Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers -> Download JDT - eclipse

Sorry for my poor english.
I downloaded and installed the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers environnement.
Today I would like to use my eclipse for C/C++ (always) but also Java.
I didn't find the Java plugin (JDT ?) for my current eclipse environnement.
I have to download Eclipse IDE for Java Developers or it's possible just to add a plugin?? (so How program in C+C++ and Java)..
Thank you very much for your help

I think it is possible i use eclipse STS for developing spring, grails and JavaEE at the same time so try this link you can always refer to the source.


I can not see the Server option in eclipse

I can not see the Server option in eclipse, when I go to Windows-->showview, even in the --Others--option it's not there. I am using eclipse luna. Can anyone help me?
You have downloaded a package that doesn't include the server/web features. Instead, download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.

Eclipse Luna without built-in plugins

Eclispse Luna has been just released. I wanted to grab it from the download site. But here comes my problem. Even the Standard and Java Developer versions have features built-in which are not needed for me and just slows down the IDE. For example i do not use Mylin or Plug-in development. These things cannot be deleted from the installation... Is there an Eclipse Luna release which only contains the basic package?
Look at the Eclipse Project downloads
The Eclipse Platform is the smallest (but does not even have Java development).
The Eclipse SDK has Java and Plugin development and the Eclipse source. This is the one I always start from.

source code for eclipse plugin dependencies

I am trying to learn about eclipse plugin development.I downloaded Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers in Helios distribution. I am able to create plugin development project using plugin development wizard. Now the problem is am not able to view the source code of eclipse plugin dependencies.I searched the internet for source attachments, but didn't find it.Any help is appreciated..
If you just want to play around with plug-in development, then you really don't need to integrate the different IDE capabilities, and can probably live with separate Eclipse installations and workspaces.
Actually, the more capabilities/Eclipse editions, you try to integrate, the more limits you set up for other plug-ins/features/capabilities. At some point, it can get impossible to integrate 3rd party capabilities such as those from TaskTop and Atlassian...
If you don't need the Java EE capabilities, consider using either the classic
Eclipse edition or the RCP edition.
For Eclipse plugin development download Eclipse Classic distribution which includes SDK from here.
Eclipse IDE for Java EE description:
Tools for Java developers creating Java EE and Web applications, including a Java IDE, tools for Java EE, JPA, JSF, Mylyn and others.
Eclipse Classic description:
The classic Eclipse download: the Eclipse Platform, Java Development Tools, and Plug-in Development Environment, including source and both user and programmer documentation.
Also, if you want to see the sourcecode of any plugin dependency, you can check it out from CVS at
Be careful to get the right version, though.

Conversion of third party eclipse plug-in to netbeans IDE compatible plugins/modules

HI Folks,
Can any one there confirm if we can convert third party eclipse plug-in to netbeans IDE compatible plugins/modules.
As far as I know, there is a way if I am a plugin developer instead.
In this case, I am just a consumer of a third-party eclipse plugin.
Problem is, as my team is adapted to Netbeans I cant go and say just to use this plugin, install eclipse ( Alaaaaaaaas!!!!!!!)
Thanks inadvance.
AFAIK there's no netbeans hosting of eclipse plugins. You have to convert it to a netbeans plugin, since netbeans uses AWT/Swing and eclipse uses SWT/Jface. (which you already found)

Is there a reason to have both Eclipse IDE for Java and also Eclipse IDE for Java EE?

I've recently downloaded the Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers (for web apps development). Does it make sense to delete my "regular" Eclipse IDE for Java developers? I mean, is there a feature in the regular IDE which isn't included in the EE IDE?
(I also use eclipse for Python programming with the Pydev plugin)
The different "editions" of the eclipse IDE are basically just a different set of plugins on top of the basic eclipse platform. So if anything is missing you can alyways install those plugins when you need them.
Eclipse for Java EE is a superset of Eclipse for Java.
Yes it is a super-set.
Also, have you tried NetBeans? It has better GUI, better javadoc support and it is way cooler to use! (and free)
Not everyone needs the EE tools (mainly WTP - web tools platform); they may only be doing client apps or writing eclipse plugins.