Paypal Live transactionSearch API internal error - paypal

For certain account transactionSearch API call is giving an internal error.
Its happening only for certain date range.
According to this post
Paypal Sandbox API Internal Error
the issue is resolved. So raised a new question.
Here is the response
ITEMS = Array (#5a4a881)
[0] = Object (#786e251)
AMT = "21.35"
EMAIL = "xxx"
ERRORCODE = "10001"
FEEAMT = "-0.71"
LONGMESSAGE = "Internal Error"
NAME = "xxx"
NETAMT = "20.64"
SHORTMESSAGE = "Transaction failed due to internal error"
STATUS = "Completed"
TIMESTAMP = "2013-10-02T19:12:30Z"
TYPE = "Payment"
Any ideas why this is happening?

That error could be a lot of different things. It could simply be a problem with the API servers, but if that's the case it shouldn't continue to happen for a long period of time. It could be an issue with your API request. If you want to post a sample of that I'll see if I can find any issue with it. It could also be that your range is too long or something like that. Again, post a sample of your request and I'll see if I can reproduce the issue.


Jira Tempo users are pseudonymised

I am trying to obtain the worklogs using the Jira Tempo REST API.
The server I am working with is an on-premises one.
The data extraction is straightforward with one exception: some users are renamed from john.doe to JIRAUSER12345.
I could not find any rule for this and I also couldn't find any way to map the JIRAUSER12345 to the actual username.
Is there any way of getting the real user name? Is it possible that I am missing some access rights (probably at team level) that forbid me seeing the real user names?
Reading this article gives the reason for the anonymization:
In order to get the correct user id I did something like:
usersCache = {}
def getUserbyKey(key):
if not key in usersCache:
query = {
'key': key
response = requests.get(f"{JIRA_BASE_URL}/rest/api/latest/user",auth=authorization, headers=headers, params=query)
j = response.json()
j = usersCache.get(key)
return j
for wl in worklogs:
user = getUserbyKey(wl["worker"])
key = wl["issue"]["key"]
timeSpent = wl["timeSpent"]

Facebook Graph API Ad Report Run - Message: Unsupported get request

I'm making an async batch request with 50 report post request on it.
The first batch request returns me the Report Ids
1st Step
dynamic report_ids = await fb.PostTaskAsync(new
batch = batch,
access_token = token
Next I'm getting the reports info, to get the async status to see if they are ready to be downloaded.
2st Step
var tListBatchInfo = new List<DataTypes.Request.Batch>();
foreach (var report in report_ids)
if (report != null)
tListBatchInfo.Add(new DataTypes.Request.Batch
name = !ReferenceEquals(report.report_run_id, null) ? report.report_run_id.ToString() :,
method = "GET",
relative_url = !ReferenceEquals(report.report_run_id, null) ? report.report_run_id.ToString() :,
dynamic reports_info = await fb.PostTaskAsync(new
//dynamic results = fb.Post(new
batch = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tListBatchInfo),
access_token = token
Some of the ids generated in the first step are returning this error, once I call them in the second step
Message: Unsupported get request. Object with ID '6057XXXXXX'
does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does
not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at
I know the id is correct because I can see it in using facebook api explorer. What am I doing wrong?
This may be caused by Facebook's replication lag. That typically happens when your POST request is routed to server A, returning report ID, but query to that ID gets routed to server B, which doesn't know about the report existence yet.
If you try to query the ID later and it works, then it's the lag. Official FB advice for this is to simply wait a bit longer before querying the report.

Paypal Invoicing API, SendInvoiceRequest returns invoice null error

I'm using the C# SDK for our implementation (Classic API).
I can create an invoice fine, but whenever I try to send an invoice the response comes back with an error "Invalid request parameter: invoice cannot be null".
var result = new SendInvoiceResult();
var service = new PayPal.Invoice.InvoiceService(PayPalConfig());
var envelopeRequest = new RequestEnvelope
errorLanguage = "en_US", detailLevel = DetailLevelCode.RETURNALL
var request = new SendInvoiceRequest ( envelopeRequest, invoiceId );
var response = service.SendInvoice(request);
If I use the CreateAndSendInvoice method instead then a similar thing happens - the invoice gets created (I can view the URLs and the invoice shows as in draft) but it never sends.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?

Sending a reply email using exchange web services - how to deal with the changeKey property

For my code, I retrieve an unread message from exchange, do some processing based on that message, and then reply to the message with the results of the processing I did.
The problem that I'm having is that when I attempt to reply to the email I'm getting the below error on calling responseMessage.send() or responseMessage.sendAndSave():
The current ChangeKey is required for this operation.
Below is the code that I am running that is triggering this error:
public void replyToEmail(EmailMessage _emailMessage, String _reply)
String serviceManager = emailServerAddress = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["serviceManagerEmail"].Trim();
ResponseMessage responseMessage = _emailMessage.CreateReply(true);
responseMessage.BodyPrefix = _reply;
String changekey = _emailMessage.Id.ChangeKey;
if (!serviceManager.Equals(""))
responseMessage.CcRecipients.Add(new EmailAddress(serviceManager));
I'm able to check the _emailMessage changeKey value via and there is a value there, I would have expected that to be assigned to the responseMessage when _emailMessage.createReply() was call. I'm unable to find a way to manually assign it.
I've been unable to find any references to this issue during searching, I was hoping someone
I ran into this problem with .Forward, after setting the message IsRead = true and saving that update back to the server. That changes the ChangeKey, so it's no longer valid.
Try doing _emailMessage.Load() to get the message from the server again, and the new ChangeKey.

delayed chained payment

Can anyone tell me how to automatically execute a delayed payment (let's say it's 5 days after the primary receiver receive the payment) in a chained payment manner? The key is automatic execution, not having to manually approve and pay the secondary receiver. Please illuminate with some sample code.
I have used "actionType" => "PAY_PRIMARY" so that primary receiver get money.
But how can I code so that secondary receiver get money?
Check this answer for the solution. Basically you just need to execute an ExecutePayment operation with the payKey within 90 days to send the payment to the secondary party.
actionType is PAY_PPRIMARY
you then trigger this payment within 90 days.
Its delayed but not time-elapsed.
well may be its too late but it will help someone in future for sure.
As we integrated paypal delayed chained payment, you can set a primary account in which all the amount will go and you can also set secondary account in which account will be transfered once they approved by primary account holder.
string endpoint = Constants_Common.endpoint + "Pay";
NVPHelper NVPRequest = new NVPHelper();
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.requestEnvelopeerrorLanguage] = "en_US";
//NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.actionType] = "PAY";
//the above one is for simple adoptive payment payment
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.actionType] = "PAY_PRIMARY";
//the above one for deleayed chained payment
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.currencyCode] = "USD";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.feesPayer] = "EACHRECEIVER";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.memo] = "XXXXXXXX";
Now we have to set primary and secondary receivers:
//primary account
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveramount_0] = TotalAmount;
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveremail_0] = "";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiverprimary_0] = "true";
//secondary accounts
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveramount_1] = (somemoney out of total amount);
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveremail_1] = "";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiverprimary_1] = "false";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveramount_2] = (somemoney out of total amount);
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveremail_2] =;
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiverprimary_2] = "false";
Don't forget that you have to give a valid paypal account while using delayed chained payment.
Now you get your pay_key which you have to use to execute your payment whithin 90 days so that other secondary receivers get money.
Here is the working code:
String endpoint = Constants_Common.endpoint + "ExecutePayment";
NVPHelper NVPRequest = new NVPHelper();
//requestEnvelope.errorLanguage is common for all the request
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.requestEnvelopeerrorLanguage] = "en_US";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.ExecutePayment.payKey] = "your pay key";
string strrequestforNvp = NVPRequest.Encode();
//calling Call method where actuall API call is made, NVP string, header value adne end point are passed as the input.
CallerServices_NVP CallerServices = new CallerServices_NVP();
string stresponsenvp = CallerServices.Call(strrequestforNvp, Constants_Common.headers(), endpoint);
//Response is send to Decoder method where it is decoded to readable hash table
NVPHelper decoder = new NVPHelper();
if (decoder != null && decoder["responseEnvelope.ack"].Equals("Success") && decoder["paymentExecStatus"].Equals("COMPLETED"))
//do something
Hope it will help someone.