How to query with '$in' over '_id' in reactive mongo and play - mongodb

I have a project set up with playframework 2.2.0 and play2-reactivemongo 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT. I'd like to query for few documents by their ids, in a fashion similar to this:
def usersCollection = db.collection[JSONCollection]("users")
val ids: List[String] = /* fetched from somewhere else */
val query = ??
val users = usersCollection.find(query).cursor[User].collect[List]()
As a query I tried:
Json.obj("_id" -> Json.obj("$in" -> ids)) // 1
Json.obj("_id.$oid" -> Json.obj("$in" -> ids)) // 2
Json.obj("_id" -> Json.obj("$oid" -> Json.obj("$in" -> ids))) // 3
for which first and second return empty lists and the third fails with error assertion 10068 invalid operator: $oid.

NOTE: copy of my response on the ReactiveMongo mailing list.
First, sorry for the delay of my answer, I may have missed your question.
Play-ReactiveMongo cannot guess on its own that the values of a Json array are ObjectIds. That's why you have to make a Json object for each id that looks like this: {"$oid": "526fda0f9205b10c00c82e34"}. When the ReactiveMongo Play plugin sees an object which first field is $oid, it treats it as an ObjectId so that the driver can send the right type for this value (BSONObjectID in this case.)
This is a more general problem actually: the JSON format does not match exactly the BSON one. That's the case for numeric types (BSONInteger, BSONLong, BSONDouble), BSONRegex, BSONDateTime, and BSONObjectID. You may find more detailed information in the MongoDB documentation: .

I managed to solve it with:
val objectIds = => Json.obj("$oid" -> id))
val query = Json.obj("_id" -> Json.obj("$in" -> objectIds))
since play-reactivemongo format considers BSONObjectID only when "$oid" is followed by string
implicit object BSONObjectIDFormat extends PartialFormat[BSONObjectID] {
def partialReads: PartialFunction[JsValue, JsResult[BSONObjectID]] = {
case JsObject(("$oid", JsString(v)) +: Nil) => JsSuccess(BSONObjectID(v))
val partialWrites: PartialFunction[BSONValue, JsValue] = {
case oid: BSONObjectID => Json.obj("$oid" -> oid.stringify)
Still, I hope there is a cleaner solution. If not, I guess it makes it a nice pull request.

I'm wondering if transforming id to BSONObjectID isn't more secure this way :
val ids: List[String] = ???
val bsonObjectIds ={case Success(t) => t}
this will only generate valid BSONObjectIDs (and discard invalid ones)
If you do it this way :
val objectIds = => Json.obj("$oid" -> id))
your objectIds may not be valid ones depending on string id really being the stringify version of a BSONObjectID or not

If you import play.modules.reactivemongo.json._ it work without any $oid formatters.
import play.modules.reactivemongo.json._
val ids: Seq[BSONObjectID] = ???
val selector = Json.obj("_id" -> Json.obj("$in" -> ids))

I tried with the following and it worked for me:
val listOfItems = BSONArray(51, 61)
val query = BSONDocument("_id" -> BSONDocument("$in" -> listOfItems))
val ruleListFuture = bsonFutureColl.flatMap(_.find(query, Option.empty[BSONDocument]).cursor[ResponseAccDataBean]().
collect[List](-1, Cursor.FailOnError[List[ResponseAccDataBean]]()))


Read Hocon config as a Map[String, String] with key in dot notation and value

I have following HOCON config:
a {
b.c.d = "val1"
d.f.g = "val2"
HOCON represents paths "b.c.d" and "d.f.g" as objects. So, I would like to have a reader, which reads these configs as Map[String, String], ex:
Map("b.c.d" -> "val1", "d.f.g" -> "val2")
I've created a reader and trying to do it recursively:
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => MutableMap}
private implicit val mapReader: ConfigReader[Map[String, String]] = ConfigReader.fromCursor(cur => {
def concat(prefix: String, key: String): String = if (prefix.nonEmpty) s"$prefix.$key" else key
def toMap(): Map[String, String] = {
val acc = MutableMap[String, String]()
def go(
cur: ConfigCursor,
prefix: String = EMPTY,
acc: MutableMap[String, String]
): Result[Map[String, Object]] = {
cur.fluent.mapObject { obj =>
obj.value.valueType() match {
case ConfigValueType.OBJECT => go(obj, concat(prefix, obj.pathElems.head), acc)
case ConfigValueType.STRING =>
acc += (concat(prefix, obj.pathElems.head) -> obj.asString.right.getOrElse(EMPTY))
go(cur, acc = acc)
It gives me the correct result but is there a way to avoid MutableMap here?
P.S. Also, I would like to keep implementation by "pureconfig" reader.
The solution given by Ivan Stanislavciuc isn't ideal. If the parsed config object contains values other than strings or objects, you don't get an error message (as you would expect) but instead some very strange output. For instance, if you parse a typesafe config document like this
The resulting value will look like this:
Map(a -> [
# String: 1
And even if the input only contains objects and strings, it doesn't work correctly, because it erroneously adds double quotes around all the string values.
So I gave this a shot myself and came up with a recursive solution that reports an error for things like lists or null and doesn't add quotes that shouldn't be there.
implicit val reader: ConfigReader[Map[String, String]] = {
implicit val r: ConfigReader[String => Map[String, String]] =
.map(v => (prefix: String) => Map(prefix -> v))
.orElse { { v =>
(prefix: String) => { case (k, v2) => s"$prefix.$k" -> v2 }
ConfigReader[Map[String, String => Map[String, String]]].map {
_.flatMap { case (prefix, v) => v(prefix) }
Note that my solution doesn't mention ConfigValue or ConfigReader.Result at all. It only takes existing ConfigReader objects and combines them with combinators like map and orElse. This is, generally speaking, the best way to write ConfigReaders: don't start from scratch with methods like ConfigReader.fromFunction, use existing readers and combine them.
It seems a bit surprising at first that the above code works at all, because I'm using reader within its own definition. But it works because the orElse method takes its argument by name and not by value.
You can do the same without using recursion. Use method entrySet as following
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
val hocon =
|a {
| b.c.d = "val1"
| d.f.g = val2
val config = ConfigFactory.load(ConfigFactory.parseString(hocon))
val innerConfig = config.getConfig("a")
val map = innerConfig
.map { entry =>
entry.getKey -> entry.getValue.render()
Map(b.c.d -> "val1", d.f.g -> "val2")
With given knowledge, it's possible to define a pureconfig.ConfigReader that reads Map[String, String] as following
implicit val reader: ConfigReader[Map[String, String]] = ConfigReader.fromFunction {
case co: ConfigObject =>
.map { entry =>
entry.getKey -> entry.getValue.render()
case value =>
//Handle error case
new RuntimeException("cannot be mapped to map of string -> string"),
I did not want to write custom readers to get a mapping of key value pairs. I instead changed my internal data type from a map to list of pairs (I am using kotlin), and then I can easily change that to a map at some later internal stage if I need to. My HOCON was then able to look like this.
additionalProperties = [
{first = "sasl.mechanism", second = "PLAIN"},
{first = "security.protocol", second = "SASL_SSL"},
additionalProducerProperties = [
{first = "acks", second = "all"},
Not the best for humans... but I prefer it to having to build custom parsing components.

Compile error on a Future[Option[BasicProfile]] method in play

i'm writing a play 2.3 application using secure social and reactivemongo library, with scala.
Now i'm trying to implement the UserService[T] trait but i'm getting compile errors on the updatePasswordInfo method.
This is the method:
def updatePasswordInfo(user: LoginUser,info: PasswordInfo): scala.concurrent.Future[Option[BasicProfile]] = {
implicit val passwordInfoFormat = Json.format[PasswordInfo]
//the document query
val query = Json.obj("providerId" -> user.providerId,
"userId" -> user.userId
//search if the user exists
val futureUser: Future[Option[LoginUser]] = UserServiceLogin.find(query).one
futureUser map {
case Some(x) => val newPassword = Json.obj("passswordInfo" -> info)// the new password
UserServiceLogin.update(query, newPassword) //update the document
val newDocument: Future[Option[LoginUser]] = UserServiceLogin.find(query).one
newDocument map {
case Some(x) => x
case None => None
} //return the new LoginUser
case None => None
And this is the compiler error:
/Users/alberto/git/recommendation-system/app/security/UserService.scala:203: type mismatch;
[error] found : scala.concurrent.Future[Product with Serializable]
[error] required: Option[securesocial.core.BasicProfile]
[error] newDocument map {
What's wrong?
If you map over a Future[A] you'll end up with a Future[B], where T is the type returned from the lambda you pass to map.
Since that lambda is returning a Future[B] in this case you end up with a Future[Future[B]], which doesn't match the expected type.
The easy fix is to use a flatMap, which takes a lambda going from A to Future[B].
Also, you're returning an Option[LoginUser] but the method is expected to return an Option[BasicProfile]. The compiler inferred a common supertype, which in this case is Product with Serializable, since they're both case classes.
To sum it up
scala.concurrent.Future[Product with Serializable]
1 2
use flatMap instead of map
return a BasicProfile instead of LoginUser, or change the method return type to Future[Option[LoginUser]]
By the way, there's a lot of room for improvement, as you could use a for-comprehension and the OptionT monad transformer from scalaz to make the whole thing prettier.
Here's an example
import scalaz._; import Scalaz._
val newPassword = Json.obj("passswordInfo" -> info)
(for {
// this is done only for failing fast in case the user doesn't exist
_ <- optionT(UserServiceLogin.find(query).one)
_ <- optionT(Future.successful(Some(UserServiceLogin.update(query, newPassword))))
updatedUser <- optionT(UserServiceLogin.find(query).one)
} yield updatedUser).run
By the way, this works under the assumption that update is a sync call, which might (and I hope) not be the case. If it returns a Future[T] just change the code to
_ <- optionT(UserServiceLogin.update(query, newPassword).map(Some(_)))
or if it already returns a Future[Option[T]]
_ <- optionT(UserServiceLogin.update(query, newPassword))
If you really want to do the find to fail fast (though it is not so useful) and then reload the updated user from the database, something like this should do without the need for using scalaz :
def updatePasswordInfo(user: LoginUser,info: PasswordInfo): scala.concurrent.Future[Option[BasicProfile]] = {
implicit val passwordInfoFormat = Json.format[PasswordInfo]
//the document query
val query = Json.obj("providerId" -> user.providerId,
"userId" -> user.userId)
val newPassword = Json.obj("passswordInfo" -> info)
//update the document
for {
userO <- UserServiceLogin.find(query).one[BasicProfile] //fail fast (not sure this is really useful)
updatedUser<-UserServiceLogin.update(query, newPassword).map(_=>userO).recover{case _ =>None}
actualUser <- UserServiceLogin.find(query).one[BasicProfile]
} yield actualUser
There are several ways in which your code can be improved.
For example, you don't need to find the user before firing the query.
Also, it would be good to check if your query actually succeeded (if the API allows it).
Third, I am not sure in which way LoginUser corresponds to the BasicProfile. Your code doesn't seem to do any kind of conversion. If LoginUser is a subclass of BasicProfile, or can be cast to BasicProfile somehow, you can try something like this:
def updatePasswordInfo(user: LoginUser,info: PasswordInfo): scala.concurrent.Future[Option[BasicProfile]] = {
implicit val passwordInfoFormat = Json.format[PasswordInfo]
//the document query
val query = Json.obj("providerId" -> user.providerId,
"userId" -> user.userId
UserServiceLogin.update(query, newPassword) //update the document
for {
user <- UserServiceLogin.find(query).one
} yield[BasicProfile]) //return the new LoginUser

Building a document functionally and based on input value in a Play 2 controller in Scala and ReactiveMongo

I've a Play controller Action that edits a document in MongoDB using ReactiveMongo. The code is shown below. Both name and keywords are optional. I'm creating a temp BSONDocument() and adding tuples to it based on if name and keywords exist are not empty. However, tmp is currently mutable(is a var). I'm wondering how I can get rid of the var.
def editEntity(id: String, name: Option[String], keywords: Option[String]) = Action {
val objectId = new BSONObjectID(id)
//TODO get rid of var here
var tmp = BSONDocument()
if (name.exists(_.trim.nonEmpty)) {
tmp = tmp.add(("name" -> BSONString(name.get)))
val typedKeywords : Option[List[String]] = Utils.getKeywords(keywords)
if (typedKeywords.exists(_.size > 0)) {
tmp = tmp.add(("keywords" -> => BSONString(x))))
val modifier = BSONDocument("$set" -> tmp)
val updateFuture = collection.update(BSONDocument("_id" -> objectId), modifier)
UPDATE After looking at the solution from #Vikas it came to me what if there are more (say 10 or 15) number of input Options that I need to deal with. Maybe a fold or reduce based solution will scale better?
In your current code you're adding an empty BSONDocument() if none of those if conditions matched? val modifier = BSONDocument("$set" -> tmp) will have an empty tmp if name was None and typedKeyWords was None. Assuming that's what you want here is one approach to get rid of transient var. also note having a var locally (in a method) isn't a bad thing (sure I'll still make that code look bit prettier)
val typedKeywords : Option[List[String]] = Utils.getKeywords(keywords)
val bsonDoc = (name,typedKeywords) match{
case (Some(n),Some(kw) ) => BSONDocument().add( "name" -> BSONString(n)) .add(("keywords" -> => BSONString(x))))
case (Some(n), None) => BSONDocument().add( "name" -> BSONString(n))
case (None,Some(kw)) => BSONDocument().add(("keywords" -> => BSONString(x))))
case (None,None) => BSONDocument()
val modifier = BSONDocument("$set" -> bsonDoc)

How to get a value as number from Mongodb, casbah

I have a simple code for getting the port number from MongoDB. I use scala and the driver is of course casbah.
def getPortNo : Int {
val query = MongoDBObject("_id" -> "Store")
val data = coll.findOne(query)
return data.get("port")
Here my application only has one document that id is equal to "store".
but this is not resolved in IDE.
I have the same code for getting the version.
def getVersion : String = {
val query = MongoDBObject("_id" -> "Store")
val data = coll.findOne(query)
return data.get("version").toString
this works well.
I tried data.get("port").toString.toInt and It also does not work.
Can someone tell me how to do this. I think the problem here is the returning value in not either number or a string. what is the return type and how can I cast it into a number.
It depends on how you store "port" field. Try[Number]("value").intValue(). It must work any number format.
And you should consider that findOne returns Option, so you can return Option too:
def getPortNo : Option[Int] = {
val query = MongoDBObject("_id" -> "Store")
val data = coll.findOne(query)[Number]("port").intValue)
Or use some default value:
def getPortNo : Int = {
val query = MongoDBObject("_id" -> "Store")
val data = coll.findOne(query)[Number]("port").intValue).getOrElse(80)

Is it possible to make json4s not to throw exception when required field is missing?

Is it possible to make json4s not to throw exception when required field is missing ?
When I "extract" object from raw json string it throws exception like this one
org.json4s.package$MappingException: No usable value for pager
No usable value for rpp
Did not find value which can be converted into byte
at org.json4s.reflect.package$.fail(package.scala:98)
at org.json4s.Extraction$$json4s$Extraction$ClassInstanceBuilder$$buildCtorArg(Extraction.scala:388)
at org.json4s.Extraction$ClassInstanceBuilder$$anonfun$11.apply(Extraction.scala:396)
Is it possible just to let it be null ?
It's quite simple, you have to use Option and its potentials, Some and None.
val json = ("name" -> "joe") ~ ("age" -> Some(35));
val json = ("name" -> "joe") ~ ("age" -> (None: Option[Int]))
Beware though, in the above case a match will be performed for your Option. If it's None, it will be completely removed from the string, so it won't feed back null.
In the same pattern, to parse incomplete JSON, you use a case class with Option.
case class someModel(
age: Option[Int],
name: Option[String]
val json = ("name" -> "joe") ~ ("age" -> None);
There is a method which won't throw any exception, and that is extractOpt
A way to replicate that with the scala API would be to use scala.util.Try:
Try { parse(json).extract[someModel] }.toOption
I've dealt with this problem when dealing with data migrations, and I wanted default values to fill undefined fields.
My solution was to merge the defaults into the JValue before extracting the result.
val defaultsJson = Extraction.decompose(defaults)
val valueJson = JsonUtil.jValue(v)
(defaultsJson merge valueJson).extract[T]
import org.json4s._
object JsonUtil {
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
import{InputStreamReader, ByteArrayInputStream}
def jValue(json: String): JValue = {
def jValue(json: Array[Byte]): JValue = {
val reader = new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(json), UTF_8)