External access to Magento instances - zend-framework

I've started investigating alternatives to my project and a few questions came out that I couldn't answer by myself.
The problem is: I want to create a web page able to access multiple Magento instances installed in the same server. Currently, I have one Magento instance per client and this project will access several Magneto instances to export reports from each one (for example).
The alternatives I thought til this moment are:
Have another Magento instance, create a new module within it that changes its 'database target' before triggering operations/queries;
Questions until this moment:
Can I 'change the database target' of a Magento instance?
How can I access data from a Magento instance without appeal to SOAP/REST?
I want to re-use some components (grids, tabs, forms..) from Magento, that's why I'm not considering an independent project (Zend, for instance) that can access this code from another projects. Does it make sense?
Any other idea?
Thanks by the tips and sorry by my ignorance. The comments let me believe that I'm able to execute something like this:
// File myScript.php
require '/home/DOMAIN1/app/Mage.php';
// get some products from DOMAIN1
require '/home/DOMAIN2/app/Mage.php';
// get some products from DOMAIN2
Is it right? Can I execute require twice (and override things from first require)?
I'm still trying to connect to several Magento instances from a single third party file. Is there any tip? I'm facing several/different errors at this moment.
The only thing I know is that I can still rely on SOAP to get the information I need, but this will be expensive.

The easiest way would be to include Mage.php from each shop instance. You would need to use namespaces or some other trickery to be able to load more then one.
Or if that doesn't work - make your own API in a separate file to get what you want from one shop, and combine the results in the PHP-file that calls the API.
Here's a sample on how to use Magento functionality outside of Magento:
require 'app/Mage.php';
if (!Mage::isInstalled()) {
echo "Application is not installed yet, please complete install wizard first.";
// your custom code here, for example, get the product model..
$productModel = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');


Create new work item type using VSTS Extension

Based on the documentation https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/extend/overview?view=vsts#what-makes-up-an-extension, a VSTS extension can be used to extend the work item form.
However, I would like my extension to automatically create a new work item type once it is installed. Is this something that is possible? I can't find any documentation online that suggests how to do it.
Theoretically this is possible, the extension has a "first load" call which you can use to use the rest api to create a custom process or update the existing custom process. The REST Api to change processes isn't public yet, so you'll have to work from using fiddler to watch how the web ui does it.
Due to the way processes are linked to projects, all projects with that process will get the new work item type.
I could not find a lot of documentation online for this, but the VSS web extensions SDK(https://www.npmjs.com/package/vss-web-extension-sdk) has a REST client called 'ProcessDefinitionsRestClient' declared in the typings/tfs.d.ts file. This client has a createWorkItemType method available that looks like this:
createWorkItemType(workItemType: ProcessDefinitionsContracts.WorkItemTypeModel, processId: string): IPromise<ProcessDefinitionsContracts.WorkItemTypeModel>;.
The 'ProcessRestClient' client has methods to create a new/inherited process to which the new WIT can be added.
I have not tried it out yet, and these APIs are still in preview, but maybe they can get you started on the right path.

Clone rep:policy on AEM

I am currently working on with a solution that would be able to clone/copy/backup my existing rep:policy. 'Cause when we do some jobs it accidentally removed. I am trying to apply this kind of fix, but am failing to. It says it is an invalid path.
javax.jcr.security.AccessControlException: OakAccessControl0006: Isolated policy node. Parent is not of type [rep:AccessControllable]
final Workspace ws = session.getWorkspace();
Are there other ways that I can be able to take the rep:policy thru code?
You need to make sure that your job does not touch the permissions or the rep:policy, this is the best way forward for you.
The exception could be because of /etc/commerce/products/abccompany/TvPackChannelMap/rep:policy does not exist or the user whose session you are using does not have read access to the node.
Make sure the path is correct, copy paste it to your CRX/DE to make sure it exists.
I have tried to use your code to copy a rep:policy from one node to another, works fine. But I would not* recommend copying permissions that way. The best practice is to use the Access Control Management API for all things permissions.
You can check, install and use the access control tool from netcentric. It offers a jmx interface for exporting AC entries and maybe also some APIs you could use to implement your custom solution.
The Other approach is to retrieve the ACL permissions through the query language.
For example, SELECT * FROM [rep:ACL] or SELECT * FROM [rep:ACE] where [rep:principalName] is not null should give you the results.
For more information, I would recommend you to check the ACS commons ACL Packager Implementation which is available on GitHub.
Reference Link - https://github.com/Adobe-Consulting-Services/acs-aem-commons/blob/master/bundle/src/main/java/com/adobe/acs/commons/packaging/impl/ACLPackagerServletImpl.java

Creating moodle plugin to accept REST calls and create activities/notice/files

Im quite new to moodle development. Im trying to post activity/notice to a selected course. I could not find any webservice for creating activities within a course. Is there any way i could create a plug-in where i could make a REST call to the plug so that it would create a notice?. An example would help allot.
To create local plugin you can follow following folder structure according to Moodle documentation (https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Local_plugins)-
Meanwhile, creating local plugin does not always really solve all problems as there are limitation depending what you really want to achieve.
what worked for me was editing //moodle_dir/course/modedit.php file, and i was able to make REST Call to add scorm activity to any course i want.

Yii2 is it possible to run rest action within the app itself?

I have created a REST project in yii2 and i have some yaml data that should be stored in the database. These are crowd data, that is authorized people can add new yaml files and our app will parse those data and store in database.
But these data might change in the future (i.e. add/delete columns) which would rely on version of the REST api (v1.0, v2.0 etc)
Thus i would like to call the appropriate rest action to do it.
I know there is the function $controller->run() but how do i use it to make a POST or a PUT request?
Is there any alternative to using yii httpclient?
If I am not wrong, you want to execute different action depending on the version of the API.
For that, you can create modules inside your frontend/backend directory and name the modules as per your versions. Whenever you have a new version create a new module and upgrade the version name. Thus you always get the proper versioning. So v1, v2.. will be modules in your project.
The good thing about this is that you can have same action name in different modules under same controller name. Thus if in version 1 you have 5 columns and the api is like /v1/data then you can have 7 columns in version 2 and the api can be like /v2/data.
For more details on modules: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-structure-modules.html

How to create an ATG store?

I have been studying ATG for about 4 months and now I am facing a problem: even going through the documentation I can't find any document that can clearly explain how I can create a new empty store.
I know that I need to have my database users and schemas, the application server scripts (I'm using weblogic) and the module in Eclipse. But I can't find anywhere how to create a new store, implement it from the beginning and see the result in the browser.
There is no such document for ATG. You either need to start from the Commerce Reference Store and customise that (in versions prior to ATG 11 would would strongly suggest not to use the CRS as your basis for a new site) or you can look at what the CRS executes for the runAssembler command, remove the CRS specific modules from that and then create, and include your own modules for the Storefront and your source code.
There is no empty store you can install and run. You have to build one. Or you can install CRS, which is not empty, but it is relatively straightforward to install and can be customized.
The documentation to follow: