Scala split argument over several lines and parse to Int - scala

This is probably going to end up being very simple, but I ask more to help me learn better Scala idioms (Python guy by trade looking to learn some scala tricks.)
I'm doing some hacker rank problems and the method of input requires is a read over lines from stdin. The spec is quoted below:
The first line contains the number of test cases T. T test cases
follow. Each case contains two integers N and M.
So in the input passed to the script looks something like this:
2 2
3 2
2 3
4 4
I'm wondering what would be the proper, idiomatic way to do this. I've thought of a few:
Use io.Source.stdin.readLines.zipWithIndex, then from within a foreach, if the index is greater than 0, split on whitespace and map to (_.toInt)
Use the same readLines function to get the input and then pattern match against the index.
Split on whitespace and newlines to make a single list of digits, map toInt, pop the first element (problem size) and then modulo 2 to make tuples of arguments for my problem function.
I'm wondering what more experienced scala programmers would consider the best way to parse these args, where the 2 element lines would be args to a function and the first, single digit line is just the number of problems to solve.

Maybe you're looking for something like this?
def f(x: Int, y: Int) = { f"do something with $x and $y" }
.map(_.trim.split("\\s+").map(_.toInt)) // split and convert to ints
.collect { case Array(a, b) => f(a, b) } // pass to f if there are two arguments
.foreach(println) // print the result of each function call

Another way to read the input for Hacker Rank problems is with
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object Solution {
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
val q = StdIn.readInt
var lines = ArrayBuffer[Array[Int]]()
(1 to q).foreach(_ => lines += StdIn.readLine.split(" ").map(_.toInt))
for (a <- lines){
val n = a(0)
val m = a(1)
val ans = n * m
I have tested it on Hacker Rank platform today and the output is:


find out if a number is a good number in scala

Hi I am new to scala functional programming methodology. I want to input a number to my function and check if it is a good number or not.
A number is a good number if its every digit is larger than the sum of digits which are on the right side of that digit. 
For example:
9620  is good as (2 > 0, 6 > 2+0, 9 > 6+2+0)
steps I am using to solve this is
1. converting a number to string and reversing it
2. storing all digits of the reversed number as elements of a list
3. applying for loop from i equals 1 to length of number - 1
4. calculating sum of first i digits as num2
5. extracting ith digit from the list as digit1 which is one digit ahead of the first i numbers for which we calculated sum because list starts from zero.
6. comparing output of 4th and 5th step. if num1 is greater than num2 then we will break the for loop and come out of the loop to print it is not a good number.
please find my code below
val num1 = 9521.toString.reverse
val list1 =
for (i <- 1 to num1.length - 1) {
val num2 = num1.take(i).map(_.toDigits) sum
val digit1 = list1(i)
if (num2 > digit1) {
print("number is not a good number")
I know this is not the most optimized way to solve this problem. Also I am looking for a way to code this using tail recursion where I pass two numbers and get all the good numbers falling in between those two numbers.
Can this be done in more optimized way?
Thanks in advance!
No String conversions required.
val n = 9620
val isGood = Stream.iterate(n)(_/10)
.foldLeft((true,-1)){ case ((bool,sum),digit) =>
(bool && digit > sum, sum+digit)
Here is a purely numeric version using a recursive function.
def isGood(n: Int): Boolean = {
def loop(n: Int, sum: Int): Boolean =
(n == 0) || (n%10 > sum && loop(n/10, sum + n%10))
loop(n/10, n%10)
This should compile into an efficient loop.
Using this function:(This will be the efficient way as the function forall will not traverse the entire list of digits. it stops when it finds the false condition immediately ( ie., when v(i)>v.drop(i+1).sum becomes false) while traversing from left to right of the vector v. )
def isGood(n: Int)= {
val v1 =
val v = if(v1.last!=0) v1 else v1.dropRight(1)
(0 to v.size-1).forall(i=>v(i)>v.drop(i+1).sum)
If we want to find good numbers in an interval of integers ranging from n1 to n2 we can use this function:
def goodNums(n1:Int,n2:Int) = (n1 to n2).filter(isGood(_))
In Scala REPL:
scala> isGood(9620)
res51: Boolean = true
scala> isGood(9600)
res52: Boolean = false
scala> isGood(9641)
res53: Boolean = false
scala> isGood(9521)
res54: Boolean = true
scala> goodNums(412,534)
res66: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(420, 421, 430, 510, 520, 521, 530, 531)
scala> goodNums(3412,5334)
res67: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(4210, 5210, 5310)
This is a more functional way. pairs is a list of tuples between a digit and the sum of the following digits. It is easy to create these tuples with drop, take and slice (a combination of drop and take) methods.
Finally I can represent my condition in an expressive way with forall method.
val n = 9620
val str = n.toString
val pairs = for { x <- 1 until str.length } yield (str.slice(x - 1, x).toInt, str.drop(x).map(_.asDigit).sum)
pairs.forall { case (a, b) => a > b }
If you want to be functional and expressive avoid to use break. If you need to check a condition for each element is a good idea to move your problem to collections, so you can use forAll.
This is not the case, but if you want performance (if you don't want to create an entire pairs collection because the condition for the first element is false) you can change your for collection from a Range to Stream.
(1 until str.length).toStream
Functional style tends to prefer monadic type things, such as maps and reduces. To make this look functional and clear, I'd do something like:
def isGood(value: Int) =>Some(digit.asDigit)).
case(sum, Some(digit)) => sum.collectFirst{case sum if sum < digit => sum+digit}
Instead of using tail recursion to calculate this for ranges, just generate the range and then filter over it:
def goodInRange(low: Int, high: Int) = (low to high).filter(isGood(_))

Function to return List of Map while iterating over String, kmer count

I am working on creating a k-mer frequency counter (similar to word count in Hadoop) written in Scala. I'm fairly new to Scala, but I have some programming experience.
The input is a text file containing a gene sequence and my task is to get the frequency of each k-mer where k is some specified length of the sequence.
Therefore, the sequence AGCTTTC has three 5-mers (AGCTT, GCTTT, CTTTC)
I've parsed through the input and created a huge string which is the entire sequence, the new lines throw off the k-mer counting as the end of one line's sequence should still form a k-mer with the beginning of the next line's sequence.
Now I am trying to write a function that will generate a list of maps List[Map[String, Int]] with which it should be easy to use scala's groupBy function to get the count of the common k-mers
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Get all of the lines from the input file
val input = Source.fromFile("input.txt").getLines.toArray
// Create one huge string which contains all the lines but the first
val lines = input.tail.mkString.replace("\n","")
val mappedKmers: List[Map[String,Int]] = getMappedKmers(5, lines)
def getMappedKmers(k: Int, seq: String): List[Map[String, Int]] = {
for (i <- 0 until seq.length - k) {
Map(seq.substring(i, i+k), 1) // Map the k-mer to a count of 1
Couple of questions:
How to create/generate List[Map[String,Int]]?
How would you do it?
Any help and/or advice is definitely appreciated!
You're pretty close—there are three fairly minor problems with your code.
The first is that for (i <- whatever) foo(i) is syntactic sugar for whatever.foreach(i => foo(i)), which means you're not actually doing anything with the contents of whatever. What you want is for (i <- whatever) yield foo(i), which is sugar for => foo(i)) and returns the transformed collection.
The second issue is that 0 until seq.length - k is a Range, not a List, so even once you've added the yield, the result still won't line up with the declared return type.
The third issue is that Map(k, v) tries to create a map with two key-value pairs, k and v. You want Map(k -> v) or Map((k, v)), either of which is explicit about the fact that you have a single argument pair.
So the following should work:
def getMappedKmers(k: Int, seq: String): IndexedSeq[Map[String, Int]] = {
for (i <- 0 until seq.length - k) yield {
Map(seq.substring(i, i + k) -> 1) // Map the k-mer to a count of 1
You could also convert either the range or the entire result to a list with .toList if you'd prefer a list at the end.
It's worth noting, by the way, that the sliding method on Seq does exactly what you want:
scala> "AGCTTTC".sliding(5).foreach(println)
I'd definitely suggest something like "AGCTTTC".sliding(5).toList.groupBy(identity) for real code.

How should I use #:: / hash colon colon in Scala?

In a Stackoverflow post about the creation of Fibonacci numbers I found the method #:: (What is the fastest way to write Fibonacci function in Scala?). In ScalaDocs I found this entry (see here, 1) describing the hash colon colon method as An extractor that allows to pattern match streams with #::.
I realized that I can use the fibonacci function like this
def fibonacci: Stream[Long] = {
def tail(h: Long, n: Long): Stream[Long] = h #:: tail(n, h + n)
tail(0, 1)
fibonacci(10) //res4: Long = 55
How should I understand the ScalaDocs explanation? Can you give an additional example?
Why it was not necessary to define a parameter in the fibonacci function above?
The method #:: is defined for Streams. It is similar to the :: method for Lists. The main difference between a List and a Stream is that the elements of a Stream are lazy evaluated.
There's some scala magic happens on the last line. Actually, first you're evaluating the fibonacci expression, and it returns a Stream object. The first and the second elements of this stream are 0 and 1, as follows from the third line of your example, and the rest of the Stream is defined via recursive call. And then you're extracting tenth element from the stream, and it evaluates to 55.
In the code below, I show similar access to the fourth List's element
val list = List(1,2,3,4,5)
println(list(3)) // prints 4
In a nutshell, think about Streams as infinite Lists. You can find more about Streams here
In your example h #:: tail(n, h + n) creates a new stream, where the h is the head of the stream and tail(n, h + n) a stream which will be evaluated lazily.
Another (and maybe easier) example would be to define natural numbers as a stream of BigInt.
def naturalNumbers = {
def next(n: BigInt) : Stream[BigInt] = n #:: next(n + 1)
println(naturalNumbers) would result in printing Stream(0, ?), because the head is strict, meaning that it will be always evaluated. The tail would be next(1), which is only evaluated when needed.
In your example fibonacci(10) is syntactic sugar for fibonacci.apply(10) which is defined in the Stream class and yields the element with the index in the stream.
You can also do a lot of others things with streams. For example get the first fibonacci number that is greater than 100: fibonacci.dropWhile(_ <= 100).head or just print the first 100 fibonacci numbers println(fibonacci.take(100).toList)
The quick answer to #2 is that fibonacci(10) isn't a function call with parameters, it's a function call with no parameters followed by an invocation of whatever is returned with the parameter "10".
It would have been easier to understand if written like this:
scala> val s = fibonacci
s: Stream[Long] = Stream(0, ?)
scala> s(10)
res1: Long = 55

Cross product of two Strings

I am just starting out in Scala and for my first project, I am writing a Sudoku solver. I came across a great site explaining Sudoku and how to go about writing a solver: and from this site I am trying to create the corresponding Scala code.
The squares of a Sudoku grid are basically the cross product of the row name and the column name, this can be generated really easily in Python using a list comprehension:
# cross("AB", "12") = ["A1", "A2", "B1", "B2"]
def cross(A, B):
"Cross product of elements in A and elements in B."
return [a+b for a in A for b in B]
It took me awhile to think about how to do this elegantly in Scala, and this is what I came up with:
// cross("AB", "12") => List[String]("A1", "A2", "B1", "B2")
def cross(r: String, c: String) = {
for(i <- r; j <- c) yield i + "" + j
I was just curious if there is a better way to doing this in Scala? It would seem much cleaner if I could do yield i + j but that results in an Int for some reason. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
Yes, addition for Char is defined by adding their integer equivalents. I think your code is fine. You could also use string interpolation, and spare the toList (you will get an immutable indexed sequence instead which is just fine):
def cross(r: String, c: String) = for(i <- r; j <- c) yield s"$i$j"
An IndexedSeq is at least as powerful as List. Just check your successive usage of the result. Does it require a List? E.g. do you want to use head and tail and pattern match with ::. If not, there is no reason why you should need to enforce List. If you use map and flatMap on the input arguments instead of the syntactic sugar with for, you can use the collection.breakOut argument to directly map to a List:
def cross(r: String, c: String): List[String] =
r.flatMap(i => => s"$i$j"))(collection.breakOut)
Not as pretty, but faster than an extra toList.

What is the accepted/recommended syntax for Scala code with lots of method-chaining?

In Scala I tend to favour writing large chained expressions over many smaller expressions with val assignments. At my company we've sort of evolved a style for this type of code. Here's a totally contrived example (idea is to show an expression with lots of chained calls):
import scala.util.Random
val table = (1 to 10) map { (Random.nextInt(100), _) } toMap
def foo: List[Int] =
(1 to 100)
.map { _ + 3 }
.filter { _ > 10 }
.flatMap { table.get }
Daniel Spiewak's Scala Style Guide (pdf), which I generally like, suggests the leading dot notation in the chained method calls may be bad (see doc: Method Invocation / Higher-Order Functions), though it doesn't cover multi-line expressions like this directly.
Is there another, more accepted/idiomatic way to write the function foo above?
UPDATE: 28-Jun-2011
Lots of great answers and discussion below. There doesn't appear to be a 100% "you must do it this way" answer, so I'm going to accept the most popular answer by votes, which is currently the for comprehension approach. Personally, I think I'm going to stick with the leading-dot notation for now and accept the risks that come with it.
The example is slightly unrealistic, but for complex expressions, it's often far cleaner to use a comprehension:
def foo = {
val results = for {
x <- (1 to 100).view
y = x + 3 if y > 10
z <- table get y
} yield z
(results take 3).toList
The other advantage here is that you can name intermediate stages of the computation, and make it more self-documenting.
If brevity is your goal though, this can easily be made into a one-liner (the point-free style helps here):
def foo = (1 to 100){3+}.filter{10<}.flatMap{table.get}.take(3).toList
def foo = ((1 to 100).view map {3+} filter {10<} flatMap {table.get} take 3).toList
and, as always, optimise your algorithm where possible:
def foo = ((1 to 100).view map {3+} filter {10<} flatMap {table.get} take 3).toList
def foo = ((4 to 103).view filter {10<} flatMap {table.get} take 3).toList
def foo = ((11 to 103).view flatMap {table.get} take 3).toList
I wrap the entire expression into a set of parenthesis to group things and avoid dots if possible,
def foo: List[Int] =
( (1 to 100).view
map { _ + 3 }
filter { _ > 10 }
flatMap { table.get }
toList )
Here's how extempore does it. You can't go wrong.
setInfo subst(env,, sym.owner))
Authentic compiler source!
I prefer lots of vals:
def foo = {
val range = (1 to 100).view
val mappedRange = range map { _+3 }
val importantValues = mappedRange filter { _ > 10 } flatMap { table.get }
(importantValues take 3).toList
Because I don't know what you want to purpose with your code, I chose random names for the vals.
There is a big advantage to choose vals instead of the other mentioned solutions:
It is obvious what your code does. In your example and in the solutions mentioned in most other answers anyone does not know at first sight what it does. There is too much information in one expression. Only in a for-expression, mentioned by #Kevin, it is possible to choose telling names but I don't like them because:
They need more lines of code
They are slower due to pattern match the declared values (I mentioned this here).
Just my opinion, but I think they look ugly
My rule: if the expression fits on a single (80-120 character) line, keep it on one line and omit the dots wherever possible:
def foo: List[Int] =
(1 to 100).view map { _ + 3 } filter { _ > 10 } flatMap table.get take 3 toList
As Kevin pointed out, the point-free style may improve brevity (but could harm readability for developers not familiar with it):
def foo: List[Int] =
(1 to 100).view map{3+} filter{10<} flatMap table.get take 3 toList
The leading dot notation is perfectly acceptable if you need to separate the expression over multiple lines due to length. Another reason to use this notation is when the operations need individual comments. If you need to spread an expression over multiple lines, due to its length or the need to comment individual operations, it's best to wrap the entire expression in parens (as Alex Boisvert suggests. In these situations, each (logical) operation should go on its own line (i.e. each operation goes on a single line, except where multiple consecutive operations can be described succinctly by a single comment):
def foo: List[Int] =
( (1 to 100).view
map { _ + 3 }
filter { _ > 10 }
flatMap table.get
take 3
toList )
This technique avoids potential semicolon inference issues that can arise when using leading dot notation or calling a 0-arg method at the end of the expression.
I usually try to avoid using dot for things like map and filter. So I would probably write it like the following:
def foo: List[Int] =
(1 to 100).view map { x =>
x + 3 } filter { x =>
x > 10 } flatMap { table.get } take(3) toList
The leading dot notation is very readable. I might start using that.