Good IMAP Email Client to Handle 1000+ Emails - email

We use Thunderbird as our email client in the office and use IMAP (through Google Apps). But it takes some time to sync folders and emails because we have created more than 300 folders according to shipments and customer names. Further we need to keep increase folders in the future as well.
So can you please tell me a good way or an email client to handle these emails ?. We have configured this email account in to about 8 PCs. Thank you in advance.

300 folders and "1000+" e-mails is nothing. I'm behind Trojitá, a fast Qt IMAP e-mail client, so this is what I recommend, but any decent software shall work just fine for you anyway.
That said, this is probably OT for stackoverflow.


Cleaning up email distribution list of bad/invalid emails

We have a newsletter where people opt-in (everything is on the up and up here). As people leave jobs (fired, layoffs, etc.), we still send to those emails and now after a few years, we have a considerable amount of emails that need to be purged.
The inbox that is receiving the bounces/invalid emails is a gmail account. We can filter (via a search) and find the emails that need to be removed but how can we export those emails to a list so that we can clean up our distribution list? Are there any tools that would help simply this?
We are looking into mailgun and sendgrid for future send outs but we need to clean up the list before we migrate. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Our tech stack is apache/coldfusion 11 (not that it matters but in case it helps).
You could use CF to log into gmail and pull all the messages. Then loop through them all to find the bounce messages. Appending those bounced email addressed to a simple flat file. If you want to get fancy you can use a database, but I think a simple text file would do in this case. One email address per line.
I just read that you are deleting those bounced email addresses from a database. IF you're confident of your coding the above idea, you could directly delete from your database rather than saving a file.

Is SMTP plugin important for WordPress?

I have a website based on WordPress.
Every page has his own Contact form.
I am using Configure SMTP
+ Contact7
(SMTP is setup to user Gmail as a SMTP server).
After a while I'm curious why I am actually doing it this way.
Is Gmail that secure or it is only about SSL?
Is WP build in mail function secure (and good) enough to use it?
In total: what is the best way to make contact form in WordPress and avoiding my mails getting to the spam folder?
I was told that the solution descriped above (Gmail SMTP) is the best way, is it?
Well, the build-in mail function works fine for most uses, like sending "Password lost" or "New user registered" mails or even contact forms.
If you send more than just a few (can´t name a number) mails via contact forms, newsletters etc. you will probably want to use a mailserver for that, either an external one (GMail) or a properly configured internal one. They go much easier past spam protection because they are known for sending mails and are probably whitelisted at the big mail providers. Your webhost most probably is not and might be considered as spam very fast when he is sending mails regularly.
If you want to send a lot of mails in a short span of time you should probably go one step further and choose a service like Mailchimp or something similar for that. Their business is sending newsletters and so nobody (means the mail providers) wonders, when they have lots of mails incoming from one of those servers.
For your use case I would stick to SMTP via GMail, when it works fine for you. As you are not sending lots of mails in a short span of time you´ll have only little problems with getting rated as spam and you also have a trusted server sending those mails. Seems fine for me.

Contact webform using PHP mail() or via SMTP?

I am modifying my website so users will be able to send an email through our webform.
Everything is written in PHP.
I will be using standard mail() function (PHP) and as I understand it will use local smtp server to send an email (this is sendmail, right?).
Should I maybe use SMTP server to send those emails?
I am asking because using standard mail() function it will use local server (Debian Linux 6.0) and I never really used it... I just want to be sure that all of those emails will get throu.
You have to keep some standards for sending emails in mind but then it will work fine:
set a RDNS entry for the IP you are sending the emails from
your email server must be not an open relay
don't send emails to users who didn't opt in to your email list via double opt in proceeder
your server IP need to be nowhere blacklisted
If you are sending a lot of emails (like 5000 emails and more) you should use a special service for that. A shared hosting plan or a VPS won't be a good idea for that amount of emails.
I always use PHP mailer. Its very easy to configure. Refer
Delivering mail is not an easy subject. If you don't want to dive into it, is a great solution. They offer a great free plan, and they manage all the deliverability issues for you.
We use Mandrill on all our new projects. We were using SendGrid, which is also good, but is more expensive (and not better).

Migrating from POP to IMAP, multiple account folders

I am about to migrate all of my email accounts to using the IMAP protocol instead of the POP protocol. The problem I have is that the folders I currently have in Outlook have email in them from multiple accounts. So for instance I have a folder called 'Enquiries' which includes emails from '' and emails from ''
Is there a way to combine folders from multiple IMAP email accounts that are on my server? Or do I have to have separate folders for each account? Can I have one large 'PST' file on my server to hold all of my email accounts?
Additionally, if I open up Outlook on my laptop, will I be able to see all of my emails from the past even if I lose my internet connections? Is this what 'Idle' mode is for?
IMAP supports sharing. But folders belong to a user. So it's unusual to want to do what you have described.
If you want the mail to appear in the same folder, I'm pretty sure you will need to configure your mail server(s) to direct all incoming mail for those two addresses into the same user/folder.
PST files are not an IMAP thing - they're a proprietary Microsoft thing, so no, you can't do that with IMAP.
As for lost internet connection, this should be straight-forward for you to test. Simply disable your internet and see what happens. Try it with messages and folders that you have and haven't previously opened.
This Microsoft article about working offline makes me think that you won't be able to view existing messages.

Send over 1000 emails per day via gmail, amazon sns, or own smtp

I'm trying to code a mail sender service. Previously I built a simple desktop application which uses my shared hosting mail server to send html mails. But now it's not enough and I plan switching to Gmail or Amazon SNS.
For Gmail I have to use min 15 different accounts to be able to send up to 1500 emails. Also sometimes gmail blocks the accounts and I have to login and change the passwords.
I've just signed up for Amazon SNS but it does not looks to what I need. You first have to subscribe users then send emails. Also emails are sent from addres. Is this the all service or I can configure it as I wish?
I also read some suggestions to lookup the MX records for the destination mail servers How to send 1000+ emails per day using an ASP.NET Web site
I want a minimum cost solution. So which is best and is there a better solution?
We use Mailjet for 3 sites now. Initially we used the free plan (6000 / month) to test the set-up and reporting. Now the 3 sites are run on it. Very satisfied - especially since they offer dedicated IP monitoring. According to us, it's rather easy to install. SMTP very easy and one of the sites integrates with the API. I'd recommend
There are a multitude of services available for you that will allow you to send 1500+ emails per day and will get the headache of email deliverability off your plate.
PostageApp (Ours!)
Postmark App
Take a look and see which fit your needs and have the implementation method that you are looking for. They each have a free service, so it's definitely easy to try.
(Full Disclosure: I am the Product Manager of PostageApp. Let me know if you have any questions!)
A relatively new option for transaction emails that seems pretty good from Mailchimp:
Looks like it has decent integration with their main service as well.
You can utilize some premium services to send 1000 emails here, daily for free
Remember, you should not spam in the services listed, just you create multiple lists in all accounts & send emails daily.