Any way to suppress stack traces from ScalaTest in latest SBT versions? - scala

I'm getting stack traces when a ScalaTest test fails in SBT. I've tried set traceLevel in Test := -1 at the SBT prompt, tried changing things in the build.sbt file, etc., but nothing seems to help.
What I'd like to get rid of is this:
> test
[info] TestWritingFunctions:
[info] - threeSquares examples *** FAILED ***
[info] scala.NotImplementedError: an implementation is missing
[info] at scala.Predef$.$qmark$qmark$qmark(Predef.scala:252)
[info] at TestWritingFunctions$$anonfun$1.apply$mcV$sp(WritingFunctions.scala:17)
[info] at TestWritingFunctions$$anonfun$1.apply(WritingFunctions.scala:16)
[info] at TestWritingFunctions$$anonfun$1.apply(WritingFunctions.scala:16)
[info] at org.scalatest.Transformer$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(Transformer.scala:22)
[info] at org.scalatest.Transformer$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(Transformer.scala:22)
[info] at org.scalatest.OutcomeOf$class.outcomeOf(OutcomeOf.scala:85)
[info] at org.scalatest.OutcomeOf$.outcomeOf(OutcomeOf.scala:104)
[info] at org.scalatest.Transformer.apply(Transformer.scala:22)
[info] at org.scalatest.Transformer.apply(Transformer.scala:20)
[info] ...
As you can see, the test is failing because I used the new ??? construct as a placeholder, but since I know there's a placeholder there, I'd just like a *** FAILED *** message without all the rigamarole. Is that possible?

You can use "-o..." without F or S (i.e, "-o" or "-oD" would give you no stack traces, but not "-oF", "-oS", or "-oDS" would give you a stack trace). That means you'd be suppressing all stack traces. If you specify no reporters at all, you'll get a "-o", which means no stack traces.
If you like the short stack traces in general, but don't want to see them when a NotImplementedError is thrown by ???, you can override withFixture and change NotImplementedError into pending tests:
import org.scalatest._
trait PendingIfUnimplemented extends SuiteMixin { this: Suite =>
abstract override def withFixture(test: NoArgTest): Outcome = {
super.withFixture(test) match {
case Failed(ex: NotImplementedError) => Pending
case other => other
This way you'll still get short, long, or no stack traces for regular failures, whatever you chose, but see (pending) for tests that fail because of ???.

(not authoritative, but since no one else has answered:)
I suspect that traceLevel isn't doing anything because the stack traces are coming from ScalaTest, not from sbt.
sbt does have a logLevel setting which is relevant. Try this:
set logLevel in Test := Level.Warn
But note that this suppresses not only the stack traces, but all of the lines in your example that begin with [info]. Instead, you'll just get the [error] stuff at the end, which does at least have the names of the suites with failing tests.
If you really want to only suppress the stack traces without changing anything else, I think that might not be possible. Looking at , I see options for making stack traces shorter (-oS) or longer (-oF), but no option for omitting the stack trace altogether.


Email Extension Plugin - can't get BUILD_LOG_EXCERPT to work

No matter what I put in BUILD_LOG_EXCERPT, all I get is an email with an empty body, thus could use some assistance.
I have a java program that writes to console. Snippet of Jenkins console output looks like this:
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building project1 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- exec-maven-plugin:1.4.0:java (default-cli) # project1 ---
Parameters provided: SG, 100, 1000
query: select COUNT(*) from table1 where col1 = ? and col2 = ? and col3 = ?
Rows in table: 5776
Threshold: 100
Rows returned above threshold, skipping dpan generation batch file.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1.125 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-02-08T09:31:37-08:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 8M/245M
In the Jenkins job, I create a Post Build step, and put the following line in Default Content:
${BUILD_LOG_EXCERPT, start="\\b(Parameters)\\b", end="\\b(Threshold)\\b"}
When I trigger the job, all i get is an empty email. However if I add
${BUILD_LOG, maxLines=9999, escapeHtml=false}
then i get the full console output in the email. Any ideas? I am using version 2.40.3 of the plugin.
Looks like your regex is failing to find any matches, so you aren't getting any lines of the log. This is because the BUILD_LOG_EXCERPT variable uses java.util.regex.Pattern.Matcher.matches() to match a regex - and this will only return True if the entire string matches (referenced in this SO question). The log parser is running line-by-line, so it's testing your entire line against your regex and failing (since there are characters after "Parameters").
If you're looking for a string that starts with Parameters but may have characters after it, you can match to
which will match "Parameters" and any arbitrary string after it.
BUILD_LOG_EXCERPT in email-ext follows a very simple regex match using start and end. got it working by using two echo statements i.e one at the start from where i wanted the piece of console log and one at the end position of the log you wanted in email.
example :
In Build step :
echo Start
<your build commands>
echo End
In Default section of email-ext use the below line to get it working :
${BUILD_LOG_EXCERPT, start="^Start", end="^End"}
if your using a html email output you can use below line to align output in email
<pre>${BUILD_LOG_EXCERPT, start="^Start", end="^End"}</pre>
you can tweak and get it working , Hope it works for you as it did for me .

Is it possible to use sbt testOnly with Slick TestKit?

When I execute sbt testOnly *JoinTest* no tests are found and the following output is shown, but com.typesafe.slick.testkit.tests.JoinTest should have been executed:
testOnly *JoinTest*
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /ext/git/slick/slick-testkit/target/scala-2.10/test-classes...
[info] Passed: Total 0, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 0
[info] No tests to run for testkit/test:testOnly
You're so close. Try this instead:
testOnly -- *JoinTest*
The -- allows you test send arguments to the test kit. Without that it's expecting a list of JUnit tests. More info here.
every time when I had a class called as yours .JoinTest to lunch / run all the tests from it I just wrote:
testOnly *.JoinTest
link from sbt 0.13 with details about this
additional if you want to run a specific test case from that class you can use the following command
testOnly *.JoinTest -- -z "test name you want to run"
to discover other commands that you can use with -- you can take a look at this link

Scala Stdin.readLine() does not seem to work as expected

I am trying to write a simple console client application where i can present some options to the user, get their input and act accordingly. If i run the code through intellij or paste it into the scala console, it works. If i run it through sbt (which is how i really need it to run), i run into all sorts of problems.
I have sbt version 0.13.8, OS is Mac, my build.sbt contains:
scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
fork in run := true
EDIT I started with the minimum scala activator template in case that is useful info in this context
I have simplified the code to barebones,
object TestClient {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
def join(): Unit = {
val name = readLine(s"Enter your name.${System.getProperty("line.separator")}")
name match {
case n: String => println(n)
case o => {
println(s"invalid name ${o}")
When go into sbt and from the prompt enter run. one of the following seems to happen
1) I get this exception as soon as i run
Exception in thread "Thread-2" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.util.Arrays.copyOf(
at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.expandCapacity(
at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.ensureCapacityInternal(
at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.append(
at java.lang.StringBuffer.append(
at sbt.BasicIO$$anonfun$processFully$1$$anonfun$apply$8.apply(ProcessImpl.scala:58)
at sbt.BasicIO$$anonfun$processFully$1$$anonfun$apply$8.apply(ProcessImpl.scala:58)
at sbt.BasicIO$.readFully$1(ProcessImpl.scala:63)
at sbt.BasicIO$.processLinesFully(ProcessImpl.scala:69)
at sbt.BasicIO$$anonfun$processFully$1.apply(ProcessImpl.scala:58)
at sbt.BasicIO$$anonfun$processFully$1.apply(ProcessImpl.scala:55)
at sbt.SimpleProcessBuilder$$anonfun$3.apply$mcV$sp(ProcessImpl.scala:354)
at sbt.Spawn$$anon$
No memory issues, but getting these messages in an infinite loop, so the readline does not seem to be waiting for any input
background log: info: Enter your name.
background log: info: invalid name null
background log: info: Enter your name.
background log: info: invalid name null
Either way I am unable to actually enter any input in the console. Not sure what I'm missing or doing wrong
connectInput in run := true
in your build.sbt. See the official docs for more info on how to correctly handle forks in sbt.

How can I get complete stacktraces for exceptions thrown in tests when using sbt and testng?

The stacktraces are truncated - e.g. they end with [info] ...
Using last or changing traceLevel doesn't help - it simply prints the complete stacktrace of the sbt wrapper.
This is testing with testng (also I believe using scalatest and sl4j)
Using hints found in the documentation here:
You can configure the output shown when running with sbt in four ways: 1) turn off color, 2) show short stack traces, 3) full stack traces, and 4) show durations for everything. To do so you must pass a -o argument to ScalaTest, and after the -o, place any combination of:
D - show durations
S - show short stack traces
F - show full stack traces
W - without color
For example, "-oDF" would show full stack traces and durations (the amount of time spent in each test).
To pass arguments from sbt to ScalaTest you can either add test options globally, like this:
testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument("-oD")
(See the website for the rest of the quote)
You can use the following sbt command to enable full stack traces in tests:
> set testOptions in YourProjectName += Tests.Argument("-oF")
Per Sasha's comment, this can also be done from the command line per test run as shown below.
$ sbt test -- -oF
As an alternative to getting SBT to print the full stack trace, could you put a try-catch block around your test runner? For example, from the REPL:
scala> try { throw new Exception } catch { case e => e }
res1: java.lang.Throwable = java.lang.Exception
scala> res1.printStackTrace
at $line2.$read$$iw$$iw$.liftedTree1$1(<console>:8)
at $line2.$read$$iw$$iw$.<init>(<console>:8)
at $line2.$read$$iw$$iw$.<clinit>(<console>)

Detailed test reports in SBT using ScalaTest

how to let SBT generate more detailed outputs of tests? Now only thing I get is the name of method and stack trace - I would like to have some more control over it, to get rid of stack trace, and possibly have formatted info e.g. expected, actual...
Thank you for help
Normally you should get some output. As an example:
class ATest extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers {
"Some Object" should "do something and will fail" in {
1 should be(2)
will return:
[info] Some Object
[info] - should do something and will fail *** FAILED *** (QuaternionSpec.scala:17)
[info] org.scalatest.TestFailedException: 1 was not equal to 2
Can you show your test code?
To turn off the stacktrace you can use:
trace off