How to define a slick joinCondition - scala

In the scaladays 2013 talk it talks about "joinCondition"
For example:
implicit def autojoin1 = joinCondition[Sites,Devices]( === _.siteId)
implicit def autojoin2 = joinCondition[Devices,Computers](_.computerId ===
: Query[_,(Site,Computer)]
: Query[_,((Site,Device),Computer)]
I'm very new to scala, and can't figure out what joinCondition is, I can't find any method or anything named that in slick(1.0.0) and can't get it to work, what is it?

As said in the talk (but not listed in the slides) the complete autoJoin feature is not currently offered by Slick, but part of a demo Play project we prepared. The code is here (and in the other files in

Check also this blog article, that presents a solution for Slick 2.0


How to create Source from Flow in Akka-stream? (Programming Reactive Systems activity)

I'm trying to complete the last assignment (named Reactive Followers) in EFPL - Programming Reactive Systems course at EDx platform.
I was able to fulfil all functions except for the outgoingFlow.
It seems to me that I should somehow create a new Source from existing Flow and after some reading, I still haven't realized how to execute the Flow to generate elements for the new Source.
I've tried to use mapConcat but with no success.
I think the existing flow is this:
.filter(p => isNotified(userId)(p))
Types for the existing Flows and my tentative do implement outgoingFlow can be seen here:
val eventParserFlow: Flow[ByteString, Event, NotUsed]
val followersFlow: Flow[Event, (Event, Followers), NotUsed]
def outgoingFlow(userId: Int): Source[ByteString, NotUsed] = {
.filter(p => isNotified(userId)(p))
.mapConcat { case (e, _) => e.render }
Can anyone point me to some reading or example of how do I solve similar problem in Akka, please?
just a note - SO is not the best resource for these type of questions. what you should use is discussion section in the corresponding edx course
regarding your question - i will not give you explicit answer, just few hints.
in akka-streams you can't just create a Source out of Flow. Flow is responsible for transformation, while Source creates new events. in your assignment you just forgot to use one of available values.
read carefully the comments in class Server (not object).
look closely at val (inboundSink, broadcastOut) = ... and try to figure out what each of the vals is for and how they relate to each other and to the app itself. it will be helpful to understand what are their types
these hints should be enough to understand how to implement outgoingFlow, which is the Source[ByteString, NotUsed]

Lightbend examples syntax error

I just wonder if I have messed something up or is it just unavoidable pain of using Scala. I wanted to test out slick so I decided to run activator-play-slick-angularjs example from Lightbend. Unfortunatelly I get syntax errors while using
lazy protected val empTableQuery: TableQuery[EmployeeTable] = TableQuery[EmployeeTable]
in any possible way. In filtering examples, the type I am required by Scala plugin to use is Any e. g.
def delete(id: Int): Future[Int] = { empTableQuery.filter( === id).delete } part yields syntax error. I bet that I am just missing something because I can't imagine a single developer willing to work in 2017 without syntax assistance from IDE.
In case somebody met this problem in future - in this example EmployeeTable is defined with private[EmployeeTable] what makes in not visible in EmployeeRepository class. Just skip the private[EmployeeTable] part in class definition to make everything work smoothly.

Meaning of symbol :+: in Scala?

What does the symbol :+: mean in Scala Programming language?
object Devices {
private[endpoints] def endpoints(myService: MyService[Future], pService: PService[Future]) =
"devices" / (
banDevice(myService, pService) :+:
unbanDevice(myService, pService)
This is the code snippet. I'm using finagle library.
I've read that scala can have function names as symbols. Is this an example of that?
Where do I find the defention of this finagle defined methods?
Is it possible to override these methods?
Scala Does not have this function , it can be inside one of the libraries that you are using. According to your code , you might be using finagle !
Hence What Peter Neyens pointed out :
Seems to explain what you are trying to find out.
P.s: Its just a method in one of the libraries and nothing else.
In answer to your updated questions:
Yes, that code is calling the function (actually a method) named :+:.
You can probably find the API published online (maybe here).
If the class is not sealed and the method is not final then, yes, you should be able to override it.

What replaced RoutedHttpService in Spray

I've been following this blog post about Spray and Akka as it seems to be a reasonable way to separate out the implementation from the routing in an async service. However, this post being > 6 months old the Spray API seems to have changed and the RoutedHttpService it uses about half way down is nowhere to be found.
I'm fairly new to Scala and very new to Spray, and the Spray docs are at best obtuse, so I've been struggling what to replace that bit of the code with.
A couple of questions then:
Is the approach outlined in this post actually sensible?
If the answer to (1) is yes, then what should RoutedHttpService be replaced with?
If the answer to (1) is no, then is there some other docs of 'the right way' to do Spray?
For easy reference, the bit of code in question is this:
trait Api extends RouteConcatenation {
this: CoreActors with Core =>
private implicit val _ = system.dispatcher
val routes =
new RegistrationService(registration).route ~
new MessengerService(messenger).route
val rootService = system.actorOf(Props(new RoutedHttpService(routes))) // :-(
1) The approach described in this post is really nice but it is already advanced Scala programming. My advice, don't use it if you do not understand it.
2) RoutedHttpService is actually from the Eigengo's activator template not from the Spray API, you can find the source code here.
3) You can also have a look at this project, it gives a nice skeleton with less cake pattern composition.

Configure play-slick and samples

I'm currently trying to use Play! Framework 2.2 and play-slick (master branch).
In the play-slick code I would like to override driver definition in order to add the Oracle Driver (I'm using slick-extension). In the Config.Scala of play-slick I just saw /** Extend this to add driver or change driver mapping */ ...
I'm coming from far far away (currently reading Programming In Scala) so there's a lot to learn. So my questions are :
Can someone explain me how to extend this Config object ? this object is used in others classes ... Is the cake apttern useful here ?
Talking about cake pattern, I read the computer-database example provided by play-slick. This sample uses the cake pattern and import play.api.db.slick.Config.driver.simple._ If I'm using Oracle driver I cannot use this import, am I wrong ? How can I use the cake pattern to define an implicit session ?
Thanks a lot.
Waiting for your advices and I'm still studying the play-slick code at home :)
To extend the Config trait I do not think the cake pattern is required. You should be able to create your Config object like this:
import scala.slick.driver.ExtendedDriver
object MyExtendedConfig extends play.api.db.slick.Config {
override def driverByName: String => Option[ExtendedDriver] = {name: String =>
super.driverByName(name) orElse Map("oracledriverstring" -> OracleDriver).get(name)
lazy val app = play.api.Play.current
lazy val driver: ExtendedDriver = driver()(app)
To be able to use it you only need to do: import MyExtendedConfig.driver._ instead of import play.slick.db.api.Config.driver._. BTW, I see that the type of the driverByName could have been a Map instead of a Function making it easier to extend. This shouldn't break though, but it would be easier to do it.
I think Jonas Bonér's old blog is a great place to read what the cake pattern is ( My naive understanding of it is that you have a cake pattern when you have layers that uses the self types:
trait FooComponent{ driver: ExtendedDriver =>
import driver.simple._
class Foo extends Table[Int]("") {
There are 2 use cases for the cake pattern in slick/play-slick: 1) if you have tables that references other tables (as in the computer database sample) 2) to have control over exactly which database is used at which time or if you use many many different types. By using the Config you do not really need the cake pattern as long as you only have 2 different DBs (one for prod and one for test), which is the point of the Config.
Hope this answers your questions and good luck on reading Programming in Scala (loved that book :)