Eclipse Kepler hangs when trying to debug Clojure project - eclipse

Installed Eclipse-Kepler on a Windows 8 box. Clojure and Leiningen already installed. Installed Counterclockwise. Started up, created test Clojure project, ran without debugger, and ran successfully under debugger. Messed with it a bit more, was in and out of the debugger several times. After one debugging session got "an error" (yes, I know I should have written it down, but failed to do so. Take pity upon the soul of this poor sinner...). After that every debugging session I tried to start (using "Debug As...Clojure Application") failed to start, eventually timing out with a "Timed out waiting for REPL to start" error. Messed with it a while, uninstalled CCW, re-installed CCW - no change, REPL still refused to start under the debugger. Could always start a REPL by "sending" the text of the project file to the REPL using Ctrl-Alt-S. Finally deleted all of Kepler, re-installed, re-installed CCW, and could then debug again.
My questions: has anyone else encountered this, and is there a better workaround than blowing away the entire Eclipse install and re-extracting from the .zip? I did do a check for updated versions of anything and nothing came up. Is this a Kepler issue, i.e. might this be more stable under Juno?


Eclipse freezes when adding a breakpoint

When I add a breakpoint, Eclipse freezes for some about 5 seconds. Sometimes it takes much longer until I can continue work, up to one minute. It does not depend on how I set the breakpoint (double-clicking on line numer, or via shortcut ctrl + shift + b) or which view is open (Java View, Debug View...) or if Debugging is active.
Removing a breakpoint works immediately without any problem.
The problem also only occurs in one workspace. I can't see any entry in the Error Log.
I'm using Neon.3 Release (4.6.3)
What could cause this effect?
This appears to be due to a bad index file. I deleted *.index in
{WORKSPACE}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core and this fixes the problem. Note that by doing this, you're forcing Eclipse to re-index all .java files. Thus, the first time you go to add an Exception breakpoint, you can expect a wait of several minutes while all classes.
But once all things are settled for the first time, it will become smother.
I upgraded to Oxygen.1a Release (4.7.1a), but still had the issue. Then I deleted my workspace and set it up newly. The issue dissapeared. My assumption is that there were some corrupted configurations. However, it is solved with a new workspace (that worked for the older Neon version, too).
I am working in Linux Ubuntu 16.04 using OpenJDK 1.8 and eclipse v4.15 by installing java-2020-03. Eclipse froze occasionally during debugging but not always. To get around the freezing, I passed the VM argument -Dsun.awt.disablegrab=true. Now I can debug without freezing.

Visual Studio Code with XDebug Getting Stuck

I'm using XDebug with Visual Studio Code on Windows 10 to debug PHP.
The debugger works but from time to time it's getting stuck (hits the breakpoint but doesn't respond to step in, step over commands).
I tried switching to XDebug nts version (Not Thread Safe) but it doesn't help. Restarting the web server (Apache) doesn't resolve it either. Sometimes computer restart helps but not always...
Any solution or workaround? (Even a command line that frees this deadlock)
Having out of context debug expressions in the watch window causing the debugger to get stuck.You should clear the watch window from expressions.I guess the evaluation of out of context expressions make the debugger to get stuck.

Interactive console/Pydev console breaks completely on unhandled error

Eclipse Neon (4.6) with PyDev 5.1.2.
Run any python script with Pydev, break on something, and start playing in the normal console or the Pydev Debug console associated with the running script.
If you cause an exception, e.g. type 'test' (without the quotes) to reference a non-existent variable, after the traceback is printed, the console is unusable - you give it a statement, it thinks for a bit and then returns with no result.
In the Eclipse status bar it says 'PyDev Debug Console...Communication' (middle part is omitted, can't get that part of the UI to be long enough to see), but nothing else - i.e. it looks like the debugger dies when the exception happens.
I have used Pydev on and off for years, this is not a new thing for me but it is time I ask about it - is this normal behaviour?
Thanks for any help.
The problem was solved by creating a new workspace, installing the usual plugins and configuring as normal - suddenly the ipython session can cope with errors it raises.

All Eclipse C++ Programs Fail to Run, Hangs on "Launching Delegate"

A few days ago, Eclipse for C/C++ (Helios) stopped running my programs. They can be compiled with MinGW without displaying any errors. However, when the programs are run, Eclipse always get stuck at "Launching Delegate" at 70%. No matter how long I wait, the program never starts. The same happens when I try to run the program from the command line; no matter how simple the program, the command line just does nothing, as if it is waiting for the program to start.
I believed that this was just an issue with my Eclipse workspace, so I created a new workspace and tested a Hello World application, but it failed too. I reverted to an older version of Eclipse (Indigo), and a 32-bit version, but these had the same error. I even installed a different IDE, Netbeans, but it too never runs any programs. So, clearly, it's not just Eclipse. I tried reinstalling MinGW, but this also didn't help.
I have tried everything I can possibly think of. I could only find one other person with the same problem online, and theirs was never answered. Can anyone help me out with this strange issue?
I had the same problem. Always stuck at 70%. However, it turned out that somehow it can be fixed by disabling my anti-virus program, when I want to run a C/C++ program. Which I find to be quite strange.
I hope it helps.

Error message failure and crash when using pydev embedded jython interpreter

I have a strange problem when using Pydev on my work machine (others at work have the same issue). It does not occur when I do this at home, which makes me think it's something to do with the environment at work. We are running Windows 7.
I am using Pydev 3.9.2 but the same thing happens with earlier versions. It occurs with all versions of Eclipse after 3.7. The problem is this. When I create a jython console (the one running in the Eclipse VM), the error output doesn't work. If I type an invalid python command, there is no output on the console. It just appears that the command worked. If I type a command such as "print 100", the output prints as you would expect.
The second problem is that if I hit the red square which is supposed to remove the console window, Eclipse crashes. There are no errors or any indication of what is going wrong.
I have tried different versons of eclipse, different versions of Pydev, different machines and it doesnt make any difference.
Has anyone seen this? I've tried everything I can think of to debug this issue so any help is appreciated.
Unfortunately those quirks are expected...
The internal console in Eclipse is mostly a developers SDK for experimenting with Eclipse itself and is not meant as a general shell (you should configure an interpreter and use it for that).
I don't have plans on improving on that situation (there's already a multi-year backlog on PyDev and this isn't really critical), but if you'd be willing to spend some time and fix those issues, pull requests would be definitely welcome -- see: for details on getting the code and setting up the environment.