Updating bash environment variables using source - command-line

On OS X Mountain Lion The source command only seems to update my path when I have added something to it in .bashrc or .bash_profile. If I delete a path from either of these files, then use source to update, the deleted path remains. An example...
Adding to my PATH in .bash_profile
In terminal
> echo $PATH
> "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/X11/bin"
Add to path in .bash_profile
export PATH=$PATH:~/Desktop
Back in terminal
> source .bash_profile
> echo $PATH
> "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/X11/bin:/Users/myname/Desktop"
So, all that went as expected; my Desktop has been added to my PATH. Now after I delete the previously added path from .bash_profile, leaving this file empty
> source .bash_profile
> echo $PATH
> "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/X11/bin:/Users/myname/Desktop"
As you can see the 'deleted' path '/Users/myname/Desktop' remains. Am I misunderstanding what
source does? I thought It was equivalent to opening a new terminal window (which does return
the result I was expecting - i.e. no Desktop path)

When you use source .bash_profile first time, because of export PATH=$PATH:~/Desktop line from .bash_profile file, your PATH is reassigned to old PATH to which is added ~/Desktop directory.
When you use source .bash_profile second time, the PATH is not anymore reassigned because you delete export PATH=$PATH:~/Desktop line. So, this time the value of your PATH remains unchanged (like before).
You have to restart your terminal (current shell) if you want that the value of your PATH to return to its initial value. Or you can source your /etc/environment file:
source /etc/environment


Terminal errors - "zsh: command not found" when trying any command

I was adding a path to my zshrc file earlier on and after saving the file and re-opening up my Terminal, I've found that I am unable to use any command what so ever.
The error I get back on any command I type in is this:
No matter what I try typing in I get this error, I have not been able to reopen my zsh file either to remove the paths I added as there is obviously an issue with them.
Can anyone advise the best thing to do to fix this without having to reboot my entire OS?
Many thanks in advance
Use the macOS Finder to rename the .zshrc file to .Xzshrc or something.
.zshrc is in your home directory. One way to navigate to that directory is to enter Shift+Command+H.
Since the filename starts with ., it's a hidden file. To get Finder to display hidden files, enter Shift+Command+..
Now you can restart Terminal, and rebuild your .zshrc file, copying pieces from .Xzshrc as needed. The error is probably in a path assignment.
In NVM repository shows how to add source lines to correct profile file:
export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm
Source: nvm

Open user variable location from cmd

I created a user environment variable name: teamf and its value as C:\Program Files\TeamExplorer\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\
This is working since from run I can open the folder by merely typing %teamf%
Now I want to change the directory from root to to this folder location in command prompt (cmd). How can I do that? I have tried:
%teamf% cd teamf
but I get errors (see attached image please)
This should do it:
CD "%teamf%"

How to create temporary files `.#filename` in `/tmp`, not working directory

When files are being modified in Emacs, a temporary file is created in the working directory that looks like this: .#filename. The file is deleted when the buffer is saved.
I found a few of these types of temporary files in my Git remote repositories, and I thought it might be better to nip the bud at the source instead of configuring Git to ignore them for every project.
How can we configure Emacs to create those files in the /tmp directory instead of the working directory?
The file at issue is called a lock file -- commencing with Emacs version 24.3, it can be controlled with the following setting:
(setq create-lockfiles nil)
These files are auto-save files. The variable auto-save-file-name-transforms controls what modifications to make to the buffer's file name to generate the auto save file name. Usually, the default in file.el will suffice to put all the auto save files in the /tmp directory. It's default value is:
(("\\`/[^/]*:\\([^/]*/\\)*\\([^/]*\\)\\'" "/tmp/\\2" t))
That /tmp comes by reading the variable temporary-file-directory. Check that value so that it points to /tmp. Then, the value constructed for auto-save-file-name-transforms (and hence for the auto save file name) will be correct.
As a more general solution, you could also make a global exclude file, which applies to all repositories locally. By default, this will be in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/ignore (usually ~/.config/git/ignore). The path can be overridden using the core.excludesFile option. See the gitignore manpage for more details.
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/git
$ echo '.#*' >> ~/.config/git/ignore

Where is NSTemproryDirectory present?

I am doing image caching and I am saving the files to a temporary directory NSTemporaryDirectory. Its seen in log as /var/folders/.... .Where is this thing present. I am currently doing all this in the simulator?
You can use the following line to find out:
Gives me the path path like this: /var/folders/c9/c9ooh947H2WloiBIdpTdcU+++TI/-Tmp-/
You can browse there in terminal:
cd /var/folders/c9/c9ooh947H2WloiBIdpTdcU+++TI/-Tmp-/
/var folder is hidden on MacOS and is not shown in Finder by default. You can switch on showing hidden folders using this terminal command:
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true
After that it must become visible in Finder in root folder

Prevent vim :make from changing the current working directory?

When calling vim's make command, it changes the current working directory (cwd) to the directory of the current file. It then runs the makeprg from there. I want to prevent the make command from changing the cwd, and instead call the makeprg from the directory of the parent vim instance
I have the following standard perl project hierarchy
My PERL5LIB is set to
In my .vimrc I have
compiler perl
set makeprg=perl\ -c\ %
I edit my module using vim from the root project level:
/path/to/project$ vim lib/My/Module/Foo.pm
In vim :pwd works as expected:
Also calling !perl -c works as expected, finds my project lib, and displays the result in a shell window:
:!perl-c %
perl -c lib/My/Module/Foo.pm
lib/My/Module/Foo.pm Syntax ok
However :make returns an error
"Can't open perl script lib/My/Module/Foo.pm : No such file or directory"
Setting makeprg to pwd shows the problem
:set makeprg=pwd
So before make runs makeprg it is changing to the directory of the current file, which is why perl can't find 'lib/.../Foo.pm' there.
Is there any way to prevent make from doing this?
If Vim's :make command is changing the current working directory, and autochdir is not set, a plugin may have added an autocommand to the QuickFixCmdPre set. One plugin that does this is eclim, which calls the QuickFixLocalChangeDirectory() function if g:EclimMakeLCD is set to 1.
Use :au to find all the autocommands in your current configuration, paying particular attention to entries for QuickFixCmdPre and make.