I'm a perl rookie and dont know how to do this...
My input file:
random text 00:02 23
random text 00:04 25
random text 00:06 53
random text 00:07 56
random text 00:12 34
... etc until 23:59
I would like to have the following output:
00:02 23
00:06 53
00:07 56
00:12 34
... etc until 23:59
So an output file with a every minute timestamp and the corresponding value if found in input file. My input file starts at 00:00 and ends 23:59
My code sofar:
use warnings;
use strict;
my $found;
my #event;
my $count2;
open (FILE, '<./input/input.txt');
open (OUTPUT, '>./output/output.txt');
while (<FILE>){
for ($count2=0; $count2<60; $count2++){
my($line) = $_;
if($line =~ m|.*(00:$count2).*|){
$found = "$1 \n";
push #event, $found;
if (#event){
else {
$found2 = "00:$count2,";
push #event, $found2;
print OUTPUT (#event);
close (FILE);
close (OUTPUT);
Here's one approach to your task:
use strict;
use warnings;
my %hash;
open my $inFH, '<', './input/input.txt' or die $!;
while (<$inFH>) {
my ( $hr_min, $sec ) = /(\d\d:\d\d)\s+(.+)$/;
push #{ $hash{$hr_min} }, $sec;
close $inFH;
open my $outFH, '>', './output/output.txt' or die $!;
for my $hr ( 0 .. 23 ) {
for my $min ( 0 .. 59 ) {
my $hr_min = sprintf "%02d:%02d", $hr, $min;
my $sec = defined $hash{$hr_min} ? " ${ $hash{$hr_min} }[-1]" : '';
print $outFH "$hr_min$sec\n";
close $outFH;
The first part reads your input file and uses a regex to grab the time at the end of each string. A hash of arrays (HoA) is built, with the HH:MM as the key and seconds in the array. For example:
09:14 => ['21','45']
This means that at 09:14 there were two second entires: one at 21 seconds and the other at 45 seconds. Since the times in the input file are in ascending order, the highest one in the array can be obtained by using the [-1] subscript.
Next, two loops are set up: the outer is (0..23) and the inner (0..59), and sprintf is used to format the HH:MM. When a key is found in the hash that corresponds to the current HH:MM in the loops, HH:MM and the last item in the array (the largest seconds) is printed out to a file (e.g., 00:02 23). If there isn't a corresponding HH:MM in the hash, just the loop's HH:MM is printed (e.g., 00:03):
Sample output:
00:02 23
00:04 45
00:06 53
00:07 59
00:12 34
Hope this helps!
This is best done with a hash, as Kenosis has already shown. There are some simplifications/improvements that can be done, however.
By using assignment = we store the latest value for each time, because identical hash keys will overwrite each other.
The range operator .. can also increment strings, so that we can get a range of strings, like 00, 01, ... 59.
The defined-or operator // can be used as a more concise way to check if a key for a certain time is defined.
Using \d+ rather than .+ will be much safer, as it will prevent something like hindsight is 20:20 at 01:23 45 to match 20:20 incorrectly.
We do not use hardcoded file names, instead using shell redirection and arguments.
In the below example code, I used a smaller range of numbers for demonstration purposes. I also used the DATA file handle so that this code can be copy/pasted and tried out. To try it, change <DATA> to <> and run it like this:
perl script.pl input.txt > output.txt
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
my %t;
while (<DATA>) {
if (/((\d{2}:\d{2})\s+\d+)$/) {
$t{$2} = $1; # store most recent value
for my $h ('00' .. '00') {
for my $m ('00' .. '12') {
my $time = "$h:$m";
say $t{$time} // $time; # say defined $t{$time} ? $t{$time} : $time;
random text 00:02 23
random text 00:04 25
random text 00:06 53
random text 00:07 56
random text 00:12 34
random text 00:12 39
00:02 23
00:04 25
00:06 53
00:07 56
00:12 39
I'm quite new to Perl, so I'm sorry if this is somewhat rudimentary.
I'm working with a Perl script that is working as a wrapper for some Python, text formatting, etc. and I'm struggling to get my desired output.
The script takes a folder, for this example, the folder contains 6 text files (test1.txt through test6.txt). The script then extracts some information from the files, runs a series of command line programs and then outputs a tab-delimited result. However, that result contains only those results that made it through the rest of the processing by the script, i.e. the result.
Here are some snippets of what I have so far:
use strict;
use warnings;
## create array to capture all of the file names from the folder
opendir(DIR, $folder) or die "couldn't open $folder: $!\n";
my #filenames = grep { /\.txt$/ } readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
#here I run some subroutines, the last one looks like this
my $results = `blastn -query $shortname.fasta -db DB/$db -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid score evalue" -max_target_seqs 1`;
#now I would like to compare what is in the #filenames array with $results
Example of tab delimited result - stored in $results:
test1.txt 200 1:1-20 79 80
test3.txt 800 1:1-200 900 80
test5.txt 900 1:1-700 100 2000
test6.txt 600 1:1-1000 200 70
I would like the final output to include all of the files that were run through the script, so I think I need a way to compare two arrays or perhaps compare an array to a hash?
Example of the desired output:
test1.txt 200 1:1-20 79 80
test2.txt 0 No result
test3.txt 800 1:1-200 900 80
test4.txt 0 No result
test5.txt 900 1:1-700 100 2000
test6.txt 600 1:1-1000 200 70
Ok, so I got this to work with suggestions by #terdon by reading the file into a hash and then comparing. So I was trying to figure out how to do this with out writing to file and the reading the file back in - I still can't seem to get the syntax correct. Here's what I have, however it seems like I'm not able to match the array to the hash - meaning the hash must not be correct:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
#create variable to mimic blast results
my $blast_results = "file1.ab1 9 350 0.0 449 418 418 403479 403042 567
file3.ab1 2 833 0.0 895 877 877 3717226 3718105 984";
#create array to mimic filename array
my #filenames = ("file1.ab1", "file2.ab1", "file3.ab1");
#header for file
my $header = "Query\tSeq_length\tTarget found\tScore (Bits)\tExpect(E-value)\tAlign-length\tIdentities\tPositives\tChr\tStart\tEnd\n";
#initialize hash
my %hash;
#split blast results into array
my #row = split(/\s+/, $blast_results);
print $header;
foreach my $file (#filenames){
## If this filename has an associated entry in the hash, print it
print "$row[0]\t$row[9]\t$row[1]:$row[7]-$row[8]\t$row[2]\t$row[3]\t$row[4]\t$row[5]\t$row[6]\t$row[1]\t$row[7]\t$row[8]\n";
## If not, print this.
print "$file\t0\tNo Blast Results: Sequencing Rxn Failed\n";
print "-----------------------------------\n";
print "$blast_results\n"; #test what results look like
print "-----------------------------------\n";
print "$row[0]\t$row[1]\n"; #test if array is getting split correctly
print "-----------------------------------\n";
print "$filenames[2]\n"; #test if other array present
The result from this script is (the #filenames array is not matching the hash):
Query Seq_length Target found Score (Bits) Expect(E-value) Align-length Identities Positives Chr Start End
file1.ab1 0 No Blast Results: Sequencing Rxn Failed
file2.ab1 0 No Blast Results: Sequencing Rxn Failed
file3.ab1 0 No Blast Results: Sequencing Rxn Failed
file1.ab1 9 350 0.0 449 418 418 403479 403042 567
file3.ab1 2 833 0.0 895 877 877 3717226 3718105 984
file1.ab1 9
I'm not entirely sure what you need here but the equivalent of awk's A[$1]=$0 is done using hashes in Perl. Something like:
my %hash;
## Open the output file
open(my $fh, "<","text_file");
## remove newlines
## split the line
my #A=split(/\s+/);
## Save this in a hash whose keys are the 1st fields and whose
## values are the associated lines.
## Now, compare the file to #filenames
foreach my $file (#filenames){
## Print the file name
print "$file\t";
## If this filename has an associated entry in the hash, print it
print "$hash{$file}\n";
## If not, print this.
print "0\tNo result\n";
I have 2 separate files namely A & B containing same header lines but 2 and 1 column respectively. I want to take inverse log2 of the 2nd column or 1st column in separate files but keep the other description intact. I am having some thing like this.. values in file A $1 and $2 are separated by delimiter tab
file A
track type=wiggle_0 name=rep1.bar.wig description=GSM1076_rep1.bar.wig graphType=bar
variableStep chrom=chr1
12 0.781985
16 0.810993
20 0.769601
24 0.733831
file B
track type=wiggle_0 name=rep1.bar.wig description=GSM1078_rep1.bar.wig graphType=bar
variableStep chrom=chr1
I expect an output like this. file A
track type=wiggle_0 name=rep1.bar.wig description=GSM1076_rep1.bar.wig graphType=bar
variableStep chrom=chr1
12 1.7194950944
16 1.754418585
20 1.7047982296
24 1.6630493726
track type=wiggle_0 name=rep1.bar.wig description=GSM1076_rep1.bar.wig graphType=bar
variableStep chrom=chr2
for file B (in this file values are just copy paste of file A)
track type=wiggle_0 name=rep1.bar.wig description=GSM1078_rep1.bar.wig graphType=bar
variableStep chrom=chr1
track type=wiggle_0 name=rep1.bar.wig description=GSM1078_rep1.bar.wig rep1.bar.wig graphType=bar
variableStep chrom=chr2
This awk script does the calculation that you want:
awk '/^[0-9.[:space:]]+$/{$NF=sprintf("%.12f", 2^$NF)}1' file
This matches lines that contain only digits, periods and any space characters, substituting the value of the last field $NF for 2 raised to the power of $NF. The format specifier %.12f can be modified to give you the required number of decimal places. The 1 at the end is shorthand for {print}.
Testing it out on your new files:
$ awk '/^[0-9.[:space:]]+$/{$NF=sprintf("%.12f", 2^$NF)}1' A
track type=wiggle_0 name=rep1.bar.wig description=GSM1076_rep1.bar.wig graphType=bar
variableStep chrom=chr1
12 1.719495094445
16 1.754418584953
20 1.704798229573
24 1.663049372620
$ awk '/^[0-9.[:space:]]+$/{$NF=sprintf("%.12f", 2^$NF)}1' B
track type=wiggle_0 name=rep1.bar.wig description=GSM1078_rep1.bar.wig graphType=bar
variableStep chrom=chr1
So here's the Perl version:
use strict;
open IN, $ARGV[0];
while (<IN>) {
if (/^(.*)[\t ]*(-?\d\.\d*)/) { # format "nn m.mmmmm"
my $power = 2 ** $2;
print("$1\t" . $power . "\n");
} elsif (/^(-?\d\.\d*)/) { # format "m.mmmmm"
my $power = 2 ** $1;
print($power . "\n");
} else { # echo all other stuff
print ("\n");
close IN;
If you run <file>.pl <datafile> (replace with appropriate names) it will convert one file so the lines have 2**<2nd value>). It simply echoes the lines that do not match the number pattern.
This is the modified little script of #ThomasKilian
Thanks to him for providing the framework.
use strict;
open IN, $ARGV[0];
while (<IN>) {
if (/^(\d*)[\t ]*(-?\d\.\d*)/) { # format "nn m.mmmmm"
my $power = 2 ** $2;
$power= sprintf("%.12f", $power);
print("$1\t" . $power . "\n");
} elsif (/^(-?\d\.\d*)/) { # format "m.mmmmm"
my $power = 2 ** $1;
$power= sprintf("%.12f", $power);
print($power . "\n");
} else { # echo all other stuff
print ("\n");
close IN;
Need help in merging/concatenating /combining /binding etc
I have several ascii files each defining one variable which I have converted to a single column array
I have such columnised data for many variables ,so I need to perform a column bind like R does and make it one single file.
I can do the same in R but there are too many files. Being able to do it with one single code will help save a lot of time.
Using the following code ,new to perl and need help with this.
#filenames = ("file1.txt","file2.txt");
open F2, ">file_combined.txt" or die;
for($j = 0; $j< scalar #filenames;$j++){
open F1, $filenames[$j] or die;
chomp $line;
#spl = split '\s+', $line;
for($i=0;$i<scalar #spl;$i++){
print F2 "$spl[$i]\n";
paste "file_bio1.txt","file_bio2.txt"> file_combined.txt;
close F1;
Input files here are Ascii text files of a raster.They look like this
32 12 34 21 32 21 22 23
12 21 32 43 21 32 21 12
The above mentioned code without the paste syntax converts these files into a single column
The output should look like this
12 21 32
32 23 23
32 21 32
12 34 12
43 32 32
32 23 23
32 34 21
21 32 23
Each column represents a different ascii file.
I need around 15 such ascii files into one dataframe.I can do the same in R but it consumes a lot of time as the number of files and regions of interest are too many and the files are a bit large too.
Let's step through what you have...
# files you want to open for reading..
#filenames = ("file1.txt","file2.txt");
# I would use the 3 arg lexical scoped open
# I think you want to open this for 'append' as well
# open($fh, ">>", "file_combined.txt") or die "cannot open";
open F2, ">file_combined.txt" or die;
# #filenames is best thought as a 'list'
# for my $file (#filenames) {
for($j = 0; $j< scalar #filenames;$j++){
# see above example of 'open'
# - $filenames[$j] + $file
open F1, $filenames[$j] or die;
# what are you trying to do here? You're overriding
# $line in the next 'while loop'
# while(<$fh1>) {
chomp $line;
# #spl is short for split?
# give '#spl' list a meaningful name
#spl = split '\s+', $line;
# again, #spl is a list...
# for my $word (#spl) {
for($i=0;$i<scalar #spl;$i++){
# this whole block is a bit confusing.
# 'F2' is 'file_combined.txt'. Then you try and merge
# ( and overwrite the file) with the paste afterwards...
print F2 "$spl[$i]\n";
# is this a 'system call'?
# Missing 'backticks' or 'system'
paste "file_bio1.txt","file_bio2.txt"> file_combined.txt;
# close $fh1
close F1;
# I'm assuming there's a 'close F2' somewhere here..
It looks like you're trying to do this:
#filenames = ("file1.txt","file2.txt");
$oufile = "combined_text.txt";
`paste $filenames[0] $filenames[1] > $outfile`;
I have a file which I would like to read data from. This is a sample of the data:
NODELOAD 28 27132 3.29108E+04 7.94536E+04 0.00000E+00
NODELOAD 29 27083 9.89950E+04 9.89950E+04 0.00000E+00
NODELOAD 29 27132 6.08112E+04 6.08112E+04 0.00000E+00
NODELOAD 30 27083 1.29343E+05 5.35757E+04 0.00000E+00
NODELOAD 30 27132 7.94536E+04 3.29108E+04 0.00000E+00
NODELOAD 31 68 4.80185E+04 -5.47647E+04 -1.17033E+04
-1.27646E+03 1.18350E+04 -2.03885E+03
NODELOAD 31 1114 1.20706E+05 -3.31323E+04 -7.17280E+04
2.28198E+03 2.75582E+04 5.74460E+02
I have this code and am able to read all values of a single line and save them to an array:
foreach my $line (#input) {
if($line =~ /^\s*NODELOAD\s+/i) {
$line =~ s/^\s*//;
#a = split(/\s+/,$line);
$modelData{"NODELOAD"}->{$a[1]}->{$a[2]}->{"Fx"} = $a[3];
$modelData{"NODELOAD"}->{$a[1]}->{$a[2]}->{"Fy"} = $a[4];
$modelData{"NODELOAD"}->{$a[1]}->{$a[2]}->{"Fz"} = $a[5];
However, there are some "NODELOAD" definitions in the file that are defined on two lines and have 6 load values instead of 3 (the first two numbers on each line are identifiers, the following 3/6 are data).
Is it easiest writing an if statement, which saves the data if the following line does not begin with "NODELOAD" and contains numbers? The very last line after this part in the text file will not contain any numbers, but may be blank or contain text.
Yes, the easiest approach would be to keep values from previous call in some variable, then if if(/NODELOAD/) doesn't match, you get just 3 values and process them using identifiers from previous line (and previous look iteration). You could also skip a regexp in if, and check for the first element of split result:
my #last_values;
foreach my $line (#input) {
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
my #values = split(/\s+/, $line);
if( $values[0] ne 'NODELOAD' ) {
unshift( #values, #last_values[0..2] ); # Get first 3 values from previous call
# Then process it however you'd like to
$modelData{"NODELOAD"}->{$values[1]}->{$values[2]}->{"Fx2"} = $values[3];
elsif {
# process like previously...
$modelData{"NODELOAD"}->{$values[1]}->{$values[2]}->{"Fx"} = $values[3];
$modelData{"NODELOAD"}->{$values[1]}->{$values[2]}->{"Fy"} = $values[4];
$modelData{"NODELOAD"}->{$values[1]}->{$values[2]}->{"Fz"} = $values[5];
#last_values = #values; # and save for future reference
I'm a perl beginner, please help me out with my query... I'm trying to extract information from a blast table (a snippet of what it looks like is below):
It's a standard blast table input... I basically want to extract any information on a list of reads (Look at my second script below , to get an idea of what I want to do).... Anyhow this is precisely what I've done in the second script:
1) the blast table:
38.1 0.53 59544 GH8NFLV01A02ED GH8NFLV01A02ED rank=0113471 x=305.0 y=211.5 length=345 1 YP_003242370 Dynamin family protein [Paenibacillus sp. Y412MC10] -1 0 48.936170212766 40.4255319148936 47 345 1213 13.6231884057971 3.87469084913438 31 171 544 590
34.3 7.5 123828 GH8NFLV01A03QJ GH8NFLV01A03QJ rank=0239249 x=305.0 y=1945.5 length=452 1 XP_002639994 Hypothetical protein CBG10824 [Caenorhabditis briggsae] 3 0 52.1739130434783 32.6086956521739 46 452 367 10.1769911504425 12.5340599455041 111 248 79 124
37.7 0.70 62716 GH8NFLV01A09B8 GH8NFLV01A09B8 rank=0119267 x=307.0 y=1014.0 length=512 1 XP_002756773 PREDICTED: probable G-protein coupled receptor 123-like, partial [Callithrix jacchus] 1 0 73.5294117647059 52.9411764705882 34 512 703 6.640625 4.83641536273115 43 144 273 306
37.7 0.98 33114 GH8NFLV01A0H5C GH8NFLV01A0H5C rank=0066011 x=298.0 y=2638.5 length=573 1 XP_002756773 PREDICTED: probable G-protein coupled receptor 123-like, partial [Callithrix jacchus] -3 0 73.5294117647059 52.9411764705882 34 573 703 5.93368237347295 4.83641536273115 131 232 273 306
103 1e-020 65742 GH8NFLV01A0MXI GH8NFLV01A0MXI rank=0124865 x=300.5 y=644.0 length=475 1 ABZ08973 hypothetical protein ALOHA_HF4000APKG6B14ctg1g18 [uncultured marine crenarchaeote HF4000_APKG6B14] 2 0 77.9411764705882 77.9411764705882 68 475 151 14.3157894736842 45.0331125827815 2 205 1 68
41.6 0.053 36083 GH8NFLV01A0QKX GH8NFLV01A0QKX rank=0071366 x=301.0 y=1279.0 length=526 1 XP_766153 hypothetical protein [Theileria parva strain Muguga] -1 0 66.6666666666667 56.6666666666667 30 526 304 5.70342205323194 9.86842105263158 392 481 31 60
45.4 0.003 78246 GH8NFLV01A0Z29 GH8NFLV01A0Z29 rank=0148293 x=304.0 y=1315.0 length=432 1 ZP_04111769 hypothetical protein bthur0007_56280 [Bacillus thuringiensis serovar monterrey BGSC 4AJ1] 3 0 51.8518518518518 38.8888888888889 54 432 193 12.5 27.979274611399 48 209 97 150
71.6 4e-011 97250 GH8NFLV01A14MR GH8NFLV01A14MR rank=0184885 x=317.5 y=609.5 length=314 1 ZP_03823721 DNA replication protein [Acinetobacter sp. ATCC 27244] 1 0 92.5 92.5 40 314 311 12.7388535031847 12.8617363344051 193 312 13 52
58.2 5e-007 154555 GH8NFLV01A1KCH GH8NFLV01A1KCH rank=0309994 x=310.0 y=2991.0 length=267 1 ZP_03823721 DNA replication protein [Acinetobacter sp. ATCC 27244] 1 0 82.051282051282 82.051282051282 39 267 311 14.6067415730337 12.540192926045 142 258 1 39
2) The reads list:
3) the output I want:
37.7 0.70 62716 GH8NFLV01A09B8 GH8NFLV01A09B8 rank=0119267 x=307.0 y=1014.0 length=512 1 XP_002756773 PREDICTED: probable G-protein coupled receptor 123-like, partial [Callithrix jacchus] 1 0 73.5294117647059 52.9411764705882 34 512 703 6.640625 4.83641536273115 43 144 273 306
38.1 0.53 59544 GH8NFLV01A02ED GH8NFLV01A02ED rank=0113471 x=305.0 y=211.5 length=345 1 YP_003242370 Dynamin family protein [Paenibacillus sp. Y412MC10] -1 0 48.936170212766 40.4255319148936 47 345 1213 13.6231884057971 3.87469084913438 31 171 544 590
I want a subset of the information in the first list, given a list of read names I want to extract (that is found in the 4th column)
Instead of hashing the reads list (only?) I want to hash the blast table itself, and use the information in Column 4 (of the blast table)as the keys to extract the values of each key, even when that key may have more than one value(i.e: each read name might actually have more than one hit , or associated blast result in the table), keeping in mind, that the value includes the WHOLE row with that key(readname) in it.
My greplist.pl script does this, but is very very slow, I think , ( and correct me if i'm wrong) that by loading the whole table in a hash, that this should speed things up tremendously ...
Thank you for your help.
My scripts:
The Broken one (mambo5.pl)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# purpose: extract blastX data from a list of readnames
use strict;
open (DATA,$ARGV[0]) or die ("Usage: ./mambo5.pl BlastXTable readslist");
open (LIST,$ARGV[1]) or die ("Usage: ./mambo5.pl BlastXTable readslist");
my %hash = <DATA>;
close (DATA);
my $filename=$ARGV[0];
open(OUT, "> $filename.bololom");
my $readName;
while ( <LIST> )
chomp $readName;
if (exists $hash{$readName})
print "bingo!";
my $output =$hash{$readName};
print OUT "$output\n";
print "it aint workin\n";
#print %hash;
close (LIST);
The Slow and quick cheat (that works) and is very slow (my blast tables can be about 400MB to 2GB large, I'm sure you can see why it's so slow)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This script finds a list of names in a blast table and outputs the result in a new file
# name must exist and list must be correctly formatted
# will not output anything using a "normal" blast file, must be a table blast
# if you have the standard blast output use blast2table script
use strict;
my $filein=$ARGV[0] or die ("usage: ./listgrep.pl readslist blast_table\n");
my $db=$ARGV[1] or die ("usage: ./listgrep.pl readslist blast_table\n");
#open the reads you want to grep
my $read;
my $line;
if ($line=~/^(.*)$/)
$read = $1;
print "$read\n";
system("grep \"$read\" $db >$read\_.out\n");
#system("grep $read $db >$read\_.out\n");
system("cat *\_.out >$filein\_greps.txt\n");
system("rm *.out\n");
I don't know how to define that 4th column as the key : maybe I could use the split function, but I've tried to find a way that does this for a table of more than 2 columns to no avail... Please help!
If there is an easy way out of this please let me know
Thanks !
I'd do the opposite i.e read the readslist file into a hash then walk thru the big blast file and print the desired lines.
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
# Read the readslist file into a hash
open my $fh, '<', 'readslist' or die "Can't open 'readslist' for reading:$!";
my %readslist = map { chomp; $_ => 1 }<$fh>;
close $fh;
open my $fh_blast, '<', 'blastfile' or die "Can't open 'blastfile' for reading:$!";
# loop on all the blastfile lines
while (<$fh_blast>) {
# retrieve the key (4th column)
my ($key) = (split/\s+/)[3];
# print the line if the key exists in the hash
say $_ if exists $readslist{$key};
close $fh_blast;
I suggest you build an index to turn your blasts file temporarily into an indexed-sequential file. Read through it and build a hash of addresses within the file where every record for each key starts.
After that it is just a matter of seeking to the correct places in the file to pick up the records required. This will certainly be faster than most simple solutions, as it entails read the big file only once. This example code demonstrates.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Fcntl qw/SEEK_SET/;
my %index;
open my $blast, '<', 'blast.txt' or die $!;
until (eof $blast) {
my $place = tell $blast;
my $line = <$blast>;
my $key = (split ' ', $line, 5)[3];
push #{$index{$key}}, $place;
open my $reads, '<', 'reads.txt' or die $!;
while (<$reads>) {
next unless my ($key) = /(\S+)/;
next unless my $places = $index{$key};
foreach my $place (#$places) {
seek $blast, $place, SEEK_SET;
my $line = <$blast>;
print $line;
Voila, 2 ways of doing this, one with nothing to do with perl :
awk 'BEGIN {while ( i = getline < "reads_list") ar[$i] = $1;} {if ($4 in ar) print $0;}' blast_table > new_blast_table
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# purpose: extract blastX data from a list of readnames. HINT: Make sure your list file only has unique names , that way you save time.
use strict;
open (DATA,$ARGV[0]) or die ("Usage: ./mambo5.pl BlastXTable readslist");
open (LIST,$ARGV[1]) or die ("Usage: ./mambo5.pl BlastXTable readslist");
my %hash;
my $val;
my $key;
while (<DATA>)
#print "$1\n";
$key= $5;#read
$val= $1;#whole row; notice the brackets around the whole match.
$hash{$key} .= exists $hash{$key} ? "$val\n" : $val;
else {
print "something wrong with format";
close (DATA);
open(OUT, "> $ARGV[1]\_out\.txt");
my $readName;
while ( <LIST> )
chomp $readName;
if (exists $hash{$readName})
print "$readName\n";
my $output =$hash{$readName};
print OUT "$output";
#print "it aint workin\n";
close (LIST);
close (OUT);
The oneliner is faster, and probably better than my script, I'm sure some people can find easier ways to do it... I just thought I'd put this up since it does what I want.