Google CalendarList API colors - google-api-client

I can't seem to get the color settings for adding a calendar to be subscribed to and visible to a user. I'm setting the values for foregroundColor and backgroundColor as well as setting the colorRgbFormat to true, but the color always comes up blue in the user's display, no matter what I set the colors to.
calendarList ={
'id' => <calendar id>,
'hidden' => false,
'selected' => true,
'colorRgbFormat' => true,
'backgroundColor' => '#ffff00,
'foregroundColor' => '#000000'
result = client.execute(
:api_method => api.calendar_list.insert,
:body_object => calendarList

I'm getting good at answering my own questions today.
colorRgbFormat is actually a parameter therefore the call should be:
calendarList ={
'id' => cal_id,
'hidden' => false,
'selected' => true,
'backgroundColor' => cal_color,
'foregroundColor' => '#000000'
result = client.execute(
:api_method => api.calendar_list.insert,
:body_object => calendarList,
:parameters => {'colorRgbFormat' => true,}


custom attribute displaying but is not saving in magento 2 admin customer creation form

i have created new customer attribute in my magento 2 environment
field is added the data in that filed is not saving.i am getting error as something went wrong while saving data.there is no good tutorials i could find to add new attribute.please help with this.
i have followed this code
Customer Registration Custom attribute value create in admin and save
1. Text Field
2. Drop Down Field
3. Date Field
Using UpgradeSchema.php
namespace {CompanyName}\{ModuleName}\Setup;
use Magento\Customer\Model\Customer;
use Magento\Customer\Setup\CustomerSetup;
/* irrelevant */
#use Magento\Framework\Setup\UpgradeSchemaInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\InstallSchemaInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface;
/* irrelevant */
#use Magento\Framework\Setup\SchemaSetupInterface;
/* add this */
use Magento\Framework\Setup\UpgradeDataInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleDataSetupInterface;
class UpgradeData implements UpgradeDataInterface
private $customerSetupFactory;
public function __construct(\Magento\Customer\Setup\CustomerSetupFactory $customerSetupFactory)
$this->customerSetupFactory = $customerSetupFactory;
public function upgrade(ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context)
if (version_compare($context->getVersion(), '1.0.1', '<'))
// For Text field
'type' => 'text',
'input' => 'text',
'label' => 'Attribute Title',
'required' => false,
'visible' => true,
'user_defined' => false,
'sort_order' => 1000,
'position' => 1000,
'system' => 0,
$attribute_title = $customerSetup->getEavConfig()->getAttribute(Customer::ENTITY, 'attribute_title')
['used_in_forms' => ['adminhtml_customer']
//Add field Drop Down for Yes/No
'type' => 'int',
'input' => 'select',
'label' => 'Is Attribute',
'frontend' => '',
'default' => '1',
'class' => '',
'source' => 'Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Source\Boolean',
'backend' => 'Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Backend\ArrayBackend',
'global' => \Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\ScopedAttributeInterface::SCOPE_GLOBAL,
'required' => false,
'visible' => true,
'user_defined' => false,
'sort_order' => 1000,
'position' => 1000,
'system' => 0,
$is_attribute = $customerSetup->getEavConfig()->getAttribute(Customer::ENTITY, 'is_attribute')
['used_in_forms' => ['adminhtml_customer']
// For Date And Time field
'label' => 'Custom Date',
'type' => 'datetime',
'input' => 'date',
'frontend' => 'Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Frontend\Datetime',
'backend' => 'Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Backend\Datetime',
'validate_rules' => '{"input_validation":"date"}',
'user_defined' => false,
'required' => false,
'visible' => true,
'searchable' => false,
'filterable' => false,
'comparable' => false,
'visible_on_front' => false,
'sort_order' => 1000,
'position' => 1000,
'system' => 0,
$custom_date = $customerSetup->getEavConfig()->getAttribute(Customer::ENTITY, 'custom_date')
['used_in_forms' => ['adminhtml_customer']
// more used_in_forms ['adminhtml_checkout','adminhtml_customer','adminhtml_customer_address','customer_account_edit','customer_address_edit','customer_register_address']
Data save will not happen by itself you need to set data into attribute.
If its part of customer Interface
For example
$attribute = $customer->getCustomAttribute('client_dn');
if ($attribute)
if you are saving using customer object
$customer->setData('client_dn', 'Hi');

ElasticSearch (search_context_missing_exception) with Search::ElasticSearch::Scroll

I'm using Search::Elasticsearch and Search::Elasticsearch::Scroll for search and scroll into my elasticsearch server.
In scrolling process, for some querys, I'm seeing the next errors while I'm scrolling the search results:
2016/03/22 11:03:38 - 265885 FATAL: [][8221]: Something gone wrong, error $VAR1 = bless( {
'msg' => '[Missing] ** [http://localhost:9200]-[404] Not Found, called from sub Search::Elasticsearch::Scroll::next at line 92. With vars: {\'body\' => {\'hits\' => {\'hits\' => [],\'max_score\' => \'0\',\'total\' => 5215},\'timed_out\' => bless( do{\\(my $o = 0)}, \'JSON::XS::Boolean\' ),\'_shards\' => {\'failures\' => [{\'index\' => undef,\'reason\' => {\'reason\' => \'No search context found for id [4920053]\',\'type\' => \'search_context_missing_exception\'},\'shard\' => -1},{\'index\' => undef,\'reason\' => {\'reason\' => \'No search context found for id [5051485]\',\'type\' => \'search_context_missing_exception\'},\'shard\' => -1},{\'index\' => undef,\'reason\' => {\'reason\' => \'No search context found for id [4920059]\',\'type\' => \'search_context_missing_exception\'},\'shard\' => -1},{\'index\' => undef,\'reason\' => {\'reason\' => \'No search context found for id [5051496]\',\'type\' => \'search_context_missing_exception\'},\'shard\' => -1},{\'index\' => undef,\'reason\' => {\'reason\' => \'No search context found for id [5051500]\',\'type\' => \'search_context_missing_exception\'},\'shard\' => -1}],\'failed\' => 5,\'successful\' => 0,\'total\' => 5},\'_scroll_id\' => \'c2NhbjswOzE7dG90YWxfaGl0czo1MjE1Ow==\',\'took\' => 2},\'request\' => {\'serialize\' => \'std\',\'path\' => \'/_search/scroll\',\'ignore\' => [],\'mime_type\' => \'application/json\',\'body\' => \'c2Nhbjs1OzQ5MjAwNTM6bHExbENzRDVReEc0OV9UMUgzd3Vkdzs1MDUxNDg1OnJrQ3lsUkRKVHRxRWRWeURoOTB4WVE7NDkyMDA1OTpscTFsQ3NENVF4RzQ5X1QxSDN3dWR3OzUwNTE0OTY6cmtDeWxSREpUdHFFZFZ5RGg5MHhZUTs1MDUxNTAwOnJrQ3lsUkRKVHRxRWRWeURoOTB4WVE7MTt0b3RhbF9oaXRzOjUyMTU7\',\'qs\' => {\'scroll\' => \'1m\'},\'method\' => \'GET\'},\'status_code\' => 404}
'stack' => [
'text' => '[http://localhost:9200]-[404] Not Found',
'vars' => {
'body' => {
'hits' => {
'hits' => [],
'max_score' => '0',
'total' => 5215
'timed_out' => bless( do{\(my $o = 0)}, 'JSON::XS::Boolean' ),
'_shards' => {
'failures' => [
'index' => undef,
'reason' => {
'reason' => 'No search context found for id [4920053]',
'type' => 'search_context_missing_exception'
'shard' => -1
'index' => undef,
'reason' => {
'reason' => 'No search context found for id [5051485]',
'type' => 'search_context_missing_exception'
'shard' => -1
'index' => undef,
'reason' => {
'reason' => 'No search context found for id [4920059]',
'type' => 'search_context_missing_exception'
'shard' => -1
'index' => undef,
'reason' => {
'reason' => 'No search context found for id [5051496]',
'type' => 'search_context_missing_exception'
'shard' => -1
'index' => undef,
'reason' => {
'reason' => 'No search context found for id [5051500]',
'type' => 'search_context_missing_exception'
'shard' => -1
'failed' => 5,
'successful' => 0,
'total' => 5
'_scroll_id' => 'c2NhbjswOzE7dG90YWxfaGl0czo1MjE1Ow==',
'took' => 2
'request' => {
'serialize' => 'std',
'path' => '/_search/scroll',
'ignore' => [],
'mime_type' => 'application/json',
'qs' => {
'scroll' => '1m'
'method' => 'GET'
'status_code' => 404
'type' => 'Missing'
}, 'Search::Elasticsearch::Error::Missing' );
The code I'm using is the next one (simplified) :
# Retrieve scroll
my $scroll = $self->getScrollBySignature($item);
# Retrieve all affected documents ids
while (my #docs = $scroll->next(500)) {
# Do stuff with #docs
The function getScrollBySignature have the next code in order to call to elasticSearch
my $scroll = $self->{ELASTIC}->scroll_helper(
index => $self->{INDEXES},
search_type => 'scan',
ignore_unavailable => 1,
body => {
size => $self->{PAGINATION},
query => {
filtered => {
filter => {
bool => {
must => [{term => {signature_id => $item->{profileId}}}, {terms => {channel_type_id => $type}}]
As you can see, I'm doing the scroll without passing scroll parameter then as documentation says, the time that scroll is alive is 1 min.
The elasticSearch is a cluster of 3 servers, and the query that ends with that error retrieves a bit more than 5000 docs.
My first solution was to update the life time for scroll to 5 minutes and the error didn't appear.
The question is, as I understand every time I'm calling $scroll->next() the life time off scroll affected is upgraded 1m more, then how is possible to receive those context related errors?
I'm doing something in a bad manner?
Thank you all.
The first thing that comes to mind is that the timer is not updated. Have you checked this? You can do a query every 10 seconds for example and see if at the 6th query it gives you the error ...
Well, a good rule of thumb is inside a ->next() block, don't stay by iteration more than time that you've configured in scroll.
Between each call of ->next() you cannot stay more than that time configured. If you stay more, the scroll may be not be there and the error earch_context_missing_exception will appear.
My solution for this problem was inside next block only store data into array/hash structure and once the scroll process ended work with all data.
The solution of the question example:
# Retrieve scroll
my $scroll = $self->getScrollBySignature($item);
# Retrieve all affected documents ids
my #allDocs;
while (my #docs = $scroll->next(500)) {
push #allDocs, map {$_->{_id}} #docs
foreach (#allDocs) {
# Do stuff with doc

Zend Framework validation: set element value to empty string when there is no data in POST

I'm sorry if my question is a bit dumb, but I have looked at other questions/Googled this and still didn't get it.
I have a form with default and custom elements:
class Form_Client extends Planner_Form {
public function init() {
$this->addPrefixPath('Planner_Form_Element', 'Planner/Form/Element', 'element');
$this->setAttrib('name', 'clientForm');
$this->addElement('text', 'phone', array(
'label' => 'Телефон',
'required' => true,
'filters' => array('Digits'),
'ng-model' => '',
$this->addElement('text', 'extra_phone_1', array(
'label' => 'Дополнительный телефон',
'required' => false,
'filters' => array(
'ng-model' => 'clientForm.extra_phone_1',
$this->addElement('text', 'name', array(
'label' => 'Имя',
'required' => false,
'ng-model' => '',
$this->addElement('datetime', 'birthday', array(
'label' => 'Дата рождения',
'required' => false,
'ng-model' => 'clientForm.birthday',
I send form via AngularJs, and when I check it
if ($request->isPost()) {
$body = $this->getRequest()->getRawBody();
$data = Zend_Json::decode($body);
$form = new Form_Client();
if ($form->isValid($data)) {
$values = $form->getValues();
I get the following:
array(1) {
["phone"] => string(10) "9138521376"
array(4) {
["phone"] => string(10) "9138521376"
["extra_phone_1"] => string(0) ""
["name"] => NULL
["birthday"] => NULL
So my question is: why extra_phone_1 field gets empty string, and name gets NULL? Is it because of filter on extra_phone_1 field? If so, how can I set field value to empty string, when there is no data in POST for this field?
You are right, the value is'' due Digits filter and null without this filter.
To have a non-null value in the name field, for example, you can use the same technique and try to put the filter 'StringTrim'

Magento "visible" config key not recognized in EAV custom attribute

I am using the getDefaultEntities() function which is run from my installer script. It mostly works, almost all of the attribute config keys reflect properly in the Attributes section of the admin. However the "visible," "visible_on_front" and some of the other properties do not work at all. My custom attribute is always set to not visible, not visible on front end. Can anyone spot what I am doing wrong?
class Ia_AdvancedShipping_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Setup extends Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup
* #return array
public function getDefaultEntities()
return array(
'catalog_product' => array(
'entity_model' => 'catalog/product',
'attribute_model' => 'catalog/resource_eav_attribute',
'table' => 'catalog/product',
'additional_attribute_table' => 'catalog/eav_attribute',
'entity_attribute_collection' => 'catalog/product_attribute_collection',
'attributes' => array(
'iaadvancedshipping_profile' => array(
'group' => 'Advanced Shipping',
'label' => 'Shipping Profiles',
'type' => 'varchar',
'input' => 'select',
'source' => 'iaadvancedshipping/product_attribute_source_profiles',
'default' => '0',
'class' => '',
'backend' => '',
'frontend' => '',
'global' => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute::SCOPE_STORE,
'visible' => true,
'required' => false,
'user_defined' => false,
'searchable' => false,
'filterable' => false,
'comparable' => false,
'visible_on_front' => true,
'visible_in_advanced_search' => false,
'unique' => false

How to edit cell Zfdatagrid

how I can make editing row using ajax with zfdatagrid, thanks
ZF 1.11 -
My Bootstrap
protected function _initZfdatagrid()
$this->_config = new Zend_Config_Ini(APPLICATION_PATH .'/configs/grid.ini', 'production');
Zend_Registry::set('config', $this->_config);
if ( #isset(Zend_Registry::get('config')->site->jqGridUrl) ) {
Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid::$defaultJqGridLibPath = Zend_Registry::get('config')->site->jqGridUrl;
My Controller
public function indexAction()
$grid1 = new Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid(Zend_Registry::get('config'));
('title'=>'Grado 10A',
'subtitle'=>'School2.0 : Matematicas:'.date('Y-m-d'),
$this->view->grid = $grid1->deploy();
public function configG1 ($grid)
$select = $this->_db->select()->from('Articulos', array('id', 'titulo', 'fecha','nota', 'publicar', 'dependencia'));
$grid->setSource(new Bvb_Grid_Source_Zend_Select($select));
array('title' => '#ID', 'hide' => true));
array('search' => false, // this will disable search on this field
'order' => 1, 'title' => 'Action', 'width' => 100, 'class' => 'bvb_action bvb_first', 'callback' =>
array('function' => array($this, 'g1ActionBar'), 'params' =>
array('{{ID}}')), 'jqg' =>
array('fixed' => true, 'search' => false)));
$grid->updateColumn('titulo', array('title' => 'Titulo Articulo', 'width' => 260));
$grid->updateColumn('fecha', array('title' => 'Fecha', 'searchType' => "="));
$grid->updateColumn('Nota', array('title' => 'Calificacion (ucase)', 'callback' => array('function' => create_function('$text', 'return strtoupper($text);'), 'params' => array('{{District}}'))));
$grid->setDefaultFilters(array('titulo' => '1'));
$grid->setExport(array(// define parameters for csv export, see Bvb_Grid::getExports
'csv' => array('caption' => 'Csv'),
'pdf' => array('caption' => 'Pdf')));
$grid->setJqgParams(array('caption' => 'jqGrid Example', 'forceFit' => true, 'viewrecords' => false, // show/hide record count right bottom in navigation bar
'rowList' => array(10, 20, 30, 40, 50), // show row number per page control in navigation bar
'altRows' => true)// rows will alternate color
$grid->setJqgParam('viewrecords', true);
$grid->jqgViewrecords = true;
$grid->setBvbParams(array('id' => 'ID'));
$grid->setBvbParam('id', 'ID');
$grid->bvbId = 'ID';
$grid->bvbOnInit = 'console.log("this message will not be logged because of call to bvbClearOnInit().");';
$grid->bvbSetOnInit('console.log("jqGrid initiated ! If data are remote they are not loaded at this point.");');
If you haven't gotten anywhere on this, you might want to look at the jqgrid wiki. They provide information on adding inline cell editing:
as well as popup form editing:
According to the inline cell editing page, adding the cellEdit parameter should enable cell editing. You can provide the url the data is submit to with the cellurl parameter.