Web site hosted on Heroku is not available only on IPhone - iphone

Nodejs app is deployed on Heroku (Europe). When I open it from my IPhone 4 (IOS 7) site is not available (response time ends) NOTE: sometimes it's available.
When I launch it locally everything is working ok.
On android and PC everything is working ok.


Flutter mobile app works during testing and fails from the Google Play Store

Original problem: My flutter app using the http package connects to a rest service to get the data needed. If I am connected via my modems wifi, the connection would fail (but not timeout) on the login attempt. The circular spinner would spin forever (tried for 15 minutes). If I connect using my router's wifi, or my mobile data, the connection is fine. The app logs in and runs correctly.
I created a web app to test and after trying a few things, I found port 443 was the problem. I changed the port on my rest service and the app and now 2 emulators and 2 physical devices all work perfectly during testing.
Then yesterday I published the app update to the Play Store and the App Store. I'm still waiting on the app store to approve, but testing from TestFlight worked perfectly on my iPhone.
Google approved the app quite quickly, but when I install the update from the Play Store, no connection at all works now. I have tried uninstalling and rebooting the phone (Galaxy S22+ running Android 13 and a Galaxy S8 running Android 9) but regardless of whether I connect using mobile data or either wifi, the login sits trying forever. The app does not crash, it just won't login and although there is a timeout on the login connection, it doesn't timeout.
What could be the difference between the test version which works great, and the version I build for uploading to the Play Store?

can't reach rest api hosted on remote server from safari browser of iphone simulator

my xamarin.forms app needs to get data from sql server and for this i used a rest api. i hosted the webservice on a remote server and tested the app on my android phone. it worked well. when i tried to test the app on iphone simulator using mac in cloud to pair my vs to a mac, my app couldn't connect to the webservice. my HttpResponseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode returned false. i tried to reach my service by copying its url in safari in my iphone simulator but i got: your search didn't match any documents. any suggestions?

Ionic 4 App - works locally but does not work in google play (store)

My application, built with Ionic 4, Firebase, Postgres, Nodejs, Express has a client side and a server side.
the auth is implemented using firebase, and some server logics is implemented using an heroku postgres Daas.
I deployed the server project (the nodejs express with postgres db) to heroku. it works well (tested in postman).
but when I enter the app via google play (app store),
It shows blank white screen, and nothing happens.
the app works locally on my android machine (tested with devapp), works in browser, the server is tested, and client is tested too.
the only thing that does not work is the deployment to google play

iphone offline application runs fine from safari but not from desktop

I made a webapp that uses a manifest file to work offline.
The files are "text/cache-manifest" (due to a .htaccess file, HTML5 Boiler Plate) and in the console of Google Chrome I check all files are loaded properly.
When i test my application without Internet in a PC or an ipad (iOS5) (both Safari and desktop icon) all works fine. When I start my application on a iphone (iOS 6) from Safari web browser without internet all seems to work fine, but when you start the webapp clicking on desktop I recieved the message I can't open the application without Internet.
I tried with the names "cache.manifest" and "manifest.appcache" for the manifest file.
Anyone can point me to the right direction? Thanks!

Blackberry webview can not connect to internet and/or display a web page

I am creating a simple app using Eclipse and Blackberry JRE 7.0 as per the example given at:
I am trying to load a simple HTML page hosted on a remote server inside browser field in the app.
When running the app on 9930 Simulator I always get the error 'Local connection timeout after 120000 on simulator'. The same remote page shows up fine on the web browser of the same simulator..
I am making sure to start the MDS simulator.
The same link shows up fine in simulator browser. Its only when using browserfield, I am having the problem.
I get the folling error when clicking the icon to launch the app:
Error displaying content for: http://yahoo.com
Error message: java.lang.runtimeException:ApplicationRegistry:wai​tFor
(0xd0fe7d7338fourd7f0d) timeout
On waiting further I get the 'Local connection timeout error..
I know that in Android one has to enable internet connection when using the webview in the manifest file - is there any similar setting one has to do in blackberry?
I tried to run the BrowserField demo app on 9930 (JRE 7.0.0) and encounter the same issues as you did. On the other hand, the demo worked fine on 9800 (JRE 6.0.0). I tried again on 9930 and noticed that though I definitely enabled MDS (enabled the 'Launch Mobile Data System Connection Service (MDS-CS) with simulator' in the Run/Debug Configurations in Eclipse), the MDS window didn't appear which seemed very strange.
I googled a little and found this post on BlackBerry's forums. According to this post:
An incorrect version of MDS-CS simulator was included in 7.0. To correct it you can delete it and copy the version from 6.0.
Well done, RIM!
Then, I deleted the MDS folder from JRE 7.0.0 and copied the one from JRE 6.0.0 as described in the aforementioned post. Closed and rerun simulator and voilà, the MDS window appeared. Rerun application, and everything worked like a charm!