if($bans[$i]['ip'] == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) - plugins

i have created a website with Ultimate video curator using wordpress, also buy a plugin "wp sensei" for protect this site from hacking. I have also installed this plugin, but when i clicked on activate showing me
"Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error." and
"Warning: Illegal string offset 'ip' in /home4/worldvj5/public_html/halloweencostumes/wp-content/plugins/wp-sensei/wplockup.php on line 108
Warning: Illegal string offset 'time' in /home4/worldvj5/public_html/halloweencostumes/wp-content/plugins/wp-sensei/wplockup.php on line 119
Fatal error: Cannot unset string offsets in /home4/worldvj5/public_html/halloweencostumes/wp-content/plugins/wp-sensei/wplockup.php on line 120"
so what is the main problem, and how to solve it, please solve this problem.
and when i go to this page with 108 line in wp sensei, i see that "if($bans[$i]['ip'] == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])"
please help me.

Odds are, the $bans array is empty. Add a bogus IP to be banned using the plugin, and then try it again.


"unable to resolve class GradleException" Error

I am creating my project and when trying to run it it shows me this error, I have not programmed anything I just wanted to run the default app
bug image
The complete error message reads
Unexpected token. u # line 12, column 2
And if you look in line 12, right below the text "unable to resolve class GradleException", then you see a closing bracket and an extra "u".
Apparently this is an accidental typo. Remote that u and try again

Magento Page Builder - 500 Internal Server error

I just wanted to add a Slider block in my Magento 2.4.4 build in Pagebuilder and I'm getting an 500 Internal Server error when I click on Edit. I have this problem also with the Image block.
I have this in my browser console:
[HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error 887ms]
Do you know where I can start to search where this is comming from?
The debug.log and system.log says:
magento main.ERROR: The requested store cannot be found.
I found the solution folowing the steps from Silas Palmer found here: https://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/156176/magento-2-requested-store-is-not-found?newreg=9ac715264c1949e69c8b1a78c0100133
That makes the error code more clear.
In my case it says:
main.ERROR: The store ID (3) that was requested wasn't found. Verify the store and try again.
So I crated a new store view and it works now.
Here is what I did:
This generally happens whenever config.php and the database get out of sync. For example, whenever I import a database back to my local development environment.
Here were the steps I used to troubleshoot and fix this.
Make the error messages more helpful:
Change vendor/magento/module-store/Model/StoreRepository.php to this (on your local, temporarily)
// Around line 74
if ($store->getId() === null) {
// Add this to see a backtrace
// debug_print_backtrace();
// Add this to see the store code causing the issue: (code:{$code})
throw new NoSuchEntityException(
__("The store (code:{$code}) that was requested wasn't found. Verify the store and try again.")
// .......
// Around line 114, same kind of thing...
if ($store->getId() === null) {
// debug_print_backtrace();
throw new NoSuchEntityException(
__("The store ID ({$id}) that was requested wasn't found. Verify the store and try again.")
Run php bin/magento s:up and make a note of the store id and/or store codes that are causing the issues. If you have added the backtrace, that will spool variables forever and you might need to do something like this instead: php bin/magento s:up > output.txt (wait 3 minutes, press ctrl-d to kill it) less output.txt
Go through app/etc/config.php and make sure all the stores line up with whatever is in the store table in the database. Note the store id from step 1, that will give you clues where to look. If there are differences, change config.php and not the database.
Run this against the database:
Change scope_id value (99) to whatever store_id you got in step #1
DELETE FROM core_config_data WHERE scope_id = 99
Change like value ('%xx_en%') to whatever store code you got in step #1
DELETE from flag where flag_data like '%xx_en%'
Run php bin/magento s:up again, hopefully there are no errors this time. Otherwise you may have to repeat some steps.

facebook feed page plugin error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ':'

I am trying to display a simple facebook feed on a website using page plugin
But I keep getting the following error. Does anyone know what it means? and perhaps any way to resolve it?
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ':'
at a (f1ExCm8DHSA.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:254:358)
at a.c._inlineJS (f1ExCm8DHSA.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:255:1551)
at b (f1ExCm8DHSA.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:255:1002)
at xyCIQCGmYe4.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:14:3616
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at j (xyCIQCGmYe4.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:14:3596)
at Object.appendContent (xyCIQCGmYe4.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:14:2032)
at Object.setContent (xyCIQCGmYe4.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:14:1880)
at b.<anonymous> (Miz6oWqAvcL.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:39:2329)
at ug (Miz6oWqAvcL.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:59:58919)
at Sj (Miz6oWqAvcL.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:59:118576)
at Rj (Miz6oWqAvcL.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:59:118136)
at Qj (Miz6oWqAvcL.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:59:117671)
at Ok (Miz6oWqAvcL.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:59:127937)
at Nk (Miz6oWqAvcL.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:59:127252)
at Ak (Miz6oWqAvcL.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:59:123724)
at Wf (Miz6oWqAvcL.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:59:52973)
at tk (Miz6oWqAvcL.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:59:120748)
at Object.enqueueSetState (Miz6oWqAvcL.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:59:59325)
at b.a.setState (Miz6oWqAvcL.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:58:1753)
at Miz6oWqAvcL.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:39:2237
at AsyncRequest._dispatchResponse (x9ZrO_yAkJs.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:16:6351)
at Object.applyWithGuard (f1ExCm8DHSA.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:58:9980)
at AsyncRequest.c (f1ExCm8DHSA.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:58:10684)
at x9ZrO_yAkJs.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:15:84
at e (f1ExCm8DHSA.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:322:291)
at Object.applyWithGuard (f1ExCm8DHSA.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:58:9980)
at d (f1ExCm8DHSA.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:296:2252)
I was having this problem too and much like most responses, I was cracking my brain figuring where is the problem coming from. The source in console didn't really have any errors, but yet it reported as error.
After some detailed testing, I realized that if I include the timeline parameter in the tabs section, then I get this error. As soon as I removed it, the error disappeared. Probably the semicolon is coming from the feed or something. Might help someone else having this problem.

Error in Selenium IDE, receiving error "Element id=ui-id-12 not found"

In Selenium I recorded a test suite and while executing I received the script error:
Element id=ui-id-12 not found
You are getting this error because you have recorded wrong script. The element ID 12 is changing every time. So you can use another way to detect the Web-Element.You will have to use more preferred way of locating the Web-element. Instead of using id please try to use static attribute of the Web-Element. I believe it will fix your problem.

Form Wizard is losing my data

Hello and thanks for your time!
While trying to implement the Form Wizard I ran into a couple of problems.
Using xdebug showed up that all submitted data is lost, what means:
$this->data, $_POST and $params['data'] / ['form'] are all empty.
It seems that cake is doing some kind of redirect / dispatching and the actions are called twice. When I set a breakpoint in the beforeFilter() method, I can see all data filled in properly.
There were some suggestions in other discussions that this could be caused by invalid links in the layout, but using an empty layout didnt change anything.
I also removed the Auth Component, the RequestHandler, Helpers to see if theres something happening... nothing.
Problem is, Im quite new to Cake and have no further ideas where to look.
Currently Im getting this Warning:
Warning (512): Step validation: daten is not a valid step. [ROOT/plugins/wizard/controllers/components/wizard.php, line 271]
Code | Context
return $this->controller->autoRender ? $this->controller->render($this->_currentStep) : true;
} else {
trigger_error(sprintf(__('Step validation: %s is not a valid step.', true), $step), E_USER_WARNING);
$step = "daten"
WizardComponent::process() - ROOT/plugins/wizard/controllers/components/wizard.php, line 271
SignupsController::wizard() - ROOT/plugins/bookings/controllers/signups_controller.php, line 18
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 204
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 171
[main] - ROOT/webroot/index.php, line 83
Dont think that helps much, cause the $step array is also lost.
Any idea deeply appreciated! :)
The issue is that the session has expired and the information is lost that the system keeps tracking progress and data with. Set your session to be longer in the security preferences in the core config. This still doesn't stop the error though. To fixed that replace:
trigger_error(sprintf(__('Step validation: %s is not a valid step.', true), $step), E_USER_WARNING);
This will send the user back to the first part of the form wizard. You will have lost all the user data but that happened by the session expiring in the first place or if someone tries to jump to a form which hasn't been accessed yet by using the form, it will also reset. This could be a good security measure or just plain annoying.
Anyway, that is my solution, there could be better ones.