How to insert unicode string in PowerBuilder when using datastore/datawindow? - unicode

The SQL Insert statement below is used to insert unicode string and it is working successfully when executed in SQL Server Management Studio or Query Analyzer.
Column Specs:
VALUES ( 'DPH11309160073CC' , N'Globe MUX Project(客户合同号:NA)' , 'TEST' )
Is it possible to implement the prefix N when using a datastore/datawindow for insert operation? If yes, how? Below is the current script in PB which successfully insert the data but the chinese character/s was replaced by '?'(question mark).
ls_sonum = String(dw_1.Object.shipmentOrderNum[1]) //This holds the value : DPH11309160073CC
ls_chinesechar = String(dw_1.Object.contractnum[1]) // This holds the value : Globe MUX Project(客户合同号:NA)
dw.AcceptText( )
IF dw.Update( ) = 1 THEN
Commit Using SQLCA ;

You need to hook yourself on the sqlpreview event of dw/ds and add the N' yourself. Or if you use static (or disable?) bind you don't need to do anything at all.
It's all explained in the online docs.

I verified that the OLE DB driver for PB version 10 supports Unicode. You can find the information in this Sybase document on page nine.
Client/Server PowerBuilder 10 applications can exchange Unicode and ANSI data with databases
supported by the ODBC, JDBC, OleDB, and ADO.NET database interfaces without requiring
special settings.
Suggestion would be to try forcing a different encoding when using the string function, there are four choices (see code example below)
The encoding parameter is one of the following:
■ EncodingANSI!
■ Encoding UTF8!
■ EncodingUTF16LE! – UTF-16 Little Endian encoding (PowerBuilder 10 default)
■ EncodingUTF16BE! – UTF-16 Big Endian encoding
// use the correct encoding for your actual data
ls_sonum = String(dw_1.Object.shipmentOrderNum[1], EncodingUTF16BE! ) //holds DPH11309160073CC
ls_chinesechar = String(dw_1.Object.contractnum[1], EncodingANSI!) // holds Globe MUX Project(客户合同号:NA)
It is possible that I'm leading you down the wrong path but I think this would be worth trying out and may solve the problem.


Matlab create new Microsoft Access Database file *.accdb

I have used the following code pattern to access my *.accdb files:
accdb_url= [ 'jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DSN='''';DBQ=' accdb_path ];
conn = database('','','','sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver',accdb_url);
If instead I want to create a new *.accdb file, how would I do that? There is much on the web about how to connect, but I haven't found how to create the *.accdb file itself.
In case it matters, I want to be able to execute SQL 92 syntax. I am using Matlab 2015b. I do not want to use the Matlab GUI for exploring databases.
Actually, what you are attempting to do can be very tricky to achieve. It may require a direct interface to Access through an ActiveX control and I'm not even sure it can be done. It seems that the web is lacking a solid information pool concerning Access interoperability.
One quick workaround I can suggest you, althrough miserable, is to manually create an empty ACCDB file that you can use as template and then duplicate it whenever a new database must be created:
conn = CreateDB('C:\PathB\wbe3.accdb');
function accdb_conn = CreateDB(accdb_path)
status = copyfile('C:\PathA\template.accdb',accdb_path,'f');
if (status)
accdb_url = ['jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DSN='';DBQ=' accdb_path];
accdb_conn = database('','','','sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver',accdb_url);
accdb_conn = [];
error(['Could not duplicate the ACCDB template to the directory "' accdb_path '".']);
The following example is based on Tommaso's answer, which provides code for copying an empty *.accdb file and connecting to the copy. Based on an afternoon of trial, error, perusing of the web/help, I've expanded on that to create a database table and export a Matlab table to it. I've also embedded comments showing where modifications are needed, presumably due to my older 2015b version of Matlab, error catching constructs, and caveats in the file copy.
srcPath = [pwd '/emptyFile.accdb']; % Source
tgtPath = [pwd '/new.accdb']; % Target
cpyStatOk = copyfile( srcPath, tgtPath );
% No warning B4 clobber target file
if cpyStatOk
accdb_url= [ ...
'jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DSN='''';DBQ=' ...
tgtPath ];
conn = database('','','','sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver',accdb_url);
error('Couldn''t copy %s to %s',srcPath,tgtPath);
end % if cpyStatOk
% conn.Execute(['CREATE TABLE tstMLtbl2accdb ' ... Not for 2015b
curs = conn.exec(['CREATE TABLE tstMLtbl2accdb ' ...
'( NumCol INTEGER, StrCol VARCHAR(255) );']);
if ~isempty( curs.Message )
% fprintf(2,'%s: %s\n',mfilename,curs.Message);
error('%s: %s\n',mfilename,curs.Message);
% Trigger `catch` & close(conn)
end %if
% sqlwrite( conn, 'tstMLtbl2accdb', ...Not supported in 2015b
datainsert( conn, 'tstMLtbl2accdb', {'NumCol','StrCol'}, ...
table( floor(10*rand(5,1)), {'abba';'cadabra';'dog';'cat';'mouse'}, ...
'VariableNames',{'NumCol','StrCol'} ) );
catch xcptn
fprintf(2,'Done `catch xcptn`\n');
end % try
% Other database manipulations here
disp(['Done ' mfilename]);
This has been immensely educational for myself, and I hope it is useful for others considering the use of SQL as an alternative to the more code-heavy Matlab counterpart to relational database manipulations. With this amount of overhead, I'd have to say that it is not attractive to perform SQL manipulations on data residing in the Matlab workspace except where one really needs the hyperoptimization of relational database query engines.
To those savvy with interfacing to Access, your comment on the purpose of the field names argument of the datainsert function would be appreciated. It is dubbed colnames in the documentation. From testing, the field names and number of columns must match between the existing target table in Access and the source table in Matlab. So the field names argument doesn't seem to serve any purpose. The help documentation isn't all that helpful.
AFTERNOTE: I've composed a "specification" for the colnams argument based on examples from TMW. TMW has confirmed this explanation:
The colnames argument tells the external database environment the names and order of fields of the data container supplied via the data argument. These field names are used to match the fields of the transferred data with fields in the table tablename residing within the external database environment. Because of this explicit name matching, the order of the fields in data do not have to match the order of the fields in tablename.
If I find any departures of empirical behaviour from the above "specification", I will update this answer.

Multiple Search in SSRS when using only a part of the field

I Have created a stored procedure:
#DeviceID nvarchar(20) =''
left(amd.Deviceid,len(#DeviceID)) in (#DeviceID)
The length of amd.Deviceid is about 15 characters
In Visual Studio I create a parameter #DeviceID and when I am entering e.g ABCDE ( the first 5 characters from Deviceid) everything is working perfect.
the problem is that I want to put multiple values like
jhmcl*, jhmgd*.
So I created my own little version of your report and I believe the problem is your LEN() function. I'm surprised it doesn't return an error because it errors out in Report Builder for SQL Server 2014(simple version of SSRS). I would test what your LEN(#DeviceID) is returning. I would bet it's not returning the correct value. Instead you might try this to cover every possible pattern. I don't know how it will work performance wise.
FROM YourTable
WHERE LEN(DeviceID,1) IN (#DeviceID)
OR LEN(DeviceID,2) IN (#DeviceID)
OR LEN(DeviceID,3) IN (#DeviceID)
OR LEN(DeviceID,15),IN(#DeviceID)

Setting application_name on Postgres/SQLAlchemy

Looking at the output of select * from pg_stat_activity;, I see a column called application_name, described here.
I see psql sets this value correctly (to psql...), but my application code (psycopg2/SQLAlchemy) leaves it blank.
I'd like to set this to something useful, like web.1, web.2, etc, so I could later on correlate what I see in pg_stat_activity with what I see in my application logs.
I couldn't find how to set this field using SQLAlchemy (and if push comes to shove - even with raw sql; I'm using PostgresSQL 9.1.7 on Heroku, if that matters).
Am I missing something obvious?
the answer to this is a combination of:
Any other connection parameter supported by the client library/server can be passed either in the connection string or as keywords. The PostgreSQL documentation contains the complete list of the supported parameters. Also note that the same parameters can be passed to the client library using environment variables.
where the variable we need is:
The application_name can be any string of less than NAMEDATALEN characters (64 characters in a standard build). It is typically set by an application upon connection to the server. The name will be displayed in the pg_stat_activity view and included in CSV log entries. It can also be included in regular log entries via the log_line_prefix parameter. Only printable ASCII characters may be used in the application_name value. Other characters will be replaced with question marks (?).
combined with :
String-based arguments can be passed directly from the URL string as query arguments: (example...) create_engine() also takes an argument connect_args which is an additional dictionary that will be passed to connect(). This can be used when arguments of a type other than string are required, and SQLAlchemy’s database connector has no type conversion logic present for that parameter
from that we get:
e = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger#localhost/test?application_name=myapp")
e = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger#localhost/test",
If you're using asyncpg driver, you should use
conn = await asyncpg.connect(server_settings={'application_name': 'foo'})
src -

Special character handling when fetching data from MS SQL Server using Perl DBD

I have an MS SQL Server 2008 Database, from which I am fetching data using perl DBD::Sybase module. But there are some special characters in the DB, like the Copyright symbol, Trademark symbol etc., which are not getting imported properly. Perl seems to change all of these special characters to a Question mark character. Is there a way to fix this?
I have tried specifying charset=utf8 in the connection string. The doc mentions a syb_enable_utf8 (bool) setting, but whenever I try that, I get an error:
Can't locate object method "syb_enable_utf8" via package "DBI::db"
One solution I found was this:
use Encode qw(encode_utf8);
Then, wherever you are writing data to a file or anywhere else, use Encode::encode_utf8($data);
where $data is the column/value which you have fetched from MSSQL.
I don't use DBD::Sybase but a) I use a lot of other DBDs and b) I am currently collecting information about unicode support in DBDs. According to the pod you need at least OpenClient 15.x when using syb_enable_utf8. Are you using 15.x or later? Perhaps syb_enable_utf8 is not defined if your client is less than 15.x or perhaps you have too old a version of DBD::Sybase. Unfortunately I cannot see from the Changes file when syb_enable_utf8 was added.
However, when you say "can't locate method" I think that is a clue as syb_enable_utf8 is not a method, it is an attribute (it is under Sybase Specific Attributes) in the pod. So you need to add it to your connect call or set it via a connection handle like this:
my $h = DBI->connect("dbi:Sybase:something","user","password", {syb_enable_utf8 => 1});
$h->{syb_enable_utf8} = 1;
You should also read the bits in the pod describing what happens when syb_enable_utf8 is set as it appears from the documents it only applies to UNIVARCHAR, UNICHAR, and UNITEXT columns.
Lastly, you need to ensure you insert the data correctly in the first place. I'd guess if it is not inserted from Perl with syb_enable_utf8 and charset=utf8 and your data is not proper unicode characters in Perl before you insert you'll get garbage back.
The comment Raze2dust made had nothing to do with your issue but is worth heeding if you are going to write the data retrieved from your database elsewhere. Just remember to decode any data input to your script and encode any data output.

Zend database query result converts column values to null

I am using the next instructions to get some registers from my Database.
Create the needed models (from the params module):
$obj_paramtype_model = new Params_Model_DbTable_Paramtype();
$obj_param_model = new Params_Model_DbTable_Param();
Getting the available locales from the database
// This returns a Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract class object
$obj_paramtype = $obj_paramtype_model->getParamtypeByValue('available_locales');
// This is a query used to add conditions to the next sentence. This is executed from the Params_Model_DbTable_Param instance class, that depends from Params_Model_DbTable_Paramtype class (reference map and dependentTables arrays are fine in both classes)
$obj_select = $this->select()->where('deleted_at IS NULL')->order('name');
// Execute the next query, applying the select restrictions. This returns a Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract class object. This means "Find Params by Paramtype"
$obj_params_rowset = $obj_paramtype->findDependentRowset('Params_Model_DbTable_Param', 'Paramtype', $obj_paramtype);
// Here the firebug log displays the queries....
I have a profiler for all my DB executions from Zend. At this point the log and profiler objects (that includes Firebug writers), shows the executed SQL Queries, and the last line displays the resulting Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract class object. If I execute the SQL Queries in some MySQL Client, the results are as expected. But the Zend Firebug log writer displays as NULL the column values with latin characters (ñ).
In other words, the external SQL client shows
es_CO | Español de Colombia and en_US | English of United States but the Query results from Zend displays (and returns) es_CO | null and en_US | English of United States.
I've deleted the ñ character from Español de Colombia and the query results are just fine in my Zend Log Firebug screen, and in the final Zend Form element.
The MySQL database, tables and columns are in UTF-8 - utf8_unicode_ci collation. All my zend framework pages are in UTF-8 charset. I'm using XAMPP 1.7.1 (PHP 5.2.9, Apache at port 90 and MySQL 5.1.33-community) running on Windows 7 Ultimate; Zend Framework 1.10.1.
I'm sorry if there is so much information, but I don't really know why could that happen, so I tryed to provide as much related information as I could to help to find some answer.
how do you make the connection with the database and did you define the charset in that connection? That was something I overlooked and as I can't find it in your question that might be the problem?
So, as I use the .ini file to setup the database, adding
resources.db.params.charset = utf8
Solved all my query UTF8 issues.
Hope this helps.