AWD plugin for 3dmax2013 and Maya [closed] - away3d

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am new in Away3d. I am developing Flex project for 3d objects. I am using 3dmax 2013. But i did't get

As far as I know, they temporarily stopped developing plugins for 3Ds Max, so just try to use Prefab3D. Official website:
Additionally, you can use Away Builder, the website:
But, I literally don't know how to get AWD from 3Ds Max 2013, I think for today, it's impossible and if someone know how to do it, please share the secret! Cheers!


How to get the community license of Syncfusion? [closed]

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Closed 3 months ago.
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Recently, I am learning MAUI and I wanna use the UI from Syncfusion.
I tried to get the community license of it, and I followed the steps from the Syncfusion site. But there was no responding after I login with my LinkedIn account.
Guys, if you know something about this, could you please give me some suggestions or tell me if the community license is not available for applying?
Or maybe you can recommend some else good and free UI library for MAUI to me. Much thanks!
Go to
Sign in top right corner
Select PRICING - and the Communitylicense. Then click Claim your free license.
Get License or Unlock Key , or download them (best option) so you cannot lose it .
Don't forget to set the key in App.xaml.cs

Getting Started with Unreal Engine [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am new to game development. I had recently worked with Unity 3D but its not free so I switched over to Unreal Engine. Documentation on Epic Games's website is not in detail and hard to understand for new game developers.
When I was new to Unreal Engine, I looked into the following video playlist.
Have a look. It is collection of 208 Videos.
You may also want to check out this guy's channel on YouTube: TeslaDev
There are great tutorials there.

FREE Jaspersoft iReport 4.5.0 Tutorials [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Hi guys I downloaded Jaspersoft ireport and was wondering if you know of any good FREE tutorials for the latest release. The most I could find was iReportTutorial.pdf, The_Definitive_Guide_to_iReport_-_Apress.pdf, a-tutorial-on-jasperreports-ireport-and-jfreechart.pdf and iReport-Ultimate-Guide-3.pdf. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.
This book:
is written in a tutorial-like style.
If you go for the kindle edition you can get one chapter free, full book is 19 bucks or so.

Any objective-c open source can let me share content to a number of services? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am going to allow user to share content to their fav services, in my iphone app.
The services I want to integrate include:
Any "One ring to rule them all" open source that I can adopt for this?
I know ShareKit would be a good candidate, but I noticed that it stopped updating since Nov 2010, which is one year ago.
Any suggestions for new such kind of kit?
Sharekit is still the best option, but you need to use this version:
It is still actively being developed.

Is there an opensource "MSWord doc to PDF" convert library [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am trying to convert word(.doc) into PDF on iOS device. Is there an opensource solution where I can use as a C/C++ lib or something?
There really is no conveniently open-source library that will do this for you: you may get some mileage out of WvWare but I've never seen it used on iOS and I'm not sure what platform dependencies it may need.
If your iphone is connected to the net, then you can call a Docmosis web service to do it. You need to sign up though.