Create words starting with sign '#' Clickable in ios - iphone

I have a table view in which each row contains various information like name, picture, message etc.
This message may contain some words starting with '#' or '#'. I want to make these words clickable and on click i want to open another view controller instead of browser.
I know we can set UIDataDetector type on textview for links but that only works for links.
Is there any way so that I can tell textview to detect text matching some regular expression and then make that text clickable ?
Finally I am able to achieve this, for those who are still dealing with this issue, I have written a blog post:

Answer : GLTapLabel
There is a method named -drawTextInRect in class named GLTapLabel which contains one line of code :
BOOL hot = [word hasPrefix:#"#"] || [word hasPrefix:#"#"];
You just have to change the prefix values here and you will have your desired result.
There is one delegate method named -labledidSelectedHotWord. You can write here the code about the action you want to perform when the word with desired prefix is clicked. In your case, you can write your navigation code in this method.
Here is the Screenshot :


TextKit 2 - How to create word level NSTextElements in order to tag words in text

I'm trying to create tags/labels/badges to tag certain words(actually sometimes multiple words can constitute a tag). Currently, I've added a custom NSAttributedString key that I have used to tag words with their part of speech. I want to tag these words with a rounded background coloring. I've gone through the code in this sample code, that creates tags like this:
But the example code just takes existing NSTextElements(paragraph level) and applies styling to them. When I plug into the same delegate functions from the text code all the text elements are paragraph level. For example
This is one.
This is two.
Would create two text elements: This is one. and This is two.. I'm curious how I can split these into multiple text elements. For example if I wanted to just tag EGG in EGG SANDWICH NO. 2, I'm guessing I need to split that text element into two(EGG and SANDWICH NO. 2), but I can't figure out how to do that currently, or find any examples of adding word tags to text on MacOS(The app does not need to support iOS, only MacOS).
Am I along the right track for accomplishing this? If so, what's the best way to split up the NSTextElements?
I had a similar problem and failed in a way that I really discourage to do that.
TextKit 2 is evolving. I report on trying to create a NSTextElement subclass below the NSTextParagraph level in macOS Ventana (autumn 2022).
My problem was to communicate the layout position of a text attachment, which is part of the attributed string, to the text view to position the associated subview and its exclusion path accordingly - a standard problem for text with figures.
The path to introduce a subclass of an NSTextElement into the text layout process is via delegates.
Starting at the text store:
NSTextContentStoreDelegate offers methods to introduce custom NSTextElements depending on the content of the NSAttributedString:
1. Paragraph Level:
func textContentStorage(NSTextContentStorage, textParagraphWith: NSRange) -> NSTextParagraph?
2. Arbitrary NSTextElement Level:
func textContentManager(NSTextContentManager, textElementAt: NSTextLocation) -> NSTextElement?
NSTextLayoutManagerDelegate can deliver custom NSTextLayoutFragment objects for these custom NSTextElements:
func textLayoutManager( _ textLayoutManager: NSTextLayoutManager, textLayoutFragmentFor location: NSTextLocation, in textElement: NSTextElement) -> NSTextLayoutFragment
The custom NSTextLayoutFragment objects can do what you desire.
I tried to subclass on the NSTextElement level (using method 2 of NSTextContentStoreDelegate) and used a custom NSTextLayoutFragment to execute my code. The result was that the entire layout process stopped when this custom NSTextLayoutFragment object was encountered. I overrode all methods that are in the documentation of the NSTextLayoutFragment to catch the problem and failed. Even worse, I introduced memory problems into my code that Swift as a language should guard against. At places where I and the compiler expected a model object the executing code saw the view which displays this model object.
I finally accepted that I can not go below the paragraph level and subclassed NSTextParagraph and introduced this class using the first and not the second NSTextContentStorageDelegate method. I solved the desired atomisation down to the attachment within the subclasses. That worked immediately and brought the desired functionality in a very precise and efficient way.

Unity Input field not setting value on change

I simply want to set a room name using input fields and the fact that it can pass the input through as an argument, but this does not seem to work for some reason.
here is the function that is called
here is the output in the console when typing in the field
why does it send in a blank string?
I followed this tutorial: Youtube
When you add a listener (HostGame.SetRoomName) you have two sections from which you can choose your functions: Dynamic string and Static Parameters. Your function should be in both sections:
Dynaic string - SetRoomName
Static Parameters - SetRoomName(string)
You have to choose the first one if you want to receive as parameter the input field text. The parameter in the second option is whatever you put in the field below HostGame.SetRoomName in your first image (in your case blank).
I worked around this by creating a reference to the text in "SetRoomName" it's not ideal but works
It hasn't been explained well but you want to select the top method under dynamic value. If you look at this image, you will see two methods, selecting the bottom (static) one will show the input field as you see but the top (dynamic) one (which is what you want) will show no input field.

Set backend title for Mask-Elements in Typo3

I have a Typo3 server. On that I created some different content elements with mask.
In this elements there are often repeating content, like texts or other stuff.
So the editors make a new element in the backend, there they can add a headline and as much text parts as they want.
Often it looks like this:
Thats good, the editor can see a "preview" of the textparts. In this example "Karriere,Partner...". This naming happens automatically.
My Problem is, some times there arent any titles. Its always "No title". As an editor its quite hard to find the right dropdown to edit some stuff, you mostly have to open all dropdowns and search for the right one.
Its look then like this:
In both elements there are some string inputs that are very good for the title.
So my question is, how is mask gonna choose the title? Its not the first string input.
And secondly, can I tell Mask that they have to choose input field XYZ as title?
Yes, you can tell Mask which field to use as a title for inline elements (like repeating contents). When you're setting up a new Mask element, right below the "Label" field of the repeated inline element, there is a field "Field that should be used as label for inline element (starting with tx_mask_)". This will be used as the title that is displayed in the backend. In the placeholder of that field, it explicitly says that "If empty, first field is used".
So, if your inline element has a field "my_awesome_header" which you would like to use as the title in the backend, set the above to "tx_mask_my_awesome_header".
I am not certain as to why it does not display anything in your second example. It might be that either the first input field is not a string, or the first input field is a string but it is empty.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you need further clarification.
Edit: Since that question came up, it should be possible to set a static default title to the containing Mask element using mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.mask.elements.[name of the mask element].tt_content_defValues.header = My awesome static title. As I said in the comments, though: I always give my Mask elements a header field and let editors fill that in.

PPTX - Finding out whether text is bulleted from OpenXML

I have not been able to find any indicator which could tell me whether text in txBody tag is bulleted or not, can you please me in identifying which indicator should I use to understand whether the text is bulleted or plain ?
-Thank you
Inside the txBody tag, you can look for the tags "a:buFont" and "buChar" which helps you identify that the text is bulleted. eg.
<a:buFont typeface="Arial" pitchFamily="34" charset="0"/>
<a:buChar char="•"/>
Hi, +1 For posting this question, learnt a lot from it.
After googling I found this link which addresses similar issue, the resoponse from Adamm clears this,
"Ok, so i think ive got this figured out. Basically if no formatting
is specified in the layout or the slide, it goes to the master, and if
its a 'title' or 'ctrTitle' shape it uses the formatting in
and it defaults to lvl1. Same goes for text that is not
in a title shape, for these it defaults to the formatting in
and if no lvl is specified it defaults to lvl1. And
another piece of advice, although not pertinent to my original
question, there is another txStyle in the slideMaster,
which is used for text in a shape that is not in a txBody."
Now the slide in your pptx is using "Office Theme" and the text you are interested in is in the format shape within the slide design. The bulletted text is inheriting from the slideMaster1.xml in SlideMasters.
As mentioned in the above quote the buletted text is getting inherited from "a:lvl1pPr" of "p:bodyStyle" in the slideMaster1.xml, also you can see the level 2 bullet is defaulted to "-" for the office Theme slide master there.
I tried to confirm this by changing the char = "•" to ">" to see the bulleting changed to ">" in the below line
<a:lvl1pPr marL="342900" indent="-342900" algn="l" defTabSz="914400" rtl="0" eaLnBrk="1" latinLnBrk="0" hangingPunct="1">
<a:spcPct val="20000"/>
<a:buFont typeface="Arial" pitchFamily="34" charset="0"/>
<a:buChar char="•"/>
Now if you want to change it programatically you can do this from slide master 1. But the only problem here is When we change the bulletted style here(like above), it is changing for all the slides and also for the future slides you will be creating with the same theme within your ppt.
Hope this helps.

jquery .attr('alt','logo').css('display','none') not working !

I have the three following lines and the first two line gets all the images on the document and hides all, but then when I add the third line shows all the images.
What I need its to hide only the images with the attribute alt=minimize and alt=maximize but for some reason hides all the images.
$('img').attr('alt', 'minimize').css("display","none");
$('img').attr('alt', 'maximize').css("display","none");
$('img').attr('alt', 'logo').css("display","inline");
I am using IE7, but it should be compatible with IE6 and IE8.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
I'm thinking you are not using the attr function correctly, might you be looking for the attribute equals selector?:
What you did with your code was,
Select all images
Change their alt attribute to 'minimize'
Hide them
Select all images
Change their alt attribute to 'maximize'
Hide them
Select all images
Change their alt attribute to 'logo'
Hide them
what you do: you take every img in document and set alt to logo and then set display: inline;.
Note, that attr('alt',string) doesn't filter all images to those with alt=string, but rather sets alt attribute to string on all images.
What you want to use is this:
In the call $('img').attr('alt', 'logo').css("display","inline"); the "attr" doesen't filter the set of dom elements You catch with $("img").
If you want to hide everithing but not the image with the attribute 'alt' = 'logo' I think You can:
give it an Id of logo and then calling: $("img").not("#logo").hide()
from the jquery website:
The matched elements will be hidden
immediately, with no animation. This
is roughly equivalent to calling
.css('display', 'none'), except that
the value of the display property is
saved in jQuery's data cache so that
display can later be restored to its
initial value. If an element has a
display value of inline, then is
hidden and shown, it will once again
be displayed inline.
attr( attributeName )
Returns: String
Description: Get the value of an
attribute for the first element in the
set of matched elements.
If instead you want to hide all the maximize and minimize images (both share the "imize" part of the attribute):
$(parentElement).find("img[#attr $= '*imize']").hide()
OP is referring to
alt I think is simply a string type, not "logo" whatever that is, that is not a data type.
try that. in fact, you can look up alt in the html5 img
(in order of reference clicking, last one is the target)
even if this isn't the exact answer (it should be), it should be a step in the right direction.
I am actually trying myself to figure out how to reference a css property within css with attr() - it's mentioned within the top URL. if I had my druthers, I could be using css calc() along with it, but that's draft. maybe I can get it to work...