How to convert a html form into a url - forms

I am creating buttons that send the customer to a hosted payment system. In this case an Simple Checkout button in test mode.
<form name="PrePage" method = "post" action = ""> <input type = "hidden" name = "LinkId" value ="8a40541d-2f0f-4bfe-a1e8-397292f5dee5" /> <input type = "image" src ="//" /> </form>
My attempt to get the form inputs into the url are following:
What am I doing wrong?

The diffence is that you are using the GET method instead of POST.
When you include data in your query string (things after the ? in the URL) you are using the GET method.
If you have a form you can specify to use the POST (as it is in your code example also). In this set up the data is transferred a different way. Not in the query string.
see: HTTP - Post and Get
Maybe your server is not handling, only the POST method, so your GET request won't work.


Sending a simple form to server

There are a few quite technical posts here on Forms, but they didn't work to solve my issue. I'm trying to send some form data on the request's body.
I'm aware of these options:
just submitting form,
using fetch + DataForm, or the XHR object
The first approach refreshes the page, the second approach sends a more convoluted encoding by default. This encoding isn't handled by bodyParser middleware in Express.
Last choice is getting each field's value by Id, and sending it as an object.
Is there any way to avoid writing some lines of code to get each element by Id, or maybe this is the right approach?
Using FormData is the easiest way of getting data from a form but it sends the data as multipart/form-data which your middleware cannot handle.
You can use a middleware like multer to handle that type of data.
If you can't use multer, you can take the data from the FormData object and put it in a URLSearchParams object to send the data.
var form = document.getElementById('form');
form.addEventListener('submit', function(e){
var formData = new FormData(this);
var data = new URLSearchParams(formData);
method: 'POST',
body: data
<form id="form">
Name: <input name="name">
Box: <input type="checkbox" name="box" value="box">

Consume RESTful Service from form post

I've built a RESTful service with Spring (java annotation based configuration) which I can execute successfully via Curl. I'm trying to submit files via a HTML Form too, however that's not working.
#RequestMapping(path = "/upload", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String handleFileUpload(#RequestPart(value = "file") MultipartFile file,
RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {"POST '/upload'");;
"You successfully uploaded " + file.getOriginalFilename() + "!");
return "redirect:/";
And I'm submitting a file via Curl as follows:
curl -i -H "Content-Type: multipart/*; boundary=------------BOUNDARY--" -X POST --noproxy localhost, localhost:8080/upload -F "file=#test.txt"
Even though my form submission has an input of type file, with the name file, I get this error via a HTML form Required request part 'file' is not present
From what I've been investigating, it would seem as if the controller would expect a Model Attribute when the file is submitted via HTML Form, so what could be a good practice to resolve this? Include a controller parameter for a Model Attribute, which would be checked for null value (to distinguish between html form or other submission methods), or would a sort of Proxy controller between the HTML Form and the RESTful service be better?
The service looks good. It works fine for me on both CURL and HTML form submit.
Here is my form. Please try using this.
<title>Post Tool</title>
<h1>Sample Requests</h1>
<h2>Upload Document</h2>
<form action="http://localhost:8080/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Choose a file : <input type="file" name="file" multiple/>
<input type="submit" value="Upload" />
After more research I got to know that the commons multi part resolver doesn't fare well with the new versions of spring boot. It struggles obtaining POST parameters from forms.
One solution is to use the StandardServletMultipartResolver implementation of the MultipartResolver interface!

JSF - Passing parameter between two RequestScoped Managed beans in JSF page [duplicate]

I am using JSF 2.2 on Glassfish 4.1.
I am trying to pass in a query parameter to as an action method argument as follows:
// Example 1. This does not work.
// at url http://localhost:8080/app/order.xhtml?
<p:commandButton value="Place order" action="#{orderManager.placeOrder(param['email'])}" />
(Know that param is an implicit EL object.)
In the server log I have configured it to print the method parameter, but I can see that an empty string was passed-in, not "" as I expected.
I have confirmed that my overall configuration is working. If I replace the above snippet with the following, then "" is output in the server log:
// Example 2. This works.
<p:commandButton value="Place order" action="#{orderManager.placeOrder('')}" />
I have also confirmed that my use of EL implicit objects is feasible. The following snippet works if I retrieve the parameter from the FacesContext (after removing the email parameter from placeOrder's signature, of course):
// Example 3. This works.
<p:commandButton value="Place order" action="#{orderManager.placeOrder()}" >
<f:param name="email" value="#{param['email']}"/>
And here is a final mystery, one that truly confuses me, if I use the following snippet, I can retrieve the "email" parameter from both the method parameter and the FacesContext, but recall that the method parameter wasn't retrievable in Example 1!
// Example 4. This works, and BOTH parameters are retrievable!
<p:commandButton value="Place order" action="#{orderManager.placeOrder(param['email'])}" >
<f:param name="email" value="#{param['email']}"/>
Can I pass in an implicit JSF EL object as an action method parameter?
And do you have an explanation for why it seems to work in Example 4, but not Example 1?
The action attribute is evaluated during apply request values phase of the HTTP request triggered by the form submit, which is thus a different HTTP request than the one which produced the HTML output with therin the form (and having the email parameter present in the request).
The <f:param> tag is evaluated during render response phase of the HTTP request which needs to produce the HTML output with therein the form. This thus ends up "hardcoded" in the generated HTML output (on contrary to the EL method arguments in the action attribute!). When the user submits the form, this just gets passed back to the server as a plain vanilla String request parameter (which you would need to convert back if it was originally a complex type).
This has got nothing to do with whether the value is an implicit EL object or not.
That said, there are 2 other ways:
Pass it as hidden input (no, not with <h:inputHidden>).
<input type="hidden" name="email" value="#{}" />
Set it as property of a view scoped bean, it'll stay in bean as long as the view lives.
<f:viewParam name="email" value="#{}" />

form with multiple submit buttons that execute different actions

I'm missing something fundamental when it comes to mapping a view to a controller's action and hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I'm working on an existing project and still familiarizing myself with the language and the way it was configured. I have a form that will resolve a qaCase (question answer case) through the resolveForm action and qaCase/resolve view. below is a simplified version of what I have (please let me know if I need to include more information).
#RequestMapping(value="/resolve/{id}/**", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String resolveForm(#PathVariable("id") Integer id, Model model) {
QaCase qaCase = qaCaseDAO.findById(id);
// Load the backing objects into the session
model.addAttribute("qaCase", qaCase);
model.addAttribute("users", userDAO.findAll());
model.addAttribute("exams", examDAO.findAll());
return "qacases/resolve";
the resolve view has a form that will accept text input and a resolve button.
<sf:form method="POST" modelAttribute="qaCase" onsubmit="return isValid()">
// some input fields
<input type="submit" name="submitted" value="resolve" />
when submit button is clicked, the following query string is created
http://localhost:8080/qacases/resolve/<id>/<location>/<name>/<created by>
What I'd like to do is add an additional input field and button to the existing form so I can optionally add comments instead of resolving a case.
<sf:form method="POST" modelAttribute="qaCase" onsubmit="return isValid()">
// some input fields
<input type="submit" name="submitted" value="resolve" />
<sf:form method="POST" modelAttribute="qaCase" action="addComment">
// optionally Add comment
<input type="submit" name="submitted" value="addComment" />
If addComment is clicked then I want the query string to be created.
Instead, I get the following query string with a 400 status code.
http://localhost:8080/qacases/resolve/<id>/<location>/<name>/<created by>/addComment
I've been going through configuration files to find how the mapping is being set but haven't had any luck. Not sure if this is an answer that can be answered without someone going through the project and determining how it's configured. Appreciate any advice and/or answers.
when you are using action = "addComment" without "/" before "addComment" in <form> that means you are posting your form to current_url_that_invokes_view/addComment
if add "/" to action = "/addComment" you will go to localhost:8080/addComment
so if you need http://localhost:8080/qacases/addComment
type action = "/qacases/addComment" and pay attantion to "/" before qacases to direct root url

populated attrib in form element doesn't get its value passed

I'm creating a form text field, but would like to set an additional attribute called additional so the html markup looks like this.
<dd id="email-element">
<input type="text" value="" id="email" name="email" additional="">
I'm able to set the attribute using setAttrib like so.
$email = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('email');
$email->setAttrib('additional', '');
I'm then setting the value of additional on the client side via ajax. But when the form is submitted, additional appears empty. When I var_dump the form, I can see it as an attribute on this form field, but it's empty. Also when I var_dump the request, it's not on it (which is understandable since it's an attribute, and not the field value itself). Is there a way to read attributes that were changed on the client side?
PHP has no way of reading form attributes that were modified in the browser, but you can read it on the client side and send it back to PHP. The only data submitted are the element values themselves.
If you need the attribute in PHP, add a hidden input called additional (or whatever you like), and during the form's onsubmit event, you can read the value of the attribute, and populate the hidden element and then submit the form. Note that if the client has Javascript disabled, the value will not come through, but that method can be used to read it and send it to the server.
Hope that helps.