Unity3d Transform issues when trying to re-parent a Gameobject with sub-Gameobjects - unity3d

I am trying to grab a Gameobject that's placed in the correct spot and re-parent it to different Gameobject transforms using code. I manage to do this by using ..transform.parent = parent.transform but the rotation and position get messed up. How can I keep it's rotation and position when re-parenting?

Always use gameObject.transform.SetParent(anotherGameObject), or you risk exactly the sort of phenomena you've described. See SetParent docs; there is a second parameter to consider.
The form mentioned in the question still works in many cases, but has been deprecated for a while.

Place all game object that you want to parent, to empty game object(example:"EMPTY\PARENT\EMPTY\CHILD") with scale 1:1:1(in editor)or re-scale your parent game object to 1:1:1


Unity: skinned mesh vertexbuffer output slightly different than correct results

It’s like this hip is stuck in place, with in the pictures(being at different times in the animation since I can’t upload a gif) the red wireframe is the drawing of the raw output triangles and everything else being default unity, aka the correct output
What am I doing wrong? What am I missing? This has been driving me nuts for 2-3 days now, any help is appreciated
As you do not post any code, I will try to do some guessing over what is going on. Disclamair: I actually happen to run into similar problem myself.
First, you must know that Update's of MonoBehaviour are called in random order (not neccessery random-random, but yous see the point). If you bake mesh in one component, it can still be one-frame late to the Animator component.
There are actually two solution of this case: first is to specify the order of Script Execution Order in Project Settings, while the second is to use LateUpdate instead of Update when updating mesh after skinning.
The second problem you might have run into is scale / position of skinned mesh. Even if it does not contribute at all to the animation movement it can still wreck the mesh baking collision later on.
To fix that make sure that all your SkinnedMeshRenderers objects have Local Position, Local Rotation and Local Scale set in Transform component to identity (0,0,0 for position and rotation, 1,1,1 for scale). If not - reset those values in editor. It will not change animations, but it will change mesh generator.
If both solutions does not work, please describe the problem more thoroughly.

Set a custom sorting point (without changing the pivot)?

(Unity2D) Is there a way to set a custom sorting point for a spriterenderer without changing the pivot? I only see default and custom based on pivot as options, but I don't know if you can change them via script, has anyone done something like this?
This is a workaround that works for me, albeit a bit odd:
Make your game object child of an empty GameObject, and add a Sorting Group component to the empty GameObject. Move the empty GameObject to where you want your "pivot" to be.
This way, the empty parent with only the Sorting Group component will be used to sort. You'll have to add any movement code and colliders to the new parent, instead, so effectively you'll be moving the empty game object, and the child is just responsible for rendering the sprite with respect to the "pivot."
SpriteRenderer sort point
By default, a Sprite’s Sort Point is set to its Center, and Unity measures the distance between the camera’s Transform position and the Center of the Sprite to determine their render order.
To set to a different Sort Point from the Center, select the Pivot option. Edit the Sprite’s Pivot position in the Sprite Editor.
No, there is not a way to change the sorting point without changing the pivot. The sort point is the same as the sort point. What is your use case that you need to change the sorting point and cannot use sorting layers?

How do I partent an object to a bone in the blender hierarchy?

So, I'm trying to make a simple RPG game using Blender and Unity. I would like to have an empty object to be used as a weapon holding position parented to my right hand bone so that I can switch weapons in and out and they'll be able to animate along with my character by being the child of the empty position. The problem I am having is that I can't get the empty position to be a child of the specific right hand bone, only the armature. Is there a way to make this work? Also, if this isn't a good procedure to accomplish what I am trying to do, please enlighten me with the proper way, I'm kind of a noob, thanks.
If you have assigned your bones correctly on your character, you should be able to add additional game objects into the joints of the character, ie. Swords, shields and other cool things.
Then you can use this code to quickly fetch specific defined bones:
Which gets the bone transform.
Here is a quick snippet of the assigned bones using a PlayerAvatar on character.

Unity 2D Bounce Back moving object when colliding with another object

I have an object that, after receiving its respective input, it moves this way:
mov = new Vector3((Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * vel), 0, 0);
transform.position += mov;
But, I want it to bounce back, once it collides with an object.
I´ve made the procedures already (OnCollisionEnter2D(Collsion2D col){bla bla...}), but I need help with what happens on the collision (bouncing back the object)....
I´ve tried giving the collided object a bouncing material, but it just slows it a bit, my guess is that because of the constant force given by the acceleration.
If you move the object with transform.position what you are doing is basically a "teleport" so it will ignore the bouncing material. If you want it to bounce you have to write the physics code to detect a collision and change the movement or you can do addforce to move the object and it will detect collisions and react automatically.
you are teleporting the object at the current time. instead you should use the Rigidbody.addForce this will add a force in the specified direction thus if you do the opposite direction will "bounce" of the object. Another option would be to create a physics material then not bother with the code.
You are not using materials, right?
See if the content of this post may help you, the OP is using a formula using Raycast and the answer guides him to use the Raycast with Layers Maks:
2D bouncing formula doesn't work properly
There is this one also with fixed angles (like Pong), but it uses material (with values: friction: 0, bounciness: 1):
But if nothing makes sense and you are going crazy and might want to start from zero, there is this official video tutorial on bouncing and sliding in 2D:

Unity3d - check for collision on non moving objects

I have a sphere build from multiple objects. What I want to do is when I touch/click an object, that object should find all adjunctive objects. But because none off them are moving, no collision detection can be used.
I can't find a way to detect these adjunctive objects even when the colliders do collide with each other, as I can see that in the scene. I tried all the possibilities, but none off them are working, because no objects are moving.
Is there a way to check for manual collision detection, or is there some sort of way to let Unity3d do the collision detection automatically?
You could keep a list of all those objects, then when your event happens you can send messages to all them to do what you want them to do.
Lets assume you want your sphere to break into little pieces. You send a Force message to the sphere. Then you use Newton's Laws of motion and find out how much velocity each piece gets. Remember velocity is a vector thus it has direction.
This is how I would do it and still keep the right amount of control over what happens in my game/simulation. Remember F = ma.
you could use RaycastHit (http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/RaycastHit.html) for your collision, this also works on non-moving objects but it needs more performance
You can add rigidbody to every objects; when you touch one of them, give a force onto it, then it is going to move and trigger event of the adjacent objects.
for the reason you do not want to move the object you touch, you can cancel movement in the OnCollider or OnTrigger event handler function.
I managed to work around this by checking the distance from the selected object and all other objects that are part of the sphere. If the distance is below a certain value, then it is an adjunctive object.
Although this is certaintly not fool proof, it works without problems so far.
I am sorry I was not clear enough. Thanks for all the advice what so ever.