Trouble with mongoexport -query command - mongodb

I am trying to export a subset of documents that contain a specific ObjectId from a collection of Twitter searches. To do this, I am using the following script:
mongoexport --db twitter --collection tweets --csv --fieldFile CSVfields.txt --out .\tweets.csv --query query.txt
...where CSVfields.txt references the specific document keys that I want in the export and query.txt contains:
{ "search" : ObjectId("525f9cfdb3685db029000001") }
When I run this, I get an error saying:
assertion: 16619 code FailedToParse: FailedToParse: Expecting '{': offset:0
Any idea what I am doing wrong?

--query takes a JSON query, not a file.
So either of the following should work:
mongoexport --db twitter --collection tweets --csv --fieldFile CSVfields.txt --out .\tweets.csv --query `cat query.txt`
mongoexport --db twitter --collection tweets --csv --fieldFile CSVfields.txt --out .\tweets.csv --query '{ "search" : ObjectId("525f9cfdb3685db029000001") }'


Export data to csv file using $in

I am trying to export data to csv file using mongo export with some condition with the following command
mongoexport --db <db_name> --collection <coll_name> --query "'meta.metaData.fieldName' : {$in : [EZR-2016-21123,EZR-2016-22016, EZR-2016-23420]}}" --fields <field_name> --type=csv --out out_file_name.csv
This works fine for other normal query, but when I put $in, it doesn't work.
You need to updated the query to be the following
mongoexport --db <db_name> --collection <coll_name> --query "{'meta.metaData.fieldName' : {'$in' : ['EZR-2016-21123', 'EZR-2016-22016', 'EZR-2016-23420']}}" --fields <field_name> --type=csv --out out_file_name.csv
You are missing the starting { off your query
Strings within the $in array need to be quoted

Syntax error:missing ; before statement #(shell):1:15 [duplicate]

I'm working with mongodb 2.4.3 and I cannot get mongoexport to work. The error message I get with each command is:
"JavaScript execution failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier"
At first I thought the problem was with my query parameters, which were long. But find() worked fine with the query so I know that the syntax is ok. I then created a new collection using the query and tried exporting the collection with the following:
mongoexport --db Oct2012 --collection sept8subset --csv --fields "text","created_at","user.screen_name","user.followers_count" --out sept8.csv
mongoexport --db Oct2012 --collection sept8subset --csv --fields text,created_at,user.screen_name,user.followers_count --out sept8.csv
mongoexport -d Oct2012 -c sept8subset --csv --fields text,created_at,user.screen_name -o sept8.csv
mongoexport --db Oct2012 --collection sept8subset --dbpath ~/db (should need dbpath as mongod instance is running)
mongoexport --db OCt2012 -collection sept8subset -o sept8.txt
mongoexport --db Oct2012 --collection sept8subset
In each case, I get "JavaScript execution failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier". Where could that SyntaxError be??
The collection I'm trying to copy has 50,339 objects. In case it is just too big for mongoexport to handle, I took 5 documents out of the collection to make a new collection. I then tried to export them using same command structure as above. I still get the same error message.
Now I'm wondering if the problem is that mongoexport can't work with data involving dates. MongoDB documentation states that I may want to write my own export script using a client driver.
Does anyone have an idea of what my problem is here? Many thanks if you can help out.
I found out that running mongoexport from the mongo client--as I was doing--is incorrect. Mongoexport is executed at the command prompt.
I ran into this too and I solved it executing the command from the path/bin where 'mongoexport' is located.In my case :
my_path: /usr/local/Cellar/mongodb/2.4.4-x86_64/bin
"mongoexport -d book -c shelf"
'mongod' is located one step upper from 'mongoimport' , 'mongoexport', etc...

mongoexport fields from subdocuments to csv

I am trying to export a field from a subdocument with no luck.
Here is my syntax;
mongoexport -d test -c accounts -f account_number,situses.coordinates -o coordinates.csv --type=csv
The output includes the account_number but not the coordinates field from the subdocument.
According to the docs, this is supposed to work.
The following will export the entire situses subdocument, but I only want the one field.
mongoexport -d test -c accounts -f account_number,situses -o coordinates.csv --type=csv
Am I just referencing the subdocument field wrong or something?
I'm running Mongodb 3.0.4
The following syntax worked on an earlier version of Mongodb (2.6.x ?). Notice the subdoc.0.fieldname syntax.
mongoexport -d test -c accounts -f account_number,situses.0.coordinates -o coordinates.csv --csv
It appears support for directly referencing a subdocument has been removed.
There is mistake in your syntax.
From mongo version 3.0.0, mongoexport removed the --type = csv option. Use the --type=csv option to specify CSV format for the output.
You should use :
mongoexport --db tests --collection accounts --type=csv --fields account_number,situses --out coordinates.csv
For nested fields you should use :
mongoexport --db tests --collection accounts --csv --fields 'account_number,situses.0.coordinates' --out /home/vishwas/c1.csv
EDIT for mongo 3.0 with sub documents:
You need to create separate collection with required fields from subdocuments like -
db.test.aggregate({"$unwind":"$situses"},{"$project":{"_id":0,"account_number":1,"siteUsesCo":"$situses.coordinates"}},{"$out" : "forcsv"})
If you want only one field from subdocument then use aggregation like -
db.test.aggregate({"$unwind":"$situses"},{"$limit":1},{"$project":{"_id":0,"account_number":1,"siteUsesCo":"$situses.coordinates"}},{"$out" : "forcsv"})
And then export from forcsv collection like-
mongoexport --db test --collection forcsv --csv --fields 'account_number,siteUsesCo' --out coordinates.csv
And after exporting delete collection forcsv.
And one more solution, where you can configure output in flexible way
mongo host:port/test --quiet query.js -u username -p passw0rd > accounts.csv
and query.js:
db = db.getSiblingDB('test');
db.getCollection('accounts').find({}, {account_number:1, situses:1, _id:0}).forEach(
function(item_data) { print(`${item_data.account_number},${item_data.situses[0].coordinates}`); });
It looks like this is a known bug to be fixed in 3.0.5.
See this;

how to run mongoexport csv with a query

I'm trying to export a mongodb query to csv file. here's what I have:
mongoexport --db db_name --collection agents --query ‘{ $and: [ {clients_count: {$gt:2}}, {vendors_count:{$gt:10}} ] }’ --csv --fieldFile userFields.txt --out outputFilePathAndName.csv
I got the following error:
Error parsing command line: too many positional options
What am I doing wrong?
got it. correct query:
mongoexport --db db_name --collection collectionName --query '{$and:[{clients_count:{$gt:2}},{vendors_count:{$gt:10}}]}' --csv --fieldFile userFields.txt --out filepat/fileName.csv
the key is to use single quotes ' and leave no spaces in the query.
having issue with the fields, but seems to be grabbing the correct documents.

mongoexport syntax error message

I'm working with mongodb 2.4.3 and I cannot get mongoexport to work. The error message I get with each command is:
"JavaScript execution failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier"
At first I thought the problem was with my query parameters, which were long. But find() worked fine with the query so I know that the syntax is ok. I then created a new collection using the query and tried exporting the collection with the following:
mongoexport --db Oct2012 --collection sept8subset --csv --fields "text","created_at","user.screen_name","user.followers_count" --out sept8.csv
mongoexport --db Oct2012 --collection sept8subset --csv --fields text,created_at,user.screen_name,user.followers_count --out sept8.csv
mongoexport -d Oct2012 -c sept8subset --csv --fields text,created_at,user.screen_name -o sept8.csv
mongoexport --db Oct2012 --collection sept8subset --dbpath ~/db (should need dbpath as mongod instance is running)
mongoexport --db OCt2012 -collection sept8subset -o sept8.txt
mongoexport --db Oct2012 --collection sept8subset
In each case, I get "JavaScript execution failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier". Where could that SyntaxError be??
The collection I'm trying to copy has 50,339 objects. In case it is just too big for mongoexport to handle, I took 5 documents out of the collection to make a new collection. I then tried to export them using same command structure as above. I still get the same error message.
Now I'm wondering if the problem is that mongoexport can't work with data involving dates. MongoDB documentation states that I may want to write my own export script using a client driver.
Does anyone have an idea of what my problem is here? Many thanks if you can help out.
I found out that running mongoexport from the mongo client--as I was doing--is incorrect. Mongoexport is executed at the command prompt.
I ran into this too and I solved it executing the command from the path/bin where 'mongoexport' is located.In my case :
my_path: /usr/local/Cellar/mongodb/2.4.4-x86_64/bin
"mongoexport -d book -c shelf"
'mongod' is located one step upper from 'mongoimport' , 'mongoexport', etc...