Setting a cookie for HTTP POST in Scala with Dispatch - scala

I can't seem to set a cookie using Dispatch. The server resends a new session ID implying that the one I tried to send didn't get sent in the right way. Here is the code:
val domain = ""
val host_req = host(domain).secure
val request = host_req / "path" / "path"
def post = request << Map("key" -> "SomeValue")
val response: Either[Throwable, Map[String, String]] =
Http(post OK asHeaders).either()
//The cookie comes down in the form "Set-Cookie: SESSIONID=<somesession>; Path=/path/; HttpOnly"
//successfully retrieves the session id...
val sessionId = getSessionId(response)
val sessionCookie = new com.ning.http.client.Cookie(domain, "SESSIONID", sessionId, "/path/", -1, true)
def establishPost = request << Map("key" -> "SomeValue")
val establishResponse: Either[Throwable, Map[String, String]] =
Http(establishPost OK asHeaders).either()
//Server sends down new SESSIONID...
//sessionId != getSEssionId(establishPost)
This is using the newest version of Dispatch. I'm trying to learn Scala as I go, and the only thing I can't figure out how to do either is inspect the establishPost object for its headers before it is sent as a request.

This should be better:
def reqWithParams = request << Map("key" -> "SomeValue")
val reqWithCookies = reqWithParams.addCookie(sessionCookie)
addCookie method returns the new object (the one with a cookie), but your code didn't use it.


How to save a websocket client's connection and send it later with akka-streams and akka-http

I'm trying to follow this part of the akka-http documentation where it talks about handling web socket messages asynchronously
What I am trying to do is this:
Receive a websocket request for a client
Serve a payment invoice back to the client
Run a background process that has the client's websocket connection saved, and when the client pays their invoice, send the data they queried about in return ("World") in this case.
Here is the code I have so far
def hello: Route = {
val amt = 1000
val helloRoute: Route = pathPrefix(Constants.apiVersion) {
path("hello") {
val source: Source[Message, SourceQueueWithComplete[Message]] = {
Source.queue(1, OverflowStrategy.backpressure)
val paymentRequest = createPaymentRequest(1000, extractUpgradeToWebSocket)
private def createPaymentRequest(amt: Long, wsUpgrade: Directive1[UpgradeToWebSocket]) = {
val httpResponse: Directive1[HttpResponse] = { ws =>
val sink: Sink[Message, NotUsed] = Sink.cancelled()
val source: Source[Message, NotUsed] = Source.single(TextMessage("World"))
val x: HttpResponse = ws.handleMessagesWithSinkSource(sink, source)
} { resp =>
//here is where I want to send a websocket message back to the client
//that is the HttpResponse above, how do I complete this?
What I can't seem to figure out is how to get access to a RequestContext or a UpgradeToWebSocket outside of the container type Directive? And when I map on httpResponse the map is not executing.

Bad Request on AWS ElasticSearch

I'm trying to connect to an IAM controlled ElasticSearch domain, I've created a request, and signed it, and everything works fine for method GET, but on method POST I get a 400 Bad Request
This clearly has something to do with the payload. If I provide a payload empty string ("") it works apporpriately, but anything else results in a bad request.
What am I missing?
val url = s"https://$host/TEST/article/_search"
val serviceName = "es"
val regionName = "us-east-1"
val request = new DefaultRequest(serviceName)
val payload =
val payloadBytes = payload.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
val payloadStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(payloadBytes)
val endpointUri = URI.create(url)
val credProvider = new EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
val credentials = credProvider.getCredentials
val signer = new AWS4Signer
signer.sign(request, credentials)
val context = new ExecutionContext(true)
val clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration()
val client = new AmazonHttpClient(clientConfiguration)
val rh = new MyHttpResponseHandler
val eh = new MyErrorHandler
val response =
client.execute(request, rh , eh, context);
note: if you run into this problem, inspect the actual content of the response, it may be a result of a mismatch between the index and your query.
My problem was that the specific query I was using was inappropriate for the specified index, and that resulted in a 400

How to retrieve body string of request generated by scala-dispatch

I have a request generated by putting map of parameters
val reqUrl = url("")
val req = reqUrl << Map("key" -> "value")
I need to get request body in order to calculate it's hash. I'm trying this way
val data = req.toRequest.getStringData
but it results null.
The request you currently defined is a GET request which normally has no body. So null is the expected body value.
You could try using a POST as described here :
val reqUrl = url("")
val postReq = reqUrl.POST
val req = postReq << Map("key" -> "value")

How to form a data using MultiPart/form-data in Play scala?

I don't know how to send multipart data in play scala Test case(Specs2).
In my project, method receives multipart data, code look like this
def school_register() = Action(parse.multipartFormData) { implicit request =>
In my test case using Specs2 how to form multipart data manually and want hit the school_register method. Once method hitted values are inserted into DB. I have four parameters regno=100,name="xxxx", address="xxx", std=5. Without multipart its working but i have to use multipart data.
Without Multipart i'm using like this
"com.example.schooladmin" should {
"responds with 200 for addSchoolRegister action with all required parameters" in new WithApplication {
val controller = new TestController()
val result = controller.school_registerr() .apply(FakeRequest().withFormUrlEncodedBody(
“Reg No” -> “100”,“Name” -> “XXX”,“Address” -> “XXXXX”,“std” -> “5”))
status(result) must equalTo(OK)
Here is how I'm doing this, I create a temporary file and I post it with withMultipartFormDataBody:
val tempFile = TemporaryFile(new"../server/idCards/5e7b7c6c-98b3-4245-a5fb-405c9cc904f4"))
val part = FilePart[TemporaryFile](key = "picture", filename = "the.file", contentType = Some("image/jpeg"), ref = tempFile)
val formData = MultipartFormData(dataParts = Map(), files = Seq(part), badParts = Seq(), missingFileParts = Seq())
val Some(result) = route(FakeRequest(userDomain.routes.UserController.createIdCard())
status(result) mustEqual OK

How to send FormData In Http Post using Spray

I want with my Spray Client Send a post Request with this Content Type
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
I belive that i need to use the object FormData for it :
var fD = new FormData(Seq("UserID:" -> "123", "PWD" -> "123" , "Brand" -> "123"))
But i'm open for other solutions to .
Edit :
I tried sending it this way :
implicit val system = ActorSystem("Client")
var fD = FormData(Map("UserID" -> "123", "PWD" -> "123" , "Brand" -> "123"))
import system.dispatcher // execution context for futures below
val log = Logging(system, getClass)"Sending test Msg")
val pipeline = sendReceive ~> unmarshal[FormData]
var startTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis()
val responseFuture = pipeline {
Post(url, fD)
responseFuture.onComplete(x=> println(s"Request completed in ${System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimestamp} millis.\n" +
s"Recived :"+x.get)
And I'm Getting this error :
spray.httpx.PipelineException: UnsupportedContentType(Expected 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
What I'm Done Wrong ? Thank to helpers.
You've basically answered your own question -- you'll want to stick with FormData. A couple of minor things though:
Since you're using the FormData case class, you can drop the
The companion object for FormData will allow you to pass in
a Map instead of a Seq of tuples.