Can a partially applied function be extracted or interrogated for the applied parameter value - scala

Is there a way to extract or interrogate a partially applied function to get the applied value.
For example, can the value 3 be extracted from reduceBy3 in the code below.
def subtract(x:Int, y:Int) = x-y
val reduceBy3 = subtract(3,_:Int)
I have experimented with creating an extractor has shown in the example below however the unapply method must accept an (Int=>Int) function that requires interrogation.
class ReduceBy(y: Int) {
val amt = y
def subtract(y: Int, x: Int) = x - y
object ReduceBy extends Function1[Int, Int => Int] {
def apply(y: Int) = {
val r = new ReduceBy(y)
r.subtract(y, _: Int)
def unapply(reduceBy: ReduceBy): Option[Int] = Some(reduceBy.amt)
object ExtractPartialApplied extends App {
val r3 = ReduceBy(3)
val extract = r3 match {
case ReduceBy(x) => ("reduceBy", x)
case x: ReduceBy => ("reduceBy", x.amt)
case _ => ("No Match", 0)
val z = r3(5)

You can have your subtract method receive the first parameter, and then return a function-like object which will then take the second parameter, similarly to a multiple-argument-list function, but which you can then extend however you wish.
This doesn't look very elegant though, and needs a bit of manual boilerplate.
class ReduceBy(val amt: Int) {
def subtract(x: Int) = {
val xx = x // avoid shadowing
new Function[Int, Int] {
def x = xx
def apply(y: Int) = x - y

A solution adapting the answer by danielkza is to have the companion object do the extraction and return a ReduceBy function that holds onto the the initial value.
object ReduceBy {
def apply(y: Int) = new ReduceBy(y)
def unapply(reduceBy: ReduceBy): Option[Int] = Some(reduceBy.amt)
class ReduceBy(val amt: Int) extends Function[Int, Int] {
def apply(y: Int) = y - amt
object ExtractPartialApplied extends App {
val reduceBy3 = ReduceBy(3)
val extract = reduceBy3 match {
case ReduceBy(x) => ("ReduceBy(x)", x)
case x: ReduceBy => ("ReduceBy", x.amt)
case _ => ("No Match", 0)


How to get the class type of the contents of an Iterable in scala?

Say I have a method like this:
def getClassFromIterable(iterable: Iterable[Any]): Class[_] = {
This will get the class of the top of the list, but will fail if the list is empty.
How can I get the class of a passed list that has zero or more elements?
Supplementing Luis' answer with a reflective solution, consider
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
def toTable[A <: Product](ps: List[A])(implicit ev: TypeTag[A]) = {
val separator = "\t\t"
ps match {
case Nil =>
val header = typeOf[A].members.collect { case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor => }.toList
header.mkString("", separator , "\n")
case head :: _ =>
val header = head.productElementNames.toList
val rows =
header.mkString("", separator, "\n") + rows.mkString("\n")
which outputs
case class Point(x: Double, y: Double)
println(toTable(List(Point(1,2), Point(3,4))))
x y
1.0 2.0
3.0 4.0
Based on Get field names list from case class
For this kind of problems, please consider using a typeclass instead.
import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq
trait TableEncoder[T] {
def header: ArraySeq[String]
def asRow(t: T): ArraySeq[String]
object TableEncoder {
def toTable[T](data: IterableOnce[T])
(implicit encoder: TableEncoder[T]): ArraySeq[ArraySeq[String]] = {
val builder = ArraySeq.newBuilder[ArraySeq[String]]
Which you can use like this:
final case class Point(x: Int, y: Int)
object Point {
final implicit val PointTableEncoder: TableEncoder[Point] =
new TableEncoder[Point] {
override val header: ArraySeq[String] =
ArraySeq("x", "y")
override def asRow(point: Point): ArraySeq[String] =
TableEncoder.toTable(List(Point(1, 2), Point(3, 3)))
// res: ArraySeq[ArraySeq[String]] = ArraySeq(
// ArraySeq("x", "y"),
// ArraySeq("1", "2"),
// ArraySeq("3", "3")
// )

How does the extractor work when the `unapply` function returns Boolean instead of Option?

I learned about extractors from the stairway book:
object Twice {
def apply(x: Int) = x * 2
def unapply(x: Int) = if(x % 2 == 0) Some(x / 2) else None
// outside pattern mathcing, Twice.apply(21) is called
val x = Twice(21)
x match {
// inside pattern matching, Twice.unapply(x) is called,
// the result Some(21) is matched against y,
// y gets the value 21
case Twice(y) => println(x + " is twice " + y)
case _ => println(x + " is odd.")
That's pretty straight forward. But today I read from some book on Play framework this code:
trait RequestExtractors extends AcceptExtractors {
//Convenient extractor allowing to apply two extractors.
object & {
def unapply(request: RequestHeader): Option[(RequestHeader, RequestHeader)] = Some((request, request))
//Define a set of extractors allowing to pattern match on the Accept HTTP header of a request
trait AcceptExtractors {
//Common extractors to check if a request accepts JSON, Html, etc.
object Accepts {
import play.api.http.MimeTypes
val Json = Accepting(MimeTypes.JSON)
val Html = Accepting(MimeTypes.HTML)
val Xml = Accepting(MimeTypes.XML)
val JavaScript = Accepting(MimeTypes.JAVASCRIPT)
//Convenient class to generate extractors checking if a given mime type matches the Accept header of a request.
case class Accepting(val mimeType: String) {
def unapply(request: RequestHeader): Boolean = request.accepts(mimeType)
def unapply(mediaRange: play.api.http.MediaRange): Boolean = mediaRange.accepts(mimeType)
def fooBar = Action {
implicit request =>
val xmlResponse: Node = <metadata>
val jsonResponse = Json.obj("metadata" -> Json.arr(
Json.obj("company" -> "TinySensors"),
Json.obj("batch" -> "md2907"))
render {
case Accepts.Xml() => Ok(xmlResponse)
case Accepts.Json() & Accepts.JavaScript() => Ok(jsonResponse)
How does the extractor work when the unapply function returns Boolean instead of Option? How do &, Accepts.Xml work here?
I can really tell you about the play framework, but if used in pattern matching an extractor returning a boolean signifies if the pattern matches. Thus if an extractor return true it means that the pattern matches the value. This is a good link about extractors and also covers this case:
Generally you use extractors for two use cases:
1) Destructing an object, which means returning one or more values which represent the state of given object
2) You can also use extractors to turn an object into an object of another kind during pattern matching. I made a small example for this case:
class Division(val number: Int) {
object Division {
def unapply(divider: Division): Boolean = divider.number != 0
def unapply(divider: Int): Option[Division] = if (divider != 0) Some(new Division(divider)) else None
val divident = 15
val divider = 5
val y = divider match {
case Division(notZero) => divident / notZero.number //notZero is of type Division
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException()
Ok, I found a way to figure this out by making a minimal example:
object Unapply {
case class DividedBy(val number: Int) {
def unapply(divider: Int): Boolean = number % divider == 0
def unapply(divider: Double): Boolean = number % divider.toInt == 0
val x = DividedBy(15)
// y should be true
val y = 5 match {
// case DividedBy(15)() => true
case x() => true
case _ => false
The weird thing is that when you use DividedBy(15)() (commented out above), the code won't compile.
object Unapply {
case class Division(val number: Int) {
// def unapply(divider: Int): Boolean = number % divider == 0
def unapply(divider: Int): Option[(Int, Int)] = if (number % divider == 0) Some(number/divider, 0) else None
def unapply(divider: Double): Boolean = number % divider.toInt == 0
object Division {
def apply(number: Int) = new Division(number)
val divisionOf15 = Division(15)
// y should be true
val y = 5 match {
// case DividedBy(15)() => true
case divisionOf15(z, w) => s"$z, $w"
case _ => s"Not divisible"
val z = 5.0 match {
case divisionOf15() => "Divisible"
case _ => "Not divisible"
After some reading some old notes on the stairway book now I have a clearer understanding of this. The case class is a extractor factory.

How to create custom assignment operator in Scala

I'm trying to create a custom data type that behaves like an Int, but has certain specific behavior and typing (eg., it has to be positive, it has to fit within the range of our database's 'integer' type, etc).
To make it a friendly class, I want to have custom assignment operators, etc., for instance I'd like the following to all work:
val g: GPID = 1 // create a GPID type with value 1
val g: GPID = 1L // take assignment from a Long (and downcast into Int)
if (g == 1) ... // test the value of GPID type against an Int(1)
This is what I have so far but I'm not getting the expected behavior:
case class GPID(value: Int) extends MappedTo[Int] {
require(value >= 1, "GPID must be a positive number")
require(value <= GPDataTypes.integer._2, s"GPID upper bound is ${GPDataTypes.integer._2}")
def this(l: Long) = this(l.toInt)
def GPID = value
def GPID_=(i: Int) = new GPID(i)
def GPID_=(l: Long) = new GPID(l.toInt)
override def toString: String = value.toString
override def hashCode:Int = value
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
that match {
case that: Int => this.hashCode == that.hashCode
case that: Long => this.hashCode == that.hashCode
case _ => false
object GPID {
implicit val writesGPID = new Writes[GPID] {
def writes(g: GPID): JsValue = {
"GPID" -> g.value
implicit val reads: Reads[GPID] = (
(__ \ "GPID").read[GPID]
def apply(l: Long) = new GPID(l.toInt)
implicit def gpid2int(g: GPID): Int = hashCode
implicit def gpid2long(g: GPID): Long = hashCode.toLong
The problems I have are:
Assignment doesn't work, for instance:
val g: GPID = 1
Implicit conversion is not working, for instance:
val i: Int = g
Any help would be appreciated... haven't build a custom type like this before so overriding assignment and implicit conversion is new to me...
object TestInt extends App {
class GPID(val value: Int) {
require(value >= 1, "GPID must be a positive number")
require(value <= 10, s"GPID upper bound is 10")
override def equals(that: Any) = value.equals(that)
override def toString = value.toString
// add more methods here (pimp my library)
implicit def fromInt(value: Int) = new GPID(value)
implicit def fromInt(value: Long) = new GPID(value.toInt) //possible loss of precision
val g: GPID = 1
val g2: GPID = 1L
if (g == 1)
println("ONE: " + g)
println("NOT ONE: " + g)
ONE: 1

scala's spire framework : I am unable to operate on a group

I try to use spire, a math framework, but I have an error message:
import spire.algebra._
import spire.implicits._
trait AbGroup[A] extends Group[A]
final class Rationnel_Quadratique(val n1: Int = 2)(val coef: (Int, Int)) {
override def toString = {
coef match {
case (c, i) =>
s"$c + $i√$n"
def a() = coef._1
def b() = coef._2
def n() = n1
object Rationnel_Quadratique {
def apply(coef: (Int, Int),n: Int = 2)= {
new Rationnel_Quadratique(n)(coef)
object AbGroup {
implicit object RQAbGroup extends AbGroup[Rationnel_Quadratique] {
def +(a: Rationnel_Quadratique, b: Rationnel_Quadratique): Rationnel_Quadratique = Rationnel_Quadratique(coef=(a.a() + b.a(), a.b() + b.b()))
def inverse(a: Rationnel_Quadratique): Rationnel_Quadratique = Rationnel_Quadratique((-a.a(), -a.b()))
def id: Rationnel_Quadratique = Rationnel_Quadratique((0, 0))
object euler66_2 extends App {
val c = Rationnel_Quadratique((1, 2))
val d = Rationnel_Quadratique((3, 4))
val e = c + d
the program is expected to add 1+2√2 and 3+4√2, but instead I have this error:
could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type spire.algebra.AdditiveSemigroup[Rationnel_Quadratique]
val e = c + d
I think there is something essential I have missed (usage of implicits?)
It looks like you are not using Spire correctly.
Spire already has an AbGroup type, so you should be using that instead of redefining your own. Here's an example using a simple type I created called X.
import spire.implicits._
import spire.algebra._
case class X(n: BigInt)
object X {
implicit object XAbGroup extends AbGroup[X] {
def id: X = X(BigInt(0))
def op(lhs: X, rhs: X): X = X(lhs.n + rhs.n)
def inverse(lhs: X): X = X(-lhs.n)
def test(a: X, b: X): X = a |+| b
Note that with groups (as well as semigroups and monoids) you'd use |+| rather than +. To get plus, you'll want to define something with an AdditiveSemigroup (e.g. Semiring, or Ring, or Field or something).
You'll also use .inverse and |-| instead of unary and binary - if that makes sense.
Looking at your code, I am also not sure your actual number type is right. What will happen if I want to add two numbers with different values for n?
Anyway, hope this clears things up for you a bit.
EDIT: Since it seems like you're also getting hung up on Scala syntax, let me try to sketch a few designs that might work. First, there's always a more general solution:
import spire.implicits._
import spire.algebra._
import spire.math._
case class RQ(m: Map[Natural, SafeLong]) {
override def toString: String = {
case (k, v) => if (k == 1) s"$v" else s"$v√$k" }.mkString(" + ")
object RQ {
implicit def abgroup[R <: Radical](implicit r: R): AbGroup[RQ] =
new AbGroup[RQ] {
def id: RQ = RQ(Map.empty)
def op(lhs: RQ, rhs: RQ): RQ = RQ(lhs.m + rhs.m)
def inverse(lhs: RQ): RQ = RQ(-lhs.m)
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
implicit val radical = _2
val x = RQ(Map(Natural(1) -> 1, Natural(2) -> 2))
val y = RQ(Map(Natural(1) -> 3, Natural(2) -> 4))
println(x |+| y)
This allows you to add different roots together without problem, at the cost of some indirection. You could also stick more closely to your design with something like this:
import spire.implicits._
import spire.algebra._
abstract class Radical(val n: Int) { override def toString: String = n.toString }
case object _2 extends Radical(2)
case object _3 extends Radical(3)
case class RQ[R <: Radical](a: Int, b: Int)(implicit r: R) {
override def toString: String = s"$a + $b√$r"
object RQ {
implicit def abgroup[R <: Radical](implicit r: R): AbGroup[RQ[R]] =
new AbGroup[RQ[R]] {
def id: RQ[R] = RQ[R](0, 0)
def op(lhs: RQ[R], rhs: RQ[R]): RQ[R] = RQ[R](lhs.a + rhs.a, lhs.b + rhs.b)
def inverse(lhs: RQ[R]): RQ[R] = RQ[R](-lhs.a, -lhs.b)
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
implicit val radical = _2
val x = RQ[_2.type](1, 2)
val y = RQ[_2.type](3, 4)
println(x |+| y)
This approach creates a fake type to represent whatever radical you are using (e.g. √2) and parameterizes QR on that type. This way you can be sure that no one will try to do additions that are invalid.
Hopefully one of these approaches will work for you.

scala: adding a method to List?

I was wondering how to go about adding a 'partitionCount' method to Lists, e.g.:
(not tested, shamelessly based on List.scala):
Do I have to create my own sub-class and an implicit type converter?
(My original attempt had a lot of problems, so here is one based on #Easy's answer):
class MyRichList[A](targetList: List[A]) {
def partitionCount(p: A => Boolean): (Int, Int) = {
var btrue = 0
var bfalse = 0
var these = targetList
while (!these.isEmpty) {
if (p(these.head)) { btrue += 1 } else { bfalse += 1 }
these = these.tail
(btrue, bfalse)
and here is a little more general version that's good for Seq[...]:
implicit def seqToRichSeq[T](s: Seq[T]) = new MyRichSeq(s)
class MyRichList[A](targetList: List[A]) {
def partitionCount(p: A => Boolean): (Int, Int) = {
var btrue = 0
var bfalse = 0
var these = targetList
while (!these.isEmpty) {
if (p(these.head)) { btrue += 1 } else { bfalse += 1 }
these = these.tail
(btrue, bfalse)
You can use implicit conversion like this:
implicit def listToMyRichList[T](l: List[T]) = new MyRichList(l)
class MyRichList[T](targetList: List[T]) {
def partitionCount(p: T => Boolean): (Int, Int) = ...
and instead of this you need to use targetList. You don't need to extend List. In this example I create simple wrapper MyRichList that would be used implicitly.
You can generalize wrapper further, by defining it for Traversable, so that it will work for may other collection types and not only for Lists:
implicit def listToMyRichTraversable[T](l: Traversable[T]) = new MyRichTraversable(l)
class MyRichTraversable[T](target: Traversable[T]) {
def partitionCount(p: T => Boolean): (Int, Int) = ...
Also note, that implicit conversion would be used only if it's in scope. This means, that you need to import it (unless you are using it in the same scope where you have defined it).
As already pointed out by Easy Angel, use implicit conversion:
implicit def listTorichList[A](input: List[A]) = new RichList(input)
class RichList[A](val source: List[A]) {
def partitionCount(p: A => Boolean): (Int, Int) = {
val partitions = source partition(p)
(partitions._1.size, partitions._2.size)
Also note that you can easily define partitionCount in terms of partinion. Then you can simply use:
val list = List(1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11)
val (odd, even) = list partitionCount {_ % 2 != 0}
If you are curious how it works, just remove implicit keyword and call the list2richList conversion explicitly (this is what the compiler does transparently for you when implicit is used).
val (odd, even) = list2richList(list) partitionCount {_ % 2 != 0}
Easy Angel is right, but the method seems pretty useless. You have already count in order to get the number of "positives", and of course the number of "negatives" is size minus count.
However, to contribute something positive, here a more functional version of your original method:
def partitionCount[A](iter: Traversable[A], p: A => Boolean): (Int, Int) =
iter.foldLeft ((0,0)) { ((x,y), a) => if (p(a)) (x + 1,y) else (x, y + 1)}