adding interactive waiting bar in matlab - matlab

I have added a waiting bar in matlab by using the following commands, but it want to make a modification.
h = waitbar(0,'Algorithm is running Xth simulation');
N = 30;
for i = 1:N
waitbar(i / N)
Now, I want to change the waitting bar in such a way that in each loop it shows that "Algorithm is running ith simulation"

According to The Fine Manual of waitbar, you can pass it a string with an updated message. Formatting a string in which you want to insert some numbers is done the easiest with sprintf. Example:
n = 10;
h = waitbar(0, sprintf('Starting %i simulations', n));
for i=1:n
pause(1); % pretend to do some work, your simulation code goes here
waitbar(i / n, h, sprintf('Finished the %ith simulation', i))
pause(1) % wait a little bit before closing it.


Matlab how to show progress in text showing up in command window

I am running a program that needs to take some time. It is better to show the running progress in real time, showing up in the command window. Something like below:
>>>>>>>> completed 90%
Assume the program runs though multiple loops:
for ii = 1:n
for jj = 1:m
for kk = 1:s
Is there any efficient way or some special function to achieve that? I don't want to use waitbar.m since I also have other results printed in real time in the command window. These printed results, coupled with the texted progress, are used for the convenience of inspection.
First of all you need to compute the percentage step every time the inner loop advances. This can be done by computing:
percent_step = 1.0 / n / m / s
Then you can just force MATLAB to print on the same line by using a concatenation of \b (backspace character). Here is a MWE that just compute a random 10x10 matrix and get its transpose (just to show the percentage progress):
backspaces = '';
percentage = 0;
% DEFINE n, m, s as you wish, here I put some random values
n = 100;
m = 15;
s = 24;
percent_step = 100.0 / n / m / s;
for ii = 1:n
for jj = 1:m
for kk = 1:s
% Do stuff
a = rand(10);
b = a';
% Print percentage progress
percentage = percentage + percent_step;
perc_str = sprintf('completed %3.1f', percentage);
fprintf([backspaces, perc_str]);
backspaces = repmat(sprintf('\b'), 1, length(perc_str));
If you don't mind a progress display opening up in a separate window, you could use the Matlab waitbar.
For your example, say you wanted to compute a waitbar based on the number of iterations completed over the outer loop, it would be something like
h=waitbar(0, 'My waitbar');
for ii = 1:n
for jj = 1:m
for kk = 1:s
fraction_done = ii/n;
close (h)
If you really want a text-based display, there is the waittext available on MATLAB File Exchange at
I have not worked with this but it appears to be similar to what you wanted.

Matlab gui with pause function

I am using the GUIDE for matlab gui.
The gui built in order to communicate with keithley current measurement device through GPIB.
When using a toggle button for Current measurement while loop, i am using a pause() function inside the while loop for each iteration and a ytranspose on the y array reading results.
function Measure_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global GPIB1
global filename
global timeStep
disp('Measurement in progress \n stopwatch starts!');
while get(hObject,'Value')
fprintf(GPIB1, 'printnumber(smua.measure.i(smua.nvbuffer1))');
fprintf(GPIB1, 'printbuffer(1,1,nvbuffer1)');
A = fscanf(GPIB1);
if length(A)<20
x = x+1;
n = n+1;
t(n) = toc ;
y(x) = str2double(A);
'MarkerFaceColor',[.49 1 .63],...
grid on
hold on
title('Current vs Time','FontSize', 15)
xlabel('Time [s]','FontSize', 15)
ylabel('Current [A]','FontSize', 15)
a = timeStep;
disp('Measurement terminated');
disp('Elapsed time: ');
elapsedtime = toc;
elapsedtime_string = num2str(elapsedtime);
ytrans = transpose(y);
fprintf(GPIB1, 'smua.source.output = smua.OUTPUT_OFF');
For the pause function i'm geting error:
?? Error using ==> pause Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
For the transpose(y) function i'm also getting a error:
its undefined y.
Cant understand why are those errors and could use some help.
Thank you!
First off, as people say, post the errors and the code. Do you know if length(A) is smaller than 20 in the first time you run the loop? Because if not, A is not defined and you can't transpose something that is not there. Initialize A before the loop to something and see if the error persists (or print out length(A) to make sure the loop gets entered the first run).
As for the pause error, make sure pause is an int or double, not a string. If you get your global timeStep from the GUI field, it is probably a string and you need to covert it to double first.

Matlab assignin('base',...) Resets

I am attempting to write a function that, if called before any animation, will handle the close events without extra code in the animation file.
function matlabStopFunction(varargin)
persistent runs
if runs==2
runs = [];
if isempty(runs)
runs = 1;
runs = 2;
Here's a sample animation code that I've been using:
function sampleAnimation
r = 5;
th = 0;
play = true;
while play
x = r * cosd(th);
y = r * -sind(th);
axis([-10 10 -10 10]);
th = th + 45;
The stop function works fine creating the figure, and when I close the figure, it calls the same function as expected (including the assignin on line 10). However, when stepping through, when I first get back to the base function (sampleAnimation), play is false as would be expected:
But when I step one more line, play is reset to true
Am I incorrectly assigning the value of play to false in the stop function, and if so, how could I correct this so that the animation stops when the figure is closed while keeping the code inside the animation to a minimum? I am trying to replicate the method on this blog except with all the code contained in a separate file.
I am running Matlab 2014b on Windows 8.1.
To answer your question - you are modifying the value play in the base workspace - where as the loop is in the workspace of the sampleAnimation function -> so you are not changing the required value to stop the animation. To verify this clear your variables in the base workspace clear before you run your code and you will see that the variable play is created and set to false.
By the way there is a much simpler way to do this, you animation can create a figure and then you can stop when it is deleted:
function sampleAnimation
h = figure;
r = 5;
th = 0;
while ishandle ( h )
x = r * cosd(th);
y = r * -sind(th);
axis([-10 10 -10 10]);
th = th + 45;

Matlab not plotting, endless loop

I'm trying to use the bisection method in Matlab to find the root of an equation as q varies from 2000-3000 in 10 step intervals. My code however does not print out a graph even though I have a plot statement and I think it creates an infinite loop since when I run it matlab says busy and I can't close the program unless I force close. I can't see anything in my code that would cause this though, could someone help me out?
function myFunction
a = 20;
b = 40;
tol = 1e-4;
q = 2000:10:3000;
t = zeros(101,1);
for i=(1:length(q))
f = #(x) (((1800).*log((160000)./(160000 - (x.*q(i)))) - (9.812).*x)./750) - 1;
t(i) = bisect(f,a,b,tol);
function c=bisect(f,a,b,tol)
while b-a > tol
c = (a-b)/2;
if sign(f(c)) == sign(f(b))
It should also be noted that I have used this bisect method before and it does work so I don't think the problem is with that function.
Your error is here:
c = (a-b)/2;
You initialize a=20 and b=40. c is initially set to -10. But you really want c to be halfway between a and b, which means you want:
c = (a+b)/2;
Also, add a drawnow right after you plot statement to force MATLAB to draw graphics.

using timer in MATLAB to extract the system time

!I am using MATLAB to design an Analog Clock. Currently, my code simply displays the (or plots rather) the clock design with the hands (hours, mins, secs) and does not tick. Here is my code:
function raviClock(h,m,s)
%TIMER begins-------
t = timer;
t.ExecutionMode = 'FixedSpacing'; %Use one of the repeating modes
t.Period = 1; %Fire on 1 second intervals
t.TimerFcn = #timer_setup; %When fired, call this function
function timer_setup(varargin)
format shortg;
timenow = clock;
h = timenow(4);
m = timenow(5);
s = timenow(6);
% hour hand
hours= h + m/60 + s/3600;
hourAngle= 90 - hours*(360/12);
% compute coordinates for pointing end of hour hand and draw it
[xhour, yhour]= polar2xy(0.6, hourAngle);
plot([0 xhour], [0 yhour], 'k-','linewidth',7.4)
% minute hand
mins= m + s/60;
minsAngle= 90 - mins*(360/60);
% compute coordinates for pointing end of minute hand and draw it
[xmins, ymins]= polar2xy(0.75, minsAngle);
plot([0 xmins], [0 ymins], 'r-','linewidth',4)
%second's hand
second = s;
secAngle = 90- second*(360/60);
[xsec, ysec]= polar2xy(0.85, secAngle);
plot([0 xsec], [0 ysec], 'm:','linewidth',2)
%end % while ends
function drawClockFace
%close all
axis([-1.2 1.2 -1.2 1.2])
axis square equal
hold on
theta= 0;
for k= 0:59
[xX,yY]= polar2xy(1.05,theta);
[x,y]= polar2xy(0.9,theta);
if ( mod(k,5)==0 ) % hour mark
else % minute mark
theta= theta + 360/60;
function [x, y] = polar2xy(r,theta)
rads= theta*pi/180;
x= r*cos(rads);
y= r*sin(rads);
This is simply taking a static data of values for the HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND arguments when i initially call my function. I tried using the following in a while loop but it didn't help much
format shortg
clockData = fix(c)
h = clockData(4)
m = clockData(5)
s = clockData(6)
and passing the h, m and s to the respective cuntions. I want to know how I can use the TIMER obkjects and callbacks for extracting the information of [hrs mins secs] so i can compute the respective point co-ordinates in real time as the clock ticks.
I'd do a couple of things here.
First, you probably don't really need to pass the h, m, s inputs, if you are displaying current time. Add this to the top of your function to auto set these variables.
if nargin == 0
[~,~,~,h,m,s] = datevec(now);
Then, it is pretty easy to use a time to call this function periodically. Something like this.
t = timer;
t.ExecutionMode = 'FixedSpacing'; %Use one of the repeating modes
t.Period = 1; %Fire on 1 second intervals
t.TimerFcn = #(~,~)raviClock; %When fired, call this function (ignoring 2 inputs)
start(t); %GO!
Use docsearch timer for in depth documentation of the timer objects. But the code above should get you started.
To stop the timer, run
To stop the timer when the window is closed, put the stop command into the window deletion callback:
set(gcf,'DeleteFcn',#(~,~)stop(t)); %NOte: Better to explicitly use a figure number, rather than gcf.