Building REST web services with nested collections + collections inside entries - rest

I would like to build a REST webservice that would provide :
nested collections,
collections inside entries.
Nesting collections would be used to refine a concept from general to particular, for example :
The idea is to limit the number of concepts appearing at the root of the webservice.
Collections inside entries would be used to access parts of the entries, for example :
could be a good URI for the first spark plug of the car whose id is "AB-123-CD". A nested collection makes sense whenever the deletion of the "container" means the deletion of all its parts.
DELETE /cars/AB-123-CD
would obviously delete :
and all other parts of the car (think of the car as being sent to scrap by the DELETE).
Question : while this kind of "clean URIs" are quite a common need, are there any software to simplify the building of such a webservice?
It seems that the Atom Publication Protocol (AtomPub) could have been a good candidate, since their vision of webservices if very close to what I want, but it doesn't seem to support nested collections.

The article The future of API design: The orchestration layer indicates Query-based APIs are putting the power in the hands of the requesting developer, although that power is limited. Using AtomPub along with query parameters is available to you in AtomPub build tools. I found some examples searching for "APIs Query-based" but could not find an actual definition.
Author goes on to say that Experienced-based APIs have device-specific wrappers but they are designed, implemented and owned by the device teams. Maybe the way to approach your issue is to create to different AtomPub end-points which present different views of the information?


How should I design a REST API

I'm thinking about a REST API design. There are several tables in my database. For example Customer and Order.
Of course - each Order has its Customer (and every customer can have many Orders).
I've decided to provide such an interface
/api/v1/Customers/ -- get list of Customers, add new Customer
/api/v1/Customers/:id: -- get Customer with id=:id:
/api/v1/Orders/ -- get list of Orders, add new Order
/api/v1/Orders/:id: -- get Order with id=:id:
It works flawlessly. But my frontend has to display a list of orders with customer names. With this interface, I will have to make a single call to /api/v1/Orders/ and then another call to /api/v1/Customer/:id: for each record from the previous call. Or perform two calls to /api/v1/Orders/ and /api/v1/Customers/ and combine them on the frontend side.
It looks like overkill, this kind of operation should be done at the database level. But how can/should I provide an appropriate interface?
Seems weir. Is it a right way to go
There's no rule that says you cannot "extend" the data being returned from a REST API call. So instead of returning "just" the Order entity (as stored in the backend), you could of course return an OrderResponseDTO which includes all (revelant) fields of the Order entity - plus some from the Customer entity that might are relevant in your use case.
The data model for your REST API does not have to be an exact 1:1 match to your underlying database schema - it does give you the freedom to leave out some fields, or add some additional information that the consumers of your API will find helpful.
Great question, and any API design will tend to hit pragmatic reality at some point like this.
One option is to include a larger object graph for each resource (ie include the customer linked to each order) but use filter query parameters to allow users to specify what properties they require or don't require.
Personally I think that request parameters on a restful GET are fine for either search semantics when retrieving a list of resources, or filtering what is presented for each resource as in this case
Another option for your use case might be to look into a GraphQL approach.
How would you do it on the web?
You've got a web site, and that website serves documents about Customers, and documents about Orders. But your clients aren't happy, because its too much boring, mistake-prone work to aggregate information in the two kinds of documents.
Can we please have a document, they ask, with the boring work already done?
And so you generate a bunch of these new reports, and stick them on your web server, and create links to make it easier to navigate between related documents. TA-DA.
A "REST-API" is a facade that makes your information look and act like a web site. The fact that you are generating your representations from a database is an implementation details, deliberately hidden behind the "uniform interface".

Multiple GET Rest APIs on different fields of a table or One Rest API in DDD

I wanted to provide functionality to clients from my service to get the data based on different fields or sometimes combination of fields. Eg.
In domain driven design, while designing the GET APIs, what should I do out of the following 2:
Should I create individual get api for all such functionalities I wanted to provide?
Should I create one get API with all the possible gets by using all these fields in query parameter. Eg.
Which one is the better way to do this? Any suggestions on best practice?
There is a middle path between using individual GET APIs for each of these queries and creating one GET API.
You could use the Specification pattern to expose one GET API, but translate it into a Domain Specification Object before passing it on to the Domain layer for querying. You typically do this transformation in your View Controller, before invoking the Application Service.
Martin Fowler and Eric Evans have published a great paper on using Specifications:
As the paper states, The central idea of Specification is to separate the statement of how to match a candidate, from the candidate object that it is matched against.
You are fine if you are using this pattern for the Query side as you have outlined in your question, and avoid reusing it in different contexts. For ex., DO NOT use a specification object on both the query side and command side, if you are using (or plan to use) CQRS. You will be creating a central dependency between two parts, that NEED to be kept separate.
Specifications are handy when you want to represent a domain concept. Evaluate your queries (getByAandB and getByAandC) to draw out the question you are asking to the domain (For ex., ask your domain expert to describe the data he is trying to fetch).

Proper route pattern for RESTful collections with additional resources

I have been doing RESTful APIs for quite a bit (exposing and consuming 3rd parties) and I see two following patterns popping up here and there. Each has pros and cons and neither is "clean" in my opinion.
So the situation is: you have a collection resource (e.g. "assets") and you want to expose some additional resources within a collection (e.g. subresources of the collection itself, not the asset, like aggregated view endpoint or some commands).
Two patterns I see are:
People create a RESTful collection resource like /assets/${asset-id} and expose everything else they need like GET /assets/owned, GET /assets/summary, POST /assets/recheck-inventory. This looks neat and concise but introduces a clash between ${asset-id} and nouns of sub-resource URLs (e.g. asset12345 and summary are in the same place in the URL).
Others do /assets/items/${asset-id} and expose everything like GET /assets/owned, GET /assets/summary and so on. This is cleaner from routing perspective and a bit more future-proof, but adds an extra noun in the route, which leads to confusion when people are trying to do POST /assets for example.
The "best practice" guidelines I went through thus far avoid the question altogether. I also understand that REST is a convention and not the standard, and there is a universal "it depends" answer. Still, I feel like there got to be a generic recommendation here.
Hence the question is: which of two you would use?
UPDATE: to clarify, let us assume that:
/assets/owned contains entities of different types, not assets, so it is not a query and you can GET/POST/DELETE items in it.
/assets/summary is an aggregation document (e.g. report with quantities for example)
/assets/recheck-inventory is a command (i.e. POST only)
Also, we want to stick with REST principles:
route's path shall identify an entity and its state uniquely.
query parameters alter which elements are returned, but do not change the payload format.
headers are for protocol-level information and do not change service logic (i.e. presentation, security, caching, etc.)
I don't like these approaches either, but be aware, that REST does not put constraint on how to design URI structure, so you can do whatever you feel right. Apparently the developers of these webservices felt this approach right.
I would do something like the following with your URIs, since I like flat URIs much better.
-> /assets/${asset-id}
-> /assets/?owned
-> /assets/?owned=true
-> /assets-summary
-> /assets/ + "Prefer: return=minimal"
You can find more about the prefer header here, but be aware, that you need to register it by the vary header if you want it to be a secondary cache key.

REST: How best to handle large lists

It seems to me that REST has clean and clear semantics for basic CRUD and for listing resources, but I've seen no discussion of how to handle large lists of resources. It doesn't scale to dump an entire database table over the network in a resource-oriented architecture (imagine a customer table with a million customers!), especially if you only need a few items. So it seems that some semantics should exist to filter, map and reduce a list of resources on the server-side.
So, do you know any tried and true ways to do the following kinds of requests in REST:
1) Retrieve just the count of the resources?
I could imagine doing something like GET /api/customer?result=count
Is that how it's usually done?
I could also imagine modifying the URL (/api/count/customer or /api/customer/count, for example), but that seems to either break the continuity of the resource paths or inflict an ugly hack on the expected ID field.
2) Filter the results on the server-side?
I could imagine using query parameters for this, in a context-specific way (such as GET /api/customer?country=US&state=TX).
It seems tricky to do it in a flexible way, especially if you need to join other tables (for example, get customers who purchased in the last 6 months).
I could imagine using the HTTP OPTIONS method to return a JSON string specifying possible filters and their possible values.
Has anyone tried this sort of thing?
If so, how complex did you get (for example, retrieving the items purchased year-to-date by female customers between 18 and 45 years old in Massachussetts, etc.)?
3) Mapping to just get a limited set of fields or to add fields from joined tables?
4) More complicated reductions than count (such as average, sum, etc.)?
EDIT: To clarify, I'm interested in how the request is formulated rather than how to implement it on the server-side.
I think the answer to your question is OData! OData is a generic protocol for querying and interacting with information. OData is based on REST but extends the semantics to include programatic elemements similar to SQL.
OData is not always URL-based only as it use JSON payloads for some scenarios. But it is a standard (OASIS) so it well structured and supported by many APIs.
A few general links:
The most common ways of handling large data sets in GET requests are (afaict) :
1) Pagination. The request would be something like GET /api/customer?country=US&state=TX&firstResult=0&maxResults=50. This way the client has the freedom to choose the size of the data chunk he needs (this is often useful for UI-based clients).
2) Exposing a size service, so that the client gets to know how large the data set is before actually requesting it. The service would be something like
GET /api/customer/size?country=US&state=TX
Obviously the two can (and imho should) be used together, so that when/if a client (be it mobile or web or whatever) waints to fill its UI with content, he can choose what's the best data chunk size based also on the size of whole data set (e.g. to avoid creating 100 pages for the user to navigate).

REST returning an object graph

I am new to the REST architecural design, however I think I have the basics of it covered.
I have a problem with returning objects from a RESTful call. If I make a request such as http://localhost/{type A}/{id} I will return an instance of A from the database with the specified id.
My question is what happens when A contains a collection of B objects? At the moment the XML I generate returns A with a collection of B objects inside of it. As you can imagine if the B type has a collection of C objects then the XML returned will end up being a quite complicated object graph.
I can't be 100% sure but this feels to be against the RESTful principles, the XML for A should return the fields etc. for A as well as a collection of URI's to the collection of B's that it owns.
Sorry if this is a bit confusing, I can try to elaborate more. This seems like a relatively basic question, however I can't decide which approach is "more" RESTful.
One essential RESTful principle is that everything has a URI.
You have URI's like this.
/A/ and /A/id/ to get a list of A's and a specific A. The A response includes the ID's of B's.
/B/ and /B/id/ to get a list of B's and a specific B. The B response includes the ID's of C's.
/C/ and /C/id/ to get a list of C's and a specific C.
You can, through a series of queries, rebuild the A-B-C structure. You get the A, then get the relevant B's. When getting a B, you get the various C's that are referenced.
Nothing prevents you from returning more.
For example, you might have the following kinds of URI's.
/flat/A/id/, /flat/B/id/ and /flat/C/id/ to return "flat" (i.e., no depth) structures.
/deep/A/id/, /deep/B/id/ and /deep/C/id/ to return structures with complete depth.
The /deep/A/id/ would be the entire structure, in a big, nested XML document. Fine for clients that can handle it. /flat/A/id/ would be just the top level in a flat document. Best for clients that can't handle depth.
There's nothing saying your REST interface can't be relational.
Basically, you have a 1:1 correspondence with your DB schema.
Except for Many-to-Many relations forming child lists. For example,
/bookstore/657/books should return a list of book IDs or URLs. Then if you want a specific book's data you can invoke the 3rd URL.
This is just off the top of my head, please debate the merits.
Make a flat Universe that you expose to the world.
Even when I use SOAP, which can easily handle hierarchical object graphs up to whatever depth, I flatten the graph and link everything with simple IDs (you could even use your database IDs, although the idea is that you want you don't want to expose your PKs to the world).
Your object universe inside your app is not necessarily the same one you expose to the world. Let A have children and let B have children, but there's no need to reflect that in the REST request URLs.
Why flatten? Because then you can do things like fetch the objects later by ID, or send them in bursts (both the same case, more or less)... And better than all that, the request URIs don't change when the object hierarchy changes (object 37252 is always the same, even when it's been reclassed).
Edit: Well, you asked for it... Here's the architecture I ended up using:
package: server - contains the superclasses that are shared between the front-end server and the back-end server
package: frontEndServer - contains a Server interface which the front-end server must adhere to. The interface is nice because if you decide to change from SOAP to a straight Web client (that uses JSON or whatever, as well), you've got the interface all laid out. It also contains all the implementations for the frontEnd classes that will be tossed to the client, and all the logic for the interaction between classes except how to talk to the client.
package: backEndServer - contains a Server interface which the back-end server will adhere to. An example of a Server implementation would be one that talks to a MySql DB or one that talks to an XML DB, but the Server interface is neutral. This package also contains all the classes that the implementations of the Server interface use to get work done, and all the logic for the backend except for persistence.
then you have implementation packages for each of these... which include stuff like how to persist for the backend and how to talk to the client for the front end. The front-end implementation package might know, for instance, that a user has logged in, whereas the frontEndServer just knows that it has to implement methods for creating users and logging in.
After beginning to write this up I realize that it would take a while more to describe everything, but here you have the gist of it.