Two FOR statements coupled into one - matlab

Is is possible to put two for statements into one statement. Something like
A = [ 0 0 0 5
0 2 0 0
1 3 0 0
0 0 4 0];
for ({i=1:a},{j=1:b})

Your question is very broad, but one thing to consider is that in MATLAB you can often take advantage of linear indexing (instead of subscripting), without actually having to reshape the array. For example,
>> A = [ 0 0 0 5
0 2 0 0
1 3 0 0
0 0 4 0];
>> A(3,2)
ans =
>> A(7) % A(3+(2-1)*size(A,1))
ans =
You can often use this to your advantage in a for loop over all the elements:
for ii=1:numel(A),
A(ii) = A(ii) + 1; % or something more useful
Is the same as:
for ii=1:size(A,2),
for jj=1:size(A,1),
A(jj,ii) = A(jj,ii) + 1;
But to address your specific goal in this problem, as you stated in the comments ("I am storing the non zero elements in another matrix; with elements like the index number, value, row number and column number."), of making sparse matrix representation, it comes to this:
>> [i,j,s] = find(A);
>> [m,n] = size(A);
>> S = sparse(i,j,s,m,n)
S =
(3,1) 1
(2,2) 2
(3,2) 3
(4,3) 4
(1,4) 5
But that's not really relevant to the broader question.

Actually you can combine multiple loops into one for, however it would require you to loop over a vector containing all elements rather than the individual elements.
Here is a way to do it:
iRange = 1:2;
jRange = 1:3;
[iL jL] = ndgrid(iRange,jRange);
ijRange = [iL(:) jL(:)]';
for ij = ijRange
i = ij(1); j = ij(2);
Note that looping over the variables may be simpler, but perhaps this method has some advantages as well.

read this
i also don't see any added value even if it was possible

No I don't think you can put two for loops in one line.
Depends on your operation, you may be able to reshape it and use one for loop. If you are doing something as simple as just printing out all elements,
B = reshape(A,a*b,1);
for i=1:a*b
c = B(i);


Extending ismember to cells

I have searched the forum and have not found enough info to help me solve this problem.
Consider the set (cell of vectors)
A = {[1],[1 2],[2],[1 2 3],[1 2 3 4],[1 3]}
I want to construct a matrix B that looks like
B = [1 1 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 1]
The matrix B specifies membership of vectors with respect to each other. That is, the first row looks at the first element in A, [1], and checks if it is a member of the other vectors, placing a 1 if it is a member and a 0 otherwise.
I can do this using two for loops: one over the elements of A, and another nested, for each element of A, that checks membership with respect to every other member of A.
I want to avoid using for loops. Is there a vectorized solution for obtaining B from A?
With cell arrays it's hard to avoid loops, or their cousin cellfun. This is how I would do it:
[ii, jj] = ndgrid(1:numel(A)); % indices of all possible pairs
result = cellfun(#(x,y) all(ismember(x,y)), A(ii), A(jj)); % see if all elements in the
% first are present in the second
Well you asked for it, so here's an almost* vectorized solution using bsxfun and permute -
lens = cellfun('length',A)
vals = [A{:}]
mask = bsxfun(#ge,lens,[1:max(vals)]')
a = nan(size(mask))
a(mask) = vals
matches = bsxfun(#eq,a,permute(a,[3,4,1,2]));
out = bsxfun(#eq,squeeze(sum(any(matches,3),1)),lens(:))
*: Almost because of the use of cellfun at the start with cellfun('length',A), but since its just getting the length of the cells there, so computationally would be negligible .
Also, please note that this approach would use a lot of memory resources, so might not be beneficial, but just respecting the requirements of a vectorized solution as much as possible!

MATLAB - Create repeated sequences of ones and zeros with loops

I am trying to create a single column vector (out), which is comprised of a sequence of ones and zeros. These should occur in sets of length B and C respectively, which are repeated A number of times. For example:
It is currently set up as:
out=[0]; %not ideal, but used to initially define 'out'
for i = 1:length(A)
for ii = 1:length(B)
out(end+1,1) = ones(ii,1);
for iii = 1:length(C)
out(end+1,1) = zeros(iii,1);
This is not working - current output:
How can I correct these loops to get the desired output? Also, is there a better way of achieving this with the given the inputs?
Many thanks.
1) You do not need to use length as this returns the length of an array type, so A,B,C will all be length of 1.
2) Just directly use the values as shown below. Also you can initialize an empty array with empty brackets []
3) If you're using the zeros and ones commands, these generate whole arrays/matrices and do not need to be in a loop. If you want to keep your loop version, just use =1 or =0
out=[]; %--> you can use this instead
for i = 1:A
out(end+1:end+B,1) = ones(B,1);
out(end+1:end+C,1) = zeros(C,1);
... or of course to be more "Matlaby" just do what David said in the comments repmat([ones(B,1);zeros(C,1)],A,1), but the above is there to help you on your way.
How about some modulo arithmetic?
result = double(mod(0:(B+C)*A-1, B+C)<B).';
>> B = 2; %// number of ones in each period
>> C = 4; %// number of zeros in each period
>> A = 3; %// number of periods
>> result = double(mod(0:(B+C)*A-1, B+C)<B).'
result =
I can suggest 2 ways:
a)Using for loop-
OneVector=ones(1,B); % B is the length of ones.
zeroVector=zeros(1,C); % C is the length of zeros.
Warehouse=[]; % to save data
b)using repmat:
OneVector=ones(1,B); % B is the length of ones.
zeroVector=zeros(1,C); % C is the length of zeros.
Warehouse=repmat(combinedVector, [A,1]);
I hope, this will solve your problem.

Adding additional ones that surround other values of one in a vector in MATLAB

Given a vector of zeros and ones in MATLAB, where the zeros represent an event in time, I would like to add additional ones before and after the existing ones in order to capture additional variation.
Example: I would like to turn [0;0;1;0;0] into [0;1*;1;1*;0] where 1* are newly added ones.
Assuming A to be the input column vector -
%// Find all neighbouring indices with a window of [-1 1]
%// around the positions/indices of the existing ones
neigh_idx = bsxfun(#plus,find(A),[-1 1])
%// Select the valid indices and set them in A to be ones as well
A(neigh_idx(neigh_idx>=1 & neigh_idx<=numel(A))) = 1
Or use imdilate from Image Processing Toolbox with a vector kernel of ones of length 3 -
A = imdilate(A,[1;1;1])
You can do it convolving with [1 1 1], and setting to 1 all values greater than 0. This works for column or row vactors.
x = [0;0;1;0;0];
y = double(conv(x, [1 1 1],'same')>0)
Purely by logical indexing:
>> A = [0 1 1 0 0];
>> A([A(2:end) 0] == 1 | [0 A(1:end-1)] == 1) = 1;
>> disp(A);
A =
1 1 1 1 0
This probably merits an explanation. The fact that it's a 3 element local neighbourhood makes this easy. Essentially, take two portions of the input array:
Portion #1: A starting from the second element to the last element
Portion #2: A starting from the first element to the second-last element
We place the first portion into a new array and add 0 at the end of this array, and check to see which locations are equal to 1 in this new array. This essentially shifts the array A over to the left by 1. Whichever locations in this first portion are equal to 1, we set the corresponding locations in A to be 1. The same thing for the second portion where we are effectively shifting the array A over to the right by 1. To shift to the right by 1, we prepend a 0 at the beginning, then extract out the second portion of the array. Whichever locations in this second portion are equal to 1 are also set to 1.
At the end of this operation, you would essentially shift A to the left by 1 and save this as a separate array. Also, you would shift to the right by 1 and save this as another array. With these two, you simply overlap on top of the original to obtain the final result.
The benefit of this method over its predecessors in this post is that this doesn't require computations of any kind (bsxfun, conv, imdilate etc.) and purely relies on indexing into arrays and using logical operators1. This also handles boundary conditions and can work on either row or column vectors.
Some more examples with boundary cases
>> A = [0 0 1 1 0];
>> A([A(2:end) 0] == 1 | [0 A(1:end-1)] == 1) = 1
A =
0 1 1 1 1
>> A = [0 0 0 0 1];
>> A([A(2:end) 0] == 1 | [0 A(1:end-1)] == 1) = 1
A =
0 0 0 1 1
>> A = [1 0 1 0 1];
>> A([A(2:end) 0] == 1 | [0 A(1:end-1)] == 1) = 1
A =
1 1 1 1 1
1: This post is dedicated to Troy Haskin, one who believes that almost any question (including this one) can be answered by logical indexing.

MATLAB: How do I fix subscripted assignment dimension mismatch?

new_img is ==>
new_img = zeros(height, width, 3);
curMean is like this: [double, double, double]
new_img(rows,cols,:) = curMean;
so what is wrong here?
The line:
new_img(rows,cols,:) = curMean;
will only work if rows and cols are scalar values. If they are vectors, there are a few options you have to perform the assignment correctly depending on exactly what sort of assignment you are doing. As Jonas mentions in his answer, you can either assign values for every pairwise combination of indices in rows and cols, or you can assign values for each pair [rows(i),cols(i)]. For the case where you are assigning values for every pairwise combination, here are a couple of the ways you can do it:
Break up the assignment into 3 steps, one for each plane in the third dimension:
new_img(rows,cols,1) = curMean(1); %# Assignment for the first plane
new_img(rows,cols,2) = curMean(2); %# Assignment for the second plane
new_img(rows,cols,3) = curMean(3); %# Assignment for the third plane
You could also do this in a for loop as Jonas suggested, but for such a small number of iterations I kinda like to use an "unrolled" version like above.
Use the functions RESHAPE and REPMAT on curMean to reshape and replicate the vector so that it matches the dimensions of the sub-indexed section of new_img:
nRows = numel(rows); %# The number of indices in rows
nCols = numel(cols); %# The number of indices in cols
new_img(rows,cols,:) = repmat(reshape(curMean,[1 1 3]),[nRows nCols]);
For an example of how the above works, let's say I have the following:
new_img = zeros(3,3,3);
rows = [1 2];
cols = [1 2];
curMean = [1 2 3];
Either of the above solutions will give you this result:
>> new_img
new_img(:,:,1) =
1 1 0
1 1 0
0 0 0
new_img(:,:,2) =
2 2 0
2 2 0
0 0 0
new_img(:,:,3) =
3 3 0
3 3 0
0 0 0
Be careful with such assignments!
a([1 3],[1 3]) = 1
a =
1 0 1
0 0 0
1 0 1
In other words, you assign all combinations of row and column indices. If that's what you want, writing
for z = 1:3
newImg(rows,cols,z) = curMean(z);
should get what you want (as #gnovice suggested).
However, if rows and cols are matched pairs (i.e. you'd only want to assign 1 to elements (1,1) and (3,3) in the above example), you may be better off writing
for i=1:length(rows)
newImg(rows(i),cols(i),:) = curMean;

matlab fxn: find contiguous regions and return bounds in struct array

This is half a question and half a challenge to the matlab gurus out there:
I'd like to have a function take in a logical array (false/true) and give the beginning and ending of all the contiguous regions containing trues, in a struct array.
Something like this:
b = getBounds([1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0])
should return
b = 3x1 struct array with fields:
>> b(2)
ans =
beg: 4
end: 6
I already have an implementation, but I don't really know how to deal with struct arrays well so I wanted to ask how you would do it - I have to go through mat2cell and deal, and when I have to deal with much larger struct arrays it becomes cumbersome. Mine looks like this:
df = diff([0 foo 0]);
a = find(df==1); l = numel(a);
a = mat2cell(a',ones(1,l))
[s(1:l).beg] = deal(a{:});
b = (find(df==-1)-1);
b = mat2cell(b',ones(1,l))
[s(1:l).end] = deal(b{:});
I don't see why you are using mat2cell, etc. You are making too much of the problem.
Given a boolean row vector V, find the beginning and end points of all groups of ones in the sequence.
V = [1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0];
You get most of it from diff. Thus
D = diff(V);
b.beg = 1 + find(D == 1);
This locates the beginning points of all groups of ones, EXCEPT for possibly the first group. So add a simple test.
if V(1)
b.beg = [1,b.beg];
Likewise, every group of ones must end before another begins. So just find the end points, again worrying about the last group if it will be missed.
b.end = find(D == -1);
if V(end)
b.end(end+1) = numel(V);
The result is as we expect.
b =
beg: [1 4 10]
end: [1 6 11]
In fact though, we can do all of this even more easily. A simple solution is to always append a zero to the beginning and end of V, before we do the diff. See how this works.
D = diff([0,V,0]);
b.beg = find(D == 1);
b.end = find(D == -1) - 1;
Again, the result is as expected.
b =
beg: [1 4 10]
end: [1 6 11]
By the way, I might avoid the use of end here, even as a structure field name. It is a bad habit to get into, using matlab keywords as variable names, even if they are only field names.
This is what I went with:
df = diff([0 foo 0]);
s = struct('on',num2cell(find(df==1)), ...
I forgot about num2cell and the nice behavior of struct with cell arrays.