Unbound Module GWindow - emacs

I'm using FREEBSD with Emacs, Tuareg and GTK.
Trying to create my first file but doesn't work.
(* file: base.ml *)
let main () =
let window = GWindow.window () in
window#show ();
GMain.Main.main ()
let _ = main ()
What I type to compile:
ocamlc -I +lablgtk2 -o base lablgtk.cma gtkInit.cmo base.ml
The error I get:
Error: Unbound module GWindow
Can anyone here help me?
This is my makefile:
OCAMLMAKEFILE = ../OCamlMakefile
SOURCES = base.ml
RESULT = base
PACKS = lablgtk2
Thanks in advance

I guess you are using opam. If it's the case, you can use this compilation command:
$ ocamlc -I +../lablgtk2 -o base lablgtk.cma gtkInit.cmo base.ml


LLD vs LD Linker Script Discrepancy

I'm moving a project from LD to LLD. An error has cropped up which appears due to the lack of global expression support in LLD. Are variables supported like this?
An simplified example of something that works in LD:
_Flash_Origin = 0x01000000;
_App_Length = 16K;
_App_Origin = _Flash_Origin;
APP(rx) : ORIGIN = _App_Origin, LENGTH = _App_Length
The error is symbol not found: _App_Length. I'm looking for the reason this occurs only in LLD.
The args provided are as follows:
--gc-sections (list of object files...) -Bstatic -L(big path...)clang/10.0.1/lib/baremetal -T example.ld -T sections.ld -o output.elf

How to integrated mender within lk-bootloader base-on Yocto Project

I am new for yocto ,now I use a MTK-demo-board to build a linux-distro base on Yocto. I want to realize OTA by mender followed this tutorial:https://docs.mender.io/1.0/Devices/Integrating-with-U-Boot.
but Mender support u-boot as bootloader by default, the MTK use lk bootloader,Then how to realize this function?
The AP which I used is MT8183,The steps I have done list below:
1. /meta/meta-mediatek/recipes-bsp/lk/lk_2.0.0.0.bb . add follow code:
require recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-mender.inc
PROVIDES += "u-boot"
RPROVIDES_{PN} += "u-boot"
2.cp lk_2.0.0.0 lk-fw-utils_2.0.0.0,and changed the file as behind:
a. delete do_genkey{} function;
c. add "oe_runmake env" in function do_compile()
d. add PROVIDES_${PN} = "lk-fw-utils"
RPROVIDES_${PN} = "lk-fw-utils"
DEPENDS += "mtd-utils"
3./build/local.conf,add these code
INHERIT += "mender-full"
MACHINE = "aiv8183m1v2"
PREFERRED_VERSION_pn-mender = "1.0.%"
PREFERRED_VERSION_pn-mender-artifact = "1.0.%"
PREFERRED_VERSION_pn-mender-artifact-native = "1.0.%"
DISTRO_FEATURES_append = "systemd"
VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_init_manager = "systemed"
VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_initscripts = ""
4.execute bitbake-layers add-layer /meta/meta-mender/meta-mender-core
5.bitbake-layers create-layer meta-mylayer,in this layer,I mkdir -p /recipes-mender/mender/files, in directory mender,I touch mender_%.bbappend file as bellow:
FILESEXTARPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/file:"
SRC_URI_append = "file://server.crt"
and put servert.crt in the the file directory.
6.in the mancine.conf(aiv8183m1v2.conf),I have added
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_u-boot-fw-utils = "lk-fw-utils"
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = "kernel-modules"
MENDER_STORAGE_DEVICE = "/dev/mmcblk0"
MENDER_FEATURES_ENABLE_append_aarch64 = ""
the result I expected is the linux can OTA over mender.
But,actual results is the project can't cross build.the log says:
DEBUG: Executing shell function soft_link_to_rootfs
| ln: target ‘mender.bmap’ is not a directory
| WARNING: /home/yewkui/yocto-linux/build/tmp/work/aiv8183m1v2-poky-linux/mtk-image-openmm-aiv/1.0-r0/temp/run.soft_link_to_rootfs.1347217:1 exit 1 from 'ln -nfs mtk-image-openmm-aiv-aiv8183m1v2-20181224064735.rootfs.ext4 mender mender.bmap /home/yewkui/yocto-linux/build/tmp/deploy/images/aiv8183m1v2/rootfs.ext4 mender mender.bmap'
| DEBUG: Python function do_rootfs finished
| ERROR: Function failed: soft_link_to_rootfs (log file is located at /home/yewkui/yocto-linux/build/tmp/work/aiv8183m1v2-poky-linux/mtk-image-openmm-aiv/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_rootfs.1347217)
ERROR: Task (/home/yewkui/yocto-linux/meta/poky/../meta-mediatek-mt8183/recipes-aiv/images/mtk-image-openmm-aiv.bb:do_rootfs) failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 2392 tasks of which 2391 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
NOTE: Writing buildhistory
Maybe I am wrong at first step,but how to realize the OTA by yocto base on MTK lk-bootloader,please help! thanks a lot!

Examples of using SCons with knitr

Are there minimal, or even larger, working examples of using SCons and knitr to generate reports from .Rmd files?
kniting an cleaning_session.Rmd file from the command line (bash shell) to derive an .html file, may be done via:
Rscript -e "library(knitr); knit('cleaning_session.Rmd')".
In this example, Rscript and instructions are fed to a Makefile:
html :
Rscript -e "require(knitr); require(markdown); knit('$(RMDFILE).rmd', '$(RMDFILE).md'); markdownToHTML('$(RMDFILE).md', '$(RMDFILE).html', options=c('use_xhtml', 'base64_images')); browseURL(paste('file://', file.path(getwd(),'$(RMDFILE).html'), sep=''
In this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/10945832/1172302, there is reportedly a solution using SCons. Yet, I did not test enough to make it work for me. Essentially, it would be awesome to have something like the example presented at https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/26573/8272.
[Updated] One working example is an Sconstruct file:
import os
environment = Environment(ENV=os.environ)
# define a `knitr` builder
builder = Builder(action = '/usr/local/bin/knit $SOURCE -o $TARGET',
# add builders as "Knit", "RMD"
environment.Append( BUILDERS = {'Knit' : builder} )
# define an `rmarkdown::render()` builder
builder = Builder(action = '/usr/bin/Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render(input=\'$SOURCE\', output_file=\'$TARGET\')"',
environment.Append( BUILDERS = {'RMD' : builder} )
# define source (and target files -- currently useless, since not defined above!)
# main cleaning session code
environment.RMD(source='cleaning_session.Rmd', target='cleaning_session.html')
# documentation of the Cleaning Process
environment.Knit(source='Cleaning_Process.Rmd', target='Cleaning_Process.html')
# documentation of data
environment.Knit(source='Code_Book.Rmd', target='Code_Book.html')
The first builder calls the custom script called knit. Which, in turn, takes care of the target file/extension, here being cleaning_session.html. Likely the suffix parameter is not needed altogether, in this very example.
The second builder added is Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render(\'$SOURCE\')"'.
The existence of $TARGETs (as in the example at Command wrapper) ensures SCons won't repeat work if a target file already exists.
The custom script (whose source I can't retrieve currently) is:
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
p = commandArgs(TRUE)
if (length(p) == 0L || any(c('-h', '--help') %in% p)) {
message('usage: knit input [input2 input3] [-n] [-o output output2 output3]
-h, --help to print help messages
-n, --no-convert do not convert tex to pdf, markdown to html, etc
-o output filename(s) for knit()')
o = match('-o', p)
if (is.na(o)) output = NA else {
output = tail(p, length(p) - o)
p = head(p, o - 1L)
nc = c('-n', '--no-convert')
knit_fun = if (any(nc %in% p)) {
p = setdiff(p, nc)
} else {
if (length(p) == 0L) stop('no input file provided')
if (grepl('\\.(R|S)(nw|tex)$', p[1])) {
function(x, ...) knit2pdf(x, ..., clean = TRUE)
} else {
if (grepl('\\.R(md|markdown)$', p[1])) knit2html else knit
mapply(knit_fun, p, output = output, MoreArgs = list(envir = globalenv()))
The only thing, now, necessary is to run scons.

Scala command line parser using Scallop

I'm fairly new to Scala and need to build a really simple command line parser which provides something like the following which I created using JRuby in a few minutes:-
java -jar demo.jar --help
Command Line Example Application
Example: java -jar demo.jar --dn "CN=Test" --nde-url "http://www.example.com" --password "password"
For usage see below:
-n http://www.example.com
-p, --password set the password
-c, --capi set add to Windows key-store
-h, --help Show this message
-v, --version Print version
Scallop looks like it will do the trick, but I can't seem to find a simple example that works! All of the examples I've found seem to be fragmented and don't work for some reason or other.
I found this example which works, but I'm not sure how to bind it into the actual args within the main method.
import org.rogach.scallop._;
object cmdlinetest {
def main(args: Array[String])
val opts = Scallop(List("-d","--num-limbs","1"))
.version("test 1.2.3 (c) 2012 Mr Placeholder")
.banner("""Usage: test [OPTION]... [pet-name]
|test is an awesome program, which does something funny
.footer("\nFor all other tricks, consult the documentation!")
.opt[Boolean]("donkey", descr = "use donkey mode")
.opt("monkeys", default = Some(2), short = 'm')
.opt[Int]("num-limbs", 'k',
"number of libms", required = true)
.opt[String]("debug", hidden = true)
.props[String]('D',"some key-value pairs")
// you can add parameters a bit later
.args(List("-Dalpha=1","-D","betta=2","gamma=3", "Pigeon"))
.trailArg[String]("pet name")
Well, I'll try to add more examples :)
In this case, it would be much better to use ScallopConf:
import org.rogach.scallop._
object Main extends App {
val opts = new ScallopConf(args) {
NDE/SCEP Certificate enrollment prototype
Example: java -jar demo.jar --dn CN=Test --nde-url http://www.example.com --password password
For usage see below:
val ndeUrl = opt[String]("nde-url")
val password = opt[String]("password", descr = "set the password")
val capi = toggle("capi", prefix = "no-", descrYes = "enable adding to Windows key-store", descrNo = "disable adding to Windows key-store")
val version = opt[Boolean]("version", noshort = true, descr = "Print version")
val help = opt[Boolean]("help", noshort = true, descr = "Show this message")
It prints:
$ java -jar demo.jar --help
NDE/SCEP Certificate enrollment prototype
Example: java -jar demo.jar --dn CN=Test --nde-url http://www.example.com --password password
For usage see below:
-c, --capi enable adding to Windows key-store
--no-capi disable adding to Windows key-store
--help Show this message
-n, --nde-url <arg>
-p, --password <arg> set the password
--version Print version
Did you read the documentation? It looks like all you have to do is call get for each option you want:
def get [A] (name: String)(implicit m: Manifest[A]): Option[A]
It looks like you might need to provide the expected return type in the method call. Try something like this:
val donkey = opts.get[Boolean]("donkey")
val numLimbs = opts.get[Int]("num-limbs")
If you're just looking for a quick and dirty way to parse command line arguments, you can use pirate, an extremely barebones way to parse arguments. Here is what it would look like to handle the usage you describe above:
import com.mosesn.pirate.Pirate
object Main {
def main(commandLineArgs: Array[String]) {
val args = Pirate("[ -n string ] [ -p string ] [ -chv ]")("-n whatever -c".split(" "))
val c = args.flags.contains('c')
val v = args.flags.contains('v')
val h = args.flags.contains('h')
val n = args.strings.get("n")
val p = args.strings.get("p")
println(Seq(c, v, h, n, p))
Of course, for your program, you would pass commandLineArgs instead of "-n whatever -c".
Unfortunately, pirate does not yet support GNU style arguments, nor the version or help text options.

Coffeescript compilation: not as file2file, but as text2text

We can compile coffescript file to js-file with command:
coffee --join path/to/result.js --compile path/to/coffeescript_dir/
But what if I want to compile a piece of coffeescript code (as text) and get piece of js code (as a text too), and they are not files.
For example:
cs text: "func = () -> 55"
js text result: "var func; func = function(){return 55;}"
It must be done from console, or even better from python interactive console :)
You can use --eval to take a string parameter as coffee input, --bare to avoid the JS output being wrapped in a closure, and --print to print the output on stdout instead of a file:
$ coffee --print --bare -eval 'func = -> 55'
var func;
func = function() {
return 55;
To call it from Python, you can use the subprocess module:
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
def compile_cs(cs_code):
args = ['coffee', '--print', '--bare', '--eval', cs_code]
return Popen(args, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]