I have application.conf file for my Scala program in main/resources. I load the configuration file using Config.load(). It is all working. But my config loading code is inside my service class. I want something like when program starts then first thing it doing is loading configuration. Then I want to use DI to pass this around.
This is easy in Scala Play because I just write Module class and specify in config file. Play then loads my config at start up. But how can I do this with non-Play project - just plain scala program.
Play uses Guice out-of-the-box for dependency injection, so you could consider using the same.
Here is an example of how guice can be used to inject configuration into services:
package example
import com.google.inject.{AbstractModule, Guice, Inject, Injector, Provides, Singleton}
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
case class Config(foo: String, bar: String)
class Module extends AbstractModule {
def getConfig: Config = {
val conf = ConfigFactory.load()
class QuxService #Inject()(config: Config) {
object ConfigInjectionExample extends App {
val injector: Injector = Guice.createInjector(List(new Module).asJava)
which outputs
given the following resources/application.conf
and the following dependencies
libraryDependencies += "net.codingwell" %% "scala-guice" % "4.2.6",
libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe" % "config" % "1.3.4"
How to get the package of methods or objects in Scala?
For example
import scala.math._
round().getClass // errors
Is there a way to get the desired output: "scala.math.round"? So that I can be sure of round() method doesn't come from any other package I've imported.
PS. Without using Intellij IDE. The IDE shows you this info, hence there has to be a function that IDE calls to get this info.
For example, running these commands in scala shell
With Scala reflection (libraryDependencies += scalaOrganization.value % "scala-reflect" % scalaVersion.value in build.sbt) you can do
import scala.math._
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
object App {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
showRaw(reify {
Output at runtime will be
Expr(Apply(Select(Ident(scala.math.package), TermName("round")), List(Select(Ident(scala.Predef), TermName("$qmark$qmark$qmark")))))
Or you can add scalacOptions in Compile ++= Seq("-Xprint-types", "-Xprint:typer") to build.sbt.
Then compilation of
package pckg
import scala.math._
object App {
will produce (at compile time)
Warning:scalac: package pckg{pckg.type} {
import scala.math._;
object App extends scala.AnyRef {
def <init>(): pckg.App.type = {
scala.math.`package`.round{(x: Long)Long}(scala.Predef.???{Nothing}){Long}
Play 2.4 app, using dependency injection for service classes.
I found that Specs2 chokes when a service class being tested has more than one injected dependency. It fails with "Can't find a constructor for class ..."
$ test-only services.ReportServiceSpec
[error] Can't find a constructor for class services.ReportService
[error] Error: Total 1, Failed 0, Errors 1, Passed 0
[error] Error during tests:
[error] services.ReportServiceSpec
[error] (test:testOnly) sbt.TestsFailedException: Tests unsuccessful
[error] Total time: 2 s, completed Dec 8, 2015 5:24:34 PM
Production code, stripped to bare minimum to reproduce this problem:
package services
import javax.inject.Inject
class ReportService #Inject()(userService: UserService, supportService: SupportService) {
// ...
class UserService {
// ...
class SupportService {
// ...
Test code:
package services
import javax.inject.Inject
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
class ReportServiceSpec #Inject()(service: ReportService) extends Specification {
"ReportService" should {
"Work" in {
1 mustEqual 1
If I remove either UserService or SupportService dependency from ReportService, the test works. But obviously the dependencies are in the production code for a reason. Question is, how do I make this test work?
Edit: When trying to run the test inside IntelliJ IDEA, the same thing fails, but with different messages: "Test framework quit unexpectedly", "This looks like a specs2 exception..."; see full output with stacktrace. I opened a Specs2 issue as instructed in the output, though I have no idea if the problem is in Play or Specs2 or somewhere else.
My library dependencies below. (I tried specifying Specs2 version explicitly, but that didn't help. Looks like I need specs2 % Test as is, for Play's test classes like WithApplication to work.)
resolvers += "scalaz-bintray" at "https://dl.bintray.com/scalaz/releases"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
specs2 % Test,
"com.typesafe.play" %% "anorm" % "2.4.0",
"org.postgresql" % "postgresql" % "9.4-1205-jdbc42"
There is limited support for dependency injection in specs2, mostly for execution environments or command-line arguments.
There is nothing preventing you from just using a lazy val and your favourite injection framework:
class MySpec extends Specification with Inject {
lazy val reportService = inject[ReportService]
With Play and Guice, you could have a test helper such as this:
import play.api.inject.guice.GuiceApplicationBuilder
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
trait Inject {
lazy val injector = (new GuiceApplicationBuilder).injector()
def inject[T : ClassTag]: T = injector.instanceOf[T]
If you really need runtime dependency injection, then it's better to use Guice loading, I guess:
package services
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import com.google.inject.Guice
// Something you'd like to share between your tests
// or maybe not
object Inject {
lazy val injector = Guice.createInjector()
def apply[T <: AnyRef](implicit m: ClassTag[T]): T =
class ReportServiceSpec extends Specification {
lazy val reportService: ReportService = Inject[ReportService]
"ReportService" should {
"Work" in {
reportService.foo mustEqual 2
Alternatively you can implement Inject object as
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import play.api.inject.guice.GuiceApplicationBuilder
object Inject {
lazy val injector = (new GuiceApplicationBuilder).injector()
def apply[T : ClassTag]: T = injector.instanceOf[T]
It depends whether you want to use Guice directly, or thru play wrappers.
Looks like you are out of luck ATM: The comment says
Try to create an instance of a given class by using whatever constructor is available and trying to instantiate the first parameter recursively if there is a parameter for that constructor.
val constructors = klass.getDeclaredConstructors.toList.filter(_.getParameterTypes.size <= 1).sortBy(_.getParameterTypes.size)
i.e. Specs2 doesn't provide own DI out-of-the box,
Or you can reimplement the functionality yourself, if Guice isn't working for you.
App code:
package services
import javax.inject.Inject
class ReportService #Inject()(userService: UserService, supportService: SupportService) {
val foo: Int = userService.foo + supportService.foo
class UserService {
val foo: Int = 1
class SupportService {
val foo: Int = 41
Test code
package services
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor
class Trick {
val m: ClassTag[ReportService] = implicitly
val classLoader: ClassLoader = m.runtimeClass.getClassLoader
val trick: ReportService = Trick.createInstance[ReportService](m.runtimeClass, classLoader)
object Trick {
def createInstance[T <: AnyRef](klass: Class[_], loader: ClassLoader)(implicit m: ClassTag[T]): T = {
val constructors = klass.getDeclaredConstructors.toList.sortBy(_.getParameterTypes.size)
val constructor = constructors.head
createInstanceForConstructor(klass, constructor, loader)
private def createInstanceForConstructor[T <: AnyRef : ClassTag]
(c: Class[_], constructor: Constructor[_], loader: ClassLoader): T = {
// This can be implemented generically, but I don't remember how to deal with variadic functions
// generically. IIRC even more reflection.
if (constructor.getParameterTypes.isEmpty)
else if (constructor.getParameterTypes.size == 1) {
// not implemented
} else if (constructor.getParameterTypes.size == 2) {
val types = constructor.getParameterTypes.toSeq
val param1 = createInstance(types(0), loader)
val param2 = createInstance(types(1), loader)
constructor.newInstance(param1, param2).asInstanceOf[T]
} else {
// not implemented
// NB: no need to #Inject here. The specs2 framework does it for us.
// It sees spec with parameter, and loads it for us.
class ReportServiceSpec (trick: Trick) extends Specification {
"ReportService" should {
"Work" in {
trick.trick.foo mustEqual 2
And that expectedly fails with
[info] ReportService should
[error] x Work
[error] '42' is not equal to '2' (FooSpec.scala:46)
If you don't need runtime dependency injection, then it's better to use cake pattern, and forget reflection all-together.
My colleague suggested a "low-tech" workaround. In the test, instantiate service classes with new:
class ReportServiceSpec extends Specification {
val service = new ReportService(new UserService, new SupportService)
// ...
This also works:
class ReportServiceSpec #Inject()(userService: UserService) extends Specification {
val service = new ReportService(userService, new SupportService)
// ...
Feel free to post more elegant solutions. I've yet to see a simple DI solution that works (with Guice, Play's default).
Does anyone else find it curious that Play's default test framework does not play well with Play's default DI mechanism?
Edit: In the end I went with an "Injector" test helper, almost the same as what Eric suggested:
package testhelpers
import play.api.inject.guice.GuiceApplicationBuilder
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* Provides dependency injection for test classes.
object Injector {
lazy val injector = (new GuiceApplicationBuilder).injector()
def inject[T: ClassTag]: T = injector.instanceOf[T]
class ReportServiceSpec extends Specification {
val service = Injector.inject[ReportService]
// ...
I'm new to Scala, and trying to write a little REST API. I am using Scala 11.2, Spray 1.3.1 and akka 2.3.6.
I am basically trying to compile an example from spray.
The error I get for each of the routes is:
type mismatch; found : String("pong!!!!!!!!") required: spray.httpx.marshalling.ToResponseMarshallable
I am unsure if it is a versions incompatibility issue or I am missing a reference.
Here is my route definition taken from the spray example :
package com.Shenandoah.SBIR.httpInterface
import spray.routing.HttpService
trait HttpInterface extends HttpService {
def pingRoute = path("ping") {
get { complete("pong!!!!!!!!") }
def pongRoute = path("pong") {
get { complete("pong!?") }
def pipRoute = path("pip") {
get { complete("moonshine") }
def rootRoute = pingRoute ~ pongRoute ~ pipRoute
Here is the actor:
package com.Shenandoah.SBIR.httpInterface
import akka.actor._
class HttpInterfaceActor extends HttpInterface with Actor {
// the HttpService trait defines
// only one abstract member, which connects the services environment
// to the enclosing actor or test.
def actorRefFactory = context
def receive = runRoute(rootRoute)
You are probably using the dependency "io.spray" % "spray-routing" % "2.3.6" which is for Scala 2.10. There is a Spray version published without the Scala version designation, which is compiled against Scala 2.10. This is unfortunate.
Use "io.spray" %% "spray-routing" % "2.3.6" (note the double %) to pull in the dependency matching your Scala version. This will work with both Scala 2.10 and 2.11.
Looks like you are missing the default marshallers. Try adding to your imports:
import spray.httpx.marshalling.Marshaller
I am trying to use spray route and want to test it with Spray-TestKit.
I am using :
- Scala 2.10.3
- Akka 2.3.3
- Spray 1.3.1
I create a trait extending HttpService, where I define a route :
trait MyService extends HttpService with CoreAccess {
import greentee.am.endpoint.tsmsp.tsmSPJsonSupport._
val myRoute = {
path("resources"/"ping") {
get {
complete(OK, "pong")
I deleted part of the route which was not relevant.
CoreAccess is a trait extending Actor, because I have methods in that trait access the ActorSystem. (I don't know who to retrieve ActorSelection from a trait without it extending an actor)
Then I create a test Specification
import MyService
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import spray.testkit.Specs2RouteTest
import spray.http.StatusCodes._
class RegistrationRouteSpecification extends Specification with Specs2RouteTest with MyService {
def actorRefFactory = system
"The EndPoint " should {
"return Pong to a Get request to the ping" in {
Get("/resources/ping") ~> myRoute ~> check {
status === OK
responseAs[String] === "pong"
When I try to execute the test, I get the following compilation error:
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/IdeaProjects/endpoint/target/scala-2.10/test-classes...
[error] /Users/IdeaProjects/endpoint/src/test/scala/RegistrationRouteSpecification.scala:19: could not find implicit value for parameter ta: RegistrationRouteSpecification.this.TildeArrow[spray.routing.RequestContext,Unit]
[error] Get("/resources/ping") ~> myRoute ~> check {
[error] ^
[error] one error found
I answer my own question.
I corrected my Build.scala to use the following lines:
val scalaCheck = "org.scalacheck" %% "scalacheck" % Versions.scalaCheckVersion % "test"
val scalaTest = "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.2.0" % "test"
Instead of using a simple '%' and supplying a dedicated version.