Is it safe to enable MSDTC (Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator) on our server - entity-framework

I'm always worried about using two instances of DbContext that would require distributed transaction coordinator, especially when I'm using a library like SimpleMembership which has its own connection to the database.
This problem is always an issue in my case. For example I'm using SimpleMembership provider for my application's user accounts and I want to save a user with additional information, like company. So without MSDTC enable I can't do this inside a transaction. So it is possible that inconsistent data is inserted into the database.
So my question is should I worry about this problem and try to find a better solution or I can just enable MSDTC on my server and don't worry about it? Is there any consequences of enabling MSTDC ?


PostgresSQL|Scala: Any efficient way to interact using different Users for different queries with heavy ACL use

My whole interest in PostgreSQL is driven by its ACL system which is really powerful.
To access the data in a Scala application I have two options in mind EBeans/JDBC or Slick FRM.
Our application is an enterprise one and has more than 1000 users, who will be accessing it simultaneously, having different roles and access permissions. The current connectors, I am aware of, ask for database username/password at the time of connection building, and I haven't found these providing any facility to change the username/password on the fly as we will be getting the user reference from session object of the user accessing our server.
I am not sure how much the title of the question makes sense, but I don't see recreating(or separately creating) a database connection for every user as an efficient solution. What I am looking for is a library or toolkit which lets us supply the interacting sub-user/ROLE in options parameter using which PostgreSQL can do its ACL enforcing/check on data/manipulation requested.
You can "impersonate" a user in Postgres during a transaction and reset just before the transaction is done using the SET ROLE or SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION commands issued after establishing a database connection.

PostgreSQL - Periodically copying data from one database to another

I'm trying to set up an architecture with 2 databases, say preview and live, that have the exact same schemas. The use case is that edits can be made to the preview database and then pushed to the live database after they are vetted and approved. The production application would read from the live database.
What would be the most appropriate way to push all data from the preview database to the live database without bringing the live database down? Ideally the copy from preview to live would be an atomic transaction.
I've worked with this type of setup in MSSQL, but I'm fairly new to Postgres. So I'm open to hearing other ways to architect this (with Schemas perhaps?).
EDIT: The main reason to use separate databases is that I may need more than 1 target database (not just a single "live" database). I also may need to switch target databases on the fly without altering the source database schema.
I think what you're looking for is a "hot standby". This would be a separate instance of Postgresql, possibly on the same server but usually not, which is a near-real-time replica of the primary server.
In broad strokes, this is done by shipping the binary transaction logs from the primary server to the backup server, and then "replaying" them there. The exact mechanism for transmitting the logs may vary depending on your requirements.
Fortunately, the docs on this are excellent:

Postgres connection pooling - multiple users

In order to secure our database we create a schema for each new customer. We then create a user for this schema and when a customer logs in via the web we use their user and hence prevent them gaining access to other areas of the database.
Our issue is with connection pooling as it is a bit inefficient to keep creating/dropping new connections for these users. We would like to have a solution that can work across many hundreds of different database users.
We've looked at pg_bouncer, but the issue here is that we have to create a text record in an ini file for each user and restart pg_bouncer every time we set up a customer. This is not a great solution.
Is there an alternative solution that works in real time and would mean a customers connection/connection(s) would stay in the pool whilst they were active?
According to the latest release notes pgbouncer might actually do this. But I haven't tried.
Pooling mode can be configured both per-database and per-user.
As for use case in general. We also had this kind of issue a while ago. We just went with connection pooling with one user/database and multiple schemas. Before running psql query we just used SET search_path TO schemaName. As for logging, we had compliance mode, when we could log activity per customer and save it in appropriate schema.

PersistenceContext propagation

I'm migrating an application from desktop to web. In the desktop application, users connect to an Oracle database using different database users, ie users are managed by Oracle, not within a database table. All use the same scheme to store and manage data, PLMU_PROD.
I have to implement authentication (JPA) for the Web application and, as I read, I have to create a EntityManagerFactory for each database user.
The other option I'm thinking is to create a table of users / passwords and use the same EntityManagerFactory to serve all EntityManager, as all users will access the same data that is in the scheme PLMU_PROD.
I wonder if the PersistenceContext is shared between different EntityManagerFactories, as my web server has little RAM and do not want to waste it having duplicate entities.
Thanks for your time!
What you seem to be referring to is caching. JPA requires that EntityManagers keep entities cached so that they can track changes. So each EntityManager is required to have its own cache, keeping changes made in one separate from changes that might be made concurrently in others - transaction isolation. Within EclipseLink, there is a concept of a second level cache that is shared at the EMFactory level. is a good document on caching in EclipseLink. This second level cache helps avoid database access and can be disabled as required. If your EntityManagers do not need to track changes, such as if the application is read-only and the entitys are not modified, you can set queries to return entities from the shared cache so that only a single instance of the data exists using the read-only query hint:
Read-only instances can allow avoiding duplication and using resources unnecessarily, but you will need to manage them appropriately and get managed copies from the EntityManager before making changes.

ASP.NET Storing global variables - accessible from every page

I am building a large application and I ususally use a simple session to store private global information however as the application could be rather large I belive this could be a problem due to the amount of memory sessions it could have.
Is there a better way to store such variables?
For example, when the user logs in I want to store data about that user and display it where needed without having to query the database each time.
Sessions are the way to go here, they are intended to persist information about the current session across requests. There is no other object in the ASP.NET framework that has this intention.
You could use the Cache, or store in the Application collection, but then the responsibility of uniquely identifying the individual session data is up to you.
What's also up to you is handling when the session terminates, and freeing up the instances that are stored in those collections (Cache or Application).
It's really a bad idea to start to ask these questions based on what you might "think" will happen. This is a form of premature optimization, and you should avoid it. Rather, use Sessions, as they were intended for this purpose, then measure where your bottlenecks are and address them, should performance be an issue when testing.
use cookies - they would work irrespective of your load balance environments
other options include:
1) writing your sessionvalues to a sql database - you can configure your app to configure session state to use sql server - but this has its own problems as sessions never time out (so u need to handle this via code explicitly)
2) if not using sql server - basically you would face a problem when you have too many users and you implement load balancing on your web server - so a user can go to a different web server in the same session (and it would not work)
there is a work around for this too - its called STICKY SESSIONS - where your web server guarantees your user would always hit the same web server within the session
3) with .net 2.0 provider model, you can even write your own session storage provider by implementing their delegates - so you can create your own xml files on your web server / shared server to read / write session data there :-)
so there are many ways you can solve this. however the simplest and cost effective solution is to use cookies
You might use Cache. That has built-in mechanism to free up when memory is running out...
Definitely use cookies for this. The best approach is to make yourself a cookies wrapper class that will do all the heavy lifting for you - checking if cookie is null, accessing the httpcontext, etc. No need to mess up your code with all that; just abstract it all out into cookies.cs or .vb.
SetCookieValue(someValue, cookieName); //there will be some expiration concerns here as well
myValue = GetCookieValue(cookieName);
Christian Weiss has a good strategy.
If you think your data is too large for the Session, I would consider a database of some sort using cache so that you don't unnecessary calls.
If it is per-user-session data you're storing, using the ASP.NET Session is definitely your best bet. If you're most worried about memory usage then you can use MSSQL mode. The data has to live somewhere and the choice of which session mode to use is dependent on your environment and the usage patterns of your users.
Don't assume there will be a problem with the size of session state until you see such a problem and have tried to solve it. For instance, it's possible that, although the application as a whole may use a large amount of session state, that any given user may not use that much in the course of a session.
I's also possible that changing from the default session state provider to the SQL provider or state server provider would ease a memory issue.
You can use Cache, but Cache is application-wide. You would need to qualify Cache entries with the user id or session id: Cache[userID + ".MyCacheEntry"].
Do not, under any circumstances, use static variables to store this data. As suggested by your subject line, they are application-wide, not per-user.