Lisp in Small Pieces. chapter 1 - lisp

I began to study the book "Lisp in Small Pieces". For examples, the selected Racket. But in the first chapter there is a code sample (if (atom? e) . What is "atom?"? Where to define it?

The Scheme standard does not define atom?; the usual definition is
(define (atom? x)
(and (not (pair? x))
(not (null? x))))


Draw text in Racket

I need to draws a slide, showing only its title and shown part on a large background of a fixed size. Should I use the (text " " 25 "black") or just use the slide. Beside text function, is there other function can draw text?
(define SLIDE-1-LOS
(cons "Designing programs to solve problems"
(cons "Building good habits for developing large systems with a team"
(cons "CS: fundamental ideas, thinking" '()))))
(define SLIDE-2-LOS
(cons "Effectively using computers as tools"
(cons "Breaking down problems" '())))
(define SLIDE-3-LOS
(cons "Easy to start"
(cons "Informative feedback"
(cons "Functional programming is a useful paradigm" '()))))
(define-struct slide [title shown hidden])
(define SLIDE-1
"What is Fundies 1 About?"
'() SLIDE-1-LOS))
(define SLIDE-1-NEXT
"What is Fundies 1 About?"
(cons "Designing programs to solve problems" '())
(cons "Building good habits for developing large systems with a team"
(cons "CS: fundamental ideas, thinking" '()))))
"What is Fundies 1 About?"
(cons "Designing programs to solve problems"
(cons "Building good habits for developing large systems with a team" '()))
(cons "CS: fundamental ideas, thinking" '())))
(define SLIDE-1-DONE
(make-slide "What is Fundies 1 About?"
SLIDE-1-LOS '()))
(define bg(square 400 "solid" "white"))
(define (draw-slide s)
;what should I put in between this
If you are a student studying HtDP:
You should follow the design recipe. In particular, what is the template for a function taking a slide?
Yes, text seems like a reasonable way of turning a string into an image.
place-image is one way of combining images, but it isn't the only one. What other functions are available for combining images?
You should not post homework solutions on stackoverflow.
If you are not a student:
You can use the Slideshow language/library in Racket to design slide presentations.

Is there any way to see the implementations of built-in macros in Common Lisp?

Common Lisp built-in functions are probably implemented in C. But I imagine macros are implemented in lisp (sorry if I'm wrong about any of two sentences). Is there any way (through some function or some macro) to see the implementations of built-in macros in Common Lisp? I'm using CLisp.
The ability to inspect function and macro definitions is a feature of your development environment. These days it is typical to use SLIME or SLY with emacs as the basis of a Lisp development environment. I personally use SLIME, but I have heard good things about SLY, too.
In SLIME you can invoke slime-edit-definition (either by keying M-x slime-edit-definition or by using the keybinding M-.) to visit a definition for the symbol under the cursor in a source file. This works both when editing in a source file, or from the REPL. This feature is extremely useful when you want to inspect some library code you are working with, but you can also view a lot of built-in definitions this way. You can even jump to a new definition from a new symbol found in whatever definition you are currently inspecting.
After you are done looking at a definition, you can use M-x slime-pop-find-definition-stack, or the easier to remember keybinding M-, (M-* will also work), to back out through the previously viewed definitions, eventually returning to your starting point.
Here is an example, in SBCL:
CL-USER> with-open-file[press M-.]
(Note that the "[press M-.]" above is not typed, but only meant to remind what action is taken here). With the cursor on or right after the symbol with-open-file, press M-. to see the definition:
(sb-xc:defmacro with-open-file ((stream filespec &rest options)
&body body)
(multiple-value-bind (forms decls) (parse-body body nil)
(let ((abortp (gensym)))
`(let ((,stream (open ,filespec ,#options))
(,abortp t))
(progn ,#forms)
(setq ,abortp nil))
(when ,stream
(close ,stream :abort ,abortp)))))))
This time after keying M-. SLIME gives a choice of definitions to view:
CL-USER> and[press M-.]
Displayed in an emacs buffer:
We want to see the macro definition, so move the cursor to the line showing (DEFMACRO AND), and the following definition is displayed:
;; AND and OR are defined in terms of IF.
(sb-xc:defmacro and (&rest forms)
(named-let expand-forms ((nested nil) (forms forms) (ignore-last nil))
(cond ((endp forms) t)
((endp (rest forms))
(let ((car (car forms)))
(cond (nested
;; Preserve non-toplevelness of the form!
`(the t ,car)))))
((and ignore-last
(endp (cddr forms)))
(car forms))
;; Better code that way, since the result will only have two
;; values, NIL or the last form, and the precedeing tests
;; will only be used for jumps
((and (not nested) (cddr forms))
`(if ,(expand-forms t forms t)
,#(last forms)))
`(if ,(first forms)
,(expand-forms t (rest forms) ignore-last))))))
There is more stuff here, since you are now actually in the source file that contains the definition for and; if you scroll down a bit you can also find the definition for or.
A lot of SBCL functions are written in Lisp; SBCL has a very high-quality compiler, so a lot of stuff that you might otherwise expect to be written in C can be written in Lisp without loss of performance. Here is the definition for the function list-length:
CL-USER> list-length[press M-.]
(defun list-length (list)
"Return the length of the given List, or Nil if the List is circular."
(do ((n 0 (+ n 2))
(y list (cddr y))
(z list (cdr z)))
(declare (type fixnum n)
(type list y z))
(when (endp y) (return n))
(when (endp (cdr y)) (return (+ n 1)))
(when (and (eq y z) (> n 0)) (return nil))))
The same thing can be done when using CLISP with SLIME. Here is with-open-file as defined in CLISP:
CL-USER> with-open-file[press M-.]
(defmacro with-open-file ((stream &rest options) &body body)
(multiple-value-bind (body-rest declarations) (SYSTEM::PARSE-BODY body)
`(LET ((,stream (OPEN ,#options)))
(DECLARE (READ-ONLY ,stream) ,#declarations)
(PROGN ,#body-rest)
;; Why do we do a first CLOSE invocation inside the protected form?
;; For reliability: Because the stream may be a buffered file stream,
;; therefore (CLOSE ,stream) may produce a disk-full error while
;; writing the last block of the file. In this case, we need to erase
;; the file again, through a (CLOSE ,stream :ABORT T) invocation.
(WHEN ,stream (CLOSE ,stream)))
(WHEN ,stream (CLOSE ,stream :ABORT T))))))
But, many CLISP functions are written in C, and those definitions are not available to inspect in the same way as before:
CL-USER> list-length[press M-.]
No known definition for: list-length (in COMMON-LISP-USER)

Common Lisp: unable to get the uncompress function in Paul Graham's book working

Lisp newbie here.
I am reading Paul Graham's book, ANSI Common Lisp.
On page 38 is an uncompress function. It takes a list of pairs, where the first item in the pair is a number to indicate how many of the second item there should be. For example, uncompressing this:
((3 a) (2 b) c)
should produce this:
(A A A B B C)
I typed the uncompress function into a Lisp interpreter (GCL-2.6.2-ANSI) and then tested it like this:
(uncompress '((3 A) B (2 C) (5 D)))
That produced this error message:
Error in IF [or a callee]: Too many arguments.
Fast links are on: do (use-fast-links nil) for debugging
Broken at IF. Type :H for Help.
1 (Abort) Return to top level.
Below is the uncompress function. I think that I faithfully typed what was written in the book. I have tested each piece and each piece seems to work correctly. Truthfully, I'm stuck. I don't know what's causing the error. I'd appreciate your help.
(defun uncompress (lst)
(if (null lst)
(let (elt (car lst))
(rest (uncompress (cdr lst))))
(if (consp elt)
(append (apply #'list-of elt)
(cons elt rest))))
(defun list-of (n elt)
(if (zerop n)
(cons elt (list-of (- n 1) elt))))
If you use editor indentation tools, the code looks like this:
(defun uncompress (lst)
(if (null lst)
(let (elt (car lst))
(rest (uncompress (cdr lst))))
(if (consp elt)
(append (apply #'list-of elt)
(cons elt rest))))
That would have made it easier to spot this error. Syntactically it is wrong, since the IF does not take more than three forms.
(defun uncompress (lst)
(if (null lst) ; the IF has four subforms, one too many
(let (elt (car lst)) ;<- variables ELT and CAR? Makes no sense
(rest (uncompress (cdr lst)))) ; <- not using the result?
(if (consp elt) ; <- fourth form in IF? Does not make sense.
(append (apply #'list-of elt)
(cons elt rest))))
In Common Lisp both IF and LET are special operators with built-in syntax.
In Lisp the syntax for LET usually is:
let ({var | (var [init-form])}*) form* => result*
In Common Lisp it is possible to add declarations on top of the body forms of the LET:
let ({var | (var [init-form])}*) declaration* form* => result*
The syntax for IF in Common Lisp is:
if test-form then-form [else-form] => result*
Generally it is not a good idea to manually indent Lisp code. Let the editor or IDE do it. Make sure that all code is properly indented.
If you have a syntax problem: first re-indent the expression -> this makes sure that the code is properly indented and then makes finding problems easier. Next compile the code and read the compiler error message. Common Lisp has great compilers and some have quite good error reporting.
The code
The code is not great anyway: it uses recursion where higher-order functions exist or a LOOP would be better
This version got both: the higher-order MAPCAN and a LOOP:
(defun uncompress (list)
(mapcan #'expand-item list))
(defun expand-item (item)
(typecase item
(atom (list item))
(cons (destructuring-bind (n element) item
(loop repeat n collect element)))))
You have the most typical common lisp syntax error: incorrect use of parentheses!
Here is the correct version:
(defun uncompress (lst)
(if (null lst)
(let ((elt (car lst))
(rest (uncompress (cdr lst))))
(if (consp elt)
(append (apply #'list-of elt)
(cons elt rest)))))
Since these kind of errors are so common when no specialized editor is used, I advise you to use an editor like Emacs or Vim to edit your programs.

Translating this to Common Lisp

I've been reading an article by Olin Shivers titled Stylish Lisp programming techniques and found the second example there (labeled "Technique n-1") a bit puzzling. It describes a self-modifying macro that looks like this:
(defun gen-counter macro (x)
(let ((ans (cadr x)))
(rplaca (cdr x)
(+ 1 ans))
It's supposed to get its calling form as argument x (i.e. (gen-counter <some-number>)). The purpose of this is to be able to do something like this:
> ;this prints out the numbers from 0 to 9.
(do ((n 0 (gen-counter 1)))
((= n 10) t)
(princ n))
The problem is that this syntax with the macro symbol after the function name is not valid in Common Lisp. I've been unsuccessfully trying to obtain similar behavior in Common Lisp. Can someone please provide a working example of analogous macro in CL?
Why the code works
First, it's useful to consider the first example in the paper:
> (defun element-generator ()
(let ((state '(() . (list of elements to be generated)))) ;() sentinel.
(let ((ans (cadr state))) ;pick off the first element
(rplacd state (cddr state)) ;smash the cons
> (element-generator)
> (element-generator)
> (element-generator)
This works because there's one literal list
(() . (list of elements to be generated)
and it's being modified. Note that this is actually undefined behavior in Common Lisp, but you'll get the same behavior in some Common Lisp implementations. See Unexpected persistence of data and some of the other linked questions for a discussion of what's happening here.
Approximating it in Common Lisp
Now, the paper and code you're citing actually has some useful comments about what this code is doing:
(defun gen-counter macro (x) ;X is the entire form (GEN-COUNTER n)
(let ((ans (cadr x))) ;pick the ans out of (gen-counter ans)
(rplaca (cdr x) ;increment the (gen-counter ans) form
(+ 1 ans))
ans)) ;return the answer
The way that this is working is not quite like an &rest argument, as in Rainer Joswig's answer, but actually a &whole argument, where the the entire form can be bound to a variable. This is using the source of the program as the literal value that gets destructively modified! Now, in the paper, this is used in this example:
> ;this prints out the numbers from 0 to 9.
(do ((n 0 (gen-counter 1)))
((= n 10) t)
(princ n))
However, in Common Lisp, we'd expect the macro to be expanded just once. That is, we expect (gen-counter 1) to be replaced by some piece of code. We can still generate a piece of code like this, though:
(defmacro make-counter (&whole form initial-value)
(declare (ignore initial-value))
(let ((text (gensym (string 'text-))))
`(let ((,text ',form))
(incf (second ,text)))))
CL-USER> (macroexpand '(make-counter 3))
(LET ((#:TEXT-1002 '(MAKE-COUNTER 3)))
(INCF (SECOND #:TEXT-1002)))
Then we can recreate the example with do
CL-USER> (do ((n 0 (make-counter 1)))
((= n 10) t)
(princ n))
Of course, this is undefined behavior, since it's modifying literal data. It won't work in all Lisps (the run above is from CCL; it didn't work in SBCL).
But don't miss the point
The whole article is sort of interesting, but recognize that it's sort of a joke, too. It's pointing out that you can do some funny things in an evaluator that doesn't compile code. It's mostly satire that's pointing out the inconsistencies of Lisp systems that have different behaviors under evaluation and compilation. Note the last paragraph:
Some short-sighted individuals will point out that these programming
techniques, while certainly laudable for their increased clarity and
efficiency, would fail on compiled code. Sadly, this is true. At least
two of the above techniques will send most compilers into an infinite
loop. But it is already known that most lisp compilers do not
implement full lisp semantics -- dynamic scoping, for instance. This
is but another case of the compiler failing to preserve semantic
correctness. It remains the task of the compiler implementor to
adjust his system to correctly implement the source language, rather
than the user to resort to ugly, dangerous, non-portable, non-robust
``hacks'' in order to program around a buggy compiler.
I hope this provides some insight into the nature of clean, elegant
Lisp programming techniques.
—Olin Shivers
Common Lisp:
(defmacro gen-counter (&rest x)
(let ((ans (car x)))
(rplaca x (+ 1 ans))
But above only works in the Interpreter, not with a compiler.
With compiled code, the macro call is gone - it is expanded away - and there is nothing to modify.
Note to unsuspecting readers: you might want to read the paper by Olin Shivers very careful and try to find out what he actually means...

How to get a function/macro definition from CL REPL?

I've got another question involving self-reference in Common Lisp. I found a thread on Stack Exchange which poses a problem of writing the shortest program that would print all printable ASCII characters NOT present in the program's source code. This got me thinking how to tackle the problem in Common Lisp. I hit against two problems - one probably trivial, the other more tricky:
First is the case of writing a CL script, e.g. starting with #!/usr/bin/env sbcl --script. I thought that through *posix-argv* I could access all command line arguments including the name of the called script. I also looked for the equivalent of Bash $0 but could find none. What worked for me in the end is this ugly Bash-ified SBCL script, which explicitly passes $0 to SBCL and proceeds from that:
sbcl --script $0 $0
(defun file-string (path)
(with-open-file (stream path)
(let ((data (make-string (file-length stream))))
(read-sequence data stream)
(let* ((printable (mapcar #'code-char (loop for i from #x20 to #x7e collect i)))
(absent (set-difference
(coerce (file-string (cadr *posix-argv*)) 'list))))
(print (coerce absent 'string)))
My question regarding this point is: can you think of any way of doing it without relying so heavily on Bash supplying relevant arguments? Or, more briefly: is there a CL (SBCL in particular) equivalent of $0?
Now comes the part that I'm totally puzzled with. Before resorting to the script approach above I tried to accomplish this goal in a more REPL-oriented way. Based on the &whole specifier in defmacro and considerations in this thread I've tried to get the name of the macro from the &whole argument and somehow "read in" its source. And I have absolutely no idea how to do it. So in short: given the name of the macro, can I somehow obtain the defmacro form which defined it? And I'm talking about a generic solution, rather than parsing the REPL history.
EDIT: Regarding mbratch's question about use of macroexpand-1 here's how I do it:
(defmacro self-refer (&whole body)
(macroexpand-1 `',body))
With this call I'm able to obtain (SELF-REFER) by calling (SELF-REFER). Which isn't much of a solution...
I hope someone could point me in the right direction. Thanks!
Getting the source of a macro is not defined in Common Lisp.
This may work (Example from LispWorks):
CL-USER 10 > (defmacro foo (a b) `(* (+ ,a ,b) (+ ,a ,a)))
CL-USER 11 > (pprint (function-lambda-expression (macro-function 'foo)))
(#:\(A\ ...\)1108 (CDR #:&WHOLE1107))
#:\(A\ ...\)1108
(A (CAR (DSPEC::THE-CONS #:\(A\ ...\)1108)))
(#:\(B\)1109 (CDR (DSPEC::THE-CONS #:\(A\ ...\)1108)))
(B (CAR (DSPEC::THE-CONS #:\(B\)1109))))
(BLOCK FOO `(* (+ ,A ,B) (+ ,A ,A))))
An even more esoteric way is to alter the existing DEFMACRO to record its source.
Many Lisp implementations have a non-standard feature called advising. LispWorks for example can advise macros:
CL-USER 31 > (defadvice (defmacro source-record-defmacro :after)
(&rest args)
(setf (get (second (first args)) :macro-source) (first args)))
Above adds code to the standard DEFMACRO macro, which records the source on the symbol property list of the macro name. defmacro is the name of the thing to advise. source-record-defmacro is the chosen name of this advice. :after then specifies that the code should run after the normal defmacro code.
CL-USER 32 > (defmacro foo (a b) `(* (+ ,a ,b) (+ ,a ,a)))
CL-USER 33 > (pprint (get 'foo :macro-source))
(DEFMACRO FOO (A B) `(* (+ ,A ,B) (+ ,A ,A)))
Again, this is completely non-standard - I'm not sure if a comparable mechanism exists for SBCL, though it has something called 'encapsulate'.
A very belated followup to Rainer Joswig's LispWorks solution. I've been using Allegro CL lately and discovered the fwrap facility. Conceptually it's very similar to the defadvice above and slighly more verbose. Here's a re-iteration of Rainer's example in ACL 10.0:
(def-fwrapper source-record-defmacro (&rest args)
(setf (get (second (first args)) :macro-source) (first args))
Having defined an fwrapper you need to "put it into action" explicitly:
(fwrap 'defmacro 'srd 'source-record-defmacro)
After this it's like in Rainer's example:
CL-USER> (defmacro foo (a b) `(* (+ ,a ,b) (+ ,a ,a)))
CL-USER> (pprint (get 'foo :macro-source))
(DEFMACRO FOO (A B) `(* (+ ,A ,B) (+ ,A ,A)))
; No value