Method to parse request_uri header from decoded JSON in Perl - perl

Ok, so here is what we are doing. We are viewing a json request/response string.
Code snippet (assuming relevant modules been used):
if( open( my $json_file, $filename ))
my $json = JSON->new;
my $data = $json->decode(<$json_file>);
close( json_file );
$request_uri = $data->{'input'}{'Headers'}{'REQUEST_URI'};
So $request_uri looks something like
Whilst I could use regex or whatever to extract data out of there, I am sure this is a common situation and there should be a method to parse this particular REST into its parts and then extract them out. I do not see this in the REST manual which seems to be more about constructing requests.

Use the URI module.
my $request_uri = URI->new( $data->{'input'}{'Headers'}{'REQUEST_URI'} );
my $path = $request_uri->path;
my $query = $request_uri->query;
# etc


Using variable for HTTP request headers with Perl

I am trying to write a function to create HTTP requests (POST and GET mostly) in Perl. I am keeping everything generic by using variables so that I don't have to worry about the type of request, the payload, headers, etc, however HTTP::Request->header() doesn't seem to like my variable:
my($req_type, $headers, $endpoint, $args, $request, $jsonfile) = #_;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new($req_type => $endpoint);
foreach (#$headers) {
print "request : ".$req->as_string;
I tried a few different approches, and using push_header got me the closest, but I realize it may not be the best solution. I think it might have something to do with single quotes getting passed in:
#headers = "'x-auth-token' => '$_token'";
I can post more of the code if it is helpful. I'm hoping some Perl guru will know exactly what I'm doing wrong. I'm sure it's something to do with the format of the string I'm passing in.
#headers = "'x-auth-token' => '$_token'";
The header function expects to be passed two arguments. The header name and the header value.
You are passing it one argument: a string containing a fragment of Perl code.
You need to format your data more sensibly.
my %headers = (
"x-auth-token" => $_token;
foreach my $header_name (keys %headers) {
$req->push_header($header_name => $headers{$header_name});

How can I both get raw post data and use Apache2::Request to access parameters?

Apache2::Request doesn't seem to provide a way to get the raw post data; is there one that I am missing?
Alternatively, is there a way to read the post data separately (in a content handler - nothing should have messed with the post data before then) and initialize Apache2::Request with it?
from mod_perl cookbook:
my $r = shift;
my $content;
my #pairs = split(/[&;]/,$content);
foreach my $pair (#pairs) {
my ($parameter,$value) = split('=',$pair,2);

Removing top-directory-only URLs from a list of URLs?

I have a question that I'm having trouble researching, as I don't know how to ask it correctly on a search engine.
I have a list of URLs. I would like to have some automated way (Perl for preference) to go through the list and remove all URLs that are top directory only.
So for example I might have this list:
In this case I would want to remove from my list, as it is either top-directory only or they reference files in a top directory.
I'm trying to figure out how to do that. My first thought was, count forward slashes and if there's more than two, eliminate the URL from the list. But then you have trailing forward slashes, so that wouldn't work.
Any ideas or thoughts would be much appreciated.
Something like this:
use URI::Split qw( uri_split );
my $url = "";
my ($scheme, $auth, $path, $query, $frag) = uri_split( $url );
if (($path =~ tr/\///) > 1 ) {
print "I care about this $url";
You could do this with regexes, but its much less work to let the URI library do it for you. You won't get caught out by funny schemes, escapes, and extra stuff before and after the path (query, anchor, authorization...). There's some trickiness around how paths are represented by path_segments(). See the comments below and the URI docs for details.
I have assumed that is considered a top directory. Adjust as necessary, but its something you have to think about.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use URI;
use File::Spec;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More 'no_plan';
sub is_top_level_uri {
my $uri = shift;
# turn it into a URI object if it isn't already
$uri = URI->new($uri) unless eval { $uri->isa("URI") };
# normalize it
$uri = $uri->canonical;
# split the path part into pieces
my #path_segments = $uri->path_segments;
# for an absolute path, which most are, the absoluteness will be
# represented by an empty string. Also /foo/ will come out as two elements.
# Strip that all out, it gets in our way for this purpose.
#path_segments = grep { $_ ne '' } #path_segments;
return #path_segments <= 1;
my #filtered_uris = (
my #unfiltered_uris = (
for my $uri (#filtered_uris) {
ok is_top_level_uri($uri), $uri;
for my $uri (#unfiltered_uris) {
ok !is_top_level_uri($uri), $uri;
Use the URI module from CPAN.
This is a solved problem. People have already written, tested and debugged code that handles this already. Whenever you have a programming problem that others have probably had to deal with, then look for existing code that does it for you.

Adding authHeader to Perl SOAP::Lite request

I am having some trouble creating a request to this WSDL that works; it requires authHeaders and I am not having much luck adding them. This is what I am trying:
# make proxy for the service
my $soap = SOAP::Lite->service($wsdl);
# add fault hanlder
sub { # SOAP fault handler
my $soap = shift;
my $res = shift;
# Map faults to exceptions
if(ref($res) eq '') {
else {
return new SOAP::SOM;
# authentication request headers
my #headers = (
# request method
print $soap->getCompanyInfo('NB', #headers);
The response I get when doing this is:
String value expected instead of SOAP::Header reference
The method I am requesting has two string parameters, both optional. And suggestions?
I was able to get help form the SOAP::Lite mailing list. If I want to pass my own headers, I have to use the call method instead of the actually method name.
# create header for requests
my $authHeader = SOAP::Header->name("xsd:authHeader" =>
# create data to pass as method paramaters
my $params = SOAP::Data->name('ns:email')->value($s7user)->type('');
# request method
$soap->call('checkLogin', $params, $authHeader);
In order to use the call method, you will need to define a proxy (endpoint) on your soap object. Hope this is helpful for someone else down the road.

What's the simplest way to make a HTTP GET request in Perl?

I have some code I've written in PHP for consuming our simple webservice, which I'd also like to provide in Perl for users who may prefer that language. What's the simplest method of making a HTTP request to do that? In PHP I can do it in one line with file_get_contents().
Here's the entire code I want to port to Perl:
* Makes a remote call to the our API, and returns the response
* #param cmd {string} - command string ID
* #param argsArray {array} - associative array of argument names and argument values
* #return {array} - array of responses
function callAPI( $cmd, $argsArray=array() )
// timestamp this API was submitted (for security reasons)
//--- assemble argument array into string
$query = "cmd=" .$cmd;
foreach ($argsArray as $argName => $argValue) {
$query .= "&" . $argName . "=" . urlencode($argValue);
$query .= "&key=". $apikey . "&time=" . $epoch_time;
//--- make md5 hash of the query + secret string
$md5 = md5($query . $secret);
$url = $apiurl . "?" . $query . "&md5=" . $md5;
//--- make simple HTTP GET request, put the server response into $response
$response = file_get_contents($url);
//--- convert "|" (pipe) delimited string to array
$responseArray = explode("|", $response);
return $responseArray;
use LWP::Simple;
$contents = get("http://YOUR_URL_HERE");
LWP::Simple has the function you're looking for.
use LWP::Simple;
$content = get($url);
die "Can't GET $url" if (! defined $content);
Take a look at LWP::Simple.
For more involved queries, there's even a book about it.
I would use the LWP::Simple module.
Mojo::UserAgent is a great option too!
use Mojo::UserAgent;
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
# Say hello to the Unicode snowman with "Do Not Track" header
say $ua->get('www.☃.net?hello=there' => {DNT => 1})->res->body;
# Form POST with exception handling
my $tx = $ua->post('' => form => {q => 'mojo'});
if (my $res = $tx->success) { say $res->body }
else {
my ($err, $code) = $tx->error;
say $code ? "$code response: $err" : "Connection error: $err";
# Quick JSON API request with Basic authentication
say $ua->get('')
# Extract data from HTML and XML resources
say $ua->get('')->res->dom->html->head->title->text;`
Samples direct from CPAN page. I used this when I couldn 't get LWP::Simple to work on my machine.
Try the HTTP::Request module.
Instances of this class are usually passed to the request() method of an LWP::UserAgent object.
If it's in Unix and if LWP::Simple isn't installed, you can try:
my $content = `GET ""`;
I think what Srihari might be referencing is Wget, but I would actually recommend (again, on *nix without LWP::Simple) to use cURL:
$ my $content = `curl -s ""`;
<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<H1>301 Moved</H1>
The document has moved
The -s flag tells curl to be silent. Otherwise, you get curl's progress bar output on standard error every time.