Declarative Initialization list width kendo autocomplete - autocomplete

Is there any way to decoratively define the List width in the HTML.
I know I can do it
var autoComplete = $("#autoComplete").data("kendoAutoComplete");
// set width of the drop-down list
but I want to do it in HTML only.
I have already tried:

When you create an autocomplete in Kendo UI, it creates a second HTML element (a wrapper) for the drop down options. This element is given as id the id of the original one plus -list.
You can define a CSS style for this newly created wrapper as:
#autocomplete-list {
width: 300px !important;
You need to use !important otherwise the value calculated by Kendo UI has prevalence over yours.
Example in this JS Fiddle:

I got the answer from telerik today:
Currently, the width of the popup element can be set only programatically.

The .width(400) is not a configuration setting, it is jQuery width method, so you can't set width for your autocomplete decoratively.
If you use MVVM framework in your project, maybe Custom binding help you to add a custom binding like <input id="autoComplete" data-bind="listwidth: 400" /> for your autocomplete.
See this demo if you want to use custom binding.


TinyMCE class name

Is there a built in TinyMCE command to change the class name of its outer-most div? I have a div which is populated with either a PHP version of TinyMCE or the jQuery version, but the TinyMCE editor's outermost div classes are different.
I would preferably like to avoid having to use jQuery.
class="mce-tinymce mce-container mce-panel"
class="wp-core-ui wp-editor-wrap tmce-active"
I don't mind if I can only change one, although it would be nice to know how to change both. I have tried
From docs
// Add a class to an element by id in the page
tinymce.DOM.addClass('someid', 'someclass');
// Add a class to an element by id inside the editor
tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.addClass('someid', 'someclass');
From doc:
Here you can also add a body_class option like;
body_class : "some_class_name"

tinyMCE delete text without IMG in paragraph?

Here is what I need to do: For example we have paragraph with some text and also img inserted I need to delete only the text without the IMG, but I dont know how to set that kind of condition.
Here's how you could do that in jQuery if you got some kind of identifier:
$('.container p').html($('.container p img')); - a fiddle example
But maybe it would be better if you just set the image to be non-editable within tinyMCE, depending on your goals.
This is an fiddle showing how to use non-editable content inside a contenteditable field (such as tinyMCE)
You need to wrap the contenteditable="false" inside another element with contenteditable="false" to be sure it's not removable in all browsers, such as IE.
<div contenteditable="false"><img src="img.gif" contentedtitable="false"/></div>

kendo mvvm: how to define a custom css binding

Is it true that: (or am I missing something?)
Kendo UI MVVM doesn't support css binding;
If it is, how to define a custom css binding?
I found an implementation here, but I only have the minified kendo js files, can anyone give a link to download the uncompressed kendo js files?
temp solution:
have to modify the kendo.web.js source code.
Kendo UI supports the "style" binding which sets arbitrary CSS attributes. Documentation is available here:
On a side note you can create a custom binder without editing the source code. Here is how:
Finally you can use the attr binding to set the class attribute:
There's a couple of CSS binders at
CSS toggle
<div data-bind="cssToggle: truthyProperty"
There's also
CSS state
<div data-bind="cssState: switch"
data-css-states="stop:red, go:green, slowdown:amber">
I wrote an example binder for the Kendo UI blog that does what I think you are looking for:
Making Kendo UI Binders for Complex Types
HTML usage example:
<div data-bind="class: { selected: isSelected, error: hasError }">
This would add the "selected" class if isSelected is truthy, and the "error" class if hasError is truthy. Likewise, it would remove those classes if the bound values were falsy.
Kendo now (since Q2 2015) offers a CSS class binding along with the style binding.
<div data-bind="css: { someClass: isSomeClassEnabled }"></div>
Isn't this the CSS binding that you are looking for?

Can jQuery be used to select a div based on its height? Or is the tutorial wrong?

I am trying to select a div based on its height, as shown in this tutorial,
jQuery Selection. I cannot get it to work: jsbin example . The line not working is:
$('div[height=50px]').css('background-color', 'orange');
That's an attribute equals selector, so the HTML it would match is:
<div height="50px"></div>
You could change it to:
$('div[style="height:50px"]').css('background-color', 'orange');
According to comments, the above doesn't work in Internet Explorer. Try the following instead:
$('div').filter(function() {
return $(this).css('height') == '50px';
}).css('background-color', 'orange');
If you want to match other elements with a height of 50px not specified using an attribute, take a look at the .filter() function.
If your HTML is...
<div style="height:50px;"></div>
Then your selector should be...
If you are setting height to the value of "50px" and " 50px" (common), you will need to adjust accordingly...
$('div[style*="height:50px"], div[style*="height: 50px"]');
If you change the CSS of this element, the div's style attribute might become: "height:50px;background-color:orange", and it would cease to get picked up by this selector.

dojox.grid.DataGrid hide/disable the header of the grid

I need a option to hide the header from a dojox.grid.DataGrid grid.
Didn't find anything.
I'm grateful for any info!
I use in dojo 1.6 (and probably works since dojo 1.3)
#myGrid .dojoxGridHeader { display:none; }
You can use CSS:
.dojoxGrid-header { display:none; }
This solution is taken from:
u can connect at the postrender of the data grid. then find the headerGrid element created
then put style display to none.
//workaround the grid calls postrender after
//the component is at the dom.
//so then i can change the style to reset the header to invisible
var headerGrid =this.domNode.firstElementChild;"none";
I would recommend switching to using the new and improved dgrid instead of datagrid, it is a lot better!
The setting for hiding headers is the attribute 'showHeader' which is a boolean value.
Check out this dgrid tutorial that talks you through defining grid structures including 'showHeader'.