Eclipse plugin to detect jars only needed for Test classes - eclipse

I have 10 projects with each having 20 dependencies. Is there an Eclipse Plugin to detect jars only needed for Test classes?
This way I can exclude them from production.

I don't know such a plugin and static code analysis will only help you if you never use reflection or things like JDBC (which map Strings to Java types).
A good tool to clean the classpath is Maven. Maven (unlike Eclipse) keeps separate classpaths for the main code and unit tests. After migrating your build to Maven, simply set the scope of all dependencies to test.
Compile and the compiler will print the missing symbols. Remove the <scope> element for those and compile until Maven is happy.


How can I add Mockito to the test classpath in Tycho's unit-tests with eclipse-plugin packaging

Recently, it has become possible to Execute unit-tests with eclipse-plugin packaging. And, in addition there is support for resolving JUnit Classpath Containers.
I would like to execute unit-tests with eclipse-plugin packaging, but would like to use the mockito library in addition to JUnit. I have a pomless build and would like to keep it that way. I do not want to add non-PDE files to the build, unless this is unavoidable.
Question: What is the idiomatic/intended/correct way to add this dependency, or any other test-time dependencies?
Note: I am aware of the use of fragments for unit testing. This is not what I am after. I actually want to use the new mechanism, if possible, or hear that this is currently impossible.
For my initial purposes, and given these are intended to be Unit-tests, running non-OSGI would be ok. If there is a means for OSGI as well, that would be great, but I cannot imagine where the platform configuration could be stored.
See this tycho discussion, short summary:
you can add Mockito as an optional bundle dependency
you can add a M2_REPO Classpath variable reference

Adding Dependency Management to an Existing Java Project

I'm working on upgrading a legacy Java project to be compatible with jboss wildfly. As part of that process, I'm replacing our old system of managing dependencies (manually scanning for jars in a folder) with an automated system.
My first thought was to use maven, which worked well initially. The maven plugin for eclipse was able to scan my project and create a pom with most of the required dependencies. That works fine for compiling and running with eclipse, but production deployment uses an ant build script. I looked into maven-ant-resolver ( ) but as far as I can tell that project doesn't have a way to add dependencies to the classpath, the best it can do is bundle them into a jar.
The other option I looked at was Ivy. It seems better suited to integration with ant. Unfortunately, the tooling for ivy seems primitive compared to maven. From what I can tell, there is no option to generate the dependency file (ivy.xml) from an existing project. With the number of dependencies I'm dealing with, especially from jboss, creating the dependency xml from scratch is not a realistic option.
What are my options for solving this problem? Is there a way to do what I want with maven or ivy that I'm not seeing? Is there another dependency management tool out there that offers all the features I need?
The maven-assembly-pluginis what i can recommend for likely usecases. Not sure if it suits you though.
In a nutshell:
You can pack folders, jars, resources, dependencies, whatever into a jar for production deployment. This jar is packaged with the, from maven-assembly-plugin internally used and thus not needed to be referenced explicitly, maven-archiver-plugin which also stores a MANIFEST.MF with the classpath in it (not by default but with few codes of tweaking).
Useful to know though: Maven allows you to quite easily create own Plugins that completely do what you want. If its just a file with the stored classpath, this could be a clean solution.

Eclipse junit tests using wrong version of maven jars

I have two projects that I compile and run together. These projects use different versions of certain jars. so I may have foo.1.15.jar and foo.1.16.jar both in my maven repo. The pom files correctly specify which project should use which jar, and I can run mvn verify to run all my integration tests without issue from the command line.
However, when I try to run a junit test from within eclipse I often run into errors with the wrong version of the jar being used. I believe that eclipse is always using the newest version of a jar that it finds within the maven repo, so if it sees foo.1.15 and foo.1.16 it will use the 16 version. The problem is that I want the 15 version, the tests fail if they run with the 16 version because it's not backwards compatible.
How do I make eclipse recognize that it needs to use an older version? In particular is there a way that I can make the junit tests recognize my pom file and utilize the correct jar versions specified within the pom?
I'm using m2eclipse if that is relevant.
edit: it looks like the problem is not an insistence on using the newest jar each time.
The problem is that my project A uses my project B. A uses foo.16 and B uses foo.15. the junit tests for A tries to use foo.16 even when it's running classes in B that are dependent on 15. However, I can't really change the dependencies, A needs 16 and B needs 15. Can I make eclipse understand this?
Your assumption about Eclipse always using the latest version of a Maven artifact is not correct.
However, Eclipse only supports one classpath per project and cannot distinguish the Maven dependency scopes, so test scope dependencies are also on the Eclipse compile and runtime classpath. It's hard to tell if this is really related to your problem.
You can open the POM editor and look at the Dependency Hierarchy tab to find out the (transitive) dependency path and the version used for each artifact. This may given you a clue for fixing your setup.

Adding library dependency in play 2.3.8

I'm trying to add the apache commons email library to my Play project and I'm having trouble.
Firstly I have both build.sbt and plugins.sbt in my project and I'm not sure which one I should be putting the import into, does anyone know?
Also, I'm not sure why there even is the separate project module in my project, intelliJ created it as part of the project. Could anyone explain the purpose of the two separate modules and why they are there?
So, in sbt, you have your project. This is specified in build.sbt (or more correctly, any *.sbt file in your projects base directory). Any libraries that your applications code needs, for example, if your application needs to send emails using the commons email library, go in to the librarDependencies seeing in here.
But build.sbt itself is Scala code that needs to be compiled, but it's not part of your applications runtime. So in sbt, your projects build is a project itself, one that has to be compiled. It has its own classpath, which consists of the sbt plugins you're using, so for example, if you need a less compiler to compile your less files, that's not something that gets done at runtime, so you don't want your application code depending on that, it goes into your project builds libraryDependencies, which gets specified in project/plugins.sbt (or in fact any *.sbt in the project directory). So, once you add it there, you can use the Scala code it provides from build.sbt. IntelliJ imports this project for you so that you can have syntax highlighting and other IDE features in build.sbt.
But it doesn't stop there. How does project/plugins.sbt get compiled, where is its classpath? Well, your projects builds projects builds project is also an sbt project itself too... It keeps going down. IntelliJ stops at that point though, it doesn't keep importing these meta sbt projects because it's actually very rare to need additional sbt plugins for your projects builds projects builds project, so it just uses the same classpath as your projects build project for syntax highlighting in project/plugins.sbt.

When I compile a file in IntelliJ on a maven project, what does it run?

I'm trying to make the move to VIM for my Java/Scala work. However it seems I cannot compile a single file using Maven. When developing I typically like to compile a file just to make sure it compiles before I compile the whole project.
In intellij I can choose to compile a single file that I'm on, what does that run behind the scenes so that my classpath is loaded with all my dependencies from maven?
The question boils down to what can I run from the command line to compile a file using Maven the fastest?
The fastest way to compile from IDEA is Build | Make. It will compile the changed files and all the dependencies. Compiling single file is also possible, IDEA will use Java Compiler API (like javac does) for such compilation.
IDEA doesn't compile using Maven in such cases.
I don't think single file is compiled using maven. I think IDEA just "knows" what what libraries are necessary (by parsing your pom.xml) and adds it to the classpath when running scalac.