Wrong with function 'plot', maybe - matlab

I want to calculate Nodal clustering coefficient distribution with a connectivity matrix
But when I operate this code, it return nothing. What is the problem?
Can't I use function plot like that?
cm = [0,1,1,1,0;1,0,0,1,0;0,1,0,0,0;1,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0];
bg = biograph(cm);
for i = 1:5
intNodes = getrelatives(bg.nodes(i));
num = numel(intNodes);

Each call to plot will erase the previously plotted data, unless you write
hold on
before the loop (or unless you edit the axes properties).
cm = [0,1,1,1,0;1,0,0,1,0;0,1,0,0,0;1,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0];
bg = biograph(cm);
figure %# create new figure
hold on %# create axes, make sure that plots get added instead of replaced
for i = 1:5
intNodes = getrelatives(bg.nodes(i));
num = numel(intNodes);

Your code is probably going to run better if you first gather all the data points, and only plot them in the end. Here is how this can be done:
cm = [0,1,1,1,0;1,0,0,1,0;0,1,0,0,0;1,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0];
bg = biograph(cm);
plotData = NaN(5,1)
for i = 1:5
intNodes = getrelatives(bg.nodes(i));
num = numel(intNodes);


how to save the `Z values` of the data points into a variable for comparing it to a certain z value in matlab?

The Z value is calculated in the function using the following code:
[marg1,marg2] = meshgrid(marginalLogLikelihood_grid{1},marginalLogLikelihood_grid{2});
[xg,yg] = meshgrid(marginalCDFValues_grid{1},marginalCDFValues_grid{2});
inputMatrix = [reshape(xg,numel(xg),1) reshape(yg,numel(yg),1)];
clear xg yg;
copulaLogLikelihoodVals = gmmCopulaPDF(inputMatrix,gmmObject,xmesh_inverse_space);
Z = reshape(copulaLogLikelihoodVals,size(marg1,1),size(marg1,2));
Z = Z+marg1+marg2;
Z = exp(Z);
I want to use this Z value to compare it with a particular value of Z = 4e-5 and eliminate all the points that lie outside the contour line with Z = 4e-5.
I've written the following code to generate the contour and the scatter plot
contour(xgrid,ygrid,Z,[4e-5, 4e-5],'EdgeColor',[1 0 0],'ShowText','on','LineWidth',2);
I want to eliminate all the points lying outside the red contour in the image below:
current image
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Use something like this:
lmt = 4e-5;
Z(Z>lmt) = NaN;
You can also modify the arrays with indices if you want to remove them altogether
lmt = 4e-5;
idx = Z>lmt;
xgrid(idx) = [];
ygrid(idx) = [];
Z(idx) = [];
Note that it's not clear whether you want to remove points greater than or less than 4e-5, so modify the inequality as you need.

Save animation as gif in Matlab GUI

I am trying to save an animation as animated GIF.
My plot is similar to the given code below.
I created it with animated line too.
The problem is that:
When I defined my figure as f=figure or figure(1) it creates the .gif file properly.
However, instead of plotting my figure in separate screen using "figure" command, I have to plot in an axes on MATLAB GUI axes as the given figure.
I tried it with: f=(handles.axes_threeDOF);, But when I use this function, the gif file creates different part of the screen.
Could you help me to solve my problem?
numpoints = 500;
x = linspace(0,4*pi,numpoints);
y = square(x);
y2 = 3 +square(x+1);
f = figure
h = animatedline('Color','b','LineWidth',2);
h2 = animatedline('Color','r','LineWidth',2);
grid on;
for k = 1:numpoints
% Capture the plot as an image
frame = getframe(f);
im = frame2im(frame);
[imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256);
% Write to the GIF File
if k == 1
imwrite(imind,cm,'test.gif','gif', 'Loopcount',inf);
I want to create a gif of this animation:
But it creates as given below with this function " f=(handles.axes_threeDOF)"
I think I found the problem:
f = handles.axes_threeDOF gets the handle of the axes instead of getting the handle of the figure.
Since I don't know the name of your figure, I can't give a perfect solution.
You may try the following options:
1.Find the name of the figure, and use something like: f = handles.figure_threeDOF;
2. Use f = gcf();, assuming there is only one figure.
3. Use f = handles.axes_threeDOF.Parent; assuming the figure is the "Parent" of the axes.
After im = frame2im(frame);, you need to crop the relevant part of the image:
Something like: im = im(36:884, 928:1800, :);
There are more robust solution than using fixed indices, but it requires some knowledge about the internal structure of the figure.
Here is a code that reproduce the problem (instead of figure handle, f gets axes handle):
numpoints = 500;
x = linspace(0,4*pi,numpoints);
y = square(x);
y2 = 3 +square(x+1);
f = figure;
h = animatedline('Color','b','LineWidth',2);
h2 = animatedline('Color','r','LineWidth',2);
grid on;
for k = 1:numpoints
%%% Test %%%
%The following code demonstrates the problem.
%f = gca(), returns a handle to the axes, instead of the figure.
%You should remove the following line for the code to work properly...
f = gca();
%%% Test %%%
% Capture the plot as an image
frame = getframe(f);
im = frame2im(frame);
[imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256);
% Write to the GIF File
if k == 1
imwrite(imind,cm,'test.gif','gif', 'Loopcount',inf);
Result of correct code (without f = gca();):
Result of wrong code (with f = gca();) - getting axes handle instead of figure handle:

Two functions alternately run so they appear to be running simultaneously

This code is supposed to change the background color of the graph to a corresponding color using an id. I am trying to make the color change slower using a polynomial best fit. This is working but in order to make the color change as gradually as I like, I need a lot more data points than my raw data has. The goal of this code is to gradually change the background color while plotting the raw data points. I am trying to set up a timer which will run the code for the color a bit, then go back and plot a point. And do this repeatedly until all points are plotted. I am mostly looking for advice for coding the timer, as I have never used it before and the matlab documentation was not helpful to me. Thanks.
timeInt = 1;
a = timer('StartDelay',10);
data = xlsread
s = data(:,11); %s is the data values column
t = data(:,1);
time = 0:.01:max(t);
p = polyfit(t,s,7);
xp = time;
yp = polyval(p,xp);
f = yp/max(yp);
hold on;
for i = 1:length(s)
plot(t(i),s(i),'.w');%plots raw data
for l = 1:length(f)
if (a == false)
cm = colormap; % returns the current color map
colorID = max(1, sum(f(l) > [0:1/length(cm(:,1)):1])); %find colorID
myColor = cm(colorID, :); % returns color from id
hold on

Matlab animate background and line in same figure

I am trying to animate a line over a dynamic background at the same time, the problem is I cannot update both in the same plot. If I animate the background the lines don't appear.
So the question is why? I was trying in different positions without success.
If you remove the part of the imagesc, there is no problem and the animation of the lines flow
for k = 1:numel(t)
decay = rand;
res = decay * background;
hold on
hold off
Fixed! Create a handler and modify CData inside of the loop:
imh = imagesc(x,y,flip(res));
for ...
imh.CData = flip(res);
The calls to imagesc overrun your plot. you can overcome this by only change the image matrix represented by imagesc (as 'CData' property):
for k = 1:numel(t)
decay = rand;
res = decay * background;
if k == 1
imh = imagesc(x,y,flip(res));
imh.CData = flip(res);
% or: set(imh, 'CData', flip(res) ); % in older MATLAB versions

Plotting multiple ROC curves

I need to vary a parameter in my experiments, and save the X,Y from perfcurve in each run. Unfortunately, they are a different size each time.
for ii=1:length(myparams)
%some previous calculations
[X,Y,T,abc] = perfcurve(true, scores, 1);
X_all(ii, :) = X;
Y_all(ii, :) = Y;
Plot(X_all, Y_all)
I'd like to get this working, but I can't figure out how to save the Xand Y each time through the loop.
Saving vectors of unequal length is easily implemented by a cell array.
Here the adaption of your problem:
X_all = cell([1 length(myparams)]);
Y_all = cell([1 length(myparams)]);
for ii=1:length(myparams)
%some previous calculations
[X,Y,T,abc] = perfcurve(true, scores, 1);
X_all{ii} = X;
Y_all{ii} = Y;
figure, hold on
for ii=1:length(myparams)
plot(X_all{ii}, Y_all{ii});