Kepler RCP CoolBar + PerspectiveBar appearance - swt

The coolbars on all Kepler RCP applications look just terrible. This a project created from scratch on Windows 8.
What is it with that thick black line sorrounding the coolbar?
Can it be style-hacked with CSS?
From my testing, it seems that it appears only when the perspective bar is present.

I think the CSS for this is the eclipse-perspective-keyline-color in the #PerspectiveSwitcher selector.

You can try to add this dependencies in your product file: org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core, org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.


Eclipse Classic presentation style

The "presentation" settings under Appearance are completely missing in the newer versions of Eclipse (don't know when it was removed).
I'm quite addicted to what was called:
"Default" presentation under older Eclipse versions (3.1),
"3.0 Presentation" under Eclipse Europa (3.3),
"Classic Presentation" under Eclipse Helios (3.6), etc.
Attached a screenshot from Helios, with emphasis on the particularities that I want: multiple tiles with individual minimize/maximize buttons.
Any way to have this under newer versions (Eclipse Oxygen 4.7)?
Thank you.
Eclipse Helios Classic presentation
The core of Eclipse was completely rewritten for Eclipse 4 and all styling is now done using CSS.
Unfortunately the rewrite dropped the presentation override and you can no longer do this.
It is possible to split the editor area vertically or horizontally using drag and drop but you can't get individual minimize controls.

eclipse e4 menu item tooltip

How to use menu item tooltips? When I add a new menu item in fragment.e4xmi there is a "tooltip" text field in properties editor window, but when I run the application I see no tooltips. Should I do something tricky to enable them? I've seen on the Internet that it was an issue before, but I assume it should be already fixed since properties editor suggests me to enter a tooltip. Setting tooltip via setTooltip() method programmatically doesn't work either. I use Mars.1 Release (4.5.1).
I think this is Eclipse bug 473779. Tool tips for menu items don't work in Eclipse 4.5.2 and earlier. This has been fixed in Eclipse Neon (4.6.0) due to be released shortly (June 2016).
I confirmed this testing on Mac OS X. Eclipse 4.5.2 doesn't show tool tips, Eclipse 4.6.0 does.

Change the appearance of Eclipse

I'm using Eclipse and I don't like the appearance of the user interface, it's to much white color in the background. I have used Eclipse earlier, and then it was better with not all that white area! I have been looking in the preference, but have not found any places to change the user interface. Is there a theme that could be changed !?
Open your Eclipse Market Place and search for "Eclipse Color Theme",install it.
than go to windows> preferences> appearances> color theme, select your favorite style, and enjoy.
For more info read hare.
In Eclipse Juno (4.2) it's possible to completely customize the look and feel of Eclipse via CSS, but doing so yourself isn't exactly trivial. You can get the "old" style theme (Indigo) easily via changing a Preference, see this question.
Here are a couple of other related SO questions and answers:
Eclipse 4 Juno themes
eclipse Juno custom workbench colors

Unable to dock perspective bar on the left in Eclipse Juno

This page says that I should be able to dock my perspective bar in Eclipse Juno on the left, just the way I've been doing it in Indigo, Helios and previous versions.
Except that the menu I get when I right-click on a perspective button in the perspective bar, only includes the following options:
show text
Has anyone else run into this -- is there something wrong with my configuration or workspace? Or is it time for me to submit a bug?
(I'm using this release: 20120614-1722 )
It seems like this feature will be implemented in M20120809-1200/4.2.1/Juno SR1. See
this comment on eclipse bug 383599.
Dock functionality is not available in Eclipse 4.2 - only in Eclipse 3.8
See comment #3 at
I'm currently in the process of enhancing the DnD for trim elements to include the Perspective Switcher (as well as tool bars and most of the rest of the trim). Hopefully this will make it into the SR1 release in September.
Note that we won't be putting the 'Dock on Left' context menu back though since we're trying to reduce the complexity by only having one way to do things...
I wouldn't rely on the online documentation for specific information, I think large chunks of it are just copied over from previous releases into a new folder and left there.
I've been confused a few times by this fact too (in my case it was also concerning the UI configuration).
The page you supplied in your link is indeed labelled Juno (4.2) but as eugener mentioned this feature is for the 3.x (Indigo).

How do I change the color of text displayed in the Spring STS Roo Shell?

I have a requirement to use Spring STS with a black background and green text.
Unfortunately the color of text in the Roo Shell is a dark greeny/blue color, making it almost impossible for me to see against the black background.
Is there a way of changing the text color in the Roo Shell?
I've looked through the STS/Eclipse preferences and can't find anything. I really hope it hasn't been hard coded. If there's no setting in the STS Preferences, is there a property file somewhere where I can set it?
I am using STS Version: 2.6.1.RELEASE
Thanks in advance
You don't have to use STS. You can just run it from the command line. I happen to have mine as green text with black background, because that is what my terminals display.
If that isn't helpful, what OS are you using?
I found that the colour of some window displays in Eclipse were controlled by the themes in my Ubuntu system. I just found the right one and changed the theme. (STS being based on Eclipse it may be the same)
It is not possible yet to configure the background and text colors of the Roo Shell in SpringSource Tool Suite.
It has been added as a bug by a member of the SpringSource team to be fixed in STS v2.8.0.M1.
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