone app - iphone

I am new here. I have an iOS 6.1 iPhone application. When I try to run it in iPad running iOS 7, the x2 zoom button at the right corner is gone and my iPhone application UI mess up with the wrong position. The UIWebView is stretched over size for iPad. How can I solve this problem? Should I change it manually?

As my comment seems to be the actual answer, I post it again as an answer.
Setting the App to be an Universal App and only providing a Storyboard for iPhone/iPod will result in this behavior. The iPad tries to use the iPhone Storyboard to display the App on the whole screen in full size without the 2x button. Thus all elements in the App will be positioned according to their positions defined for iPhone size display.
The solution here is to set the App available for iPhone only (in App target > Deployment info > Devices > [select iPhone here]) instead of Universal. This will result in the iPad to display the App on iPhone size and provide the 2x button to zoom in.


Converting Iphone Screen to Ipad Screen

I created an Iphone app and I am trying to convert them to Ipad screens. I have a login page which was created for Iphone, I tried to change it to Ipad by changing Project Settings screen and changed the emulator. But the Login page looks weird on Ipad Emulator, controls are get stuck to the upper left corner. How can I fix it to look centered on Iphone and Ipad?
here is the screen on xcode
here is the screen on emulator
You need to adjust the autolayout settings for each object.

How to turn on iPhone Retina in iOS Simulator?

I built and ran an iOS 4.3 app in Simulator. It initially brings up an iPhone 4 shell. Although all real iPhone 4s have retina display, this simulated iPhone 4 only has a resolution of 320x480.
I look in Hardware > Device. There's a checkmark next to the normal iPhone. So I'm using an iPhone 4 case but displaying normal iPhone resolution? I'm already confused!
✔ iPhone
iPhone (Retina)
I then switch over to iPhone (Retina). Strangely, it opens iPad with the same 320x480 resolution. Both the shell and the resolution are wrong here!
How am I supposed to turn Retina on and off and show it in the right shell?
iPhone (Retina) is the correct device to be choosing, but I'm not sure why Apple decided to use the iPad shell for that one. To enter 640x960 mode, go to Window > Scale and set it to 100%.
The iOS Simulator does indeed scale. I have no real reason to present on why it would choose the iPad shell, but the purpose of the scaling is to make sure it fits on your screen and stays (relatively) close to handset sizes. Be sure to check Window -> Scale and set it to whatever you find appropriate.

iPhone SDK: How to make 3hg app iPad Compatible?

From Apple Review Guidelines
iPhone apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
I tried running my app on the iPad simulator. I thought it would be centered in the iPad screen but it was instead in the upper left hand corner. The size that of an iPhone app. Is that typical.
My questions:
a.) Why would the main view be located in the upper left hand corner?
b.) Is there anything special I need to do to an iPhone app to make it pass the above rule. At this time, we are not ready to release an iPad version.
That is strange indeed. Did you try testing it on an iPad device?

How can I determine programmatically that my app is running on an iPhone, iPad or iPhone 4?

I just finish my iPhone game using cocos2d. But before I put it on the AppStore, I'd like to make it work on iPad (which have a bigger screen) and iPhone 4 (which have a bigger resolution).
So, how can I determine programmatically that my app is running on an iPhone, iPad or iPhone 4, to be able to use the correct coordinates / images in my game?
Thanks for your help!
Between iPad and iPhone — Already answered many times.
Between iPhone and iPhone 4 — The size reported is still 320×480, so you don't need to change anything about the coordinates. Create an #2x alternative for the images if you need a high resolution UI image.

iPad UI clipped in simulator

My views created for iPad form factor look fine in Interface Builder. However, when I debug my app in iPhone Simulator 3.2 (with Hardware -> Device set to iPad), I see the UI clipped and about half size. There is a 2x button at the bottom which lets me zoom in. But this just shows the same clipped UI in double size.
This is really weird since I have created the XIB for iPad form factor and it is supposed to fit iPad completely. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
I am using iPhone SDK 3.2 downloaded on 4/30/2010.
It sounds like you've accidentally created an iphone project, rather than an ipad project. In the "New Project Dialog", make sure you select iPad from the "Product" dropdown in the middle of the dialog:
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