How to search in SphinxQL by sql_attr_multi field - sphinx

This is my query to sphinxQL:
SELECT option_id FROM items WHERE cat IN (10,11) GROUP BY option_id LIMIT 100000 OPTION max_matches=100000
cat is sql_attr_multi field, this query not return to me correct result. Anybody knows how to search by fields by this sphinx attribute?

That query looks for items where cat attribute contains either 10 OR 11, is that what you trying to do?
If its not, would help to know what you are trying to query!

I had similar problem.
When I pass array to IN condition for MVA attribute I have no result, however there is several ones in index.
When I debug condition (attribute array(10, 11) in you case) I see that array values is string integer instead.
0 => "10",
1 => "11"
For every single value in condition uses quoteArr() function
wich escape value according with
The quote function use is_int() PHP internal function:
$a = "1";
var_dump(is_int($a)); // return bool(false)
It mean, thet instead
cat IN (10, 11)
you have
cat IN ("10", "11")
But sphinx can't filter MVA attribute by not integer (string) values no metter IN or OR WHERE notation you use.
[1064] index document : unsupported filter type 'string' on MVA column [ SELECT * FROM `document` WHERE MATCH('(some query)') AND `_category` = '5' LIMIT 0, 10]
You should use strict value type:
foreach ($category as &$item) {
$item = (int)$item;
} unset($item);
I am not sure that it is your incindent. Unfortunately, there isn't enough data to say it for sure in this case.


How to query inside a postgres db having one column as json value

I have a table named Test and in that one column (Subject) contains JSON values.
This is the query which i am using
select Name,Subject
from Test
where id =1;
And the following are the JSON values present inside table.
Now my question is how to write a query to get English mark from JSON value.
Expected o/p is 22.
I am new to postgres, can any one help me in this thanks in advance
You can combine the -> and ->> operators
select Name,Subject, subject -> 'subject' ->> 'English' as english_mark
from Test
where id =1;
Alternatively use the #>> operator where you provide the path to the element you want as an array of keys:
select Name,Subject, subject #>> '{subject, English}' as english_mark
from Test
where id =1;

Indexing a josnb column in postgresql

I have a column in postgresql table with type jsonb.
"type": "car",
"vehicleIds": [
Application runs queries against these fields to fetch records. I need to index this column only for these fields.
How can this be done?
This is query structure with properties as the column name:
FROM Vehicle f
WHERE ## CONCAT('$.vehicleIds[*] >', :vehicleId )= true
AND ## CONCAT('$.type >', :type ) = true
The query you are using is highly confusing, as it boils down to be a text search query, as the ## is applied on a text value.
I also don't understand the '$.type > ... condition. With values like car I would expect an equality operator, rather than "greater than". Using > together with a UUID also doesn't seem to make sense.
If you want to search for values of type car and contain a list of IDs, using the "contains" operator #> is a better way to do that:
FROM Vehicle f
WHERE #> '{"type": "car", "vehicleIds": ["980e3761-935a-4e52-be77-9f9461dec4d1"]}'
The above could make use of a GIN index on the properties column:
create index on vehicles using gin (properties);
If the type key is always queried with equality (which I assume), a combined index might be more efficient:
create index on vehicles using gin ( (properties ->> 'type'), (properties -> 'vehicleIds') );
You need to install the btree_gin extension in order to create that index.
That index would be a bit smaller but needs a different query:
FROM Vehicle f
WHERE ->> 'type' = 'car'
AND -> 'vehicleIds' #> '["980e3761-935a-4e52-be77-9f9461dec4d1"]'
You will need to validate if the indexes are used and which ones is more efficient by looking at the execution plan

postgres how to compare jsonb array and array

This my jonb data
"name": "Jonh",
"country": ["USA", "UK"],
And my query:
SELECT * FROM public.product where contact -> 'country' = ARRAY['USA','UK'];
Executed the query and got this ERROR: operator does not exist: jsonb = text[]
So how do I fix this error?
You need to compare it with a JSONB array:
select *
from product
where contact -> 'country' = '["USA","UK"]'::jsonb;
But this depends on the order of the elements in the array. If you want to test all keys regardless of the order, the ?& operator might be better:
where contact -> 'country' ?& array['UK','USA']
That would however also return rows that contain additional elements in the array. If you need to match all elements exactly regardless of the order you could use the #> operator twice:
where contact -> 'country' #> '["USA","UK"]'::jsonb
and contact -> 'country' <# '["USA","UK"]'::jsonb
Use to_jsonb():
SELECT (('{"a": ["x","y","z"]}'::jsonb)->'a') = to_jsonb(array['x','y','z']);
^^ Returns true.

How to get only specific rows on DB, when date range fits SQL condition on a 'tsrange' datatype? [duplicate]

I have this query:
some_id = 1
SELECT "Indicator"."indicator"
FROM "Indicator"
WHERE "Indicator"."some_id" = %s;', some_id)
I get the following error:
TypeError: 'int' object does not support indexing
some_id is an int but I'd like to select indicators that have some_id = 1 (or whatever # I decide to put in the variable).
SELECT "Indicator"."indicator"
FROM "Indicator"
WHERE "Indicator"."some_id" = %s;', [some_id])
This turns the some_id parameter into a list, which is indexable. Assuming your method works like i think it does, this should work.
The error is happening because somewhere in that method, it is probably trying to iterate over that input, or index directly into it. Possibly like this: some_id[0]
By making it a list (or iterable), you allow it to index into the first element like that.
You could also make it into a tuple by doing this: (some_id,) which has the advantage of being immutable.
You should pass query parameters to execute() as a tuple (an iterable, strictly speaking), (some_id,) instead of some_id:
SELECT "Indicator"."indicator"
FROM "Indicator"
WHERE "Indicator"."some_id" = %s;', (some_id,))
Your id needs to be some sort of iterable for mogrify to understand the input, here's the relevant quote from the frequently asked questions documentation:
>>> cur.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (%s)", "bar") # WRONG
>>> cur.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (%s)", ("bar")) # WRONG
>>> cur.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (%s)", ("bar",)) # correct
>>> cur.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (%s)", ["bar"]) # correct
This should work:
some_id = 1
SELECT "Indicator"."indicator"
FROM "Indicator"
WHERE "Indicator"."some_id" = %s;', (some_id, ))
Slightly similar error when using Django:
TypeError: 'RelatedManager' object does not support indexing
This doesn't work
This works:
Basically, the error reads Some type xyz doesn't have an __ iter __ or __next__ or next function, so it's not next(), or itsnot[indexable], or iter(itsnot), in this case the arguments to cursor.execute would need to implement iteration, most commonly a List, Tuple, or less commonly an Array, or some custom iterator implementation.
In this specific case the error happens when the classic string interpolation goes to fill the %s, %d, %b string formatters.
How to implement __iter__(self) for a container object (Python)
Pass parameter into a list, which is indexable.
cur.execute("select * from tableA where id =%s",[parameter])
I had the same problem and it worked when I used normal formatting.
SELECT "Indicator"."indicator"
FROM "Indicator"
WHERE "Indicator"."some_id" ={some_id};')
Typecasting some_id to string also works.
cursor.execute(""" SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = %s """, (str(id), ))

is there any feature of aliasing fields and setting defaults value for a field in mongo db while fetching results without aggregations?

1) select f1 as field_one from table;
so f1 is aliased to field_one.
2) select decode(f1, 1,one, 2, two, 3, three, 'Not a valid range' ) from table.
so for value of f1 query returns
1 One
2 Two
3 Three
Not a valid range
#Ankita, In Aggregation framework you have following two to address the requested features:
Aliasing: You can use $project to assign a new name -
db.coll.aggregate([{"$project": {"field_one": "$f1"}])
Decode: You should be able to use combination of $concat and $cond to the put a decode kind of statement. You can find more details bout the cond and concat in the MongoDB documentation at and
db.coll.aggregate([{$project: {decode_fields: {"$concat": [{"$cond": [, , ] }, {....}] } } }])
If you're doing a query to insert the results into another collection or database, you can manipulate the way each line looks line inside the forEach function. Take a look:
property: {
$in: [ 71038, 41438 ]
).forEach(function(line) { = NumberInt(;
line.alteredProperty =;
line.updatedAt = line.meta.updatedAt;
line.createdAt = line.meta.createdAt;
delete line.meta;
Is this of any help? :)