Matlab genetic algorithms in portfolio management - matlab

I would like to try genetic algorithms in portfolio management, but I don't now how the main function and constrains should look like.
I have matrix with stock prices, vector with weights and script that calculates portfolio price and portfolio return/risk(std) ratio. I want to use genetic algorithm in MATLAB so different combinations of wrights could be tested and optimal portfolio could be found (optimal - highest return/risk(std) ratio.
prices - matrix where columns represents different stocks and rows represents day prices.
w - vector with weights [0.333, 0.333, 0.333]
script that calculates portfolio performance:
d = length(prices);
n = numel(prices);
for j = 1:d
temp = 0;
for i = 1:n
temp = temp + prices(j,i) * w(i);
ap(j) = temp;
port_performance = rr_ratio(ap); %calculates return/risk(std) ratio.
I need to find best combination of weights, so port_performance would have maximum value. How GA function should look like, so sum(w) = 1; and each element of w >= 0?
Thank you

This is an extremely open ended question. There is no one perfect way to apply genetic algorithms to portfolio optimization. Generally, what you would do is something like the following:
Generate a large number of candidate portfolios at random, that satisfy your constraints.
Evaluate each portfolio according to your "fitness metric" which is presumably the risk/reward ratio.
Choose a subset of your portfolios to "reproduce" and kill the rest. Generally you do something like choosing the top 50% by performance.
"Breed" some new portfolios. You can do this by asexual reproduction (i.e. clone your old portfolios) or sexual reproduction (pick the old portfolios in pairs and combine them somehow to generate a new portfolio).
Introduce mutations into the portfolios with some small mutation rate (say p = 0.01). For example, you could randomly move some of the weights up/down, or randomly swap the weights for a couple of different stocks.
You now have a new population of portfolios, and you can start again.
To generate your random portfolios to begin with so that each w(i) >= 0 and sum(w) = 1 you could just do
>> w = rand(numPortfolios, numStocks);
>> w = bsxfun(#rdivide, w, sum(w,2));
Now each row of w is a candidate set of portfolio weights.
To breed two portfolios you could just take the average
>> wNew = 0.5 * (w1 + w2);
Or you could select elements at random from each portfolio and then renormalize to ensure that the weights sum to 1.
>> wNew = zeros(1, numStocks);
>> x = rand(1, numStocks) < 0.5;
>> wNew( x) = w1(x);
>> wNew(~x) = w2(x);
>> wNew = wNew / sum(wNew);
You might also consider taking a look at this paper.


Unable to figure out the ground truth databased in calculating the mean Average Precision Recall using Matlab

Assuming that I have a dataset of the following size:
train = 500,000 * 960 %number of training samples (vector) each of 960 length
B_base = 1000000*960 %number of base samples (vector) each of 960 length
Query = 1000*960 %number of query samples (vector) each of 960 length
truth_nn = 1000*100
truth_nn contains the ground truth neighbors in the form of the
pre-computed k nearest neighbors and their square Euclidean distance. So, the columns of truth_nn represent the k = 100 nearest neighbors. I am finding difficult to apply nearest neighbor search in the code snippet. Can somebody please show how to apply the ground truth neighbors truth_nn in finding the mean average precision-recall?
It will be of immense help if somebody can show with any small example by creating any data matrix, query matrix, and the ground truth neighbors in the form of the pre-computed k nearest neighbors and their square Euclidean distance. I tried creating a sample database.
Assume, the base data is
B_base = [1 1; 2 2; 3 2; 4 4; 5 6];
Query data is
Query = [1 1; 2 1; 6 2];
[neighbors distances] = knnsearch(a,b,'k',2);
would find 2 nearest neighbors.
Question 1: how do I create the truth data containing the ground truth neighbors and pre-computed k nearest neighbor distances?
This is called as the mean average precision recall. I tried implementing the knearest neighbor search and the average precision recall as follows but cannot understand (unsure) how to apply the ground truth table
Question 2:
I am trying to apply k nearest neighbor search by converting first the real-valued features into binary.
I am unable to apply the concept of k-nearest neighbor search for different values of k = 10,20,50 and to check how much data has been correctly recalled using the GIST database. In the GIST truth_nn() file, when I specify truth_nn(i,1:k) for a query vector i, the function AveragePrecision throws error. So, if somebody can show using any sample ground truth that is of similar structure to that in GIST, how to properly specify k and calculate the Average precision recall, then I shall be able to apply the solution to the GIST database. As of now, this is my approach and shall be of immense help if the correct way is provided using any example that will be easier for me to relate to the GIST database. The problem is on how I can find neighbors from the ground truth and compare it with the neighbors obtained after sorting the distances?
I am also interested on how I can apply pdist2() instead of the present distance calcualtion as it takes a long time.
numQueryVectors = size(Query,1);
%Calculate distances
for i=1:numQueryVectors,
dist = sum((repmat(queryMatrix(i,:),numDataVectors,1)-B_base ).^2,2);
[sortval sortpos] = sort(dist,'ascend');
neighborIds(i,:) = sortpos(1:k);
neighborDistances(i,:) = sqrt(sortval(1:k));
%Sorting calculated nearest neighbor distances for k = 50
%HOW DO I SPECIFY k = 50 in the ground truth, truth_nn
for i=1:numQueryVectors
AP(i) = AveragePrecision(neighborIds(i,:),truth_nn(i,:));
mAP = mean(AP);
function ap = AveragePrecision(rank_id, truth_id)
truth_num = length(truth_id);
truth_pos = zeros(truth_num,1);
for j=1:50 %% for k = 50 nearest neighbors
truth_pos(j) = find(rank_id == truth_id(j));
truth_pos = sort(truth_pos, 'ascend');
% compute average precision as the area below the recall-precision curve
ap = 0;
delta_recall = 1/truth_num;
for j=1:truth_num
p = j/truth_pos(j);
ap = ap + p*delta_recall;
UPDATE : Based on solution, I tried to calculate the mean average precision using the formula given formula hereand a reference code . But, not sure if my approach is correct because the theory says that I need to rank the returned queries based on the indices. I do not understand this fully. Mean average precision is required to judge the quality of the retrieval algortihm.
precision = positives/total_data;
recal = positives /(positives+negatives);
precision = positives/total_data;
recall = positives /(positives+negatives);
truth_pos = sort(positives, 'ascend');
truth_num = length(truth_pos);
ap = 0;
delta_recall = 1/truth_num;
for j=1:truth_num
p = j/truth_pos(j);
ap = ap + p*delta_recall;
The value of ap = infinity , value of positive = 0 and negatives = 150. This means that knnsearch() does not work at all.
I think you are doing extra work. This process is very simple in matlab, you can also operate on entire arrays. This should be faster than for loops, and is a bit easier to read.
Your truth_nn and neighbors should have the same data, if there are no errors. There is one entry per row. Matlab already sorts the kmeans result in ascending order, so the column 1 is the closest neighbor, the second closest is column 2, 3rd closest is 3,.... There is no need to sort the data again.
Just compare truth_nn to neighbors to get your statistics. This is a simple example to show you how the program should go. It will not work on your data without some modification
%in your example this is provided, I created my own
truth_nn = [1,2;
B_base = [1 1; 2 2; 3 2; 4 4; 5 6];
Query = [1 1; 2 1; 6 2];
%performs k means
num_clusters = 2;
[neighbors distances] = knnsearch(B_base,Query,'k',num_clusters);
%--- output---
% neighbors = [1,2;
% 1,2; notice this doesn't match truth_nn 1,3
% 4,3]
% distances = [ 0 1.4142;
% 1.0000 1.0000;
% 2.8284 3.0000];
%computes statistics, nnz counts number of nonzero elements, in the first
%case every piece of data that matches
%NOTE1: the indexing on truth_nn (:,1:num_clusters ) it says all rows
% but only use the first num_clusters columns. This should
% prevent the dimension mistmatch error you were getting
positives = nnz(neighbors == truth_nn(:,1:num_clusters )); %result = 5
negatives = nnz(neighbors ~= truth_nn(:,1:num_clusters )); %result = 1
%NOTE1: I've switched this from truth_nn to neighbors, this helps
% when you cahnge num_neghbors
total_data = numel(neighbors); %result = 6
percent_incorrect = 100*(negatives / total_data); % 16.6666
percent_correct = 100*(positives / total_data); % 93.3333

Iterating in a matrix avoiding loop in MATLAB

I am posing an interesting and useful question that needs to be carried out in MATLAB. It is about efficiency of programming by avoiding using Loops"
Assume a matrix URm whose columns are products and rows are people. The matrix entries are rating of people to these products, and this matrix is sparse as each person normally rates only few products.
URm [n_u, n_i]
Another matrix of interest is F, which contains attribute for each of the products and the attribute is of fixed length:
F [n_f,n_i]
We divide the URm into two sub-matrices randomly: URmTrain and URmTest where the former is used for training the system and the latter for test. These two matrices have similar rows (users) but they could have different number of columns (products).
We can find the similarity between items very fast using pdist() or Matrix transpose:
S = F * F' ;
For each row (user) in URmTest:
URmTestp = zeros(size(URmTest));
u = 1 ; %% Example user 1
for i = 1 : size(URmTest,2)
indTrain = find(URmTrain(u,:)) ; % For each user, search for items in URmTrain that have been rated by the the user (i.e. the have a rating greater than zero)
for j = 1 : length(indTrain)
URmTestp(u,i) = URmTestp(u,i) + S(i,indTrain(j))*URmTrain(u,indTrain(j))
where URmp is the predicted version of URm and we can compute an error on how good our prediction has been.
Lets's make a simple example. Let's assume the items user 1 has rated items 3 , 5 and 17:
indTrain = [3 5 17]
For each item j in URmTest, I want to predict the rating using the following formula:
URmTestp(u,j) = S(j,3)*URmTrain(u,3) + S(j,5)*URmTrain(u,5) + S(j,17)*URmTrain(u,17)
Once completed this process needs to be repeated for all users.
As URm is typically very big, I prefer options which use least amount of 'loops'. We may be able to take advantage of bsxfun but I am not sure if we can.
Please suggest me ides that can help on accelerating this process as rapid as possible. Thank you
I'm still not sure I completely understand your problem. But it seems to me that if you pre-compute s_ij as
s_ij = F.' * F %'// [ni x ni] matrix
then what you're after is simply
URmTestp(u,indTest) = URmTrain(u,indTrain) * s_ij(indTrain,indTest);
% or
%URmTestp(u,:) = URmTrain(u,indTrain) * s_ij(indTrain,:);
or if you only compute a smaller s_ij block only for the necessary arrays,
s_ij = F(:,indTrain).' * F(:,indTest);
URmTestp(u,indTest) = URmTrain(u,indTrain) * s_ij;
Alternatively, you can always compute the necessary subblock of s_ij on the fly:
URmTestp(u,indTest) = URmTrainp(u,indTrain) * F(:,indTrain).'*F(:,indTest);
If I understand correctly that indTest and indTrain are functions of u, such as
URmTestp = zeros(n_u,n_i); %// pre-allocate here!
for u=1:n_u
indTest = testCell{u};
indTrain = trainCell{u};
URmTestp(u,indTest) = URmTrainp(u,indTrain) * F(:,indTrain).'*F(:,indTest); %'
then probably not much can be vectorized on this loop, unless there's a very tricky indexing scheme that allows you to use linear indices. I'd stick with this setup.

MATLAB: Find abbreviated version of matrix that minimises sum of matrix elements

I have a 151-by-151 matrix A. It's a correlation matrix, so there are 1s on the main diagonal and repeated values above and below the main diagonal. Each row/column represents a person.
For a given integer n I will seek to reduce the size of the matrix by kicking people out, such that I am left with a n-by-n correlation matrix that minimises the total sum of the elements. In addition to obtaining the abbreviated matrix, I also need to know the row number of the people who should be booted out of the original matrix (or their column number - they'll be the same number).
As a starting point I take A = tril(A), which will remove redundant off-diagonal elements from the correlation matrix.
So, if n = 4 and we have the hypothetical 5-by-5 matrix above, it's very clear that person 5 should be kicked out of the matrix, since that person is contributing a lot of very high correlations.
It's also clear that person 1 should not be kicked out, since that person contributes a lot of negative correlations, and thus brings down the sum of the matrix elements.
I understand that sum(A(:)) will sum everything in the matrix. However, I'm very unclear about how to search for the minimum possible answer.
I noticed a similar question Finding sub-matrix with minimum elementwise sum, which has a brute force solution as the accepted answer. While that answer works fine there it's impractical for a 151-by-151 matrix.
EDIT: I had thought of iterating, but I don't think that truly minimizes the sum of elements in the reduced matrix. Below I have a 4-by-4 correlation matrix in bold, with sums of rows and columns on the edges. It's apparent that with n = 2 the optimal matrix is the 2-by-2 identity matrix involving Persons 1 and 4, but according to the iterative scheme I would have kicked out Person 1 in the first phase of iteration, and so the algorithm makes a solution that is not optimal. I wrote a program that always generated optimal solutions, and it works well when n or k are small, but when trying to make an optimal 75-by-75 matrix from a 151-by-151 matrix I realised my program would take billions of years to terminate.
I vaguely recalled that sometimes these n choose k problems can be resolved with dynamic programming approaches that avoid recomputing things, but I can't work out how to solve this, and nor did googling enlighten me.
I'm willing to sacrifice precision for speed if there's no other option, or the best program will take more than a week to generate a precise solution. However, I'm happy to let a program run for up to a week if it will generate a precise solution.
If it's not possible for a program to optimise the matrix within an reasonable timeframe, then I would accept an answer that explains why n choose k tasks of this particular sort can't be resolved within reasonable timeframes.
This is an approximate solution using a genetic algorithm.
I started with your test case:
data_points = 10; % How many data points will be generated for each person, in order to create the correlation matrix.
num_people = 25; % Number of people initially.
to_keep = 13; % Number of people to be kept in the correlation matrix.
to_drop = num_people - to_keep; % Number of people to drop from the correlation matrix.
num_comparisons = 100; % Number of times to compare the iterative and optimization techniques.
for j = 1:data_points
rand_dat(j,:) = 1 + 2.*randn(num_people,1); % Generate random data.
A = corr(rand_dat);
then I defined the functions you need to evolve the genetic algorithm:
function individuals = user1205901individuals(nvars, FitnessFcn, gaoptions, num_people)
individuals = zeros(num_people,gaoptions.PopulationSize);
for cnt=1:gaoptions.PopulationSize
individuals = individuals(1:nvars,:)';
is the individual generation function.
function fitness = user1205901fitness(ind, A)
fitness = sum(sum(A(ind,ind)));
is the fitness evaluation function
function offspring = user1205901mutations(parents, options, nvars, FitnessFcn, state, thisScore, thisPopulation, num_people)
for cnt=1:length(parents)
original = thisPopulation(parents(cnt),:);
extraneus = setdiff(1:num_people, original);
original(fix(rand()*nvars)+1) = extraneus(fix(rand()*(num_people-nvars))+1);
is the function to mutate an individual
function children = user1205901crossover(parents, options, nvars, FitnessFcn, unused, thisPopulation)
cnt = 1;
for cnt1=1:2:length(parents)
male = thisPopulation(parents(cnt1),:);
female = thisPopulation(parents(cnt2),:);
child = union(male, female);
child = child(randperm(length(child)));
child = child(1:nvars);
cnt = cnt + 1;
is the function to generate a new individual coupling two parents.
At this point you can define your problem:
gaproblem2.nvars = to_keep
gaproblem2.options = gaoptions()
gaproblem2.options.CreationFcn= #(nvars,FitnessFcn,gaoptions)user1205901individuals(nvars,FitnessFcn,gaoptions,num_people)
gaproblem2.options.CrossoverFcn= #(parents,options,nvars,FitnessFcn,unused,thisPopulation)user1205901crossover(parents,options,nvars,FitnessFcn,unused,thisPopulation)
gaproblem2.options.MutationFcn=#(parents, options, nvars, FitnessFcn, state, thisScore, thisPopulation) user1205901mutations(parents, options, nvars, FitnessFcn, state, thisScore, thisPopulation, num_people)
open the genetic algorithm tool
from the File menu select Import Problem... and choose gaproblem2 in the window that opens.
Now, run the tool and wait for the iterations to stop.
The gatool enables you to change hundreds of parameters, so you can trade speed for precision in the selected output.
The resulting vector is the list of indices that you have to keep in the original matrix so A(garesults.x,garesults.x) is the matrix with only the desired persons.
If I have understood you problem statement, you have a N x N matrix M (which happens to be a correlation matrix), and you wish to find for integer n where 2 <= n < N, a n x n matrix m which minimises the sum over all elements of m which I denote f(m)?
In Matlab it is fairly easy and fast to obtain a sub-matrix of a matrix (see for example Removing rows and columns from matrix in Matlab), and the function f is relatively inexpensive to evaluate for n = 151. So why can't you implement an algorithm that solves this backwards dynamically in a program as below where I have sketched out the pseudocode:
function reduceM(M, n){
m = M
for (ii = N to n+1) {
for (jj = 1 to ii) {
val(jj) = f(m) where mhas column and row jj removed, f(X) being summation over all elements of X
JJ(ii) = jj s.t. val(jj) is smallest
m = m updated by removing column and row JJ(ii)
In the end you end up with an m of dimension n which is the solution to your problem and a vector JJ which contains the indices removed at each iteration (you should easily be able to convert these back to indices applicable to the full matrix M)
There are several approaches to finding an approximate solution (eg. quadratic programming on relaxed problem or greedy search), but finding the exact solution is an NP-hard problem.
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on binary quadratic programming, and you may want to consult the academic literature for more sophisticated algorithms.
Mathematically equivalent formulation:
Your problem is equivalent to:
For some symmetric, positive semi-definite matrix S
minimize (over vector x) x'*S*x
subject to 0 <= x(i) <= 1 for all i
x(i) is either 1 or 0 for all i
This is a quadratic programming problem where the vector x is restricted to taking only binary values. Quadratic programming where the domain is restricted to a set of discrete values is called mixed integer quadratic programming (MIQP). The binary version is sometimes called Binary Quadratic Programming (BQP). The last restriction, that x is binary, makes the problem substantially more difficult; it destroys the problem's convexity!
Quick and dirty approach to finding an approximate answer:
If you don't need a precise solution, something to play around with might be a relaxed version of the problem: drop the binary constraint. If you drop the constraint that x(i) is either 1 or 0 for all i, then the problem becomes a trivial convex optimization problem and can be solved nearly instantaneously (eg. by Matlab's quadprog). You could try removing entries that, on the relaxed problem, quadprog assigns the lowest values in the x vector, but this does not truly solve the original problem!
Note also that the relaxed problem gives you a lower bound on the optimal value of the original problem. If your discretized version of the solution to the relaxed problem leads to a value for the objective function close to the lower bound, there may be a sense in which this ad-hoc solution can't be that far off from the true solution.
To solve the relaxed problem, you might try something like:
% k is number of observations to drop
n = size(S, 1);
Aeq = ones(1,n)
beq = n-k;
[x_relax, f_relax] = quadprog(S, zeros(n, 1), [], [], Aeq, beq, zeros(n, 1), ones(n, 1));
f_relax = f_relax * 2; % Quadprog solves .5 * x' * S * x... so mult by 2
temp = sort(x_relax);
cutoff = temp(k);
x_approx = ones(n, 1);
x_approx(x_relax <= cutoff) = 0;
f_approx = x_approx' * S * x_approx;
I'm curious how good x_approx is? This doesn't solve your problem, but it might not be horrible! Note that f_relax is a lower bound on the solution to the original problem.
Software to solve your exact problem
You should check out this link and go down to the section on Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming (MIQP). It looks to me that Gurobi can solve problems of your type. Another list of solvers is here.
Working on a suggestion from Matthew Gunn and also some advice at the Gurobi forums, I came up with the following function. It seems to work pretty well.
I will award it the answer, but if someone can come up with code that works better I'll remove the tick from this answer and place it on their answer instead.
function [ values ] = the_optimal_method( CM , num_to_keep)
%the_iterative_method Takes correlation matrix CM and number to keep, returns list of people who should be kicked out
N = size(CM,1);
clear model;
names = strseq('x',[1:N]);
model.varnames = names;
model.Q = sparse(CM); % Gurobi needs a sparse matrix as input
model.A = sparse(ones(1,N));
model.obj = zeros(1,N);
model.rhs = num_to_keep;
model.sense = '=';
model.vtype = 'B';
gurobi_write(model, 'qp.mps');
results = gurobi(model);
values = results.x;

How can I generate correlated data in MATLAB, with a prespecified SD and mean?

I wish to create one vector of data points with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 1. Then, I wish to create a second vector of data points again with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 1, and with a correlation of 0.3 with the first vector. The number of data points doesn't really matter but ideally I would have 100.
The method mentioned at Generating two correlated random vectors does not answer my question because (due to random sampling) the SDs and means deviate too much from the desired number.
I worked out a way, though it is ugly. I would still welcome an answer that detailed a more elegant method to get what I want.
z = 0;
while z < 1
mu = 50
sigma = 1
M = mu + sigma*randn(100,2);
R = [1 0.3; 0.3 1];
L = chol(R)
M = M*L;
x = M(:,1);
y = M(:,2);
if (corr(x,y) < 0.301 & corr(x,y) > 0.299) & (std(x) < 1.01 & std(x) > 0.99) & (std(y) < 1.01 & std(y) > 0.99);
z = 1;
I then calculated how the mean of vector y and calculated how much higher than 50 it was. I then subtracted that number from every element in vector y so that the mean was reduced to 50.
You can create both vectors together... I dont understand the reason you define them separatelly. This is the concept of multivariate distribution (just to be sure that we have the same jargon)...
Anyway, I guess you are almost already there to what I call the simplest way to do that:
Method 1:
Use matlab function mvnrnd [Remember that mvnrnd uses the covariance matrix that can be calculated from the correlation and the variance)
Method 2:
I am not very sure, but I think it is very close to what you are doing (actually my doubt is related to the if (corr(x,y) < 0.301 & corr(x,y) > 0.299) & (std(x) < 1.01 & std(x) > 0.99) & (std(y) < 1.01 & std(y) > 0.99)) I dont understand the reason you have to do that. See the topic "Drawing values from the distribution" in wikipedia Multivariate normal distribution.

Extremely large weighted average

I am using 64 bit matlab with 32g of RAM (just so you know).
I have a file (vector) of 1.3 million numbers (integers). I want to make another vector of the same length, where each point is a weighted average of the entire first vector, weighted by the inverse distance from that position (actually it's position ^-0.1, not ^-1, but for example purposes). I can't use matlab's 'filter' function, because it can only average things before the current point, right? To explain more clearly, here's an example of 3 elements
data = [ 2 6 9 ]
weights = [ 1 1/2 1/3; 1/2 1 1/2; 1/3 1/2 1 ]
results=data*weights= [ 8 11.5 12.666 ]
8 = 2*1 + 6*1/2 + 9*1/3
11.5 = 2*1/2 + 6*1 + 9*1/2
12.666 = 2*1/3 + 6*1/2 + 9*1
So each point in the new vector is the weighted average of the entire first vector, weighting by 1/(distance from that position+1).
I could just remake the weight vector for each point, then calculate the results vector element by element, but this requires 1.3 million iterations of a for loop, each of which contains 1.3million multiplications. I would rather use straight matrix multiplication, multiplying a 1x1.3mil by a 1.3milx1.3mil, which works in theory, but I can't load a matrix that large.
I am then trying to make the matrix using a shell script and index it in matlab so only the relevant column of the matrix is called at a time, but that is also taking a very long time.
I don't have to do this in matlab, so any advice people have about utilizing such large numbers and getting averages would be appreciated. Since I am using a weight of ^-0.1, and not ^-1, it does not drop off that fast - the millionth point is still weighted at 0.25 compared to the original points weighting of 1, so I can't just cut it off as it gets big either.
Hope this was clear enough?
Here is the code for the answer below (so it can be formatted?):
data = load('/Users/mmanary/Documents/test/insertion.txt');
datapad=[zeros(1,total) data];
weights = ([(total+1):-1:2 1:total]).^(-.4);
weights = weights/sum(weights);
Fdata = fft(datapad);
Fweights = fft(weights);
Fresults = Fdata .* Fweights;
results = ifft(Fresults);
results = results(1:total);
The only sensible way to do this is with FFT convolution, as underpins the filter function and similar. It is very easy to do manually:
% Simulate some data
n = 10^6;
x = randi(10,1,n);
xpad = [zeros(1,n) x];
% Setup smoothing kernel
k = 1 ./ [(n+1):-1:2 1:n];
% FFT convolution
Fx = fft(xpad);
Fk = fft(k);
Fxk = Fx .* Fk;
xk = ifft(Fxk);
xk = xk(1:n);
Takes less than half a second for n=10^6!
This is probably not the best way to do it, but with lots of memory you could definitely parallelize the process.
You can construct sparse matrices consisting of entries of your original matrix which have value i^(-1) (where i = 1 .. 1.3 million), multiply them with your original vector, and sum all the results together.
So for your example the product would be essentially:
a = rand(3,1);
b1 = [1 0 0;
0 1 0;
0 0 1];
b2 = [0 1 0;
1 0 1;
0 1 0] / 2;
b3 = [0 0 1;
0 0 0;
1 0 0] / 3;
c = sparse(b1) * a + sparse(b2) * a + sparse(b3) * a;
Of course, you wouldn't construct the sparse matrices this way. If you wanted to have less iterations of the inside loop, you could have more than one of the i's in each matrix.
Look into the parfor loop in MATLAB:
I can't use matlab's 'filter' function, because it can only average
things before the current point, right?
That is not correct. You can always add samples (i.e, adding or removing zeros) from your data or from the filtered data. Since filtering with filter (you can also use conv by the way) is a linear action, it won't change the result (it's like adding and removing zeros, which does nothing, and then filtering. Then linearity allows you to swap the order to add samples -> filter -> remove sample).
Anyway, in your example, you can take the averaging kernel to be:
weights = 1 ./ [3 2 1 2 3]; % this kernel introduces a delay of 2 samples
and then simply:
result = filter(w,1,[data, zeros(1,3)]); % or conv (data, w)
% removing the delay introduced by the kernel
result = result (3:end-1);
You considered only 2 options:
Multiplying 1.3M*1.3M matrix with a vector once or multiplying 2 1.3M vectors 1.3M times.
But you can divide your weight matrix to as many sub-matrices as you wish and do a multiplication of n*1.3M matrix with the vector 1.3M/n times.
I assume that the fastest will be when there will be the smallest number of iterations and n is such that creates the largest sub-matrix that fits in your memory, without making your computer start swapping pages to your hard drive.
with your memory size you should start with n=5000.
you can also make it faster by using parfor (with n divided by the number of processors).
The brute force way will probably work for you, with one minor optimisation in the mix.
The ^-0.1 operations to create the weights will take a lot longer than the + and * operations to compute the weighted-means, but you re-use the weights across all the million weighted-mean operations. The algorithm becomes:
Create a weightings vector with all the weights any computation would need:
weights = (-n:n).^-0.1
For each element in the vector:
Index the relevent portion of the weights vector to consider the current element as the 'centre'.
Perform the weighted-mean with the weights portion and the entire vector. This can be done with a fast vector dot-multiply followed by a scalar division.
The main loop does n^2 additions and subractions. With n equal to 1.3 million that's 3.4 trillion operations. A single core of a modern 3GHz CPU can do say 6 billion additions/multiplications a second, so that comes out to around 10 minutes. Add time for indexing the weights vector and overheads, and I still estimate you could come in under half an hour.