Does Eclipse store all workspace files somewhere else? - eclipse

I'm often surprised that Eclipse is giving error during search "File is out of sync with file system", for the file that I have not even opened. I have a large workspace with hundreds of files under SVN control. I have configured Eclipse to "auto-refresh" on load to minimize such issues.
I can't stop wondering how can this happen at all? Why does it need to "refresh" if it should (at least I expect it to) just load everything from file system?
It looks like it's storing all the files somewhere (not even in memory, having a need to refresh on load), and if it's true - I don't like it.

Eclipse does not store your files anywhere except your workspace directory and does not use the file system directly every time when you need some files.
Eclipse indexes/caches different meta-information for all projects and theirs files in your workspace. The information can be found under .metadata folder of your workspace directory.
Such information is used to provide the tree of the files to the Eclipse and show resources in views such as Project Explorer, Package Explorer etc.
The main reason of such behaviour is performance purposes.
The out of sync problem appears when:
you create files manually (out of the Eclipse) in your workspace
Eclipse plugins or processes create/update/delete/etc. files improperly i.e. do not call related Eclipse API to refresh the resources and update the indexes.


Eclipse crashed and deleted all my work

Eclipse crashed and deleted all project files, including written by me and XML files from another program which were not related to Eclipse.
Is it possible to force Eclipse or JVM to use trash can, so that if it goes mad and delete everything, files could restored.
Files were definitely wiped out. This was checked with third party file managers. Also entire disc were searched for traces.
Some good news is that Eclipse history remained. This allowed to restore some files I changed from Eclipse. But this project was consisting of multiple other files, that were written not by me (taken from other libraries) or contained some data I was editing not in Eclipse (like XML or raw data).
All these files were wiped out by Eclipse.
If this would not happen to me I would also say it is unlikely. But it has happened.
The problem is somehow related with
(1) Eclipse
(2) Maven (m2e)
(3) Eclipse RCP
(4) Tycho
At some moment Eclipse started to show numerous error windows and I was to kill the process. After that I found files absent.
So I need some extra protection layer.
Crash repeated. This is a message during file wiping out:
This time I was not using Maven and Tycho.
Third crash.
Crash occurs only after error Application ... could not be found in the registry, which itself buggie.
Still unable to reproduce situation from scratch...
UPDATE: I think from this question you were working on an Eclipse RCP plugin or something like that when this happened.
So you probably broke your Eclipse in some fashion. Do not trust anything Eclipse tells you at this point! Look at the actual filesystem!
Eclipse crashed and deleted all project files, including written by me and XML files from another program which were not related to Eclipse.
That's highly unlikely. (Especially if those XML files were not in the workspace. But even if they were, it's very unlikely.) You probably opened a new workspace without realising it, or maybe Eclipse has some bug where it won't show you files that are actually there. Or maybe you accidentally switched to the wrong view (in Java the normal view for files is Package Explorer, if I remember correctly).
Or maybe you were storing your workspace on a USB stick (aka pen drive) or network drive and you accidentally disconnected from it without realising it.
Check in the workspace (the actual workspace you were using at the time, not the workspace you are now using, which, as I said, might not be the same thing), using Windows Explorer (if you are using Windows) or Finder (if you are using a Mac) or using ls (if you are using something else). Are the files really gone?
This Was My Fault
I was setting up a workspace location pointing to project folder and also setting clear workspace checkbox.

How to access the same eclipse workspaces from different OSs?

I have couple of different OSs installed. When I try to start eclipse in another OS eclipse starts complaining about workspace being used by 'another eclipse instance'. In case you don't know eclipse uses .lock files for that.
How to fix this?
I see a couple of possible ways to deal with this problem:
Disable .lock file check (It can cause some problems if opening workspace in 2 eclipses at the same time)
To make an empty 'workspace' just to make eclipse happy about all that settings and .metadata and .locks and keep projects elsewhere.
Removing .lock file every time I boot another OS. But what if I'll make a new workspace?
Is there a standard (or just better) solution of this problem?
If you exited Eclipse cleanly, then it should not complain about the Workspace being used.
Or do you want to access a Workspace with multiple Eclipses simultaneously?
UPDATE: Anyway I did this on a Mac, using the same Workspace on a FAT32 partition from OSX, Ubuntu and Windows, and I didn't encounter many problems. Of course remember to set the file encoding and line termination setting project or Workspace wide!
Eclipse workspaces are not designed or intended to be shared across different machines (nor across different operating systems). Trying to do so is certain to cause headaches and possibly even corruption of the workspace. There are things like absolute file paths (and other artifacts) embedded into workspaces that simply are not portable.
The better approach is to locate the projects elsewhere in the file system outside of the workspace; that way you can have multiple workspaces "contain" the project(s). Creating such a project is easy from the project creation wizards (a checkbox labeled like "Use default location" that needs to be un-checked, and an accompanying field that is filled in with the desired files system location). From another workspace, use File > Import > Existing Project Into Workspace to get the project in.

How do workspaces work in Aptana 3?

I'm new to programming and IDEs. I never understood the concept of a workspace in Eclipse, and I don't understand it in Aptana.
With Eclipse I just put it into my web root. Not sure if that's the way to go?
Can someone explain what a workspace is and where it should go? And if not in the web root, then how do I launch a PHP page from within the EDI?
An Eclipse workspace is a directory where (generally) all of the files you are working on live and that stores all of the state (like preferences and such) for a single user of Eclipse. So when you create projects, they are located in the workspace. The workspace has some metadata files that control how Eclipses behaves for you.
Eclipse keeps a representation of the workspace internally, which means the workspace can get out of sync with the underlying files. To sync them up, do a right-click Refresh in the Package/Project Explorer.
Usually the workspace goes into some directory relative to your home directory, since it's private to each developer.
Workspaces are like folders where the project's files are.
When you have a local web server you could set the workspace to a new folder in the servers directory (or web root when the project should be in the main directory!) . If you want to add a new PHP-file in Aptana studio 3 just right click the workspace and select add new file (or sth. like that). After that you will be able to enter a file-name and it's gonna be saved in the workspace (folder). But of course you can also work without workspaces, just create the the PHP-File and edit it with Aptana.

Query, while creating a jar?

Resource is out of sync with the file system
This the error that is thrown out while creating a jar in eclipse IDE...
What does this mean? And how to rectify it?...
I'm assuming this is while you're using Eclipse...
I suspect that it means you've changed a file on the file system but the Eclipse workspace is still "looking at" the old version. Hitting Refresh (F5) on either the file or the whole project would usually sort it out. If you're seeing it every time you create a jar file, that suggests your project is looking at your build output, which isn't ideal.
Eclipse caches file content to make things go faster.
It has detected that the version on disk has changed since it was put in the cache, and you need to refresh the workspace to update the cached version.
This typically happen when you fiddle with files outside of Eclipse. If the process doing the fiddling is invoked from within Eclipse you can tell Eclipse to refresh the workspace when the process is finished.
Eclipse keeps metadata about all files within every eclipse project. "Resource is out of sync with the file system..." means that eclipse has noticed that a file has been changed (or deleted) from outside eclipse. Refreshing the project in question (from the context menu in the package explorer) should fix the problem.

Sharing Eclipse directory on Dropbox between Windows and Mac OS X

This question was close to mine, but not quite.
I have a Windows desktop and a MacBook Pro. I'd like to be able to keep my Eclipse workspace in my Dropbox folder. The problem is that many project settings change between platforms: references to JREs, JDKs, and other libs.
Every discussion I've seen of this problem seems to suggest taking advantage of the source control system's ignore functionality, so that such-and-such file remains local-only and thus able to remain platform-specific. But when you're working with a real single shared folder, that class of solution doesn't apply.
Have you had luck working with a Java Eclipse project living in a single folder shared over the network, cross-platform?
I have my Eclipse workspace inside Dropbox with all my project folders within, but use the new-ish "Selective Sync" feature of Dropbox to make sure that the .metadata folder is not synced.
This means my Mac and Windows machines have their own .metadata folders but the project folders remain in sync.
Seems to be working so far...
Use source control with individual workspaces. By doing it this way you lose the capability of two developers making changes to the same file. You also run a higher risk of people stepping on each other. With Subversion (or others) source control is free and gives you traceability.
Perhaps the way to have less problems is just to share the source folder, neither workspace settings nor bin folder.
Just put your source folder in Dropbox.
Create the project on site1 and then:
Right click over the project, choose properties
--> Java Build path --> Source tab
--> Link source button
Then create a link to your source folder in Dropbox and assign it a name (e.g. src2)
Make the same for site2.
All your source files must be in your share source folder in Dropbox.
Of course you must configure on each site the settings like libraries and other stuff but this task is less frequently and perhaps desirable because you have two different environments.
For anyone else having trouble getting this to work, try File->Import->General->File System. Be sure to select Create links in workspace from the Advanced options. Seems like the cleaner solution and you can keep using your usual workspace.