I am using Unity3d.
How to change preview icon for files that has .assets extensions?
You can use: http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview.html
This plugin does it: http://u3d.as/content/wit-entertainment/asset-preview/2Lz
To change the app icon for the flutter app and to fillup, the entire circle with the custom icon looking for the "Image Asset" option but couldn't find it in the following menu?
Would recommend setting app icon via this package https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_launcher_icons
If you want to do it via android studio open android folder separately:
I wish that tools come back to flutter again. For now:
Close your flutter project and then open the android folder of your flutter project as an android project. It takes a while to sync. After that, you can access to New Image Asset Tool.
I know it's not the best solution, but at least, you can have your customized icons.
I'm trying to use Comfortaa in my title screen for my game, so I imported it into my assets folder, and when I tried to use it in my Text Mesh Pro it wouldn't show up, and when I tried to drag it right into the field it wouldn't let me put it there.
On the Unity Menu, go to Window -> TexMesh Pro -> Font Asset creator, and select the font you want to convert.
Create Fonts folder under assets, drag all of your fonts there. And then for each font, right click on it and apply this
I'm working on a Unity VR framework which I'd like to have enable VR for a project as soon as the package is added. I've done some research on how to change the project settings in an editor script, but I can't find this setting anywhere in the files. This setting is found in the editor as:
Edit->Project Settings->Player->XR Settings->Virtual Reality Supported
I tried finding it in the project settings files by opening all of them in Notepad++, changing the setting in the Unity editor, and checking Notepad++ for which file it said had been changed externally. None of them were, so I'm under the impression that this setting in the editor isn't located in the project settings folder, so I have no idea what that little checkbox actually does. How can I enable VR support for the project from code?
Please try
PlayerSettings.virtualRealitySupported = true;
(While I didn't see this in Unity's PlayerSettings docs, I remembered the Oculus VR plugin did similar, so I dug there.)
The Unity manual includes a section explaining how to export assets as a Unity package here
I have two files I would like to export together as a single Unity package. One is a Mono DLL that sits in the top level of the Assets folder in my Unity project. The other is a native iOS static library, i.e. a .a file, which sits in Assets/Plugins/iOS
Following the instructions in the Unity manual mentioned above I should
Choose Assets > Export Packageā¦ from the menu to bring up the Exporting Package dialog box.
In the dialog box, select the assets you want to include in the package by clicking on the boxes so they are checked.
If I have the Mono DLL visible in the Unity editor here's what I see in the Exporting Package dialog box
But if I have the native iOS plugin visible in the Unity editor here's what I see in the Export Package dialog box
Can I include both of these items, the Mono DLL and the native iOS static library, in a single Unity package? How?
Make sure that neither of the files you want to add are visible in the Unity editor and then choose Assets > Export Packageā¦ from the menu to bring up the Exporting Package dialog box. It should then show all the possible assets to include, like this
I'm new to Eclipse and trying to display a SVG file in an Eclipse program. I have downloaded Batik plugin and installed it. This is my first time working with plugins so I don't know anything. I would like to display a SVG picture when I click on a button. Thanks.
One possible option is to open a view/editor with the embedded SWT browser. Many browsers now support SVG content, so you could generate inline SVG inside an HTML document and set the browser to display it. See http://dev.eclipse.org/viewcvs/viewvc.cgi/org.eclipse.swt.snippets/src/org/eclipse/swt/snippets/Snippet136.java?view=co and others at http://www.eclipse.org/swt/snippets/
Try this image editor plugin. http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/docfacto-toolkit#.UujWxmTFIhg. An image editor "Beermat" is included in the toolkit. Hope it solves your problem.