Why can't I initialize the member variable inside the new? - perl

I am trying to undestand OO in Perl. I made the following trivial class:
package Tools::Util;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $var;
sub new {
my ($class, $arg) = #_;
my $small_class = {
var => $arg,
return bless $small_class;
sub print_object {
print "var = $var\n"; #this is line 20
And this is a test script:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tools::Util;
my $test_object = new Tools::Util("Some sentence");
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper($test_object);
The result I get is:
Use of uninitialized value $var in concatenation (.) or string at Tools/Util.pm line 20.
var =
$VAR1 = bless( {
'var' => 'Some sentence'
}, 'Tools::Util' );
I can not understand this. I thought that objects in Perl are hashes and so I could access/initialize the member variables using the same names without a $. Why in this case the $var is not initialized but the hash that I Dump contains the value?
How should I use/initialize/handle member variables and what am I misunderstanding here?

$var is lexical class variable, and undefined in your example.
You probably want:
sub print_object {
my $self = shift;
print "var = $self->{var}\n";

Perl doesn't handle object methods in quite the same way that you're used to.
Are you familiar with the implicit this argument that many object-oriented languages use? If not, now would be a great time to read up on it.
Here's a five-second introduction that glosses over the details:
//pretend C++
//this function signature
MyClass::MyFunction(int x);
//is actually more like the following
MyClass::MyFunction(MyClass this, int x);
When you access instance members of the class, my_var is equivalent to this.my_var.
In Perl, you get to do this manually! The variable $var is not equivalent to $self->{var}.
Your blessed object is actually a hash reference, and can be accessed as such. When you call $test_object->print_object(), the sub gets the value of $test_object as its first argument. Most Perl programmers handle this like so:
sub my_method {
my $self = shift; #shift first argument off of #_
print $self->{field};
With that in mind, you should probably rewrite your print_object sub to match mpapec's answer.
Further reading: perlsub, perlobj


Perl :: Accessing Members of an Object with `use strict` Set?

I'm a Java/C/C#/python coder who is attempting his first Perl script, and I have what is prob a Perl OOO 101 question: What is the syntax to access an object's members when use strict is required?
Let me speak Java for a moment. I have this little program, all in one class file:
class Dude{
public String name;
public Dude(String name){
this.name = name;
public void IntroduceYourself(){
System.out.println("Hi, I'm "+this.name);
public toy(){
Dude fred = new Dude("Fred");
Output on my Ubuntu machine:
me#ubuntu01:~/$ java toy
Hi, I'm Fred
What could be simpler? I create a Dude object, then later call method Dude.IntroduceYourself(), which accesses a class member.
Okay: I have to do the exact same thing, but now in Perl (v5.26.1). Again, use strict; is required. Here's my miserable attempt:
use warnings;
use strict;
# Define a "Dude" class
package Dude;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
_name => shift,
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub IntroduceYourself
print("Hi, I'm $object->{name}\n"); # Compilation Error here!
my $object = new Dude("Fred");
Output on the same Ubuntu machine:
me#ubuntu01:~/$ ./toyPerl.pl
Global symbol "$Dude" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $Dude"?) at ./toyPerl.pl line 18.
Execution of ./toyPerl.pl aborted due to compilation errors.
Ugh. I've been reading a few Perl tutorials, and I see examples on how to write that IntroduceYourself() subroutine, but none with use strict as a global directive. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
Also: I'm really confused about what I'll call "member functions" in Perl. In my Java example, Dude.IntroduceYourself() was defined as a method of class Dude. I intend (if possible) for IntroduceYourself() to be a function of Object/Class Dude in the Perl code. But its unclear to me how to define that. Am I misunderstanding how Perl objects handle member functions? Thank you.
This doesn't have to do with OO, just Perl's normal strict behavior. strict forces you to declare variables, like in other languages. Without strict, undeclared objects are globals. $object is never declared, so it violates strict.
To solve this, $object must be declared. Perl's this is passed in as the first argument to a method. You need to get that argument. Perl calls this the "invocant". Typically it is called $self.
What is the syntax to access an object's members
Perl doesn't have object members like Java. A Perl object is just a reference. It doesn't even need to be a hash reference. $self->{key} is just using a hash reference, so the key has to match. $self->{_name} not $self->{name}.
sub IntroduceYourself {
# Get the invocant off the list of arguments.
my $self = shift;
# Use it as a hash reference with the correct key.
print("Hi, I'm $self->{_name}\n");
I intend (if possible) for IntroduceYourself() to be a function of Object/Class Dude in the Perl code. But its unclear to me how to define that.
You did it. A class is just a package. A method is just a subroutine in a package. The language does not make a distinction between subroutines and methods, nor between class and object methods. It's just how you use them.
use strict;
use warnings;
package Foo {
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my($name) = #_;
return bless { name => $name }, $class;
sub hello {
my $self = shift;
print "Hello my name is $self->{name}\n";
my $foo = Foo->new("Pete");
# Called as an object method.
# Called as a subroutine.
# It works, but don't do it; it bypasses inheritance.
# Called as a class method.
# It "works", but since the method expects $self to be a
# reference, not a package name, $self->{name} is... it's complicated.
Perl's OO is extremely basic. You get classes (via packages), multiple-inheritance (via #ISA), and methods (via subroutines with the invocant passed in) and that's about it. No accessors, no public, no private, no members, not even this.
If you want that, you have to write it yourself, or use an existing library. If you want all the bells and whistles and a full marching band, install Moose.
...use strict as a global directive...
use strict is not global, it is local to the current scope. The current scope is the whole file, but you can put it in a block.
# strict is on in this block
use strict;
my $foo = 42;
print "$foo\n";
# strict is off everywhere else
$bar = 23;
print "$bar\n";
Things like strict and warnings are referred to as "pragmas".
See "What's the difference between dynamic and lexical (static) scoping? Between local() and my()?".
sub IntroduceYourself {
my $self = shift;
print( "Hi, I'm $self->{ _name }\n" );
See perlootut.
In OOP, the invocant (the value of the expression before the ./->) is passed to the method as an argument. In Java, this argument is made available as this. In Perl, this argument is made available as a leading parameter.
This means that
$o->foo( $x, $y )
is equivalent to
my $method = $o->can( 'foo' );
$method->( $o, $x, $y )
And the method looks like this:
sub foo {
my $self = shift;
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
$self->{ x } = $x;
$self->{ y } = $y;

Perl dynamic / symbolic function reference

Given a package name $package and a function name from within that package $function, I can create a reference to that function:
my $ref = eval( "\\&${package}::${function}" );
As a complete example:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
package foo;
sub func()
print "foo::func\n";
package main;
my $package = "foo";
my $function = "func";
my $ref = eval( "\\&${package}::$function" );
I do not particularly like that eval() in there and wonder if the same result could be achieved without eval()?
All you need is this:
my $ref = \&{ "${package}::$name" };
my $ref = \&{ $package . "::" . $name };
Using an expression producing the name of a variable where a variable name is expected is called a symbolic reference. These are usually forbidden by use strict; (specifically use strict qw( refs );), but \& is exempt.
Using strings to refer to subroutines is seldom the right way. If you are doing it this way, you are most likely doing something wrong. You can use a code reference to store a reference to a function, in a scalar or hash. The hash allows you to correctly look up code references via string inputs.
use strict;
use warnings;
package foo;
sub func() {
print "inside foo::func (#_)\n";
package main;
# use a direct reference, in a scalar variable
my $ref = \&foo::func;
# ...or in a hash
my $pack = "foo";
my $func = "func";
my %table = ( foo => { func => \&foo::func } );
$table{$pack}{$func}->(qw(a b c));
inside foo::func (1 2 3)
inside foo::func (a b c)

Initializing hash reference in perl

The following Perl code prints Value:0. Is there a way to fix it other than by adding a dummy key to the hash before hash reference is passed to the subroutine ?
use warnings;
use strict;
my $Hash;
#$Hash->{Key1} = 1234;
sub Init
my ($Hash) = #_;
Initialize an empty hash reference.
use warnings;
use strict;
my $Hash = {};
sub Init
my ($Hash) = #_;
I know that an answer has already been accepted, but I figured it was worth explaining why the program acted this way in the first place.
The hash is not created until the second line of the Init function ($Hash->{Key}=10), which automatically creates a hash and stores a reference in the $Hash scalar. This scalar is local to the function, and has nothing to do with the $Hash variable in the body of the script.
This can be changed by modifying the way that the Init function handles its arguments:
sub Init {
my $Hash = $_[0] = {};
$Hash->{'Key'} = 10;

Is it possible to safely access data in a nested data structure like Template Toolkit does?

Is there a module that provides functionality like Template Toolkit does when accessing a deeply nested data structure? I want to pull out something like $a = $hash{first}[0]{second}{third}[3] without having to test each part of the structure to see if it conforms to what I expect. If %hash = {} I want $a = undef, not produce an error.
Perl will do exactly what you described
This feature is called autovivification. Which means that container objects will spring into existence as soon as you use them. This holds as long as you don't violate any precedent you set yourself.
For example, trying to dereference something as a hash when you have already used it as an array reference is an error. More generally, if the value is defined, it can only be dereferenced as a particular type if it contains a reference to that type.
If you want protection against misuse as well, you can wrap the nested lookup in an eval block:
my $x = eval{ $hash{first}[0]{second}{third}[3] };
This will return undef if the eval fails. Note that this is NOT a string eval, which would be written eval '....';. In block form, Perl's eval is like the try {...} construct in other languages.
To determine if the eval failed or if the value in that position really is undef, test to see if the special variable $# is true. If so, the eval failed, and the reason will be in $#. That would be written:
my $x = eval{ $hash{first}[0]{second}{third}[3] };
if (!$x and $#) { die "nested dereference failed: $#" }
Or you can use the module Try::Tiny which abstracts away the implementation details and protects against a few edge cases:
use Try::Tiny;
my $x;
try {
$x = $hash{first}[0]{second}{third}[3];
} catch {
die "nested dereference failed: $_";
Your error likely comes from wrong level of indirection, not because you don't have a value.
Note that your hash variable is a scalar reference to hash, not a hash. So it should be defined as $hash = {}, not %hash = {}. Then, you access the elements there as $hash->{first}, not $hash{first}. And so on. If you define hash properly and try something like $hash->{first}->[0]->{second}->{third}->[3], you will get exactly undef, as you wanted, no errors.
Note: always use strict!
Check out Data::Diver.
You can access an arbitrary nested structure by key name (it doesn't matter if a layer is a hash or array). The Dive() subroutine will return an empty list if there is an error or it will return a matching value.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Diver qw( Dive );
my $a = Dive( \%hash, 'first', 0, 'second', 'third', 3 );
if( defined $a ) {
print "Got '$a'.\n";
else {
print "Got no match.\n";
Something like this?
use strict;
use warnings;
my %hash;
my $elem = _eval( '$hash{first}[0]{second}{third}[3]' );
sub _eval {return (eval shift) // undef}
Of course you might as well do:
my $elem = eval {$hash{first}[0]{second}{third}[3] // undef};

Is there a better way to pass by reference in Perl?

I am doing pass-by-reference like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
sub repl {
local *line = \$_[0]; our $line;
$line = "new value";
sub doRepl {
my ($replFunc) = #_;
my $foo = "old value";
print $foo; # prints "new value";
Is there a cleaner way of doing it?
Prototypes don't work because I'm using a function reference (trust me that there's a good reason for using a function reference).
I also don't want to use $_[0] everywhere in repl because it's ugly.
Have you looked at Data::Alias? It lets you create lexically-scoped aliases with a clean syntax.
You can use it to create pass-by-reference semantics like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Alias;
sub foo {
alias my ($arg) = #_;
my $count = 0;
print "$count\n";
The output is 1, indicating that the call to foo modified its argument.
There are a couple of ways to do this. Explicitly pass a scalar ref to $foo, or take advantage of Perl's built-in pass by reference semantics.
Explicit reference:
my $foo = "old value";
doRepl( \&repl, \$foo );
print $foo; # prints "new value";
sub repl {
my $line = shift;
$$line = "new value";
sub doRepl {
my ($replFunc, $foo) = #_;
Pass by reference:
my $foo = "old value";
doRepl( \&repl, $foo );
print $foo; # prints "new value";
sub repl {
$_[0] = "new value";
sub doRepl {
my $replFunc = shift;
Even fancier pass by reference:
my $foo = "old value";
doRepl( \&repl, $foo );
print $foo; # prints "new value";
sub repl {
$_[0] = "new value";
sub doRepl {
my $replFunc = shift;
The first one use normal perl hard references to do the job.
The first pass by ref method uses the fact that Perl passes arguments to all functions as references. The elements of #_ are actually aliases to the values in the argument list when the subroutine is called. By altering $_[0] in foo(), you actually alter the first argument to foo().
The second pass by ref method use the fact that a sub called with an & sigil and no parens gets the #_ array of its caller. Otherwise it is identical.
Update: I just noticed you desire to avoid $_[0]. You can do this in repl if you want:
sub repl {
for my $line( $_[0] ) {
$line = 'new value';
sub repl {
my $line = \$_[0]; # or: my $line = \shift
$$line = "new value";
I don't think there is anything wrong with using local to create the alias in this case.
Dynamic scope is of course a powerful feature, but so long as you are aware of the side effects (new value is visible in functions called from its scope, if a lexical of the same name is in scope, it can't be localized, ...) then it is a useful addition to the already overflowing Perl toolbox.
The main reason for the warnings in the Perl docs about local are to keep people from inadvertently using it instead of my and to ease the transition from perl4. But there are definitely times when local is useful, and this is one.
Using for to create your alias is also an option, but I find the explicit syntax with local clearer in its intent. It is also a bit faster if performance is a concern.