Sparkle 10.9 Linking Error - sparkle

Having an issue where when trying to add Sparkle to my project with Xcode 5 running 10.9.
I have followed the tutorial to a T, but when I get to the point where I need to copy the framework and set its copy location that is where there seems to be no way to set the copy destination in the copy bundle resources section and it just puts the framework int the /Resources folder.
I have ready through this tread thoroughly and have tried all the suggestions here.
I recompiled Sparkle from the latest source and set the Installation Directory to #executable_path/../Frameworks from #loader_path/../Frameworks I get the following error.
dyld: Library not loaded: #executable_path/../Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/
when I revert and try to re add the framework I get this error.
dyld: Library not loaded: #loader_path/../Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/
If I remove the framework from the link framework from binaries altogether and just focus on the Copy Bundle Resources then I get this error.
Unknown class 'SUUpdater', using 'NSObject' instead.
The tutorial is written for Xcode 4 I know. One step says to use Copy File Location but that seems to be gone in Xcode 5 any help is appreciated.
I found a work around but its very messy.
Add the framework to the "Add files to build" build step.
Unlink the sparkle framework.
Open Derived Data folder and then open the App Build, then browse to Resources. Move the sparkle.framework folder to the root of the app and place the framework into a folder named Framework in the root level of the app.
Remove the framework from the "Add files to build" step.
Re-Link the framework.
Rebuild the App and voila it works.
Basically your adding the framework in a Framework folder manually and then linking it up at the end. What makes it messy is that the build changes occasionally in the Derived Data folder.

I have the same problem. And I think I have solved it.
It happens because the Sparkle.framework isn't copied to Frameworks folder(where it should be), it is copied to Resources folder when you build the application. To solved it:
Download the source of Sparkle from GIT ( and open the project in Xcode 5;
Go to Build Settings of every targets, then find Base SDK, change the value to macosx.
Go to Sparkle.framework's Build Settings. Find Installation Directory, Change its value from #loader_path/../Frameworks to #loader_path/../Resources under Sparkle.framework's Build Settings.
Copy Sparkle.framework under Products group in Project Navigator to your project.
Say YES and take a self highfive.

I was suffering from the same problem, then I found this:
The key is to add the Sparkle.framework to the Frameworks folder using the "Copy Files" section from "Build Phases".


RestKit Integration issues "No Such File Or directory"

I am using xcode 4.3.1 and i am going to implement RESTKit to my Project In that follows This Step to integration of the RestKit.
When the Drag and drop the RestKit project to my project it's done but when adding the Link Binary with library then it's red then after restart the xcode then also same problem aries
then after i build the project and shows the Below Error and not Running the project,
and file structure of the my project given below
So any body can help to solve my error,
Thanks in advance for spanding your valuable time.
This is because sometimes you add a file and then delete it. It removes the file from your project but the reference remains there, or it may be that the file was deleted but the reference still exists - go to the Project Navigator > right click > add files to... > and add the file that was red.

Three20 HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS strange behaviours

In one of my Three20 project, I have the HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS
But according to this:
I have must the following line in the path..
I have re-created a project using and confirm ../three20/Build/Products/three20 is the default but I am not sure why my existing project left it out.
Now the issue is:
Q. Why the project can build without error (Simulator/Device), what do you think is the reason?
in pre xcode 4 days the build folder would be under the project source directory which made sense to add a search header in a relative manner.
Three20 copies the header files into a specific place as part of a copy build phase.
Since xcode4 is out the build directory moved completely out of the project source tree into a temporary place configured as $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR).
The reason you see 2 directories is because xcode generates 2 different paths for Archive builds and all the other kinds of builds (Run/Debug etc...)
$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/../three20 $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/../../three20
Notice that the manual instruction tells you to find that directory but it doesn't tell you where it is:
Finally, we need to tell your project where to find the Three20 headers. Open your "Project Settings" and go to the "Build" tab. Look for "Header Search Paths" and double-click it. Add the relative path from your project's directory to the "three20/Build/Products/three20" directory.

three20 build issues

I am having issues with building my project with three20. I previously had three20 folder outside of my project folder, then I decided to clone another three20 inside my folder and then re-run the script again. However now when I tried to do import "Three20/Three20.h" it constantly says there's no such file or directory. What should I do here?
This may have changed, but I recall with my last Three20/xcode4 experience that you have to change the build directory settings for xcode4 for it work.
In Xcode preferences, go to the locations tab and change the dropdown for build location to "...locations specified by targets"
As I understand it Three20 expects the build directory to be in the same place it was using Xcode3. No promises, but give it a try.

is there any way to solve '' issue?

I am trying to implement cover flow effect in my application by using objectiveFlickr project, But it shows
"target specifies product type '', but there's no such product type for the 'iphonesimulator' platform"
error whenever I am going to be run the application.
Note: I have included all the framework and objectiveflickr library.
I have made necessary changes in project setting.
There is any solution available for this issues or shall I follow with another sample?
I just ran into the same problem. Something in my project got messed up as I switched back and forth between Mac targets and iOS targets, causing Xcode to become confused. Reverting the project.pbxproj file inside the xcodeproj package didn't fix the problem. Deleting my entire source tree and updating it from source control did fix the problem.
This leads me to believe that the problem lies in the other files inside the xcodeproj package. Try the following:
Close your project in Xcode.
Navigate into your xcodeproj package (either through Terminal, or in Finder by right-clicking and selecting "Show Package Contents")
Delete your pbxuser and perspectivev3 files. They will be re-created.
Open your project in Xcode.

Frameworks are 'red' in Xcode

I downloaded a project developed by Apple employees ( who taught course at Stanford on iPhone application development). Strangely , the frameworks are red.
I tried to locate coreGraphics.framework and UIKit.framework to add them again but i couldnt find them either.
The red text indicates that the actual files are not at the path that the project has for them.
Get info on the framework and look under the General tab. The first section shows the name and path of the framework bundle itself. The most common cause of a problem with system supplied frameworks is that the path type has been changed to something that breaks the path. The default setting is Relative to Current SDK. Change the path until you get one that leads to the actual framework.
If you have the developer tools installed in a custom location, you are more likely to run into this problem. If you copy a project from someone with non-standard settings, you can encounter it as well.
Are you building for a Simulator or for Device?
Try building for Device.
Found a way to fix this automagically:
Right click your main Xcode project file (the blue one at the top ),
Get info,
'General' tab,
At the bottom, set 'Base SDK for All configurations' to your desired one.
Steps to fix this issue in M1 Macs:
Install "sudo gem install cocoapods-deintegrate cocoapods-clean" to install deintegrate if not installed.
Run "pod deintegrate" in terminal in your project folder to uninstall all pods.
Run "pod cache clean —all"
Run "pod install"
Go to Project Explorer Select "Pods" in blue
Select the each pods in the target section
Search for "Excluded Architecture" in Build Settings Tab under "All" sub category.
Add "Any iOS Simulator SDK" in both debug and release and set the value to "arm64"
Repeat this for each Pod with the error "Framework not found".
Clean Build the project.
#Taimur Hamza - Its happen (red color) following any one of reason,
Your downloaded project may be miss some required files
Before run the application at first time.
so, first you have to find that above reason is happen and try to solve via copy the framework from another running project and paste it your project.
I had faced this problem before. I got over it by copy the missing (in red) framework from my friend's Mac then copy it to the Framework folder.
This is the path of my framework folder:
You may need to change the path depend on your system or your sdk version.
Most likely you decided to remove some of the frameworks you don't need and you deleted them but selected "Move to Trash" instead of "Remove reference".
The problem is that this framework was not included in your project's folder. It sits in a System folder when it can be used by multiple projects. So not only did you cause the current project not to compile, but also all projects on your computer.
If you have any frameworks left, you can right-click on them and check "Show in Finder". Than you can find your deleted frameworks in the trash (if it's not wiped already), and put them back in the system's Frameworks folder.
If you can't find this folder, for me it was here:
Of course, when you go in Applications folder and select Xcode, you have to right-click on it and click "Show Package Contents".
If you deleted your frameworks even from the trash, than I guess you could re-install Xcode...