In Powershell with Taglib#, how get xiph Rating value for Flac file? - powershell

OK, I have exhausted my (somewhat limited) abilities in Powershell to try to do this. I am hoping someone can help.
I am happily using taglib-sharp for various tags - getting and setting - for Flac and MP3. But, I cannot figure out how to get or set the RATING tag value that is stored in the xiph tags.
The closest I come is this:
$tags = [taglib.file]::create("d:\songs\ASong.flac")
$xiph = $tags.gettag("xiph")
$xiph then contains the list of tags but no values. It's Powershell type is XiphComment.
Help? Thanks
PS: I would also like to get the Rating value on MP3 so if the solution above isn't easily translatable for those please provide tips. I currently retrieve Rating for MP3 through the Windows Shell namespace "GetDetailsOf" but would prefer to use taglib#.


Search string formatting in Elouqa API

I'm using the Elouqa Rest API in an integration with another product and I want to implement a file browser. As part of this I want to get a list of the folders inside another folder. Theapi documents here say that a search string can be appended but don't give any clues as to the format of the search string. I've tried various things but so far I'm just getting empty results. An example is here:
I've tried with and without +'s and with and without url encoding the = sign, also various combinations of quote marks but so far nothing.
I believe what you want is a slightly different endpoint e.g.:
Which would provide a list of folders contained with folder 250
If you wanted to search for a given folder name then you would use
Hope that helps!

How to Convert IPicture to Image - .NET 4.5 TagLib Sharp

I am wanting to display the album artwork of a song (accessed via the taglib-sharp library) within a Windows Forms picture box. The problem I'm running into is that the taglib-library returns an image of type TagLib.IPicture whereas the picture box requires an object of type System.Drawing.Image.
I have scoured the internet for many hours now, looking for a way to convert from an IPicture to Image, but to no avail. The best lead I have is this:, but I have yet to see a successful example of how to implement this.
Any help as to how to convert between these two types would be much appreciated. Note: IPicture is not analogous to IPictureDisp in this case.
I've done the opposite before - turning an existing .jpg into an IPicture for embedding in an .mp3 file. I just tried reversing that operation and, after tweaking and testing, came up with this:
TagLib.File tagFile = TagLib.File.Create(mp3FilePath);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(tagFile.Tag.Pictures[0].Data.Data);
System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms);
Thanks for the question - I already know how I'm going to use this myself!
Update: Here's the other way (.jpg to IPicture that I've done before):
tagFile.Tag.Pictures = new TagLib.IPicture[]
new TagLib.Picture(new TagLib.ByteVector((byte[])new System.Drawing.ImageConverter().ConvertTo(System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(jpgFilePath), typeof(byte[]))))

Is there a simple way to extract content from a webpage?

Our build software generates a webpage when the build fails, and lists the users who've committed since the last build. I'd like to have a way to parse the page for members of my team. For example:
by bob.dole</b><pre>1112233- Description on header is not carried forward to BD doc after PCPROJBILL is ran<br></pre></div></td></tr><tr><td width="16"><img title="The file was modified" height="16" alt="The file was modified" width="16" src="/static/fbfd5d7f/images/16x16/document_edit.png" /></td><td><a>pcbatch/projbill.cpp</a></td></tr><tr class="pane"><td colspan="2" class="changeset"><a name="detail54"></a><div class="changeset-message"><b>
So the script would take a URL as input and search the file for 'bob.dole' and output to a file all of the details associated with him (commit hash, pre-data, etc.)
Could someone give me an idea of what would be the easiest way to accomplish this? I was thinking of using perl, but I'm not sure if there's something more straightforward.
If I got you question correctly, you want to get the webpage content and parse it to find the user name. If it is the case, I would use php
Use get_file_content("your_website"), this will return a string to you to parse.
Then you can use strpos() to find indeces of substrings. This will later help you to extract the user name by using substr() function.
Hope it helps.
The Perl module you are looking for that helps you search based on nodes is Mojo::DOM.

Trying to figure out what {s: ;} tags mean and where they come from

I am working on migrating posts from the RightNow infrastructure to another service called ZenDesk. I noticed that whenever users added files or even URL links, when I pull the xml data from RightNow it gives me a lot of weird codes like this:
{s:3:""url"";s:45:""/files/56f5be6c1/MUG_presso.pdf"";s:4:""name"";s:27:""MUG presso.pdf"";s:4:""size"";s:5:""2.1MB"";}
It wasn't too hard to write something that parses them and makes normal urls and links, but I was just wondering if this is something specific to the RightNow service, or if it is a tag system that is used. I tried googling for this but am getting some weird results so, thought stack overflow might have someone who has run into this one.
So, anyone know what these {s ;} tags are called and if there are any particular tools to use to read them?
Any answers appreciated!
This resembles partial PHP serialized data, as returned by the serialize() call. It looks like someone may have turned each " into "", which could prevent it from parsing properly. If it's wrapped with text like this before the {s: section, it's almost definitely PHP.
These letters/numbers mean things like "an array with six elements follows", "a string of length 20 follows", etc.
You can use any PHP instance with unserialize() to handle the data. If those double-quotes are indeed returned by the API, you might need to replace :"" and ""; with " before parsing.
Parsing modules exist for other languages like Python. You can find more information in this answer.

How do I use IPTC/EXIF metadata to categorise photos?

Many photo viewing and editing applications allow you to examine and change EXIF and IPTC data in JPEG and other image files. For example, I can see things like shutter speed, aperture and orientation in the picture files that come off my Canon A430. There are many, many name/value pairs in all this metadata. But...
What do I do if I want to store some data that doesn't have a build-in field name. Let's say I'm photographing an athletics competition and I want to tag every photo with the competitor's bib number. Can I create a "bib_number" field and assign it a values of "0001", "5478", "8124" etc, and then search for all photos with bib_number="5478"?
I've spent a few hours searching and the best I can come up with is to put this custom information in the "keywords" field but this isn't quite what I'm after. With this socution I'd have to craft a query like "keywords contains bib_number_5478" whereas what I want it "bib_number is 5478".
So do the EXIF and/or IPTC standards allow addtional user-defined field names?
It can be used for that, but it really shouldn't: it's meant to be user-editable and so isn't a safe place to put critical metadata. Using an XMP sidecar is better for this kind of thing: in XMP, any field added that a given app does not understand is, according to the standard, supposed to be ignored by that app and not destroyed.
I don't know if there are applications to do this but by the standards described for JPEG files there is a field called Comments where you can assign values that could act like tags.
C# code:
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.IO;
FileStream fs = new FileStream(#"<img_path>", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
BitmapMetadata bmd = (BitmapMetadata)BitmapFrame.Create(fs).Metadata;
bmd.Comment = "Some Comment Here";
also if you are looking for an application that already has this functionality built into it, then might i recommend Irfan View (open pic, go to Image menu, click on Comments button).
Hope this helps.