How to create index for a query which does sorting on some fields? - mongodb

We are using Mongodb for our Application
I have got a query regarding creation of indexes on a collection .
First of all below is my query which will do a find on DB and returns the data
db.mycollection.find({ symbol: "UGHNG", date: "2013-11-08", mainsymbol: "HIJ" }).sort( { "price": 1,"surv": 1} ).pretty()
As you can see from the above query that there are two fields price and surv which are used for sorting purpose only .
What is the best way for creating index for the above
Create a compound Index which includes every field of the above query .
db.mycollection.ensureIndex({"symbol":1,"date":1,"mainsymbol":1,"price":1,"surv":1},{"unique" : false})
Create 2 single indexes and one compund index as shown below to serve the above query
db.mycollection.ensureIndex({"price" : 1}, {"unique" : false})
db.mycollection.ensureIndex({"surv" : 1}, {"unique" : true})
db.mycollection.ensureIndex({"symbol":1,"date":1,"mainsymbol":1},{"unique" : false})
Please share your views as what is the best approach in terms of handling this in all aspects (RAM Size , query performance )

Unless you have queries that need use only one of price and surv, I think the compound index should do the best work.

the best approach is to use .explain()
this will let you know how much work is done with each version of your index
it is really worth the time to explore the explain method and learn to interpret its output.


MongoDB - Using Index to get nested IDs is slow

I have a MongoDB collection with 8k+ documents, around 40GB. Inside it, the data follows this format:
_id: ...,
_session: {
_id: ...
data: {...}
I need to get all the _session._id for my application. The following approach (python) takes too long to get them:
cursor = collection.find({}, projection={'_session._id': 1})
I have created an Index in MongoDB Compass, but I'm not sure if my query is making use of it at all.
Is there a way to speed this query such that I get all the _session._id very fast?
In mongo shell you can hint() the query optimizer to use the available index as follow:
Following test is confirmed to work via python:
import pymongo
docs= mydb.test2.find( {} ).hint([ ("x.y", pymongo.ASCENDING) ])
for i in docs:
"v" : 2,
"key" : {
"x.y" : 1
"name" : "x.y_1"
python 3.7 ,
pymongo 3.11.2 ,
mongod 5.0.5
In your case seems to be text index , btw it seems abit strange why session is text index , for text index somethink like this must work:
And here is working example with text index:
import pymongo
print('Get first 10 docs from test.test:')
docs= mydb.test2.find( {"x.y":"3"} ).hint( "x.y_text" )
for i in docs:
"v" : 2,
"key" : {
"_fts" : "text",
"_ftsx" : 1
"name" : "x.y_text",
"weights" : {
"x.y" : 1
"default_language" : "english",
"language_override" : "language",
"textIndexVersion" : 3
There are a few points of confusion in this question and the ensuing discussion which generally come down to:
What indexes are present in the environment (and why the attempts to hint it failed)
When using indexing is most appropriate
Current Indexes
I think there are at least 5 indexes that were mentioned so far:
A standard index of {"_session._id":1} mentioned originally in #R2D2's answer.
A text index on the _session._id field (mentioned in this comment)
A text index on the _ts_meta.session field (mentioned in this comment)
A standard index of {"x.y":1} mentioned second in #R2D2's answer.
A text index of {"x.y":"text"} mentioned at the end of #R2D2's answer.
Only the first of these is likely to even really be relevant to the original question. Note that the difference a text index is a specialized index that is meant for performing more advanced text searching. Such indexes are not required for simple string matching or value retrieval. But standard indexes, { '_session._id': 1}, will also store string values and are relevant here.
What Indexing is For
Indexes are typically useful for retrieving a small subset of results from the database. The larger that set of results becomes relative to the overall size of the collection, the less helpful using an index will become. In your situation you are looking to retrieve data from all of the documents in the collection which is why the database doesn't consider using any index at all.
Now it is still possible that an index could help in this situation. That would be if we used it to perform a covered query which means that the data can be retrieved from the index alone without looking at the documents themselves. In this case the database would have to scan the full index, so it is not clear that it would be faster or not. But you could certainly try. To do so you would need to follow #R2D2's instructions, specifically by creating the index and then hinting it in the query (while also projecting out the _id field):
Additional Questions
There were two other things mentioned in the question that are important to address.
I have created an Index in MongoDB Compass, but I'm not sure if my query is making use of it at all.
We talked about why this was the case above. But to find out if the database is using it or not you could navigate to the Explain tab in compass to take a look. If you explain plan visualization it should indicate if the index was used. Remember that you will need to hint the index based on your query.
Is there a way to speed this query such that I get all the _session._id very fast?
What is your definition of "very fast" here?
The general answer is that your operation requires scanning either all documents in the collection or a full index. There is no way to do this more efficiently based on the current schema. Therefore how fast it happens is largely going to come down to the hardware that the database is running on and it will slow down as the collection grows.
If this operation is something that you will be running frequently or have strict performance requirements around, then it may be important to think through your intended goals to see if there are other ways of achieving them. What will you or the application be doing with this list of session IDs?

Order of Fields in Mongo Query vs Ordered Checked In

Say you're querying documents based on 2 data points. One is a simple bool parameter, and the other is a complicated $geoWithin calculation.
db.collection.find( {"geoField": { "$geoWithin" : ...}, "boolField" : true} )
Will mongo reorder these parameters, so that it checks the boolField 1st, before running the complicated check?
MongoDB uses indexes like any other DBs. So the important thing for mongoDB is if any query fields has an index or not, not the order of query fields. At least there is no information in their documentation that mongoDB try to checks primitive query fields first. So for your example if boolField has an index mongoDB first check this field and eliminate documents whose boolField is false. But If geoField has an index then mongoDB first execute query on this field.
So what happens if none of them have index or both of them have? It should be the given order of fields in query because there is no suggestion or info beside of indexes in query optimization page of mongoDB. Additionally you can always test your queries performances with just adding .explain("executionStats").
So check the performance of db.collection.find( {"geoField": { "$geoWithin" : ...}, "boolField" : true} ) and db.collection.find( { "boolField" : true, "geoField": { "$geoWithin" : ...} } ). And let us know :)
To add to above response, if you want mongo to use specific index you can use cursor.hint . This explains how default index selection is done.

How does creating an inverted index (equivalent of MongoDB's index) in elasticsearch look?

I'm completely new to Elasticsearch
I know that elasticsearch's indexes are not mongobd's indexes , they are like mongodb's collections
I have some indexes in elasticsearch ( equivalent of MongoDB's collections ) and I want to make sure specific fields in them are going to be indexed (speed of retrieving them will be improved etc).
How do I do it?
In mongodb it was pretty simple since I could use createindex() and ensureindex() methods on a collection , for example :
db.collection1.createIndex({pancake_id: 1, pancakenumber: 1}, {unique: true})
db.collection1.ensureIndex({"eventbegindate": 1, "bike_id": 1})
How do I achieve the same thing in elasticsearch?
Are there any equivalents to these functions?
Thank you in advance , elasticsearch's documentation seems unclear to me.
you have to create index and type as below:
PUT /{index}/{type}/{id}
"field": "value",
it will index documents
And disable "include_in_all" to false for index certain fields

Sorting on Multiple fields mongo DB

I have a query in mongo such that I want to give preference to the first field and then the second field.
Say I have to query such that
db.col.find({category: A}).sort({updated: -1, rating: -1}).limit(10).explain()
So I created the following index
db.col.ensureIndex({category: 1, rating: -1, updated: -1})
It worked just fined scanning as many objects as needed, i.e. 10.
But now I need to query
db.col.find({category: { $ne: A}}).sort({updated: -1, rating: -1}).limit(10)
So I created the following index:
db.col.ensureIndex({rating: -1, updated: -1})
but this leads to scanning of the whole document and when I create
db.col.ensureIndex({ updated: -1 ,rating: -1})
It scans less number of documents:
I just want to ask to be clear about sorting on multiple fields and what is the order to be preserved when doing so. By reading the MongoDB documents, it's clear that the field on which we need to perform sorting should be the last field. So that is the case I assumed in my $ne query above. Am I doing anything wrong?
The MongoDB query optimizer works by trying different plans to determine which approach works best for a given query. The winning plan for that query pattern is then cached for the next ~1,000 queries or until you do an explain().
To understand which query plans were considered, you should use explain(1), eg:
db.col.find({category:'A'}).sort({updated: -1}).explain(1)
The allPlans detail will show all plans that were compared.
If you run a query which is not very selective (for example, if many records match your criteria of {category: { $ne:'A'}}), it may be faster for MongoDB to find results using a BasicCursor (table scan) rather than matching against an index.
The order of fields in the query generally does not make a difference for the index selection (there are a few exceptions with range queries). The order of fields in a sort does affect the index selection. If your sort() criteria does not match the index order, the result data has to be re-sorted after the index is used (you should see scanAndOrder:true in the explain output if this happens).
It's also worth noting that MongoDB will only use one index per query (with the exception of $ors).
So if you are trying to optimize the query:
db.col.find({category:'A'}).sort({updated: -1, rating: -1})
You will want to include all three fields in the index:
db.col.ensureIndex({category: 1, updated: -1, rating: -1})
FYI, if you want to force a particular query to use an index (generally not needed or recommended), there is a hint() option you can try.
That is true but there are two layers of ordering you have here since you are sorting on a compound index.
As you noticed when the first field of the index matches the first field of sort it worked and the index was seen. However when working the other way around it does not.
As such by your own obersvations the order needed to be preserved is query order of fields from first to last. The mongo analyser can sometimes move around fields to match an index but normally it will just try and match the first field, if it cannot it will skip it.
try this code it will sort data first based on name then keeping the 'name' in key holder it will sort 'filter'
var cursor = db.collection('vc').find({ "name" : { $in: [ /cpu/, /memo/ ] } }, { _id: 0, }).sort( { "name":1 , "filter": 1 } );
Sort and Index Use
MongoDB can obtain the results of a sort operation from an index which
includes the sort fields. MongoDB may use multiple indexes to support
a sort operation if the sort uses the same indexes as the query
predicate. ... Sort operations that use an index often have better
performance than blocking sorts.
db.restaurants.find().sort( { "borough": 1, "_id": 1 } )
more information :

MongoDB : Indexes order and query order must match?

This question concern the internal method to manage indexes and serching Bson Documents.
When you create a multiple indexes like "index1", "index2", "index3"...the index are stored to be used during queries, but what about the order of queries and the performance resulting.
index1,index2,index3----> query in the same order index1,index2,index3 (best case)
index1,index2,index3----> query in another order index2,index1,index3 (the order altered)
Many times you use nested queries including these 3 index and others items or more indexes. The order of the queries would implicate some time lost?. Must passing the queries respecting the indexes order defined or the internal architecture take care about this order search? I searching to know if i do take care about this or can make my queries in freedom manier.
The order of the conditions in your query does not affect whether it can use an index or no.
typical document structure:
"FieldA" : "A",
"FieldB" : "B"
If you have an compound index on A and B :
db.MyCollection.ensureIndex({FieldA : 1, FieldB : 1})
Then both of the following queries will be able to use that index:
db.MyCollection.find({FieldA : "A", FieldB : "B"})
db.MyCollection.find({FieldB : "B", FieldA : "A"})
So the ordering of the conditions in the query do not prevent the index being used - which I think is the question you are asking.
You can easily test this out by trying the 2 queries in the shell and adding .explain() after the find. I just did this to confirm, and they both showed that the compound index was used.
however, if you run the following query, this will NOT use the index as FieldA is not being queried on:
db.MyCollection.find({FieldB : "B"})
So it's the ordering of the fields in the index that defines whether it can be used by a query and not the ordering of the fields in the query itself (this was what Lucas was referring to).
If you have a compound index on
multiple fields, you can use it to
query on the beginning subset of
fields. So if you have an index on
you can use it query on
So yes, order matters. You should clarify your question a bit if you need a more precise answer.