DistributedPubSubMediator Subscription via Proxy Actor not working - scala

My colleague and I have been puzzled with the different behaviour the DistributedPubSubMediator has for subscribing/unsubscribing directly or via a proxy Actor. We put together a test to show the different result below.
From our understanding, the ActorRef.forward should pass in the original sender, hence whether the message is sent directly to the Mediator or via a proxy Actor should not matter. Ie. http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/index.html#scala.actors.ActorRef.
To work around, we have to extend the DIstributedPubSubMediator class and include the logic DistributedPubSubMediator object already provides. Ideally, we'd prefer to use the object directly and revert our code.
This seems like a bug. Does anyone know the underlying reason for this unusual behaviour? Please help...
[22-Oct-2013] Test is updated based on Roland's answer (Thank you) and added expectMsgType on SubscriberAck and UnsubscribeAck. We now receive the SubscribeAck, but strangely not the UnSubscribeAck. It is not a major issue but we would like to know why.
Another question, if we may ask altogether, is whether it is good practice to Subscribe remote actors to the DistributedPubSubMediator via proxy Actor running in the same ActorSystem?
At the moment we have:
The subscribing App discovers the publishing App (in non-Akka-way) and gets Cluster address.
The remote subscriber uses this address and the known proxy actor's path to send Identity request.
The remote subscriber gets the ActorIdentity response and then Subscribes/Unsubscribes via this (remote) proxy.
On the publisher App Subscribe/Unsubscribe messages are forwarded to the DistributedPubSubMediator and it is used to publish subsequent business messages.
We are not joining the Cluster as per Akka Reactor pubsub chat client example (ie. only using the DistributedPubSubMediator to publish) because we need to handle Failover on the Publisher side.
[5-Nov-2013] Added a test on Send message. It does not seem to work and we haven't figured it out yet.
package star.common.pubsub
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FunSuite}
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import akka.contrib.pattern.DistributedPubSubExtension
import akka.contrib.pattern.DistributedPubSubMediator._
import akka.testkit.TestKit
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorSystem, ActorRef, Props}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
object MediatorTest {
val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"""
akka.extensions = ["akka.contrib.pattern.DistributedPubSubExtension"]
class MediatorTest extends TestKit(ActorSystem("test", MediatorTest.config)) with FunSuite {
val mediator = DistributedPubSubExtension(system).mediator
val topic = "example"
val message = "Published Message"
// val joinAddress = Cluster(system).selfAddress
// Cluster(system).join(joinAddress)
test("Direct subscribe to mediator") {
mediator.!(Subscribe(topic, testActor))(testActor)
expectMsgType[SubscribeAck](5 seconds)
mediator.!(Publish(topic, message))(testActor)
expectMsg(2 seconds, message)
mediator.!(Unsubscribe(topic, testActor))(testActor)
expectMsgType[UnsubscribeAck](5 seconds)
mediator ! Publish(topic, message)
expectNoMsg(2 seconds)
test("Subscribe to mediator via proxy") {
class Proxy extends Actor {
override def receive = {
case subscribe: Subscribe =>
mediator forward subscribe
case unsubscribe: Unsubscribe =>
mediator forward unsubscribe
case publish: Publish =>
val proxy = system.actorOf(Props(new Proxy), "proxy")
expectMsgType[SubscribeAck](2 seconds)
proxy ! Publish(topic, message)
expectMsg(5 seconds, message)
expectMsgType[UnsubscribeAck](5 seconds)
proxy ! Publish(topic, message)
expectNoMsg(5 seconds)
test("Send message to address") {
val testActorAddress = testActor.path.toString
// val system2 = ActorSystem("test", MediatorTest.config)
// Cluster(system2).join(joinAddress)
mediator.!(Subscribe(topic, testActor))(testActor)
expectMsgType[SubscribeAck](5 seconds)
println(testActorAddress) // akka://test/system/testActor1
mediator.!(Publish(topic, message))(testActor)
expectMsg(2 seconds, message)
mediator ! Send(testActorAddress, message, false)
expectMsg(5 seconds, message)

Two things:
whether or not you use forward does not matter much, since you do not have a useful sender in scope in your test procedure (you are not mixing in ImplicitSender); but this is not the problem
you are not forwarding the Publish message, which is why it does not publish the message


Akka TCP IO sends me connect message twice

I have a simple client server program
The server listens as follows
val manager = IO(Tcp)
manager ! Bind(self, myAddress,1,options)
Then in receive loop
override def receive = {
case b # Bound(addr) =>
myAddress = addr
bBound = true
case c # Connected(remoteAddress,localAddress) =>
log.info("Client Connected. Remote: {} Local: {}", remoteAddress, localAddress)
myAPAddress = remoteAddress
remoteConnection = sender()
remoteConnection ! Register(self,keepOpenOnPeerClosed=true)
//first thing to do is to register yourself with a lookup
mLookupManager ! AddMe(myAddress, this.context.self.path)
However the connect message is being received twice.
The server actor is not getting restarted as I have overloaded preRestart and it is not getting called. The problem is that the lookup manager looks up and if finds an actorpath with same socket address then sends a poison pill to it. And then adds new actor to it.
However In this case it kills the same actor and adds it's actorpath
Why would I get the connect message twice? Any clue?
When Bind has successfully completed (you got Bound back) the server actor it will get a Connect message for every new connection that is made to the socket.
The common pattern is to let the Connect message trigger creation of a new actor who will be responsible for interacting with that specific client, rather than having the "server" actor doing the interaction.
See the docs here for a sample that does exactly that: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.4.14/scala/io-tcp.html#Accepting_connections

Akka remoting: Remote subscribed event listener custom serialising a Watch message

I have the following remote actor set up.
actorSystem.actorSelection(remoteConfig.getString("/myEventListener")).resolveOne().map{ar =>
actorSystem.eventStream.subscribe(ar, classOf[MyEvent])
I also have my own custom serialization. The issue is that this gets sent a Watch message which has the following signature:
private[akka] final case class Watch(watchee: InternalActorRef, watcher: InternalActorRef) extends SystemMessage
Which is not so straight forward to serialize. Any suggestions on how to proceed on this one? Sending a remote message with references to InternalActorRef seems a bit of an odd one.
And to note I use other remote actors directly (not as event listeners), these dont get sent the Watch message:
val emailService = actorSystem.actorSelection(remoteConfig.getString("/emailCommandHandler"))

Akka: send error from routee back to caller

In my project, I created UserRepositoryActor which create their own router with 10 UserRepositoryWorkerActor instances as routee, see hierarchy below:
As you see, if any error occur while fetching data from database, it will occur at worker.
Once I want to fetch user from database, I send message to UserRepositoryActor with this command:
val resultFuture = userRepository ? FindUserById(1)
and I set 10 seconds for timeout.
In case of network connection has problem, UserRepositoryWorkerActor immediately get ConnectionException from underlying database driver and then (what I think) router will restart current worker and send FindUserById(1) command to other worker that available and resultFuture will get AskTimeoutException after 10 seconds passed. Then some time later, once connection back to normal, UserRepositoryWorkerActor successfully fetch data from database and then try to send result back to the caller and found that resultFuture was timed out.
I want to propagate error from UserRepositoryWorkerActor up to the caller immediately after exception occur, so that will prevent resultFuture to wait for 10 seconds and stop UserRepositoryWorkerActor to try to fetch data again and again.
How can I do that?
By the way, if you have any suggestions to my current design, please suggest me. I'm very new to Akka.
Your assumption about Router resending the message is wrong. Router has already passed the message to routee and it doesnt have it any more.
As far as ConnectionException is concerned, you could wrap in a scala.util.Try and send response to sender(). Something like,
Try(SomeDAO.getSomeObjectById(id)) match {
case Success(s) => sender() ! s
case Failure(e) => sender() ! e
You design looks correct. Having a router allows you to distribute work and also to limit number of concurrent workers accessing the database.
Option 1
You can make your router watch its children and act accordingly when they are terminated. For example (taken from here):
import akka.routing.{ ActorRefRoutee, RoundRobinRoutingLogic, Router }
class Master extends Actor {
var router = {
val routees = Vector.fill(5) {
val r = context.actorOf(Props[Worker])
context watch r
Router(RoundRobinRoutingLogic(), routees)
def receive = {
case w: Work =>
router.route(w, sender())
case Terminated(a) =>
router = router.removeRoutee(a)
val r = context.actorOf(Props[Worker])
context watch r
router = router.addRoutee(r)
In your case you can send some sort of a failed message from the repository actor to the client. Repository actor can maintain a map of worker ref to request id to know which request failed when worker terminates. It can also record the time between the start of the request and actor termination to decide whether it's worth retrying it with another worker.
Option 2
Simply catch all non-fatal exceptions in your worker actor and reply with appropriate success/failed messages. This is much simpler but you might still want to restart the worker to make sure it's in a good state.
p.s. Router will not restart failed workers, neither it will try to resend messages to them by default. You can take a look at supervisor strategy and Option 1 above on how to achieve that.

Idiomatic way to continuously poll a HTTP server and dispatch to an actor

I need to write a client that continuously polls a web server for commands. A response from the server indicates that a command is available (in which case the response contains the command) or an instruction that no command is available, and you should fire off a new request for incoming commands.
I'm trying to figure out how to do it using spray-client and Akka, and I can think of ways to do it, but none of them look like they're the idiomatic way to get it done. So the question is:
what's the most sensible way to have a couple of threads poll the same web server for incoming commands and hand the commands off to an actor?
This example uses spray-client, scala futures, and Akka scheduler.
Implementation varies depending on desired behavior (execute many requests in parallel at the same time, execute in different intervals, send responses to one actor to process one response at a time, send responses to many actors to process in parallel... etc).
This particular example shows how execute many requests in parallel at the same time, and then do something with each result as it completes, without waiting for any other requests that were fired off at the same time to complete.
The code below will execute two HTTP requests every 5 seconds to and in parallel.
Tested in Scala 2.10, Spray 1.1-M7, and Akka 2.1.2:
Actual scheduling code that handles periodic job execution:
// Schedule a periodic task to occur every 5 seconds, starting as soon
// as this schedule is registered
system.scheduler.schedule(initialDelay = 0 seconds, interval = 5 seconds) {
val paths = Seq("helloWorld", "goodbyeWorld")
// perform an HTTP request to and
// in parallel (possibly, depending on available cpu and cores)
val retrievedData = Future.traverse(paths) { path =>
val response = fetch(path)
Helper methods / boilerplate setup:
// Helper method to fetch the body of an HTTP endpoint as a string
def fetch(path: String): Future[String] = {
pipeline(HttpRequest(method = GET, uri = s"/$path"))
// Helper method for printing a future'd string asynchronously
def printResponse(response: Future[String]) {
// Alternatively, do response.onComplete {...}
for (res <- response) {
// Spray client boilerplate
val ioBridge = IOExtension(system).ioBridge()
val httpClient = system.actorOf(Props(new HttpClient(ioBridge)))
// Register a "gateway" to a particular host for HTTP requests
// ( in this case)
val conduit = system.actorOf(
props = Props(new HttpConduit(httpClient, "", 9000)),
name = "http-conduit"
// Create a simple pipeline to deserialize the request body into a string
val pipeline: HttpRequest => Future[String] = {
sendReceive(conduit) ~> unmarshal[String]
Some notes:
Future.traverse is used for running futures in parallel (ignores order). Using a for comprehension on a list of futures will execute one future at a time, waiting for each to complete.
// Executes `oneThing`, executes `andThenAnother` when `oneThing` is complete,
// then executes `finally` when `andThenAnother` completes.
for {
oneThing <- future1
andThenAnother <- future2
finally <- future3
} yield (...)
system will need to be replaced with your actual Akka actor system.
system.scheduler.schedule in this case is executing an arbitrary block of code every 5 seconds -- there is also an overloaded version for scheduling messages to be sent to an actorRef.
initialDelay = 0 seconds,
frequency = 30 minutes,
receiver = rssPoller, // an actorRef
message = "doit" // the message to send to the actorRef
For your particular case, printResponse can be replaced with an actor send instead: anActorRef ! response.
The code sample doesn't take into account failures -- a good place to handle failures would be in the printResponse (or equivalent) method, by using a Future onComplete callback: response.onComplete {...}
Perhaps obvious, but spray-client can be replaced with another http client, just replace the fetch method and accompanying spray code.
Update: Full running code example is here:
git clone the repo, checkout the specified commit sha, $ sbt run, navigate to, and watch the code in the console where sbt run was executed -- it should print Hello World!\n'Goodbye World! OR Goodbye World!\nHelloWorld! (order is potentially random because of parallel Future.traverse execution).
You can use HTML5 Server-Sent Events. It is implemented in many Scala frameworks. For example in xitrum code looks like:
class SSE extends Controller {
def sse = GET("/sse") {
addConnectionClosedListener {
// The connection has been closed
// Unsubscribe from events, release resources etc.
future {
SSE is pretty simple and can be used in any software not only in browser.
Akka integrated in xitrum and we use it in similar system. But it uses netty for async server it is also good for processing thousands of request in 10-15 threads.
So in this way your client will keep connection with server and reconnect when connection will be broken.

Is this correct way to implement GMail widget in Lift?

I'm trying to implement a GMail widget similar to those on iGoogle or Netvibse to practise how to use Comet in Lift web framework.
Currently what I have is the following code, its short and works amazingly.
But I'm not sure about is this best way to implement it. Because retrieve mails from GMail is a time-consuming job, and the following code only has one GMailListener, which will blocks when get mails from GMail.
I guess that means if there are two users on my website, for example UserA and UserB.
Although the following code is thread safe, but if they both on the page that using this Comet, UserB still have to wait until mail of UserA is processed to get his own result, right?
What is the best way to avoid the blocking?
import net.liftweb.actor.LiftActor
import net.liftweb.util.Schedule
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
import net.liftweb.http.CometActor
import net.liftweb.http.js.JsCmds.SetHtml
import net.liftweb.http.js.jquery.JqJsCmds._
case class FetchGMail(userID: Int, sender: CometActor)
case class NewStuffs(mails: List[Stuff])
object GMailListener extends LiftActor
def getMails(userID: Int) = {
// Get Mails from GMail
def messageHandler = {
case FetchGMail(userID, sender) =>
println("Get FetchMail request")
sender ! NewStuffs(getMails(userID))
Schedule.schedule(this, FetchGMail(userID, sender), 5 minutes)
class Inbox extends CometActor with JSImplicit
def render = <div>Empty Inbox</div>
GMailListener ! FetchGMail(1, this)
override def lowPriority = {
case NewStuffs(mails) =>
println("get new mails")
partialUpdate(AppendHtml("mails", <div>{mails}</div>))
Just keep in mind that an actor can only process one message at a time and will only consume resources when it is processing messages. Your GmailListener is a singleton, so it could be a bottleneck right now, but there is no reason you can't create an instance of GmailListener for each user. Each instance will only wake up and utilize a thread to do Gmail lookups when your schedule call dictates. Just make sure that you shut the corresponding GmailListener down when the Inbox shuts down. Take a look at net.liftweb.http.CometListener which I think should help with that.