Play 2.2 -Scala - How to chain Futures in Controller Action - scala

I have 3 futures of type Response. The first future returns a JsValue which defines if future 2 and future 3 shall be executed or only future 3 shall be executed.
If Future 1 then {future2 and future 3}
else future 3
Iam trying to do this in a play framwork action which means in order to use the result of the futures later I cant use onSuccess, onFailure and onComplete because all of them return Unit and not the actual JsValue from the last future.
I tried to do this with map() and andThen but I am a Scala noob and I guess i wasn't able to do it because I always just missed a little point. Here is my current approach which does not work!
def addSuggestion(indexName: String, suggestion: String) = Action.async {
val indexExistsQuery: IndexExistsQuery = new IndexExistsQuery(indexName);
val addSuggestionQuery: AddSuggestionQuery = new AddSuggestionQuery(indexName, suggestion)
val indexCreationQuery: CreateCompletionsFieldQuery = new CreateCompletionsFieldQuery(indexName)
val futureResponse: Future[Response] = for {
responseOne <- EsClient.execute(indexExistsQuery)
responseTwo <- EsClient.execute(indexCreationQuery) if (indexExistsQuery.getBooleanResult(indexExistsQuery.getResult(responseOne)))
responseThree <- EsClient.execute(addSuggestionQuery)
} yield responseThree { response =>
Ok("Feed title: " + (response.json))

I created some pseudocode:
checkIndexExists() map {
case true => Future.successful()
case false => createIndex()
} flatMap { _ =>
}.map { response =>
Ok("Feed title: " + (response.json))
}.recover {
case _ => Ok("bla")
First you fire up the query if the index exists.
Then you map that future how to work with that Future[Boolean] if it successful. Since you use map, you kind of extract the Boolean. If the index exists, you just create a future that is already complete. If the index not exists you need to fire up the index creation command. Now you have the situation that you have nested Future's (Future[Future[Response]]). Using flatMap you remove one dimension, so that you only have Future[Response]. That can be mapped to a Play result.
Update (the implementation of MeiSign):
EsClient.execute(indexExistsQuery) map { response =>
if (indexExistsQuery.getBooleanResult(indexExistsQuery.getResult(response))) Future.successful(Response)
else EsClient.execute(indexCreationQuery)
} flatMap { _ =>
} map { response: Response =>
Ok("Feed title: " + (response.json))

I found this solution but I dont think that it is a good solution because Iam using Await.result() which is a blocking operation.
If anyone knows how to refactor this code without blocking operations please let me know.
def addSuggestion(indexName: String, suggestion: String) = Action.async {
val indexExistsQuery: IndexExistsQuery = new IndexExistsQuery(indexName);
val addSuggestionQuery: AddSuggestionQuery = new AddSuggestionQuery(indexName, suggestion)
val indexCreationQuery: CreateCompletionsFieldQuery = new CreateCompletionsFieldQuery(indexName)
val indexExists: Boolean = indexExistsQuery.getBooleanResult(indexExistsQuery.getResult(Await.result(EsClient.execute(indexExistsQuery), 5.second)))
if (indexExists) {
EsClient.execute(addSuggestionQuery).map { response => Ok("Feed title: " + (response.json)) }
} else {
val futureResponse: Future[Response] = for {
responseTwo <- EsClient.execute(indexCreationQuery)
responseThree <- EsClient.execute(addSuggestionQuery)
} yield responseThree { response =>
Ok("Feed title: " + (response.json))
}.recover { case _ => Ok("bla") }


How to write an asynchronous code that Awaited concisely?

I'm a beginner in Scala.
Please let me know if there is a more concise part in the code below.
To supplement, I'd like to call each Future method synchronously.
◆getUser method:
def getUser: Option[User] = {
.flatMap(x => Option(x.getOrElse(null)))
◆ process method:
def process : Unit =
for {
user <- getUser
} yield {
twitterService.delete(, configService.getString(TWITTER_SEARCH_KEYWORD)),
.foreach {
case Success(tweets) => tweets.foreach(tweet => println(s"Delete Successfully!!. $tweet"))
case Failure(exception) => println(s"Failed Delete.... Exception:[$exception]")
I made some assumptions on user and tweet data types but I would rewrite that to:
def maybeDeleteUser(userName: String, maybeUser: Option[User]): Future[String] =
maybeUser match {
case Some(user) =>
twitterService.delete(, configService.getString(TWITTER_SEARCH_KEYWORD)).map {
case Failure(exception) => s"Failed Delete.... Exception:[${exception.getMessage}]"
case Success(tweets) => => s"Delete Successfully!!. $tweet").mkString(System.lineSeparator())
case _ => Future.successful(s"Failed to find user $userName")
def getStatusLogMessage: Future[String] = {
val userName = configService.getString(TWITTER_USERNAME_CONF)
for {
maybeUser <- twitterService.getUser(configService.getString(TWITTER_USERNAME_CONF))
statusLogMessage <- maybeDeleteUser(userName, maybeUser)
} yield statusLogMessage
def process: Unit = {
val message = Await.result(getStatusLogMessage, Duration.Inf)
That way your side effect, i.e. println is isolated and other methods can be unit tested. If you need to block the execution, do it only at the end and use map and flatMap to chain Futures if you need to order the execution of those. Also be careful with Duration.Inf, if you really need to block, then you'd want to have some defined timeout.

Scala Playframework not all DB queries get executed

I'm sending via HTTP Post Request a Json to my Playframework backend.
In my backend I validate the Json to a Model. After that, I want to save the entries in my Model to my DB.
def parseJSON: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async {
request =>
Future {[MyModel] match {
case JsSuccess(items, _) =>
case JsError(err) =>
BadRequest("Json Parse Error")
One Item consists out of several objects. To save all objects to my DB, I need to get some values. Therefore I'm using a for(..) yield(...):
def saveItems(items: MyModel) = { => {
if (obj.value1.isDefined &&
obj.value2.isDefined ) {
val result = for (
value1Exists <- value1DTO.checkExists(;
value1Entry <- getOrCreateValue1(value1Exists, obj);
value2Exists <- value2DTO.checkExists(;
value2Entry <- getOrCreateValue2(value1Exists, obj)
) yield(value1Entry, value2Entry){
case (value1Entry, value2Entry) => {
insertAllValue3(value1Entry, value2Entry)
case _ => Future.failed(new Exception("Not all entries defined"))
else {
Future.successful("Not all objects defined - skipping")
My problem is, after all{...}) have started, my parseJSON Action returns 200 - OK. But not all relevant items get stored to my DB. It seems like after the 200 - OK everything is stopped and it doesn't even throw an error.
I don't want to use Await.result or anything blocking in my Action.
Thanks in Advance
You are starting computations by calling itemsToDBController.saveItems(items) and then immediately return result with Ok("Success"). So exception may be thrown after request if completed.
To fix this issue you need to transform result of itemsToDBController.saveItems from List[Future[T]] to Future[List[T]] with help of Future.sequence. Then call map method on returned future. Call recover on this Future to find which error is thrown:
def parseJSON: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { request =>
.map(_.validate[MyModel] match {
case JsSuccess(items, _) =>
.map(_ => Ok("Success"))
.recover {
case e: Exception => BadRequest(e.getMessage())
case JsError(err) =>
Future.successful(BadRequest("Json Parse Error"))
For running all inserts in one transaction you should combine DBIOAction instead of Future. For example you rewrite checkExists(name) as:
def checkExists(name: String): DBIO[Boolean] = {
Objects.filter(obj => === name).exists
getOrCreateValue(exists, obj) as:
def getOrCreateValue(exists: boolean, obj: Object): DBIO[Object] = {
if (exists) {
Objects.filter(o => === name).result.head
} else {
(Objects returning into ((o, id) => o.copy(id = Some(id)))) += obj
Now you can run it in single transaction in the following way:
def saveItems(items: MyModel) = {
val insertActions = => {
if (obj.value1.isDefined && obj.value2.isDefined) {
val result = for {
value1Exists <- value1DTO.checkExists(;
value1Entry <- getOrCreateValue1(value1Exists, obj);
value2Exists <- value2DTO.checkExists(;
value2Entry <- getOrCreateValue2(value1Exists, obj)
} yield (value1Entry, value2Entry)
case (value1Entry, value2Entry) => {
insertAllValue3(value1Entry, value2Entry) // This also returns instance of `DBIOAction`
case _ =>
DBIO.failed(new Exception("Not all entries defined"))
} else {
DBIO.successful("Not all objects defined - skipping")
For mo info how to work with DBIO actions check this official docs

Scala Play: how to wait until future is complete before OK result is returned to frontend

In my playframework application I want to wait until my future is completed and the return it to the view.
my code looks like:
def getContentComponentUsageSearch: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { implicit request =>
println(request.body.asJson)[StepIds] match {
case JsSuccess(stepIds, _) =>
println("VALIDE SUCCESS -------------------------------")
val fList: List[Seq[Future[ProcessTemplatesModel]]] = List() :+ => {
processTemplateDTO.getProcessStepTemplate(s.processStep_id).flatMap(stepTemplate => {
processTemplateDTO.getProcessTemplate(stepTemplate.get.processTemplate_id.get).map(a => {
}) => {
val a: Seq[Future[ProcessTemplatesModel]] = u
Future.sequence(a).map(s => {
Future.successful(Ok(Json.obj("id" -> "")))
case JsError(_) =>
println("NOT VALID -------------------------------")
Future.successful(BadRequest("Process Template not create client"))
case _ => Future.successful(BadRequest("Process Template create client"))
}).getOrElse(Future.successful(BadRequest("Process Template create client")))
the pirntln(s) is printing the finished stuff. But how can I wait until it is complete and return it then to the view?
thanks in advance
also tried this:
val process = for {
fList: List[Seq[Future[ProcessTemplatesModel]]] <- List() :+ => {
processTemplateDTO.getProcessStepTemplate(s.processStep_id).flatMap(stepTemplate => {
processTemplateDTO.getProcessTemplate(stepTemplate.get.processTemplate_id.get).map(a => {
} yield (fList){ case (fList) =>
"processTemplate" -> fList
but then I got this:
My problem is that the futures in fList do not complete before an OK result is returned
The code in the question didn't seem compilable, so here is an untested very rough sketch, that hopefully provides enough inspiration for further search of the correct solution:
def getContentComponentUsageSearch: = Action.async { implicit req =>[StepIds] match {
case JsSuccess(stepIds, _) => {
// Create list of futures
val listFuts: List[Future[ProcessTemplatesModel]] = ( => {
flatMap{ stepTemplate =>
// Sequence all the futures into a single future of list
val futList = Future.sequence(listFuts)
// Flat map this single future to the OK result
for {
listPTMs <- futList
} yield {
// Apparently some debug output?
listPTMs foreach printl
Ok(Json.obj("id" -> ""))
case JsError(_) => {
println("NOT VALID -------------------------------")
Future.successful(BadRequest("Process Template not create client"))
case _ => Future.successful(BadRequest("Process Template create client"))
}).getOrElse(Future.successful(BadRequest("Process Template create client")))
If I understood your question correctly, what you wanted was to make sure that all futures in the list complete before you return the OK. Therefore I have first created a List[Future[...]]:
val listFuts: List[Future[ProcessTemplatesModel]] = // ...
Then I've combined all the futures into a single future of list, which completes only when every element has completed:
// Sequence all the futures into a single future of list
val futList = Future.sequence(listFuts)
Then I've used a for-comprehension to make sure that the listPTMs finishes computation before the OK is returned:
// Flat map this single future to the OK result
for {
listPTMs <- futList
} yield {
// Apparently some debug output?
listPTMs foreach printl
Ok(Json.obj("id" -> ""))
The for-yield (equivalent to map here) is what establishes the finish-this-before-doing-that behavior, so that listPTMs is fully evaluated before OK is constructed.
In order to wait until a Future is complete, it is most common to do one of two things:
Use a for-comprehension, which does a bunch of mapping and flatmapping behind the scenes before doing anything in the yield section (see Andrey's comment for a more detailed explanation). A simplified example:
def index: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async {
val future1 = Future(1)
val future2 = Future(2)
for {
f1 <- future1
f2 <- future2
} yield {
println(s"$f1 + $f2 = ${f1 + f2}") // prints 3
Map inside a Future:
def index: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async {
val future1 = Future(1){
f1 =>
If there are multiple Futures:
def index: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async {
val future1 = Future(1)
val future2 = Future(2)
f1 => {
f2 =>
println(s"$f1 + $f2 = ${f1 + f2}")
When you have multiple Futures though, the argument for for-yield comprehensions gets much stronger as it gets easier to read. Also, you are probably aware but if you work with futures you may need to following imports:
import scala.concurrent.Future

Combining/chaining futures in scala play framework async action

I'm a scala newbie trying to write a Rest Api using play framework. I have the following 3 data access methods
getDataDict: (dsType:String, name:String) => Future[Option[DatasetDictionary]]
getDatasetData: (DatasetDictionary) => Future[List[DatasetData]]
getMetadata: (DatasetDictionary) => Future[List[Metadata]]
I need to use these 3 methods to get the result of my async action method.
def index(dstype:String, name:String, metadata:Option[Boolean]) = Action.async{
1. val result = getDataDict(type, name)
2. If result is Some(d) call getDatasetData
3.1 if metadata = Some(true)
call getMetadata function
return Ok((dict, result, metadata))
3.2 if metadata is None or Some(false)
return Ok(result)
4. If result is None
return BadRequest("Dataset not found")
I got the steps 1 and 2 working as follows
def index1(dsType:String, dsName: String, metadata:Option[Boolean]) = Action.async {
getDataDict(dsType, dsName) flatMap {
case Some(x) => getDatasetData(x) map (x => Ok(Json.toJson(x)))
case None => Future.successful(BadRequest("Dataset not found"))
I'm stuck at how to get the metadata part working.
First of all, it is not very clear (d, result, x) what you really want to return. Hopefully I guessed it correctly:
def index(dstype:String, name:String, metadata:Option[Boolean]) = Action.async {
getDataDict(dstype, name) flatMap {
case Some(datasetDictionary) =>
getDatasetData(datasetDictionary) flatMap { datasetDataList =>
if (metadata == Some(true)) {
getMetadata(datasetDictionary) map { metadataList =>
Ok(Json.toJson((datasetDictionary, datasetDataList, metadataList)))
} else {
case None => Future.successful(BadRequest("Dataset not found"))

scala returns doesn't conform to required S_

I got the error
found : scala.concurrent.Future[Option[models.ProcessTemplatesModel]]
required: Option[models.ProcessTemplatesModel]
My function is below
def createCopyOfProcessTemplate(processTemplateId: Int): Future[Option[ProcessTemplatesModel]] = {
val action = processTemplates.filter( === processTemplateId)
val result: Future[Option[ProcessTemplatesModel]] = { case (result) =>
result match {
case Some(r) => {
var copy = (processTemplates returning += ProcessTemplatesModel(None, "[Copy of] " + r.title, r.version, r.createdat, r.updatedat, r.deadline, r.status, r.comment, Some(false), r.checkedat, Some(false), r.approvedat, false, r.approveprocess, r.trainingsprocess)
val composedAction = copy.flatMap { id =>
processTemplates.filter( === id).result.headOption
what is my problem in this case?
my controller function looks like this:
def createCopyOfProcessTemplate(processTemplateId: Int) = Action.async {
processTemplateDTO.createCopyOfProcessTemplate(processTemplateId).map { process =>
Is there my failure?
According to the your code - there are the following issues:
You use two which return futures, but inner future will
not complete. For resolving it you should compose futures with
flatMap or for-comprehension.
You use only one partial-function case Some(_) => for pattern matching
and don't handle another value None.
You can use only one and actions composition.
Your code can be like as:
def createCopyOfProcessTemplate(processTemplateId: Int): Future[Option[ProcessTemplatesModel]] = {
val action = processTemplates.filter(...)
val composedAction = action.flatMap {
case Some(r) =>
val copyAction = (processTemplates returning processTemplates...)
copyAction.flatMap { id =>
processTemplates.filter( === id).result.headOption
case _ =>
DBIO.successful(None) // issue #2 has been resolved here
} // issue #3 has been resolved here
We get rid of issue #1 (because we use actions composition).