Textfields don't get selected after reloadData on UITableView - iphone

In my UITableView I have rows which contain 4 textfields each. After user ends editing couple of things in UITableView datasource are being recalculated, so I need to reload UITableView after edition of textfield. But because tableview is being reloaded, when user touches another textfield to edit while editing the first one, second textfield doesn't get selected. He has to touch it again before it can be edited.
Is there a way to avoid this behaviour? Unfortunately I do need to use reloadData instead of reloadSections or reloadRows methods. Any help will be appreciated, thanks!

Reloading a table view will resign the first responder of the text field or even text view. You could try this trick if you have multiple changes that need to be made.
[[self tableView] beginUpdates]
[[self tableView] endUpdates]

Try assigning a gestureRecognizer to each field or same one to all fields. Once you capture the touch in required field, capture the tag and make that field the firstResponder.

Summing up all the help I received and my own ideas I've gone with the following:
-Delay reload for 0.01 sec so textFieldDidBeginEditing gets called
-Then save textfield's tag and cell's index path to variables in textFieldDidBeginEditing
-Call reloadData on tableview
-Call becomeFirstResponder on textfield saved with variables
This however caused keyboard hiding for a brief moment as it didn't have any responder during reloading. To resolve that I created a fake textfield in tableview's superview and assigned him as a responder up to a moment when tableview was reloaded to assign back to the textfield that was selected by a user.
Certainly not the cleanest solution, but it works.


Closing UITableViewController when the keyboard covers cells causes crash

I have a UITableViewController with custom cells for static and editable text. Standard stuff, nothing fancy.
The cell data is stored so that when cells are reused, the data is placed back inside them.
The problem is this: when the user has the cursor in a UITextField cell and the keyboard's up, the keyboard is covering three rows in the table view. There's a cancel button at the top of the view controller which is supposed to dismiss the view controller. When I call dismissModalViewController, the keyboard hides, but the UITableViewController wants to refresh the rows that were under the keyboard while the view's going away. However, the view's already in its death throes and I get a crash because the table view's trying to call cellForRowAtIndexPath to update rows that are in the process of being removed.
I tried waiting for the keyboard to hide. No good.
I tried resigning the first responder so the keyboard goes away and updates the rows first before dismissing the view controller, but there's nothing I can find that tells me the data's finished updating.
What I need is some event that tells me that the table is finished updating, or tell the table view to not ask for data from the delegate, or tell the table view to not update when the keyboard is going away.
Or there's something simple I'm missing.
Any help?
If you have not more cells, i advice you to make a different Reusable Identifier for each cell.That very better to save the state of cells after being dequeued
I solved my own problem. Inside cellForRowAtIndexPath, I was setting text inside a UITextField for pointers that may no longer exist. What I did to fix the problem was still create the cell, but before setting the text inside it, I checked if the Cancel button was pressed and if it was, return the empty cell.
I was hoping there'd be a better solution such as waiting for the cells to finish updating, but that doesn't seem to be happening.

Bring up keyboard when cell pressed?

Is there a way to bring up the keyboard when I click on a cell in a UITableView?
I tried to find some way to connect one of the outlets of a cell to a declared IBAction but that doesn't seem to work.
Yes, there is a way to do it but its somewhat complex:
you put a UITextField in your cell, but position it out of view
when you want the keyboard to appear, to edit some other UITextField in the cell, you make the UITextField that is in the cell offscreen the firstResponder
now the tricky part - as the delegate messages start flowing - you essentially set the UITextField you WANT to have edited the first responder
you get a flurry of delegate messages while this happens, so you need to do some work
In the end, the UITextField you want to get edited is the first responder. So, you can do what you want, but you have to spend some time working it all out.

Trying to make a Custom UITableViewCell with a UITextField becomeFirstResponder when Editing

I have a UITableViewController with custom UITableViewCells that contain a UITextField. When switching the table view into edit mode, I add a new cell to the bottom of the table and would like to make this cell becomeFirstResponder. My tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: method checks for this bottom cell, so I just added the line:
[cell.theTextField becomeFirstResponder];
Which I believed should work. However, when the table view is first displayed, it does not seem to be working. BUT if I select the cell (making it the first responder), then go out of edit mode (causing a resignFirstResponder within my code), I can then go back into edit mode and magically it becomes the first responder as I would expect!
Note that even if I end editing mode with a different cell selected (they all have text fields) and go out of edit mode, then back in, it still works, as long as at some point I had made the last cell becomeFirstResponder (by selecting it).
So, my guess is that when it first becomes the first responder, there is something getting set either in the table view or some place else that wasn't originally set, and from then on it makes this work.
Anyone have any ideas as to what may be going on here?
The first becomeFirstResponder call fails because the cell doesn't have a superview yet. The table view adds the cell as its subview after you return it from tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:. I suggest you make this call somewhere else. If you already have a custom UITableViewCell subclass, you could implement didMoveToWindow: and call [self becomeFirstResponder] there.

iPhone- After resigning first responder on UITextField, can't refocus it

I have a modal window that's used for searching data from a remote server- it has a UITextField as the titleControl of the navbar for the window, and a tableview filling the window (that displays the results obviously). Now what I want to do is when the user scrolls the tableview, immediately have the textfield lose focus (resign first responder) so that the keyboard dismisses and the user has more room to scroll through the tableview (it stretches down to fill the gap left by the keyboard). Basically the same functionality as when using a UISearchDisplayController (or whatever it's called).
So I have this code for detecting the scroll event of the tableview:
- (void)scrollViewWillBeginDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
[searchField resignFirstResponder];
Which works fine. However, the issue is that once the user scrolls the table and the textfield loses focus, you can't give focus back to it by tapping on it again. So basically once I call that [resignFirstResponser] I can never again bring the keyboard back up and edit the textfield value. Anyone have any idea why? Do I need to explicitly call [becomeFirstResponder] on the field somewhere? Because I thought that was handled automatically when the field is tapped?
Also of note- I am calling [becomeFirstResponder] on the text field right when the modal window is first called up, so the field is pre-focused. Could that have anything to do with it?
I can post more code if anyone would like, but I don't think I'm doing anything out of the ordinary with the textfield.
Thanks for any help!
You are calling the resignFirstResponder from a function which will be called everytime you scroll the UIScrollview. Hence it does not appear. You need to call resign when the uitextview goes out of focus.
You can do the following. Its a hack:
Whenever you focus on the UITextField create a invisible button to overlay your scroll view.
Capture the button press event and resign first responder
Whenever the uitextfield becomes first responder create the button
This way you will remove the bug, viz calling the method in scrollViewWillBeginDragging.
Other option would be to overrite viewDidAppear method for the uiTextField.
Or you could put your textfield into a different container and handle scrollViewWillBeginDragging by checking which scrollview sent the message.
Did u set a delegate for you searchField? I had the same issue. I popup a model view, and set the text field to be the first responder inside viewDidLoad. Everything works well for the first time. But once I dismiss the modal view controller, and reopen it. my text field cannot be focused anymore.
I found it has something to do with methods of UITextFieldDelegate. Once I remove implementation for methods
– textFieldShouldEndEditing:
– textFieldDidEndEditing:
everything works well. but don't know why
Are you doing anything with "textFieldShouldEndEditing", like #fengd?
A problem that I had was that I was viewing a modal view, and my "textFieldShouldEndEditing" routine was incorrectly returning "NO" on a specific text field. When my modal got dismissed, I would be unable to tap on any other text-field, presumably because the old text field was still "first responder". Since it can never end editing, it fouls up all other text fields that come after it.
I realize this is 2 yrs after the fact, but maybe someone else might find this useful.

Redoing UITableView layout when user taps Edit button?

I have a UITableView with complex content. The user can edit (rearrange and delete) the cells when tapping the Edit button the standard way. But I want the cells to look different in "edit" mode.
How to change the UITableView Layout in edit mode, including changing row height?
So far, this is what I have:
The Edit button sends a WillTransitionToState/DidTransitionToState message to each uitableviewcell (UITVC). I have subclassed UITVC and react to these inside each cell, hiding and removing and reshuffling as needed. But, changing the row height is beyond the scope of one cell.
There does not seem to be a message sent to UITableView when user taps edit. There is a - tableView:commitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath: sent to data source after editing a particular row.
Inside heightForRowAtIndexPath, I can query the current mode using the tableView.editing property, and report height as appropriate. And I can trigger re-flowing the table, including recomputing the heights, by invoking [tableView reloadData]. But, when do I call it?
I could send messages from the cells from within WillTransitionToState back to the "owning" table view, and call reloadData when I get them. But this sounds fragile and there must be a better way.
Rhythmic is right. Using reloadData kills the nice editing animation.
This problem is addressed in this post:
Can you animate a height change on a UITableViewCell when selected?
Instead of using reloadData, do the following after calling setEditing:animated.
[tableview setEditing:editing animated:YES];
[tableview beginUpdates];
[tableview endUpdates];
If you wish for your table cells to change their format in response to whether or not the table is in editing mode, you could override -setEditing:animated: in your UITableViewController and trigger a reload (via -reloadData) of the table view on a change of editing state.
Within your UITableViewController's -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: method, you could check for whether or not the table was in the editing state by querying the editing property on the table view, and then return a different cell type depending on which state the table is in.